
this setting is so plain lmao

Jul 2nd, 2014
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  1. You awaken in a foul smelling room. It's completely void of any windows or doors and the only nod towards interior decorating is the old, moth eaten carpet that covers most of the floor.
  2. Surrounding you are concrete walls covered in old receipts, all of them for five ounces of flour, and a roof with a single bare lightbulb. Piles of ash and dust decorate the corners of the room, sometimes you think you can see something moving in them but perhaps it's best to leave that mystery unsolved.
  3. Your personal belongings are all missing, pockets have been emptied (there isn't even lint in them any longer), bags have been taken away, any electronics you might have had have been removed from your person... You're only in possession of the clothes of your body and (hopefully) your wits.
  4. But on the bright side you're not shackled or tied down in an way and can move about freely, but the memory of how you got here eludes you and you can't quite shake the feeling that you're being watched. It might be that strange fella standing in the corner over there... Who knows.
  6. Ah, and one more thing. If you deign to look beneath the carpet you'll notice that the floor beneath it is covered in charcoal scribbles depicting the footprints of birds.
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