

Jul 12th, 2012
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  1. The Last Act: A Tragedy
  2. By
  3. Sunflower-Kun
  5. Daisy took a deep breath as he peered with his wide brown eyes toward the crowed school yard. The student body like always was divided into small groups, these groups ranged from twelve to twenty students. Each one a circle or a small scale society. In away they where the gears that turned the even large machine called life. Each group played off the other. Daisy belonged to no one group. He was a longer or a drifter.
  7. In away this wondering social life style suited the boy for he was a jack of all trades and a master of none. He had working understanding of the sports life thus he could easy make small talk with the jocks of the school yard. His depth of knowledge with anime helped him a little and often allowed him to slip into conversations around the ones that held fellowship with that creed. Though the skill most valued to him was his creative mind.
  9. The boy could be called a walking chronicler. His learning in the booming lyrical verse of Faust and sharp poetic prose of Shakespeare allowed him to not only to master the forces of the mind but to hammer and mold and recast them into a product befitting the roaming scholar he pictured himself as.
  11. This scholarly image was only enhanced by the form he was graced with, long flowing sandy brown hair framed a heart shape face that was free of blemish’s or marks and was always cleanly shaved. His head rested upon lean hourglass like frame. And when he spoke it was a tone of direct clarity.
  13. There was another element about him, once more vital than his sharpen mind and his clear tone of voice. The one factor that is often overlooked in a person that one thing being his heart. For while on the outside he may appeared to be withdrawn and aloft inside there pounded a heart of a angle. For once one got to know the boy and had gained his trust they would catch a rare glimpse of this more tender side that was often only allowed to come out when he was in the company of his foster family. But when the need arose and his knightly heart gave the nod to his brain he often charge head long into a fight that he thought right, even if there was no chance in winning said fight. Tragically it would this noble flaw that would be one of mire of factors that would lead to the end of his young life.
  15. “Best get going, they’ve been plotting and planning this night since September melted into October. Side I gotta get my costume ready. Its not like I have anything better to do tonight. Beside its one of the chores of a big brother, to take his little siblings out for a spooky night of trick or treating.” He whispered to nobody but himself and with that he started toward the waiting bus that would ferry him home. And so taking long strides he reached the bus in record time and then he stopped and peered over his shoulder.
  17. Had he been born with the gift to see spirits or phantom being he would have spotted a winged angle standing under one of the large oak trees that decorated the front of the school yard. This angle was the angle of death. He was early in fact he would follow the teenager for tonight was Daisy’s last night on earth.
  19. The room was decorated in the taste of your average teenager that enjoyed watching anime and reading manga. A neatly made futon bed occupied the corner of the room. A cherry wood bed stand was placed next to the Japanese style bed. A lamb brought from the local dollar store or Wal-Mart sat upon the table with a few books placed by it. One of the books showed a mounted man in Ming style armor wielding a large halberd. The text above the warrior read, THE WATER MARGIN Outlaws of the Marsh. The second book showed two men dressed in trench coats standing under faint white glow of a electric lamp. The foggy winter weather of London surrounded the men and added a heighten sense of drama and mystery to the setting.
  23. The young man in switch the room belonged too could be seen standing in the center, a deep ruby red blush colored his face and look of annoyance tinted his eyes. Not only had he been forced in his mind to give up his Halloween to take his little brothers and sisters trick or treating, but because they thought it would be great fun they had suggest he go as a Japanese school girl. So here he was dressed in a cute solid snow white sailor blouse with the tails tucked into waistline of the blue pleated skirt.
  25. Extra large white socks that required a special kind of glue and a very embarrassing pair of pink Barbie theme sneakers completed the school girlish looks. All of these items combined with her very girlish frame made a very convening girl.
  27. “Hey Daisy,” A female voice called out, the voice had kind of big sister tone of quality to it. “You look kind of cute you know. Even though you’re kind of blushing like a bride the looks does suit you. And you know, your doing something noble too,” The voice rang again.
  29. “What?” Said Daisy turning upon the heel of his foot to behold the slim finger of his big sister standing there in his doorway. The women had long violet colored hair that was styled in a pixie cut. A short sleeve shirt sporting the logo of a popular mental band covered her chest and finally a pair of hip hugging torn jeans with the cuffs rolled over a pair of van’s completed the look. The appearance suggest a rocker and a rocker she was. Though despite her spunk and punk looks her heart was pure gold.
  31. “You don’t need to get short with me,” She said walking into the room and slowly walking up to him, “And the noble thing your doing is making memories for ya sisters.” She said wrapping her arms around him once she was in rang. Once her arms where looped around the boys neck she pulled him into her and snuggled him close to her breast. “And for that, you should be reward. You know, there going to be a anime movie coming out, I was thinking maybe we should go see it, you and I. Have something of a big sister little brother day together. So what do you think?” She said shifting his tone of voice now to something gentle and warm. A tone of voice normally saved for those most special of accessions.
  33. “I would very much love for that to happen,” He said looking down at the ground and smiling a little as he was drawn into the hug. A sudden warmth rushed over him as he felt his head coming to rest between the two peaks of her breast. The boy was in heaven.. Or something really close to heaven. Slowly being forced to into this silly outfit did not seem so bad. After all Cindy rarely wanted anything to with him, she had even gone as far as to dismiss him as a family member on those more stormy of days.
  35. “Now, get ready kiddo, we gotta long night ahead of us, we gotta take the tykes out for a round of trick or treating, Then we gotta haunted house where going to take them to and finally pizzahut for a fun filled dinner of dough, cheese and meat.” She said listing the order of the nights events off the top of her head.
  37. “Sounds like a good night to me,” Daisy Said smiling a little as he peered toward the gothic girl. Maybe things where slowly starting to look up for him. And with being said he waved good bye to her as he watched her close his bedroom door behind her and disappear from his line of sight.
  39. And so with his spirits soaring like a angle high above the plains and sea’s of the earth he turned to his bedroom mirror once more and smiled as he gave himself the thumps up. And with that he started toward the living room where the rest of the family was gathering.
  41. And soon the thumping of the solo’s of leather shoes could be heard as he made his way down the stairs and turned a sharp right to join his foster family gathered in the living room. But to his shock and amazement the living room was void of life save for father and head of the household that sat dressed in his velvet smoke jacket and worn house slippers. His kind and gentle face was hidden behind the folds of the evening paper. The air was light scented with ships tobacco.
  43. “Daisy, before you go I’ll like to speak to you on a matter that retains to your position and your relationship with and the other children.” He said in even almost lifeless tone of voice. The tone of voice often employed before a punishment was given or heart breaking lector was delivered.
  45. “Yes sir,” He said quickly spinning around upon his heels and peering with his brown eyes toward the source of the voice.
  47. “I think its high time you became a official member of this family, your aunt and I have talked it over and tomorrow we’ll get everything squared away. “ And with the man dropped his paper and offered the boy a wide smile. “So I guess I would like to say, ‘Welcome to the family, son’” and with that being said he stood up and walked over to the boy and pulled him into a tight hug. And because boys are often more needful than girls he then leaned down and placed a quick kiss upon his forehead. “I’m proud to have you as my son.”
  49. Daisy blinked and felt his heart leap from his chest into his throat and a sudden chill passed over his shoulder as he words sank into his mind like the spring rain. Slowly a little smile crossed his lips as he felt his strong well toned arms being wrapped around him enveloping him in a force field of warm love and the kiss, the soft kiss upon his forehead made everything seem like a solid fact and not a fabricated dream.
  51. “Now since tonight is a night of bewitcherment you must take care to guard your younger ones, as the mothers of Sparta once told there son’s ‘Return with your shield or upon your shield but never without your shield.’ Now go and join your sisters and brothers there waiting in the van.” And with that he ruffled the little boys hair and planted on more kiss upon his forehead.
  53. Daisy still trapped in a state of bliss could only nod his head and skip merry off to join his new family. Everything was looking up, no more would he be a foster child. No more would be a mere piece of drift wood, no those days where gone. He now had a family a family to call his on.
  55. The father smiled as he watched him skip away, his heart glowed bright red within his chest as he felt the joys of bringing a smile to a little boys face sink into him. Ye he was looking forward to many more such heart scenes like this. This family needed more love and the little boys needed a strong big brother to lead them onto the right path of manhood and the little girls needed a strong knight to defend them. He was positive he had found the right man for the job in young Daisy.
  57. The night had been one of pure magic, everything was going as planned. The children under his care had collected a bag full of candy. And a few treasures of Halloween such as A king size Whatchamacallit candy bar and a few peanut butter candies made by Hershey’s could also seen in the bottom of his little Jack o lantern bucket. The small bright orange bucketed added more of a vintage feel to his costume he believed.
  59. “After this block where through okay guys?” He said castling the light from flashlight onto wooden boards of the old footbridge that bridged silver creek and connected the upper fifth with the lower fifth. And like a true leader he moved ahead of the small group of trick-o-treater’s. In the course of the night his leadership skills had grown from being nothing more than a small little seedling to might oak tree. And it seemed for a minute that nothing could possible ruin this night. It had turned from being a dreadful thing to a night of wonder and reconnection.
  61. And then he heard it, harsh whispers seemed to float upon the autumn wind.
  63. “Just give us the money and nobody gets hurt old man,” Came a oily slick voice from a source that laided just yard or so out his sight.
  65. “Yes, give us the money, the candy, your phone and everything you value and we promise you and your little snot nose brat can walk free. Simple as that old man, and if you refuse well I’m sure the swim in the silver are going to enjoy nibbling on your bones.” Came a second voice that dripped with acidy inner city accent.
  67. “I don’t have much, I really don’t.” Came a whispery willow tone of voice, “But please take what I have, take it all. I have no need for it, just don’t hurt us.” Came a third tone of voice.
  68. “Come off it grand pap, nobody cares about ya, now just hand over your wallet and have the kid hand over the candy and we’ll be good.” Came the same acidy inner city voice, there was a hit of growing aggression in the voice.
  70. Quickly Daisy turned toward the gathered children, He blinked as drank in the fear in there eyes and breathed in the tense air. “Go now, go and find Cindy, tell her to phone the cops as soon as possible.” He said in a tone of voice that left no room for backtalk. Gathering his fingers into a striking fist he released his held in breath. This was his chance, this was a once in a life time chance to make his family proud of him, to secure honor for himself and his family.
  72. The children blinked and blinked again, and in turn peered toward each other in confusion and fear, but one by one they obeyed and slipped into the cover the tree line provided. Once the last child had left Daisy made his move. He jumped up and with unmatched furry he charged head long into fray.
  74. The following three minutes where the longest in his life, the old man and the young boy surprised by sudden help quickly followed Daisy’s instructions in telling them to run, and with all the skill and strength he could muster he brought his fist into the nearest thugs mouth, cracking a tooth. Within the second his knee was brought up to the mans private area delivering a harsh blow that made him drop to his knees.
  76. He was finished off by a quick kick to the face and then with the battle now at a pitch he turned to the other two, things where going well for him, his kicks where powerful and his aim true, his fist where like iron and his teeth sharp and. Everything he had.. Everything he had at his hands was used. But then it happen. The element of surprise that had severed him so well wore off and so did his chances of victory vanish.
  78. The two quickly overtook the boy and hammered on him, nothing was spared, his face was beaten with volley after volley savage blows and his frail chest was abused by there strong kicks. And finally there badly beaten fellow recovered. And in his anger he reached into his pocket and pulled out a switch blade knife.
  80. Daisy at this point was dazed and confused. Never before had he felt this amount of pain.. He no longer feared death.. No he welcomed it as a sweet release from this suffering. “Do it,” He said peering toward the one he had so beaten. “Go ahead and do it,” And with that the man smirked and flipped the steel blade out.
  82. “Say your prays boy,” And with that he dragged the knife across Daisy’s throat and the little boys word went black.
  84. They found him the next morning, dead as a door nail and stiff as board. The children took the news of there beloved brothers death in different ways, some openly cried and clung to the older ones, other simple withdrew to there bedrooms where they cried themselves into a frightful sleep. The staff and the adults kept most of there feeling to themselves, they had a funeral to plan.
  86. The funeral took place a few days after Halloween. A casket lined with baby blue silk and vase of blue rose’s the boys favorite where all the decorations they could afford. The following service was short and to the point. And before the day was out the matter had for the most part been forgotten. But Daisy himself was not forgotten, for they kept his room the way it was.
  88. And in the inner Sanctuary of the house, a special room set aside to honor the deceased mothers and fathers of the foster children they placed his picture along with his Katana and his Pokemon deck and the gym badges won over his career as a trainer. And so it came to pass that by this action Daisy transcended the realms of mortality. He became a legend in the house, his heroic acts being told and retold by each generation.
  90. The End.
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