

Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. Imports System
  2. Imports System.Collections.Generic
  3. Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
  4. Imports System.Diagnostics
  5. Imports System.Drawing
  6. Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
  7. Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
  8. Imports System.Windows.Forms
  10. ' Token: 0x0200002B RID: 43
  11. Friend Class Class18
  12. ' Token: 0x06000189 RID: 393
  13. Public Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32.dll" (intptr_0 As IntPtr, ByRef struct12_1 As Class18.Struct12) As Boolean
  15. ' Token: 0x0600018A RID: 394
  16. Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" (intptr_0 As IntPtr, int_4 As Integer, int_5 As Integer, int_6 As Integer) As Integer
  18. ' Token: 0x0600018B RID: 395
  19. Public Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32.dll" () As Boolean
  21. ' Token: 0x0600018C RID: 396
  22. Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" (int_4 As Integer) As Integer
  24. ' Token: 0x0600018D RID: 397 RVA: 0x0022C14C File Offset: 0x0022A34C
  25. Public Sub New(process_1 As Process, gform0_1 As GForm0)
  26. Me.gform0_0 = gform0_1
  27. Me.process_0 = process_1
  28. Dim color As Color = Color.FromArgb(32, 34, 37)
  29. Me.form_0.BackColor = color
  30. Me.form_0.TransparencyKey = color
  31. Me.form_0.Size = New Size(170, 113)
  32. Me.form_0.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
  33. Me.form_0.ShowInTaskbar = False
  34. Me.form_0.TopMost = True
  35. Me.form_0.Hide()
  36. Me.form_0.Owner = gform0_1
  37. AddHandler Me.form_0.Move, AddressOf Me.form_0_Move
  38. Dim form As Form = Me.form_0
  39. Dim <>9__16_ As EventHandler = Class18.Class19.<>9__16_1
  40. Dim value As EventHandler = <>9__16_
  41. If <>9__16_ Is Nothing Then
  42. Dim eventHandler As EventHandler = AddressOf Class18.Class19.<>9.method_0
  43. value = eventHandler
  44. Class18.Class19.<>9__16_1 = eventHandler
  45. End If
  46. AddHandler form.Activated, value
  47. Dim label As Label = New Label()
  48. Dim label2 As Label = New Label()
  49. Dim label3 As Label = New Label()
  50. Dim label4 As Label = New Label()
  51. Dim label5 As Label = New Label()
  52. label3.Text = "Clicker"
  53. label.Text = "Reach"
  54. label2.Text = "Velocity"
  55. label4.Text = "W-Tap"
  56. label5.Text = "Throwpot"
  57. Me.collection_0.Add(label3)
  58. Me.collection_0.Add(label)
  59. Me.collection_0.Add(label2)
  60. Me.collection_0.Add(label4)
  61. Me.collection_0.Add(label5)
  62. For Each label6 As Label In Me.collection_0
  63. label6.ForeColor = Me.method_5()
  64. AddHandler label6.MouseDown, AddressOf Me.method_6
  65. label6.Font = New Font("Courier New", 14F, FontStyle.Bold)
  66. label6.Visible = False
  67. Me.form_0.Controls.Add(label6)
  68. Next
  69. Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.TOP_LEFT
  70. Me.int_2 = 20
  71. Me.int_3 = 40
  72. Me.method_3()
  73. End Sub
  75. ' Token: 0x0600018E RID: 398 RVA: 0x0021FE23 File Offset: 0x0021E023
  76. Public Sub method_0()
  77. Me.form_0.Close()
  78. Me.form_0.Dispose()
  79. End Sub
  81. ' Token: 0x0600018F RID: 399 RVA: 0x0022C390 File Offset: 0x0022A590
  82. Public Sub method_1(bool_1 As Boolean, bool_2 As Boolean, bool_3 As Boolean, bool_4 As Boolean, bool_5 As Boolean)
  83. Dim num As Integer = 1
  84. If bool_1 Then
  85. Me.collection_0(0).Visible = True
  86. Me.collection_0(0).Location = New Point(2, num * 21 - 15)
  87. num += 1
  88. Else
  89. Me.collection_0(0).Visible = False
  90. End If
  91. If Not bool_2 Then
  92. Me.collection_0(1).Visible = False
  93. Else
  94. Me.collection_0(1).Visible = True
  95. Me.collection_0(1).Location = New Point(2, num * 21 - 15)
  96. num += 1
  97. End If
  98. If Not bool_3 Then
  99. Me.collection_0(2).Visible = False
  100. Else
  101. Me.collection_0(2).Visible = True
  102. Me.collection_0(2).Location = New Point(2, num * 21 - 15)
  103. num += 1
  104. End If
  105. If bool_4 Then
  106. Me.collection_0(3).Visible = True
  107. Me.collection_0(3).Location = New Point(2, num * 21 - 15)
  108. num += 1
  109. Else
  110. Me.collection_0(3).Visible = False
  111. End If
  112. If bool_5 Then
  113. Me.collection_0(4).Visible = True
  114. Me.collection_0(4).Location = New Point(2, num * 21 - 15)
  115. num += 1
  116. Return
  117. End If
  118. Me.collection_0(4).Visible = False
  119. End Sub
  121. ' Token: 0x06000190 RID: 400 RVA: 0x0022C518 File Offset: 0x0022A718
  122. Public Sub method_2()
  123. Dim struct As Class18.Struct12 = Nothing
  124. Class18.GetWindowRect(Me.process_0.MainWindowHandle, struct)
  125. If Me.struct12_0.Int32_3 = struct.Int32_3 Then
  126. If Me.struct12_0.Int32_1 = struct.Int32_1 Then
  127. If Me.struct12_0.Int32_0 = struct.Int32_0 Then
  128. If Me.struct12_0.Int32_2 = struct.Int32_2 Then
  129. GoTo IL_77
  130. End If
  131. End If
  132. End If
  133. End If
  134. Me.method_3()
  135. IL_77:
  136. Me.struct12_0 = struct
  137. End Sub
  139. ' Token: 0x06000191 RID: 401 RVA: 0x0022C5A4 File Offset: 0x0022A7A4
  140. Private Sub method_3()
  141. If Not Me.bool_0 Then
  142. Dim struct As Class18.Struct12 = Nothing
  143. Class18.GetWindowRect(Me.process_0.MainWindowHandle, struct)
  144. If Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.TOP_LEFT Then
  145. Me.form_0.Location = New Point(struct.Int32_0 + Me.int_2, struct.Int32_1 + Me.int_3)
  146. End If
  147. If Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.TOP_RIGHT Then
  148. Me.form_0.Location = New Point(struct.Int32_2 - Me.int_2, struct.Int32_1 + Me.int_3)
  149. End If
  150. If Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.BOTTOM_LEFT Then
  151. Me.form_0.Location = New Point(struct.Int32_0 + Me.int_2, struct.Int32_3 - Me.int_3)
  152. End If
  153. If Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.BOTTOM_RIGHT Then
  154. Me.form_0.Location = New Point(struct.Int32_2 - Me.int_2, struct.Int32_3 - Me.int_3)
  155. End If
  156. End If
  157. End Sub
  159. ' Token: 0x06000192 RID: 402 RVA: 0x0022C6B0 File Offset: 0x0022A8B0
  160. Private Sub method_4()
  161. If Not Me.bool_0 Then
  162. Dim struct As Class18.Struct12 = Nothing
  163. Class18.GetWindowRect(Me.process_0.MainWindowHandle, struct)
  164. Dim num As Integer = struct.Int32_0 + (struct.Int32_2 - struct.Int32_0) / 2
  165. Dim num2 As Integer = struct.Int32_1 + (struct.Int32_3 - struct.Int32_1) / 2
  166. Dim flag As Boolean = False
  167. Dim flag2 As Boolean = False
  168. If Me.form_0.Location.X < num Then
  169. flag = True
  170. Using enumerator As IEnumerator(Of Label) = Me.collection_0.GetEnumerator()
  171. While enumerator.MoveNext()
  172. Dim label As Label = enumerator.Current
  173. label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
  174. End While
  175. GoTo IL_E2
  176. End Using
  177. End If
  178. For Each label2 As Label In Me.collection_0
  179. label2.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
  180. Next
  181. IL_E2:
  182. If Me.form_0.Location.Y < num2 Then
  183. flag2 = True
  184. End If
  185. If flag2 AndAlso flag AndAlso Me.form_0.Location.X - struct.Int32_0 >= 0 AndAlso Me.form_0.Location.Y - struct.Int32_1 >= 0 Then
  186. Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.TOP_LEFT
  187. Me.int_2 = Me.form_0.Location.X - struct.Int32_0
  188. Me.int_3 = Me.form_0.Location.Y - struct.Int32_1
  189. End If
  190. If flag2 AndAlso Not flag AndAlso struct.Int32_2 - Me.form_0.Location.X >= 0 AndAlso Me.form_0.Location.Y - struct.Int32_1 >= 0 Then
  191. Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.TOP_RIGHT
  192. Me.int_2 = struct.Int32_2 - Me.form_0.Location.X
  193. Me.int_3 = Me.form_0.Location.Y - struct.Int32_1
  194. End If
  195. If Not flag2 AndAlso flag AndAlso Me.form_0.Location.X - struct.Int32_0 >= 0 AndAlso struct.Int32_3 - Me.form_0.Location.Y >= 0 Then
  196. Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.BOTTOM_LEFT
  197. Me.int_2 = Me.form_0.Location.X - struct.Int32_0
  198. Me.int_3 = struct.Int32_3 - Me.form_0.Location.Y
  199. End If
  200. If Not flag2 AndAlso Not flag AndAlso struct.Int32_2 - Me.form_0.Location.X >= 0 AndAlso struct.Int32_3 - Me.form_0.Location.Y >= 0 Then
  201. Me.enum4_0 = Class18.Enum4.BOTTOM_RIGHT
  202. Me.int_2 = struct.Int32_2 - Me.form_0.Location.X
  203. Me.int_3 = struct.Int32_3 - Me.form_0.Location.Y
  204. End If
  205. End If
  206. End Sub
  208. ' Token: 0x06000193 RID: 403 RVA: 0x0021FE3B File Offset: 0x0021E03B
  209. Private Function method_5() As Color
  210. Return Color.FromArgb(Me.random_0.[Next](0, 50), Me.random_0.[Next](50, 255), Me.random_0.[Next](0, 50))
  211. End Function
  213. ' Token: 0x06000194 RID: 404 RVA: 0x0021FE70 File Offset: 0x0021E070
  214. Private Sub method_6(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
  215. If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
  216. Class18.ReleaseCapture()
  217. Class18.SendMessage(Me.form_0.Handle, 161, 2, 0)
  218. End If
  219. End Sub
  221. ' Token: 0x06000195 RID: 405 RVA: 0x0021FE9D File Offset: 0x0021E09D
  222. Public Sub method_7()
  223. Me.form_0.Hide()
  224. Me.bool_0 = True
  225. End Sub
  227. ' Token: 0x06000196 RID: 406 RVA: 0x0021FEB1 File Offset: 0x0021E0B1
  228. Public Sub method_8()
  229. Me.form_0.Show()
  230. Me.bool_0 = False
  231. End Sub
  233. ' Token: 0x06000197 RID: 407 RVA: 0x0021FEC5 File Offset: 0x0021E0C5
  234. Public Sub method_9()
  235. Me.form_0.Hide()
  236. End Sub
  238. ' Token: 0x06000198 RID: 408 RVA: 0x0021FED2 File Offset: 0x0021E0D2
  239. Public Sub method_10()
  240. Me.form_0.Show()
  241. End Sub
  243. ' Token: 0x06000199 RID: 409 RVA: 0x0021F353 File Offset: 0x0021D553
  244. Private Sub method_11()
  245. End Sub
  247. ' Token: 0x0600019A RID: 410 RVA: 0x0021FEDF File Offset: 0x0021E0DF
  248. Public Function method_12() As Form
  249. Return Me.form_0
  250. End Function
  252. ' Token: 0x0600019B RID: 411 RVA: 0x0021FEE7 File Offset: 0x0021E0E7
  253. <CompilerGenerated()>
  254. Private Sub form_0_Move(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
  255. Me.method_4()
  256. End Sub
  258. ' Token: 0x04000186 RID: 390
  259. Public Const int_0 As Integer = 161
  261. ' Token: 0x04000187 RID: 391
  262. Public Const int_1 As Integer = 2
  264. ' Token: 0x04000188 RID: 392
  265. Public enum4_0 As Class18.Enum4
  267. ' Token: 0x04000189 RID: 393
  268. Private form_0 As Form = New Form()
  270. ' Token: 0x0400018A RID: 394
  271. Private process_0 As Process
  273. ' Token: 0x0400018B RID: 395
  274. Private random_0 As Random = New Random()
  276. ' Token: 0x0400018C RID: 396
  277. Private collection_0 As Collection(Of Label) = New Collection(Of Label)()
  279. ' Token: 0x0400018D RID: 397
  280. Private int_2 As Integer
  282. ' Token: 0x0400018E RID: 398
  283. Private int_3 As Integer
  285. ' Token: 0x0400018F RID: 399
  286. Private gform0_0 As GForm0
  288. ' Token: 0x04000190 RID: 400
  289. Private struct12_0 As Class18.Struct12
  291. ' Token: 0x04000191 RID: 401
  292. Private bool_0 As Boolean
  294. ' Token: 0x0200002C RID: 44
  295. Public Structure Struct12
  296. ' Token: 0x17000019 RID: 25
  297. ' (get) Token: 0x0600019C RID: 412 RVA: 0x0021FEEF File Offset: 0x0021E0EF
  298. ' (set) Token: 0x0600019D RID: 413 RVA: 0x0021FEF7 File Offset: 0x0021E0F7
  299. Public Property Int32_0 As Integer
  301. ' Token: 0x1700001A RID: 26
  302. ' (get) Token: 0x0600019E RID: 414 RVA: 0x0021FF00 File Offset: 0x0021E100
  303. ' (set) Token: 0x0600019F RID: 415 RVA: 0x0021FF08 File Offset: 0x0021E108
  304. Public Property Int32_1 As Integer
  306. ' Token: 0x1700001B RID: 27
  307. ' (get) Token: 0x060001A0 RID: 416 RVA: 0x0021FF11 File Offset: 0x0021E111
  308. ' (set) Token: 0x060001A1 RID: 417 RVA: 0x0021FF19 File Offset: 0x0021E119
  309. Public Property Int32_2 As Integer
  311. ' Token: 0x1700001C RID: 28
  312. ' (get) Token: 0x060001A2 RID: 418 RVA: 0x0021FF22 File Offset: 0x0021E122
  313. ' (set) Token: 0x060001A3 RID: 419 RVA: 0x0021FF2A File Offset: 0x0021E12A
  314. Public Property Int32_3 As Integer
  316. ' Token: 0x04000192 RID: 402
  317. <CompilerGenerated()>
  318. Private int_0 As Integer
  320. ' Token: 0x04000193 RID: 403
  321. <CompilerGenerated()>
  322. Private int_1 As Integer
  324. ' Token: 0x04000194 RID: 404
  325. <CompilerGenerated()>
  326. Private int_2 As Integer
  328. ' Token: 0x04000195 RID: 405
  329. <CompilerGenerated()>
  330. Private int_3 As Integer
  331. End Structure
  333. ' Token: 0x0200002D RID: 45
  334. Public Enum Enum4
  335. ' Token: 0x04000197 RID: 407
  336. TOP_LEFT
  337. ' Token: 0x04000198 RID: 408
  338. TOP_RIGHT
  339. ' Token: 0x04000199 RID: 409
  341. ' Token: 0x0400019A RID: 410
  343. End Enum
  345. ' Token: 0x0200002E RID: 46
  346. <CompilerGenerated()>
  347. <Serializable()>
  348. Private NotInheritable Class Class19
  349. ' Token: 0x060001A6 RID: 422 RVA: 0x0021F353 File Offset: 0x0021D553
  350. Friend Sub method_0(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
  351. End Sub
  353. ' Token: 0x0400019B RID: 411
  354. Public Shared <>9 As Class18.Class19 = New Class18.Class19()
  356. ' Token: 0x0400019C RID: 412
  357. Public Shared <>9__16_1 As EventHandler
  358. End Class
  359. End Class
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