

May 1st, 2020
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  2. [17:23] The Teraphim would raise an eye-brow at the conflict, hardly understanding it but offering no comment or action bar the kiss of her teeth - she'd make her way towards Mist-Seer Eldred, a bow of her head offered towards him.
  4. "If that situation has been resolved. I've been sent your way Mistseer Eldred. I'm a new Greycloak recruit and I've come to prove my mettle to you or assist you with whatever you require. As per the High Lady's first ask of me." She starts then, feigned smile over her features.
  5. (Lazuli)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [17:29] Elred took a rather deep breath after the situation had ended, but a new one arises all the same. The young Teraphim approached him with an eager attitude which showed promise.
  9. "Of course!; I can always make time for fresh recruits so eager to assist with our plans. Well, if you want a run down of the current situation please follow me.
  11. I'll have a few question to ask you and I'll see where I can place you that would benefit all of Myllenoris."
  12. (Elred Yindove)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [17:36] Elred dragged you young one to a more private location quite known to many. He's assume they wouldn't be bothered here while they had their conversation; hopefully..
  16. "First off in terms of combat potential, where do you see yourself going? Any magics you might be keen on learning?; I'd like to know so I can better train you when the time comes.
  18. Secondly I travel to llburg from time to time for information while we're at peace they are still...'savage'. I wouldn't want you in harms way, but should you be up for the task you can join me in gather information.
  20. Anything you find useful that would benefit Myllenoris."
  22. Elred smiled.
  23. (Elred Yindove)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [17:40] The young Teraphim girl would follow on behind the older Mistseer, he led her first through the vale and then into a passage she hadn't known existed. This place was full of surprises - hopefully many of which she'd discover in time.
  28. For now though, she sat down patiently - listening to the older make speak and then question her. She taps her chin in though, as if contemplating her words, though not for long.
  30. "Well... for right now my focus is on the Blade and Lightning Magic, I intend to dabble with Wind also... as of present those are my primary intentions. The blade - I may be willing to give up If I find something more benefiting."
  32. "In terms of helping you with Illburg, I'm more than willing to assist you - though I may not be as strong or capable as you are at present, I grow each day."
  33. (Lazuli)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [17:49] Elred taps his weapon on the ground lightly even with them being so young the magic they wish to learn.. was quite powerful.
  38. "If you need training in the art of blades then I'd be more than happy; however, if you seek to purely be a mage them I have the perfect teacher for you.
  40. This person is quite power and rivals most people within the city and yet he's a simple Grey-Cloak.
  42. He possesses the magic you wish to learn, isn't that something?"
  44. Elred offered them another smile, but soon switched to a more serious expression.
  46. "llburg is a dangerous place and I couldn't send you there with a clear mind without me. I'll take you, but you'll have to be with me at all time jsut incase something happens.
  48. I'll begin your training and when you prove capable; I'll send you there on your own to gather information. I'd suggest speaking with Ella about the faith as some point as you work you way up to priestess"
  49. (Elred Yindove)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [17:54] The Teraphim continues to tap her chin as she weighs up her options, one could never have too many teachers - each one provided a new out-look or theory that could've been missed by the other.
  54. "I'd be happy to have you as my Teacher, and in terms of my magic. Yes. I'd appreciate it if you could introduce us." She replied. It was even more useful that the teacher in question apparently used the same magic as her, their tips would prove to be invaluable.
  56. "I completely understand - whenever you wish to depart on that journey, just let me know and I will attend."
  58. "Whenever you wish to begin your lessons, I'm more than ready!~"
  59. (Lazuli)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [18:03] "Well, we can start right now; I feel armed combat should be practiced and explained. I'll try to give you a run down of how I've mastered this combat somewhat over the years."
  64. Elred placed three fingers in the air
  66. "There are three kinds of fighters in this world, yes. We have the close-range fighters, the mid-range fighter, and the far-ranged fighters"
  68. He'd rest his hands at his side as he prepared to explain the different types to the girl.
  70. "If you planed to fight as a close-ranged fighter then be prepared for what comes with it. While most far-ranged fighters will be scared of you they'll also slow your movement speed down.
  72. This causing your strikes to be slower and you'll overall lose momentum you've built up.
  74. You'll have to have perfectly timed strikes in-order to keep up with them and it's not an easy task."
  76. Elred placed another finger in the air
  78. "Or you can be a mid-ranged fighter and focus on a little of both to stay away from them, but close enough to burst them down with your weapon."
  79. (Elred Yindove)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [18:09] Lazuli regretted not bringing her note-book with her at this moment - she'd be taking down notes if she could. But she didn't and would have to rely on Memory alone when it came to his words. Though his explanation wasn't so complicated that she'd forge the basics any time soon. And so, she listened.
  84. Close-Ranged combat made sense - it was something she dabbled in when first taking up the blade, but all it took was a competent magi slowing or halting her movements, and it was end-game for her. That, coupled with her un-trained and rushed movements and she found herself rushing into attacks head-on.
  86. "I think for myself, Mid-Range combat would make the most sense as in - keep my distance and then rush in when the opportunity presented itself."
  88. That was the plan anyway.
  90. She'd let him continue.
  91. (Lazuli)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [18:18] "Mid-rage is good for different reasons you'll have the power to kite out your opponent then deal massive damage if they come close."
  96. He'd smile as he seen them taking down notes, but he was far from finished.
  98. "You'll run into people that counter you such as nature mages, but I'm a mid-range fighter and I allow my clone to deal damage while using curse on them.
  100. illusion is a good magic to take up if you're wanting to learn armed combat and it offers a decent amount of magic utility.
  102. But.
  104. It the terms of lightning magic you'll be about to burst out people when they get closer to you, so I'd consider you to be a burst mid-range fighter."
  107. (Elred Yindove)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [18:24] She hadn't considered the possibility that Illusion magic could contemplate the Blade as well as it apparently did. It was something to keep in-mind on the off chance she wanted to try a different approach that didn't lean heavily on her usage of Lightning and Wind.
  112. "That's right - I'm trying to perfect that Burst damage at the moment. To throw everything out when the opportunity presents itself. There's a combination I'm working on, though right now I don't seem to have the power behind my attacks to back it up."
  114. She was capable of attacking many times in quick succession, but at her current strength it simply wasn't enough to do any reasonable damage against her opponents. Though, that was judging from her fight months before - maybe she'd grown somewhat since then, it remained to be seen.
  115. (Lazuli)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [18:28] Elred knew what she was talking about since Bart when though the same thing in a way, but managed to overcome it rapidly.
  120. "When it comes to lightning magic you'll start slower, but the longer you use it the stronger it gets. For example Bart use to lose to me all the time, but now he can channel so much lightening I'll lose if I'm not careful.
  122. This is why he'd be a great teacher for you to explain when you should and shouldn't use certain spells.
  124. He'd be able to teach you the do's and don'ts as-well."
  126. Elred couldn't stand lightning magic do to the raw power it was though once a person taps into that wild element. They become deadly and quite dangerous.
  127. (Elred Yindove)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [18:31] "I'll have to introduce myself when afforded the opportunity," Lazuli ponders, thinking on who this Bart fellow could be. She had a sneaking suspicion that she'd already seen him about - a cloaked figure who wielded lightning to its upmost, terrifying capacity.
  132. "Hm... would you like for a practice match, to see where I stand currently?" She'd ask then, hand on her blade - eager to test out her mettle against the more experienced Mistseet.
  133. (Lazuli)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [18:35] Elred didn't seem to mind since this was also part of the testing for Grey-Cloaks to get an idea of how strong they might be. Elred was excited to see how well her magic works together and how well she can combine it in a real battle.
  138. "Of course I'd love to see what your able to do in terms of battle. This will give me an idea of how to train you and which areas you'll need to improve in.
  140. Let's head out into a bigger portion of the Vale."
  141. (Elred Yindove)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [18:40] Lazuli would follow on behind him as he led her outside of the secret passage and into the clearing - it was here that they'd do battle, and she'd get a feel of a Mistseers power, and they'd get a feel of her own.
  146. She withdraws her sword, gripping it tightly between her fingers as the luminescent aura of her Mana radiates over her form. Moving into the Ifrit Stance, she'd get ready.
  148. "I'll go all out, please do the same." She'd ask, it wouldn't be a true match if any party held back.
  149. (Lazuli)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [18:44] Elred drew his blade and formed an illusion around the area one that would make a clone appear. He didn't plan to hold back one bit on the young girl though e was curious to see how well she'd preform.
  154. "I'd never hold back not when life won't; I need to make sure you're prepared for any situation. Now come and let us see how well you swing that blade."
  155. (Elred Yindove)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [18:47] {Won Restrained RPB against Lazuli}
  159. [18:50] {Won Restrained RPB against Lazuli}
  160. [19:02] "Well, I'll be quite honest with you young one you really do remind me of Bart with how hard your attacks hit. I know for a fact you'll be very strong when the times comes for you to show out."
  162. Elred was impressed with how much damage she was able to output in a short amount of time, but he knew she'd only be getting strong with each passing day.
  164. "color me impressed with how well you did against me."
  165. (Elred Yindove)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [19:04] The Teraphim couldn't help the smile that had formed across her features at his compliments. It was obvious from their battle that she had been out-classed in almost every regard, but for her attacks to leave such an impression. It let her feeling... proud?
  170. "Thank you for your words Elred," She'd reply, bowing in respect once she dusted off her clothes. "And thank you for your willingness to teach me."
  171. (Lazuli)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [19:14] Elred nods he was really impressed with how well she did against him, but this was only the beginning for them both. He was a little nervous to see how she'd do when she was much older of course.
  176. "Well, for now I'd say you are worth of baring that title given to you by the High Lady. I'll always be around if you feel the need to approach me, but for the most part I feel we've went over the basics."
  178. He'd smiled while placing his weapon away and sending his clone away to god knows where.
  180. "Do you have any questions?"
  181. (Elred Yindove)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [19:16] Perhaps she really was more capable then she was giving herself credit for - if she kept up with her training, she'd truly grow into a force to be reckoned with. She couldn't wait for the day.
  186. She sheaths her sword before returning her attention towards the other once more.
  188. "Hm. I do not, we've covered quite a lot over these past few hours, so I appreciate your time."
  190. She pauses.
  192. "Oh, actually... when do you next intent do depart for Illsburg?"
  193. (Lazuli)
  194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. [19:20] Elred taps his finger on his chin lightly wondering when would be the perfect time to go, but after recent events he wasn't quite sure.
  198. "Well, the honor battle is taking place soonish, so I need to be around for that which means I can't go to llburg freely.
  200. Though keep and eye out for me within the next day or so we can make a short trip there and back before the battle begins."
  201. (Elred Yindove)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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