
Claw in Hand - Part 5

Nov 14th, 2012
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  1. "So, how old would you say you are?"
  2. >Spike gives you a deadpan look as he moves his white queen along the board.
  3. >The chessboard had been tucked under Twilight's bed. You had been anxious to play a couple of matches against Spike.
  4. >You both played 5 games, seated around a small table up in the living area.
  5. >You have lost every single one. Somehow you're taking it very well.
  6. >Back on Earth, whenever you had lost a game, you were inconsolable for at least an hour. But with Spike, you can just laugh it off.
  7. >Maybe it's because your chess partners were usually smug little shits. At least Spike is humble.
  8. >"You can't trip me up Anonymous. Your king will soon be mine."
  9. "I'm just curious bro. Baby to almost adult in 4 years? I can't get my head around it still."
  10. >He leans back a little, eyes still on the board. "Well, dragons mature differently, you know? I read about it in one of Twilight's books. Something about, uh, our childhood been really short, but our adult life being really really long. It won't be long before I get my wings and grow even bigger."
  11. "Hold the phone. Wings?"
  12. >"Yeah. I'm really looking forward to it." He says this, but you notice a sad look passing over his face.
  13. "Not looking forward to being a big mighty dragon?"
  14. >He looks up at you and huffs, emitting a small curl of fire. "It's a lot on my mind. I've always thought, I could stay with Twilight forever, be her number one assistant. What happens when I'm too big? When I can't even fit through the library door?"
  15. >Sullenly he glares down at his chess army. "I want to grow up. Who doesn't? But, if growing up means I have to go..."
  16. >He falls into silence.
  17. >Why is it whenever you're around, people start getting down?
  19. >You make your move, sliding the bishop across to some pawns.
  20. "You know, even if you become a great big dragon, Twilight will still always need an assistant. And I don't think you putting on a couple of hundred pounds is going to stop her caring about you."
  21. >He blinks and a smile breaks out over his face.
  22. >You expect a thanks, but his claw shifts and moves a knight out of your lock.
  23. >"Check aaaand mate."
  24. "...FUCKING-"
  25. >Too late, you realise that you had just cursed in front of Spike.
  26. >The dragon had fallen out of his chair, clutching his sides with laughter.
  27. "Not funny. That's six games in a row. Stop cheating."
  28. >He wipes a tear away. "Sorry, sorry. It's just so funny."
  29. "Eh it's fine. Hey, sorry about, you know, swearing like that."
  30. >"Dude, I'm not a kid anymore. You should hear Twilight cuss when she's struggling with her experiments."
  31. >He's right. He's not a kid anymore. You really need to work past this mental block of him still being small and innocent.
  32. >You spend the next couple of minutes exchanging curses with each other.
  33. >Spike grasped the meanings most of the time, but a few confused him.
  34. >Similarly, some of his swears had you baffled. Tailtucker? Gruggle?
  35. >His final one, Discordnaut, had you in fits.
  37. >"Hey, Anon." Spike says. You're ok with him calling you by your shortened name.
  38. >"Pinkie's gonna be hosting a party next week. Something about a surprise, you know how she is. I was wondering..."
  39. >He's poking his index fingers together. You think you saw that in an anime once.
  40. >"Is it alright, if, you come along?"
  41. "Why?"
  42. >"Well, the girls are great and all, but, I really need my bro with me. Just to hang out and have fun! You'll love it. Please?"
  43. >You mull this over. A Pinkie party would be a good way to ease back into social interactions. As long as you can avoid the pink horror, you should be okay.
  44. "Sure."
  45. >His face lights up. "Great! This is gonna be awesome!"
  46. "On one condition. You play me another match. I'm gonna beat you this time."
  47. >He flashes his fangs at you and begins arranging his pieces. "Famous last words."
  49. >It's the end of the week.
  50. >You, Spike and Twilight are journeying through Ponyville to Sugarcube Corner.
  51. >Pinkie decided to host the party at night. As such, when the three of you approach the residence, it is more lively than usual.
  52. >Music is blaring and streamers litter the ground. A pegasus falls out of the top window and catches herself before hitting the ground.
  53. >"Isn't that Cloud Flitter?" Twilight asks. The pegasus bashfully re-enters the building through the front door.
  54. "Well, it's been fun but I really need to get goin-"
  55. >You turn to leave but find your arm gripped by a very insistent dragon.
  56. >"Come on dude, you promised me you'd come with!"
  57. "Hey, I never made no promise, okay?"
  58. >"Double negative." says Twilight.
  59. "Whatever."
  60. >"What's the harm, Anonymous? It's just a party. You said you would hang out with me. So come on, please?" Spike's slitted eyes seem to grow wider.
  61. >He's not trying to-
  62. >Oh he is. He's trying to do puppy eyes.
  63. >"Pleeeease?"
  64. >He's doing this here. Now. Out in the open.
  65. >You're still miffed at him for beating you at chess. That king had almost been yours if he hadn't slipped behind your defences.
  66. >"Pleeeeeeeease?"
  67. >You are such a pushover.
  68. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."
  69. >With a cheer, he turns you around and braces his claws on your shoulders.
  70. >"Off we go!"
  71. >He frogmarches you forward, an amused Twilight following from behind.
  72. "Is this really necessary?"
  73. >"Are you going to run away anytime soon?"
  74. "Probably."
  75. >"Then yes."
  77. >You enter Sugarcube Corner first.
  78. >It's a horrific sight to behold, Pinkie's parties in full swing. This is made even worse by your growing nervousness.
  79. >So many ponies are packed into the bakery. A lot of them are chatting. Some are playing games. A couple are passed out from too much punch.
  80. >Isn't the punch non-alcoholic?
  81. >"Pinkie must have put too much sugar in the punch again." Twilight sighs.
  82. >They're passed out from a sugar crash. Somehow you were hoping these was alcohol involved.
  83. >A world without internet, video games or alcohol. Truly your punishment knows no bounds.
  84. >A claw presses firmer into your back and you move further into the room.
  85. >"Time to have some fun, Anon!" Spike yells over the clamour, aiming you both for the food table.
  86. >It's the an unusually wide assortment of candy and snacks. Gingerly you pop a lemon sherbert in your mouth.
  87. >Spike has already shovelled plenty into his mouth, a candy cane poking out of the corner. "Brilliant!" He exclaims.
  88. >You are not impressed. The music blaring out of the gramophone is too loud, and ponies seem to be looking at you.
  89. >Here's the sweat again, right at the back of your neck.
  90. >You spot Twilight, happily chatting with Pinkie.
  91. >Pinkie has her foreleg around a dark green griffon. He looks nervous, and rightly so. He's getting as many stares as you.
  92. >Your mood lightens a little. At least you're not the only one feeling out of place here.
  93. "What's the deal with the griffon?"
  94. >Spike pauses from scoffing more food to follow your look. "Oh, that's Pinkie's new friend. I don't know his name, but he's a lot nicer than Gilda."
  95. >You are about to ask who Gilda is, but Spike returns to gobbling the snacks.
  97. "Seriously, dude, slow down a little. Your stomach is not that big."
  98. >Hunched over the table, the reptile's eye swivels to focus on you.
  99. >Something about those slitted eyes framed by green is a little creepy.
  100. >Right now that creepiness has been doubled.
  101. "Don't pull that with me buddy. I'm serious. Besides, I thought you liked gems?"
  102. >Spike gradually slows down to a sedate pace. "I dunno, I guess I'm ok with eating other things beside gems and the occassional vegetable."
  103. "Still, slow down. You'll give yourself-"
  104. >The dragon hiccups.
  105. >You are not prepared for the fallout of this bodily function.
  106. >Spike jerks, his spine and tail stiffening. A jet of green flame erupts out of his mouth over the table.
  107. >A pony on the other side barely ducks in time to avoid being singed.
  108. >You stare at Spike, who is panting heavily, bracing his claws on his knees.
  109. "Whoa. You ok?"
  110. >"Yeah...just...keeping...diaphram...busy..."
  111. >Another hiccup. Luckily, Spike has his head aimed at the floor, so only the carpet suffers damage.
  112. >"I-I need to go outside."
  113. >The dragon makes a dash for the exit, leaving you next to a smouldering patch of carpet and many stares.
  114. >You shrug and make your way to a nearby wall, leaning against it.
  115. >Several minutes pass, and you get a little worried. Just as you are about to head out and find Spike, he returns.
  116. >He braces his back against the wall next to you, his light underbelly scales looking paler than usual.
  117. "Did you throw up?"
  118. >He nods, hunching over and coughing.
  119. >You quickly dart to the punch, scooping some into a couple of cups.
  120. >You hand one to Spike who takes a generous swig. He immediately begins coughing again.
  121. >Yeah, not the best idea to give very sweet liquid to someone who just threw up a bunch of candy.
  122. >Eventually his coughs subside, and he straightens, giving you a thumbs up.
  124. >You are two bros waiting out a party.
  125. >You could almost forget neither of you had seen each other for months because of your desire to be independant.
  126. >Stop putting yourself down you insecure shit.
  127. >"What about her?" Spike points at a purple pony desperately trying to drain the punch bowl.
  128. "Uhh...Berry Punch, right? Eh, drunks don't last long. Two out of ten."
  129. >"Hehe alright, your turn."
  130. "Uh...that one."
  131. >You manage to single out Applejack. She's balancing apples on her nose to the delight of many.
  132. >"Hmm...a five."
  133. "You fucking kidding me? Strong personality, her own food supply, those rear legs. That's clearly a nine right there."
  134. >"Yeah but she lives on wide open land."
  135. "Hmm, alright. I'll give you that."
  136. >"Just what are you two doing?"
  137. >Rarity confronts you both, one of her hooves wound tightly around a weedly looking colt.
  138. >"Hey Rares." Spike says. His voice sounds a little cold.
  139. >Whoa, what happened here?
  140. >"Spike. I would have expected Anonymous here to indulge in such unscrupulous behaviour, but you? It is most uncouth."
  141. >"Are you kidding? I do this stuff all the time!"
  142. "We just call them like we see them. You know, you'd score probably an eight, Rarity."
  143. >"I beg your pardon!?" Her eyebrows shoot up.
  144. "Your personality is firm, your Boutique is perfect, and you have all those sharp needles. All very good qualities. Your only problem is lack of submissiveness. Sometimes you need to let others take charge when holed up together."
  145. >A mixtures of shock, confusion and embarassment assault her face. It lasts a second before she swiftly turns and marches away, dragging the colt behind her.
  146. >You turn to Spike and give a shrug.
  147. "Some people just don't understand the importance of zombie survival."
  148. >"I hear that."
  150. >You take a sip of punch from your cup. Good thing you acquired some before Berry got to the bowl.
  151. >It tastes awfully sweet. You hope your back teeth do not suffer.
  152. "Sooo what was up between you and Rarity?"
  153. >Your bro is silent, staring down at his own punch. You poke his side with an elbow.
  154. "Come on man, you can tell me anything."
  155. >He snorts. "It's nothing. Just, an old pain."
  156. "This about your crush?"
  157. >That got his attention. His head shoots up.
  158. "Come on mate, you were so lovestruck you were practically emitting little hearts."
  159. >He grimaces, relaxing a little.
  160. >"Yeah. It was just a crush, wasn't it? I thought she was everything I could ever want. It wasn't until she, well, set me straight, that I began to see the truth."
  161. >Well this is taking a pleasant turn. You lay a hand on his shoulder.
  162. >"I didn't see the message at first, so I starting getting a little...creepy. Stealing her things, leaving presents. She confronted me about it, even got Twilight involved."
  163. "Fuck, dude."
  164. >"Yeah. It was a tough time. It felt like the world had ended for me. If Rarity didn't love me, what did I have to live for?"
  165. >You squeeze his shoulder.
  166. "You pulled through. You're strong."
  167. >He shakes his head. "Not strong enough. It still hurts, every time I look at her. Did you hear she got married? I don't know what she sees in him personally, but I suppose I'm happy for her."
  168. >The sad look seems etched into his purple face. You wish you could say something.
  169. >Suddenly the music stops. Pinkie is changing the record.
  171. >All conversation stops as everyone turns to look at Pinkie and the gramophone.
  172. >"Come on everyp0ny! It's time for some smooth dancing!"
  173. >She drops the needle.
  174. >A soft, supple tone begins. It is, essentially, a generic slow dance song.
  175. >Immediately the crows makes a clearing in the middle of room, the space serving as a temporary dancefloor.
  176. >Couples take to the floor, waltzing gently. You didn't even know ponies could waltz on four legs.
  177. >This is pretty messed up. A minute ago this was a raging party. Now it's like a tame prom night.
  178. >Your eyes are drawn to the centre of the dancing. Pinkie is there with her griffon friend.
  179. >She is actually slow dancing, gazing into the face of the griffon.
  180. >You turn your head to your left at Spike, about to comment.
  181. >Spike's eyes are locked on Pinkie. He is chewing his lip and trying hard not to snigger.
  182. >You smile and return your gaze to the dancefloor.
  183. >There's Rarity with her colt. Applejack with one of her cousins. Big Mac and Cheerilee. Other 0ne true pairings.
  184. >"Anonymous."
  185. >Twilight walks up to you, giving you another one of her smiles.
  186. >For some reason her coat and mane look a little shiny, and her lips much fuller. It is an uncharacteristic look for the bookworm.
  187. >"May I have this dance?"
  188. >Did she just say that for real?
  190. "No offense Twilight, but no you may not."
  191. >She appears taken aback, raising a foreleg defensively. "Why not?"
  192. "For starters, I can't dance. It's stupid and humiliating. Second of all, we aren't even the same height, which would make it even more awkward. Finally, there's barely any room in between all those couples, we'd be tripping over so many hooves."
  193. >She pouts slightly. "But Anon, I really want to dance."
  194. "And I just told you why that is a bad idea."
  195. >Since tact did not work, she tries the aggressive route. She stomps her hoof and expels air out of her nose.
  196. >"Anonymous. I want to dance. Now."
  197. "Look, I'm not going to dance with you, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now please, drop the issue. Find a pony to dance with."
  198. >Twilight gives an exasperated groan. You calmly meet her gaze. With each minute that passes between you, her expression gets more and more dark.
  199. >"Anonymous, I really didn't want to do this..."
  200. >Her horn lights up.
  201. >What is she planning? She wouldn't even think of abusing her powers, would she?
  202. >"...but you leave me no choice."
  203. >Her horn lights up even further.
  205. >You expect your clothes to be tugged towards the direction of the dancefloor.
  206. >You even expect your limbs to start moving of their own accord, your body becoming a puppet twisted to suit Twilight's nefarious need for dance.
  207. >You even expected to see her magic up a scroll and quill and write to the Princess, scaring you into compliance.
  208. >Instead, you see a teetering punch cup levitate through the air, guided by purple magic.
  209. >Judging by Twilight's scrunched face and closed eyes, you figure this is her doing.
  210. >The cup wavers over to you and upends it.
  211. >You now sport a really obvious wet patch on your crotch.
  212. "What the fuck Twilight?"
  213. >She opens her eyes and frowns.
  214. >"Hmm, looks like I missed."
  215. "Missed? You just soaked me in punch!"
  216. >"I was aiming for your face."
  217. >You are speechless for just a second. You hear Spike chuckling, which breaks your mental block.
  218. "Why?"
  219. >"Because I read that this is the correct response when a mare has been humiliated at a dance. Now, if you'll excuse me."
  220. >She turns on her hooves and leaves the party. Just up and leaves, leaving the bakery doors swinging. You swear you can see an unsteady tremor in her legs as she goes.
  222. >You angrily turn to Spike, who is clutching his sides and tittering. You realise now that a lot of ponies are glaring at you, and you feel even more humiliated.
  223. "It's not that funny."
  224. >Spike eventually quietens, and attempts to look concerned.
  225. >"I'm sorry. It was just, the way she looked so serious, as if it was a logical thing to do?"
  226. >He starts laughing again. You are pretty sure your cheeks are on fire right now.
  227. >Without thinking, you swing your arm holding your cup.
  228. >A fair amount of your punch lands squarely on Spike's chest. It immediately starts sliding off, unable to adhere to his scales.
  229. >He stops laughing, shocked.
  230. "You're right, it is pretty funny."
  231. >The dragon's brows draw together, and he bares his teeth slightly.
  232. >"Dude."
  233. >You match his gaze, feeling righteous anger burning through you.
  234. "Bro."
  235. >Tension is rising. Many ponies who had been following your antics now back away as they sense a fight.
  236. >You see Spike's claws bunch into fists. Your own hands mirror this instinctively.
  237. >Your fingers cause pain digging into your palms. This jolts you to your senses.
  238. >What are you doing? You just probably upset Twilight and now you're picking a fight with Spike? The hell is wrong with you?
  239. >Suddenly a voice cuts through the air.
  240. >"Ooooo looks like we have some special tension here tonight!"
  242. >Pinkie Pie.
  243. >She's sauntering over to you and Spike, wearing a disgustingly suave expression on her face.
  244. >"Looks like you two need to burn off some steam. On the dance floor!"
  245. >"Whoa wait what?" Spike is knocked out of his angry stare contest with you.
  246. >You give Pinkie your most obvious 'are you serious' look.
  247. "How can we blow off steam in a slow dance, exactly?"
  248. >Pinkie is not fazed by your dry comment.
  249. >"Come on! What better way to work out your differences than a little dancing?" Pinkie says cheerfully.
  250. "Actually, we were just about to work out the differences-"
  251. >"JUST DANCE ALREADY!" Pinkie screeches at you, eyes whirling.
  252. >That did it. Every pony is looking this way now.
  253. >How much humiliation can you really take in one night?
  254. >You look to Spike for help. He's glaring at Pinkie and doesn't notice you. Great help there Spike.
  255. >You consider making a break for it, but the crowd of ponies around you is too thick. The windows are also too far away.
  256. >"Fine."
  258. >Spike stands up straight, flicking his tail out and taking a deep breath.
  259. >"Let's do this."
  260. >He grabs your hand and drags you to the dance floor, pulling you to a stop in front of him.
  261. >It all happens so fast and unexpectedly that you don't even try to resist.
  262. >Once you look fully into his determined face, you snap.
  263. "Spike, what the fuck! You're not seriously considering going through with this."
  264. >You try and move away, but a claw one your left shoulder and another in your right hand makes it difficult.
  265. >Add to that a dragon's glare, complete with growl and flicker of tongue, and it's impossible.
  266. >"Just shut up and go with it." He hisses out of the corner of his mouth. "The quicker this is over with, the quicker we can get out of here.
  267. >He starts moving in time with the music, keeping his grip on you.
  268. >Sweet merciful mungbean, you are being made to dance against your will. By your bro. Could this night get any worse?
  269. >You put your foot down on Spike's, causing him to grunt and dig his claw into your shoulder. His slitted eyes seem to burn into yours.
  270. >Yes. Yes it can.
  272. >The train wreck that would never pass as a dance carries on. Everypony's eyes are on you.
  273. >You forget how many times you have stood on Spike's poor bare feet. At some point a tear leaked out of his eye, though, so you reckon it is a pretty high number.
  274. >You do not go unpunished, however; he has also stood on yours, leaving some pretty tender bruises. You are sure not all of them are accidental.
  275. >Despite the horrible torture, something about the dance has calmed your nerves a little. Maybe it's the gentle rhythm, but you aren't as mad at the big guy as you thought.
  276. "Hey, buddy. Hey, hey buddy."
  277. >He refuses to acknowledge you, staring at some point over your shoulder.
  278. "Buddy ol' pal. One of a kind bud."
  279. >Not a flicker.
  280. "Spike."
  281. >He finally looks at you.
  282. "I'm sorry."
  283. >He blinks.
  284. "I shouldn't have thrown punch at you."
  285. >He looks away again, but takes a deep breath.
  286. >"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have laughed. Jeez, we were really ready to fight over spilt punch, weren't we?"
  287. "Pretty much."
  288. >He looks at you again, this time his familiar grin appearing. "I would have beat you, though."
  289. "Dream on Spiky. Under that scale is just flab and you know it."
  290. >You both laugh, feeling the tension disappear and the familiarity settle back in.
  292. >Outside of your peripheral vision, you see Pinkie wave at you. Crazy mare.
  293. "Well, we gave Pinkie her dance."
  294. >"We sure did."
  295. >You both still dance, gently moving around in a waltz. You are pretty sure Spike is leading you, as you're having to move your feet a fraction of a second after his.
  296. "I didn't even know you could dance."
  297. >"Well, I may have been doing some practice a while back, for...Rarity."
  298. >There's that touchy subject again, bringing with it all that tension.
  299. "If you don't mind me asking, who did you practice with?"
  300. >Spike cocks his head at you. "Say what?"
  301. "Well, you must have used something."
  302. >"Oh, uh..." Now he gets embarassed? "The broom. The one Twilight lets me use for dusting. Whenever she was out, and I had the Library to myself, I would practice with it. The books were a great help, but I could only learn the male lead steps. Since, you know, the broom can't lead?"
  303. "I'm not sure I'm ok with being the girl in this dance."
  304. >He flashes you another grin. "Don't worry, you're a pretty girl.
  305. "Fuck off."
  307. >You both carrying on dancing, this time in silence.
  308. >Goodness, you can feel plenty of pony stares burning into your neck as you move in time with Spike.
  309. >It feels like you are going to hyperventilate. Crap, why did your nerves start to break right now?
  310. >You desperately try to think of something else to stop you having a panic attack.
  311. >Sunshine and rainbows? You get enough of them here.
  312. >Books and learning? No, that just reminds you of Twilight and the shitstorm you will face later.
  313. >Sitting in a dark steel cube? Hmm, not bad. Let's roll with it.
  314. >You close your eyes, trying to conjure up the feeling of cold steel and isolation. Sweet, sweet isolation, free from any nosy ponies.
  315. >It almost works, but then something weird happens.
  316. >Something very very weird.
  317. >Spike touches his lips to yours.
  318. >You recoil instantly, almost losing balance as you move your head as far away as possible.
  319. >What the actual fuck.
  320. >Spike is looking just as shocked as you.
  321. >Every pony in the room gasps.
  322. >You can still hear Pinkie's long, drawn out gasp.
  323. >Spike trembles, and runs. He keeps on running until he hits the bakery doors, and then he is gone.
  324. >You just stand there, staring.
  325. >What the actual fuck.
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