

Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. Firin (Echidna) Fire
  2. Firike Fire Steel
  3. Firazor Fire Steel
  4. Platyx (Platypus) Water
  5. Toxipus Water Poison
  6. Monoxyus Water Poison
  7. Frettle (Frilled-Kneck) Grass
  8. Saurillard Grass Dark
  9. Diloginous Grass Dark
  10. Redid (Redback Spider) Poison
  11. Arachqueen Poison Fire
  12. Boomerang Fight
  13. Boomerang Fight
  14. Boomerang Fight
  15. Domore (Dolphin) Water
  16. Cetassion Water Psychic
  17. Euphorin Water Psychic
  18. Orcadow (Orca) Water Dark
  19. Wombatant Ground
  20. Dingos (Dingo) Normal
  21. Dilligo Normal Fire
  22. Koalear (Koala) Grass
  23. Scornem (Scorpion) Poison
  24. Scoranium Poison Steel
  25. Nambaroo Rock
  26. Nambarro Rock Fight
  27. Ghasp (Wasp) Ghost
  28. Fearasp Ghost
  29. Edgetayle (Wedge-Tailed Eagle) Flying
  30. Emvy (Emu) Fighting Flying
  31. Em-fu Fighting Flying
  32. Cassowarria (Cassowarry) Fighting Flying
  33. Tengra (Tasmanian Tiger) Dark
  34. Tenecein Dark
  35. Runna (Goanna) Normal
  36. Spotll (Spotted Quoll) Ice
  37. Icell Ice
  38. Postle (Possom) Normal
  39. Posteal Normal
  40. Tazevil (Tasmanian Devil) Dark
  41. Rock Wallaby Normal Rock
  42. Florikeet (Rainbow Lorikeet) Flying Grass
  43. Assinium (Donkey) Normal
  44. Spinolus (Thorny Devil) Steel Rock
  45. Arbou (Kinkajou) Normal
  46. Pardosa (Red Panda) Normal
  47. Macreale (Tree Kangaroo) Normal
  48. Infa (Quokka) (Baby) Rock
  49. Quorock (Quokka) Rock
  51. Lyrigale (Kookaburra) Normal Flying
  52. Cryptid (Bunyip) Ghost Psychic (Considering multiple forms due to various versions of the myth)
  53. Nymphenthes (Nymph) Grass
  54. Ignission (Flame) Fire
  55. Arisuis (Rainbow Snake) Water Psychic
  56. Chaliseant (Rainbow Serpent) Ground Steel
  57. Prilite (Elitist Dragon) Poison Dragon
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