
Brief Explanation on Guardian's Packet Handling.

Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. I think I've realized it's not AAL that messes up code. It might've been me and the little - none explanation. So i've decided to write one.
  3. How do I explain this.. so basically, in Minecraft, and in general, there are packets. Packets are things that, whenever the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), or Minecraft game detects input that is valid (such as strafing or looking), will send to the server that you're connected to. Packets are commands that tell the server what you're doing. If you freeze all outgoing packets, you're going to be standing still (serverside, to other players). Ok, now that I'm done explaining packets, I'll explain types of packets.
  5. C03 packets are basically update packets. As long as you're sending c03's you're existing and moving. There are packets that EXTEND c03 packets, such as c04 position packets, (c03.c04), c05 rotation yaw / pitch packets, (c03.c05), and c06 position and rotation / yaw packets (c03.c06). The way my packet cheat work (cheats like autoeat, fastuse, regen, fastbow, etc.) is they send c05 packets in a for loop, and a for loop just does whatever code inside the for loop (x) amount of times. Ok, so basically, the way those packet cheats work is it's basically speeding up your game (serversided, at least, not gamesided, since that'd be timer). You're not moving faster, BUT all the normal things that use packets (eating, using a bow, etc) are sped up exponentially (whatever value was in the for loop).
  7. OK now that you've got your basic explanation - in my packet cheats, i, specificially use c05 packets because guardian doesn't pick up on them. The reason they bypass infinitely is because of NO SWING. no swing is huge. It basically makes it so you DON'T send c0a animation packets, which guardian uses to reset your packet cache. If you reset your packet cache every time you're sending a packet, it'll be like you're sending normal packets (less, actually).
  9. so if you dont have noswing on, packet hacks will ban you (such as regen, fastuse, autoeat). thats why when u turn off noswing and try to aura u get banned, cuz in reality u got a packet hack sending lots of packets (40x) the normal amount without resetting your packet cache. i hope that was easy to understand
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