
B5C5 Armor

Aug 30th, 2018
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  1. Someone screamed a warning – and even though I didn't hear the words, I knew what was said. It wasn't the first Nucklelavee but a second. There'd been more than one spawn.
  3. I shoved Pyrrha away without a word. It saved her but left me open and its fore hooves caught me in the chest, the force alone lifting me from my feet and launching me through the air. Crocea Mors splashed into the mud nearby, a second after I did. The air had been blown from my lungs. I gasped for breath even as my hand stretched out to try and reach my sword. The black and red monster loped towards me, uncaring of the blows Yang rained on its flank. I tried to move, to roll over or stand, but I'd sunk a few inches in and the ground itself felt like it had taken hold of me.
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