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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. Here we are at the precipice.
  3. I sit here gazing into an expensive monitor powered by an equally expensive gaming system whilst occasionally glancing at my modern smart phone. These devices allow me to communicate with anyone in the world providing they want to listen. These devices are my life, I have evolved with them, I use them more than tradition methods. They give me what I don't have, they give me security, importance and access to people just like me.
  5. People ask me why I spend all my time locked away from the world, my reply is because the world disgusts me. This reply often confuses them, I end up having to explain the way I view the world and its downward spiral. The people that understand and relate to what I say are often intrigued and want to know what I do to make this world a better place, well it is what I am doing now, I share my opinion, thoughts and ideas with the world by writing pieces like this. If it wakes just one person up I have achieved something with my life, I have given that person a new take on life so they can better themselves.
  7. Imagine an army of people whom are like me, like you, like us. An army of free men, women and children. Take a deep breath and imagine all the wrongs we could make right, imagine a world where we are all equal and we all prosper. You do not need to imagine, you only need to see that is what Anonymous stands for. We are building the steps to a higher existence, an existence of freedom and understanding.
  9. Now we need you. We need the people to rise up and show the oppressors we have had enough. We need people that realise we are more important than the corporations and that their corporate oligarchy must come to an end. When people realise they have the power we will have the ultimate say in how we are governed. We will fix the broken system, we will fix the broken laws, we will close the loop holes corporations use. We will be free.
  11. So... here we stand at the precipice... Are you going to turn around and go back to your world of corruption, greed and slavery or are you going to take a leap of faith and make change for the whole of humanity. If you take the leap of faith, welcome brother/sister. You are no longer a rat in a race, you are me, you are us, you are an idea.
  13. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
  15. #TeaMp0isoN_ #AntiSec #FreeTopiary #Anonymous16 #Wikileaks #Anonops #Beast1333 #AnonymousIRC
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