

Jul 8th, 2012
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text 341.74 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (12.0-ALPHA4 Git:20120702-17dddce), Platform: Windows 7, 64-bit (WoW) Service Pack 1 build 7601. Built on Jul 2 2012 (compiler 1600)
  3. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: AMD Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 5050e
  4. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1920x1080 32Bit at 60Hz
  5. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
  6. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Aero is disabled
  7. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC
  8. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC
  9. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata
  10. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\
  11. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\cache
  12. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe
  13. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Local hostname: Daniel-PC
  14. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\xbmc.log
  15. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Enumerated WASAPI devices:
  17. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Device 1
  18. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {417A7F1D-A72C-4DCD-B4A7-E20BAF26D99B}
  19. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  20. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  21. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  22. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  23. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,96000,48000,44100
  24. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_DTS,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_AAC,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S24LE4,AE_FMT_S24BE4,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_S16BE
  25. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Device 2
  26. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {FD55D265-44B0-47EC-95EE-9ED1FC227624}
  27. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  28. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  29. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  30. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  31. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,96000,48000,44100
  32. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_DTS,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_AAC,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S24LE4,AE_FMT_S24BE4,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_S16BE
  33. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Enumerated DirectSound devices:
  34. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Device 1
  35. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {417A7F1D-A72C-4DCD-B4A7-E20BAF26D99B}
  36. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  37. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  38. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  39. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  40. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
  41. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3
  42. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Device 2
  43. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {FD55D265-44B0-47EC-95EE-9ED1FC227624}
  44. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  45. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  46. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  47. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  48. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 96000
  49. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3
  50. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: load settings...
  51. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
  52. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
  53. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
  54. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
  55. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  56. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://profile/playercorefactory.xml.
  57. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  58. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
  59. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
  60. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
  61. <!--
  63. This REGEX is UNOFFICIAL/EXPERIMENTAL and may in places require a strict folder structure.
  65. See forum link for README, changelog and support.
  69. Version: V2.4
  71. Author: Xe
  73. Link:
  77. ################################################################################-->
  78. <advancedsettings>
  79. <!-- Customise/remove/comment this section to your personal preferences -->
  80. <useddsfanart>true</useddsfanart>
  81. <!-- Enable GPU accelerated fanart-->
  82. <navigatevirtualkeyboard>true</navigatevirtualkeyboard>
  83. <!-- Activates virtual keyboard navigation, default is false -->
  84. <cputempcommand>cputemp</cputempcommand>
  85. <!-- OpenELEC Specific -->
  86. <gputempcommand>gputemp</gputempcommand>
  87. <!-- OpenELEC Specific -->
  88. <samba>
  89. <clienttimeout>30</clienttimeout>
  90. <!-- Set a sensible SAMBA timeout -->
  91. </samba>
  92. <lcd>
  93. <!-- This is for my Antec LCD. Edit for your own -->
  94. <rows>2</rows>
  95. <columns>16</columns>
  96. <scrolldelay>4</scrolldelay>
  97. <dimonscreensave>true</dimonscreensave>
  98. <!-- Turns of the LCD/VFD backlight while screensaving. Defaults to false. -->
  99. </lcd>
  100. <videolibrary>
  101. <hideallitems>true</hideallitems>
  102. <!-- Remove the "*All" items from the video library -->
  103. <hideemptyseries>false</hideemptyseries>
  104. <!-- Dont hide empty series in the video library -->
  105. <hiderecentlyaddeditems>false</hiderecentlyaddeditems>
  106. <!-- Dont remove the "Recently added ..." items from the video library. -->
  107. <recentlyaddeditems>300</recentlyaddeditems>
  108. <!-- Increase number of recently added items from default 25 -->
  109. <backgroundupdate>false</backgroundupdate>
  110. <!-- Set to hide the video scanner dialog from the gui -->
  111. <flattentvshows>0</flattentvshows>
  112. <!-- Never flatten TV show seasons, 0=never 1=if one season (default) 2=all -->
  113. </videolibrary>
  114. <musiclibrary>
  115. <backgroundupdate>false</backgroundupdate>
  116. <!-- set to hide the music scanner dialog from the gui -->
  117. </musiclibrary>
  118. <myvideos>
  119. <extractthumb>false</extractthumb>
  120. <!-- Dont create random thumbnails. Either scrape them from the internet or dont have them -->
  121. </myvideos>
  122. <sorttokens>
  123. <token separators="">&quot;</token>
  124. <!-- Ignore " when sorting. Senisble due to IMDB naming policy -->
  125. </sorttokens>
  126. <video>
  127. <!-- Stop XBMC indexing some unwanted common items -->
  128. <excludefromscan action="prepend">
  129. <regexp>(?i)extras</regexp>
  130. <!-- Greedy, whole path, case insensitive ignore -->
  131. <regexp>(?i)sample</regexp>
  132. <!-- Greedy, whole path, case insensitive ignore -->
  133. <regexp>(?i)uTorrentPartFile</regexp>
  134. <!-- Ignore common scrap files -->
  135. </excludefromscan>
  136. <excludetvshowsfromscan action="prepend">
  137. <regexp>(?i)extras</regexp>
  138. <!-- Greedy, whole path, case insensitive ignore -->
  139. <regexp>(?i)sample</regexp>
  140. <!-- Greedy, whole path, case insensitive ignore -->
  141. <regexp>(?i)uTorrentPartFile</regexp>
  142. <!-- Ignore common scrap files -->
  143. </excludetvshowsfromscan>
  144. </video>
  145. <tvshowmatching action="prepend">
  146. <!-- Catch some troublesome formats before XBMC -->
  147. <!-- DIRFIX Handling -->
  148. <regexp>(?i)[\. _-]s?(\d{1,2})[\. _-]?[e|x](\d{1,2})(.*)dirfix</regexp>
  149. <!-- DIRFIX Handling>
  150. <!-- Edge case scene handling -->
  151. <regexp>(?i)[/\\]tpz-(?:24|30rock|4400)(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
  152. <!-- tpz-SPECIFICSHOW12324.avi This attempts to cater for some odditys -->
  153. <regexp>(?i)[/\\]tpz-\D*(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
  154. <!-- tzp-show12324.avi -->
  155. <regexp>(?i)[/\\]tpz-johnadams(\d).avi</regexp>
  156. <!-- tpz-johnadams2.avi. Another TPZ divergence from their own naming scheme. XBMC will assume Season 1 if only one match-->
  157. <regexp>(?i)[/\\]tpz-\D*(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
  158. <!-- tzp-show12324.avi -->
  159. <regexp>(?i)[.a-z](\d{1,2})(\d\d)-notv([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  160. <!-- frng101-notv.avi -->
  161. <regexp>(?i)[/\\]\w+-\w+(\d)(\d\d)\.</regexp>
  162. <!-- mtn-tts104.avi -->
  163. <!-- Anime specific matching. YMMV with this one as anime naming is oddball. REQUIRES CRC in name -->
  164. <regexp>(?i)()(?:[\. _-]|ep)(\d{1,3})[\. _-v].*[[({][\da-f]{8}[])}]</regexp>
  165. <!-- [Doki]_Asobi_ni_Iku_yo!_-_03v2_(1280x720_h264_AAC)_[B5B9C6F3].mkv -->
  166. </tvshowmatching>
  167. <tvshowmatching action="append">
  168. <!-- XBMC has tried, now its our turn again -->
  169. <!-- Use the season number from the folder name and ep number from video file -->
  170. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\]\D+[\. _-](\d{1,2})[\. _-]\D+</regexp>
  171. <!-- /Season 1/the_episode_8.avi HUGE potential for false positives. Comment out if you are unsure -->
  172. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\D\1(\d\d)(?!.*])</regexp>
  173. <!-- /Action/Season 1/Action101 Pilot.avi Last (?!.*]) helps with anime false positives. not a perfect solution -->
  174. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\](\d{1,2})\W([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  175. <!-- /UFO/Season 1/02.Computer.Affair.Divx e.g. lame sequntial numbering witout season -->
  176. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\Wep?\.?(\d{1,2})\W([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  177. <!-- /Ulysses 31/Season 1/Ulysses 31 E12 Trapped.avi e.g. lame sequntial numbering witout season -->
  178. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\W?episode\W?(\d{1,2})\W([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  179. <!-- /The Chronicles/Season 1/Chronicles.Of.01.The.episode.6.DVDRip.DivX-movies.avi -->
  180. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\Wpart\W?(\d{1,2})\W([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  181. <!-- /NASA Missions/Season 1/nasa.missions.part.3.hdtv.xvid-fqm.avi -->
  182. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\Wchapter\W?(\d{1,2})\W([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  183. <!-- /The Young/Season 1/The.Young.Chapter.01.My.First.Adventure.DVDRip.XviD-SAiNTS.avi -->
  184. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?\1\W?x\W?(\d{1,2})([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  185. <!-- /season 5/Lost - 5 x 05.mkv -->
  186. <regexp>(?i)[/\\](?:s|season)\W?(\d{1,2})\D*[/\\].*?s0?\1[ex.]{0,2}(\d{1,2})([^/\\]*)</regexp>
  187. <!-- /Season 1/Grange Hill S01xE01.avi -->
  188. </tvshowmatching>
  189. <moviestacking>
  190. <!-- Tokens - (Title)(Volume)(Ignore)(Extension). If you have a "one pile file" system of movie organization then DONT run these -->
  191. <regexp>(?i)(.*-done[\. _-])(\d)(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  192. <!-- movie name.blah.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi -->
  193. <regexp>(?i)(.*?[\. _-]cd)(\d)([\. _-].*?\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  194. <!-- movie name.blah.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.XViD.CD1-TWiST.avi -->
  195. <regexp>(?i)(.*?[\. _-]cd)(\d)(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  196. <!-- group-40yearoldv-cd1.avi -->
  197. <regexp>(?i)(.*?cd)(\d)(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  198. <!-- group-30doncd1.avi -->
  199. <regexp>(?i)(.*[\. _-])([abc])(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  200. <!-- group-310ty-a.avi -->
  201. <regexp>(?i)(.*?)([abc123])(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  202. <!-- group-outa.avi -->
  203. <regexp>(?i)(.*?)([abc123])([\. _-](?:xvid|divx|int)\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  204. <!-- group-moviea-xvid.avi -->
  205. <regexp>(?i)(.*)(\d{1,2})(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  206. <!-- group-movie2.avi -->
  207. <regexp>(?i)(.*)(\d{1,2})([\. _-]\w{3,10}\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  208. <!-- movie1-grp.avi -->
  209. <regexp>(?i)(.*?[\. _-])(\d{1,2})(\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  210. <!-- movie-name-01.avi.avi -->
  211. <regexp>(?i)(.*?[\. _-]part)(\d{1,2})([\. _-].*?\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  212. <!-- -->
  213. <regexp>(?i)(.*[\. _-])([123abc])([\. _-].*\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  214. <!-- -->
  215. <regexp>(?i)(.*)(\w)(Of[123].*\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  216. <!-- the movie - blah1Of2-.avi -->
  217. <regexp>(?i)(.*)([123abc])(-int\.)(\w{3})$</regexp>
  218. <!-- group-movie4a-int.avi -->
  219. </moviestacking>
  220. </advancedsettings>
  221. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
  222. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
  223. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
  224. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
  225. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
  226. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0
  227. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
  228. 17:38:11 T:5084 NOTICE: Thread CSoftAE start, auto delete: false
  229. 17:38:11 T:4768 NOTICE: Thread XBMC Peripherals start, auto delete: false
  230. 17:38:11 T:6872 NOTICE: Thread CRemoteControl start, auto delete: false
  231. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Found screen: Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, adapter 0.
  232. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1920x1080 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  233. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  234. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  235. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  236. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  237. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  238. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  239. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  240. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  241. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  242. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  243. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1176x664 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  244. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  245. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1176x664 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  246. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  247. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  248. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  249. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  250. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  251. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  252. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  253. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  254. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  255. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  256. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  257. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  258. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  259. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  260. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  261. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  262. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  263. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  264. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  265. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  266. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  267. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  268. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  269. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  270. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  271. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  272. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  273. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  274. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  275. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  276. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  277. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  278. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  279. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  280. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  281. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  282. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  283. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  284. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  285. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  286. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  287. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  288. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  289. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  290. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  291. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  292. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  293. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  294. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  295. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  296. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  297. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  298. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  299. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  300. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  301. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  302. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  303. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  304. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  305. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  306. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  307. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  308. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  309. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  310. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  311. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  312. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  313. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  314. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  315. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  316. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  317. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  318. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1024 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  319. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  320. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x1200 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  321. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  322. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  323. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  324. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  325. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  326. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  327. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  328. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  329. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  330. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  331. 17:38:11 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  332. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  333. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  334. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  335. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  336. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  337. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1768x992 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  338. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  339. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1768x992 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  340. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  341. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
  342. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
  343. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 30.00i - Full Screen
  344. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 29.97i - Full Screen
  345. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 30.00 - Full Screen
  346. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 29.97 - Full Screen
  347. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 24.00 - Full Screen
  348. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080 @ 23.98 - Full Screen
  349. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: Checking resolution 11
  350. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
  351. 17:38:12 T:7228 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
  352. 17:38:15 T:5112 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
  353. 17:38:15 T:5112 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  354. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
  355. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  356. 17:38:15 T:7228 NOTICE: CApplication::UpdateLibraries - Starting music library startup scan
  357. 17:38:15 T:3036 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  358. 17:38:15 T:7228 NOTICE: initialize done
  359. 17:38:15 T:8160 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
  360. 17:38:15 T:7044 NOTICE: Thread CMusicInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  361. 17:38:15 T:3308 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  362. 17:38:15 T:3308 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  363. 17:38:15 T:7044 NOTICE: My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took 00:00
  364. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: Artwork Downloader: ## Service - Run at startup: False
  365. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: Artwork Downloader: ## Service - Delayed startup: -- minutes
  366. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: Artwork Downloader: ## Service - Run as service: False
  367. 17:38:15 T:6472 NOTICE: Artwork Downloader: ## Service - Time: 00:00
  368. 17:38:15 T:8160 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  369. 17:38:15 T:3840 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  370. 17:38:15 T:8160 NOTICE: StorageServer Module loaded RUN
  371. 17:38:15 T:8160 NOTICE: StorageClient-1.0.0 Starting server
  372. 17:38:15 T:8160 NOTICE: StorageServer-1.0.0 Storage Server starting C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database\commoncache.db
  373. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: CJoystick::EnumJoysticksCallback : Enabled Joystick: GRemote Virtual Joystick device 1
  374. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: CJoystick::EnumJoysticksCallback : Total Axis: 8 Total Hats: 2 Total Buttons: 16
  375. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: Running the application...
  376. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
  377. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
  378. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: starting upnp server
  379. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: starting upnp renderer
  380. 17:38:16 T:7228 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
  381. 17:38:16 T:4800 NOTICE: Thread CEventServer start, auto delete: false
  382. 17:38:16 T:4800 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
  383. 17:38:16 T:4800 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
  384. 17:38:16 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  385. 17:38:16 T:1916 NOTICE: Thread CTCPServer start, auto delete: false
  386. 17:38:17 T:3192 NOTICE: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: false
  387. 17:38:17 T:5208 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
  388. 17:38:17 T:5208 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  389. 17:38:18 T:628 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  390. 17:38:32 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  391. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: Error evaluating boolean expression ![substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,bluray) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,blu-ray) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,bdrip) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,hddvd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,hdtv) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,web) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,dvd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,3dbd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.iso,Right) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.ifo,Right) |
  392. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: Error parsing label - missing ']' in "$INFO[ListItem.VideoCodec,flags/videocodec/,.png | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,bluray) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,blu-ray) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,bdrip) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,hddvd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,hdtv) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,web) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,dvd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,3dbd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,.iso,Right) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,.ifo,Right)]">$INFO[Container(8000).ListItem.VideoCodec,flags/videocodec/,.png"
  393. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,chi)
  394. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,cho)
  395. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,ces)
  396. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,dan)
  397. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,dut)
  398. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,nld)
  399. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,eng)
  400. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,fre)
  401. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,ger)
  402. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,deu)
  403. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,gre)
  404. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,heb)
  405. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,hun)
  406. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,ita)
  407. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,jpn)
  408. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,kor)
  409. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,mdr)
  410. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,per)
  411. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,pol)
  412. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,por)
  413. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,ron)
  414. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,rus)
  415. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,spa)
  416. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,srp)
  417. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,swe)
  418. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,tha)
  419. 17:38:40 T:7228 ERROR: unmatched parentheses in substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage,zul)
  420. 17:38:42 T:5604 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  421. 17:38:58 T:4052 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  422. 17:38:58 T:4052 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  423. 17:40:23 T:4052 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 01:25
  424. 17:40:23 T:1320 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  425. 17:40:23 T:2596 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  426. 18:03:53 T:4324 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  427. 18:03:53 T:4324 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  428. 18:03:56 T:4324 WARNING: XFILE::CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer: curl failed with code 6
  429. 18:03:56 T:4324 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
  430. 18:03:56 T:4324 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
  431. 18:03:56 T:4324 WARNING: ADDON::CScraper::NfoUrl: scraper returned multiple results; using first
  432. 18:04:10 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  433. 18:04:10 T:6012 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  434. 18:05:31 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  435. 18:05:31 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  436. 18:05:35 T:4324 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  437. 18:05:37 T:7228 ERROR: Previous line repeats 4 times.
  438. 18:05:37 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  439. 18:05:37 T:4324 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  440. 18:06:31 T:4324 ERROR: Previous line repeats 93 times.
  441. 18:06:31 T:4324 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 02:38
  442. 18:06:31 T:5672 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  443. 18:06:31 T:5692 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  444. 18:06:59 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  445. 18:06:59 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  446. 18:06:59 T:7152 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  447. 18:07:14 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
  448. 18:07:14 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z 099 - Approaching Destruction.mkv
  449. 18:07:14 T:7228 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  450. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
  451. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
  452. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
  453. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
  454. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
  455. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
  456. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Creating video thread
  457. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
  458. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86021
  459. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
  460. 18:07:14 T:1384 NOTICE: Opening Subtitle stream: 4 source: 256
  461. 18:07:14 T:5912 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
  462. 18:07:14 T:5912 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
  463. 18:07:14 T:7876 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
  464. 18:07:14 T:7876 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
  465. 18:07:16 T:7876 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86021, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
  466. 18:07:16 T:5912 NOTICE: fps: 23.976024, pwidth: 704, pheight: 396, dwidth: 704, dheight: 396
  467. 18:07:16 T:5912 NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1920x1080 @ 60.00 - Full Screen (12)
  468. 18:07:16 T:5912 NOTICE: D3D: rendering method forced to DXVA2 processor
  469. 18:07:19 T:7876 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
  470. 18:07:23 T:7228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  471. 18:07:23 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  472. 18:07:23 T:1384 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
  473. 18:07:23 T:1384 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
  474. 18:07:23 T:1384 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
  475. 18:07:23 T:1384 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
  476. 18:07:23 T:7876 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
  477. 18:07:23 T:1384 NOTICE: Closing audio device
  478. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
  479. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
  480. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: Closing video stream
  481. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
  482. 18:07:24 T:5912 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
  483. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: deleting video codec
  484. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing subtitle stream
  485. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: Closing subtitle stream
  486. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
  487. 18:07:24 T:1384 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
  488. 18:07:24 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  489. 18:07:26 T:1204 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  490. 18:07:26 T:7228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  491. 18:07:26 T:7228 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  492. 18:07:26 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  493. 18:07:26 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  494. 18:07:27 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z 198 - Final Round.mkv
  495. 18:07:27 T:7228 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  496. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
  497. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
  498. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
  499. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
  500. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
  501. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
  502. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Creating video thread
  503. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
  504. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86021
  505. 18:07:27 T:4104 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
  506. 18:07:27 T:4104 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
  507. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
  508. 18:07:27 T:5624 NOTICE: Opening Subtitle stream: 4 source: 256
  509. 18:07:27 T:6892 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
  510. 18:07:27 T:6892 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
  511. 18:07:27 T:6892 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86021, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
  512. 18:07:27 T:4104 NOTICE: fps: 23.976024, pwidth: 704, pheight: 396, dwidth: 704, dheight: 396
  513. 18:07:27 T:4104 NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1920x1080 @ 60.00 - Full Screen (12)
  514. 18:07:27 T:4104 NOTICE: D3D: rendering method forced to DXVA2 processor
  515. 18:07:29 T:6892 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
  516. 18:07:38 T:7228 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  517. 18:07:38 T:7228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  518. 18:07:38 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  519. 18:07:38 T:5624 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
  520. 18:07:38 T:5624 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
  521. 18:07:38 T:5624 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
  522. 18:07:38 T:5624 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
  523. 18:07:38 T:6892 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
  524. 18:07:38 T:5624 NOTICE: Closing audio device
  525. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
  526. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
  527. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: Closing video stream
  528. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
  529. 18:07:39 T:4104 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
  530. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: deleting video codec
  531. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing subtitle stream
  532. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: Closing subtitle stream
  533. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
  534. 18:07:39 T:5624 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
  535. 18:07:39 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  536. 18:07:41 T:948 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  537. 18:07:41 T:7228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  538. 18:07:41 T:7228 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  539. 18:07:41 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  540. 18:07:41 T:7228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  541. 18:07:49 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  542. 18:07:49 T:4672 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  543. 18:19:48 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  544. 18:19:52 T:5336 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  545. 18:19:52 T:5336 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  546. 18:19:52 T:7204 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  547. 18:19:54 T:4692 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
  548. 18:19:54 T:4692 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
  549. 18:19:54 T:4692 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  550. 18:19:54 T:5084 WARNING: CWin32DirectSound::GetSpace - buffer underrun - W:28488, P:17904, O:28224.
  551. 18:19:57 T:572 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  552. 18:19:58 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  553. 18:20:06 T:5164 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  554. 18:20:06 T:5164 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  555. 18:20:13 T:4912 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  556. 18:20:13 T:4912 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  557. 18:20:28 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  558. 18:20:49 T:4912 ERROR: PCRE: Match limit reached
  559. 18:21:24 T:4912 WARNING: XFILE::CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer: curl failed with code 6
  560. 18:21:24 T:4912 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
  561. 18:21:24 T:4912 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
  562. 18:21:24 T:4912 WARNING: ADDON::CScraper::NfoUrl: scraper returned multiple results; using first
  563. 18:23:31 T:4912 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  564. 18:24:33 T:4912 ERROR: Previous line repeats 98 times.
  565. 18:24:33 T:4912 ERROR: PCRE: Match limit reached
  566. 18:24:40 T:4912 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 04:27
  567. 18:24:40 T:4156 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  568. 18:24:40 T:6264 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  569. 18:25:03 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  570. 18:25:03 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  571. 18:25:03 T:2828 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  572. 18:25:13 T:5396 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
  573. 18:25:13 T:5396 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  574. 18:25:26 T:7228 ERROR: Error evaluating boolean expression ![substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,bluray) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,blu-ray) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,bdrip) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,hddvd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,hdtv) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,web) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,dvd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,3dbd) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.iso,Right) | substring(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.ifo,Right) |
  575. 18:25:26 T:7228 ERROR: Error parsing label - missing ']' in "$INFO[ListItem.VideoCodec,flags/videocodec/,.png | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,bluray) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,blu-ray) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,bdrip) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,hddvd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,hdtv) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,web) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,dvd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,3dbd) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,.iso,Right) | substring(Container(8000).ListItem.Filenameandpath,.ifo,Right)]">$INFO[Container(8000).ListItem.VideoCodec,flags/videocodec/,.png"
  576. 18:25:35 T:1508 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  577. 18:25:38 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer: curl failed with code 6
  578. 18:25:38 T:7228 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
  579. 18:25:38 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
  580. 18:25:38 T:7228 WARNING: ADDON::CScraper::NfoUrl: scraper returned multiple results; using first
  581. 18:26:58 T:1652 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  582. 18:26:59 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  583. 18:26:59 T:3436 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  584. 18:26:59 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  585. 18:26:59 T:7224 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  586. 18:26:59 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  587. 18:26:59 T:4060 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  588. 18:27:00 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  589. 18:27:00 T:6292 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  590. 18:27:00 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  591. 18:27:00 T:4600 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  592. 18:27:01 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  593. 18:27:01 T:3276 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  594. 18:27:01 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  595. 18:27:01 T:7540 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  596. 18:27:01 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  597. 18:27:01 T:6916 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  598. 18:27:02 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  599. 18:27:02 T:5068 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  600. 18:27:02 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  601. 18:27:02 T:8096 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  602. 18:27:03 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  603. 18:27:03 T:3116 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  604. 18:27:03 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  605. 18:27:03 T:860 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  606. 18:27:03 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  607. 18:27:03 T:2732 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  608. 18:27:04 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  609. 18:27:04 T:5364 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  610. 18:27:04 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  611. 18:27:04 T:1420 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  612. 18:27:05 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  613. 18:27:05 T:7876 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  614. 18:27:05 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  615. 18:27:05 T:5044 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  616. 18:27:05 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  617. 18:27:05 T:4860 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  618. 18:27:06 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  619. 18:27:06 T:4996 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  620. 18:27:06 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  621. 18:27:06 T:2308 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  622. 18:27:06 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  623. 18:27:06 T:7672 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  624. 18:27:07 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  625. 18:27:07 T:3992 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  626. 18:27:07 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  627. 18:27:07 T:7160 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  628. 18:27:08 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  629. 18:27:08 T:3052 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  630. 18:27:08 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  631. 18:27:08 T:3844 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  632. 18:27:09 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  633. 18:27:09 T:3324 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  634. 18:27:09 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  635. 18:27:09 T:1768 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  636. 18:27:09 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  637. 18:27:09 T:4724 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  638. 18:27:10 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  639. 18:27:10 T:3884 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  640. 18:27:10 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  641. 18:27:10 T:1384 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  642. 18:27:11 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  643. 18:27:11 T:5464 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  644. 18:27:11 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  645. 18:27:11 T:4540 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  646. 18:27:11 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  647. 18:27:11 T:4664 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  648. 18:27:12 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  649. 18:27:12 T:2096 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  650. 18:27:12 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  651. 18:27:12 T:6316 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  652. 18:27:13 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  653. 18:27:13 T:3984 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  654. 18:27:13 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  655. 18:27:13 T:3012 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  656. 18:27:13 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  657. 18:27:14 T:4828 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  658. 18:27:14 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  659. 18:27:14 T:1708 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  660. 18:27:14 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  661. 18:27:14 T:3452 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  662. 18:27:15 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  663. 18:27:15 T:3568 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  664. 18:27:15 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  665. 18:27:15 T:3384 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  666. 18:27:15 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  667. 18:27:16 T:3420 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  668. 18:27:16 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  669. 18:27:16 T:5608 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  670. 18:27:16 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  671. 18:27:16 T:7208 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  672. 18:27:17 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  673. 18:27:17 T:6680 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  674. 18:27:17 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  675. 18:27:17 T:6892 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  676. 18:27:17 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  677. 18:27:17 T:1848 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  678. 18:27:18 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  679. 18:27:18 T:5796 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  680. 18:27:18 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  681. 18:27:18 T:4336 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  682. 18:27:19 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  683. 18:27:19 T:7200 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  684. 18:27:19 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  685. 18:27:19 T:4988 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  686. 18:27:19 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  687. 18:27:19 T:2636 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  688. 18:27:20 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  689. 18:27:20 T:8028 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  690. 18:27:20 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  691. 18:27:20 T:3460 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  692. 18:27:21 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  693. 18:27:21 T:4628 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  694. 18:27:21 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  695. 18:27:21 T:6284 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  696. 18:27:22 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  697. 18:27:22 T:4188 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  698. 18:27:22 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  699. 18:27:22 T:8032 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  700. 18:27:23 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  701. 18:27:23 T:3932 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  702. 18:27:23 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  703. 18:27:23 T:1960 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  704. 18:27:23 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  705. 18:27:23 T:6496 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  706. 18:27:24 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  707. 18:27:24 T:4104 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  708. 18:27:24 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  709. 18:27:24 T:5080 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  710. 18:27:25 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  711. 18:27:25 T:2192 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  712. 18:27:25 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  713. 18:27:25 T:7748 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  714. 18:27:25 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  715. 18:27:25 T:948 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  716. 18:27:26 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  717. 18:27:26 T:3840 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  718. 18:27:26 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  719. 18:27:26 T:7624 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  720. 18:27:27 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  721. 18:27:27 T:2788 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  722. 18:27:27 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  723. 18:27:27 T:7304 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  724. 18:27:27 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  725. 18:27:27 T:6016 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  726. 18:27:28 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  727. 18:27:28 T:5548 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  728. 18:27:29 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  729. 18:27:29 T:4672 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  730. 18:27:29 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  731. 18:27:29 T:4432 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  732. 18:27:30 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  733. 18:27:30 T:7448 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  734. 18:27:30 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  735. 18:27:30 T:4816 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  736. 18:27:30 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  737. 18:27:30 T:2640 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  738. 18:27:31 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  739. 18:27:31 T:7764 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  740. 18:27:32 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  741. 18:27:32 T:424 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  742. 18:27:32 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  743. 18:27:32 T:4128 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  744. 18:27:32 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  745. 18:27:33 T:5732 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  746. 18:27:33 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  747. 18:27:33 T:6592 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  748. 18:27:33 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  749. 18:27:33 T:6572 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  750. 18:27:34 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  751. 18:27:34 T:5152 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  752. 18:27:34 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  753. 18:27:34 T:6068 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  754. 18:27:35 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  755. 18:27:35 T:3336 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  756. 18:27:35 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  757. 18:27:35 T:6832 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  758. 18:27:35 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  759. 18:27:35 T:3832 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  760. 18:27:36 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  761. 18:27:36 T:2152 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  762. 18:27:36 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  763. 18:27:36 T:5320 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  764. 18:27:37 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  765. 18:27:37 T:6396 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  766. 18:27:37 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  767. 18:27:37 T:7852 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  768. 18:27:37 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  769. 18:27:38 T:7244 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  770. 18:27:38 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  771. 18:27:38 T:5668 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  772. 18:27:39 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  773. 18:27:39 T:6260 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  774. 18:27:39 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  775. 18:27:39 T:7004 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  776. 18:27:39 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  777. 18:27:39 T:7868 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: false
  778. 18:27:40 T:7228 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  779. 18:27:45 T:5392 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  780. 18:27:52 T:4024 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  781. 18:27:55 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  782. 18:27:55 T:7436 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  783. 18:28:06 T:7788 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  784. 18:28:06 T:7788 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  785. 18:28:27 T:1320 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  786. 18:28:27 T:1320 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  787. 18:28:27 T:3444 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
  788. 18:28:37 T:6408 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  789. 18:28:49 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  790. 18:28:49 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/205/1/
  791. 18:28:49 T:3912 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  792. 18:29:11 T:284 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
  793. 18:29:11 T:284 NOTICE: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: false
  794. 18:29:16 T:1932 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  795. 18:29:18 T:7228 WARNING: Unknown sort method 0
  796. 18:29:18 T:5360 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  797. 18:29:27 T:7148 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  798. 18:29:27 T:7148 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  799. 18:29:27 T:7148 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  800. 18:29:33 T:7148 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  801. 18:29:34 T:7148 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:06
  802. 18:29:34 T:6860 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  803. 18:29:35 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/205/1/
  804. 18:29:36 T:5772 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  805. 18:29:53 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 4 times.
  806. 18:29:53 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/205/1/
  807. 18:29:53 T:5792 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  808. 18:30:10 T:5444 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  809. 18:30:10 T:5444 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  810. 18:30:10 T:5444 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  811. 18:30:25 T:7228 WARNING: Unknown sort method 0
  812. 18:30:25 T:7232 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  813. 18:30:29 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  814. 18:30:29 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  815. 18:30:30 T:5800 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  816. 18:30:56 T:5444 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
  817. 18:30:56 T:5444 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:46
  818. 18:30:57 T:8000 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  819. 18:31:08 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  820. 18:31:08 T:7228 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetIcon - Unknown nodetype requested videodb://2/2/220/1/
  821. 18:31:08 T:8008 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  822. 18:31:18 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  823. 18:31:18 T:7228 WARNING: Unknown sort method 0
  824. 18:31:18 T:5648 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  825. 18:31:37 T:4920 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  826. 18:31:37 T:4920 NOTICE: Thread CVideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
  827. 18:31:37 T:4920 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
  828. 18:32:04 T:4920 ERROR: PCRE: Match limit reached
  829. 18:32:10 T:4920 WARNING: XFILE::CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer: curl failed with code 6
  830. 18:32:10 T:4920 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
  831. 18:32:10 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
  832. 18:32:10 T:4920 WARNING: ADDON::CScraper::NfoUrl: scraper returned multiple results; using first
  833. 18:32:30 T:7228 WARNING: Unknown sort method 0
  834. 18:32:30 T:7248 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
  835. 18:32:51 T:7228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  836. 18:32:51 T:7228 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tvsettings
  837. 18:32:55 T:7228 NOTICE: Log level changed to 2
  838. 18:32:55 T:7228 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 2.
  839. 18:32:55 T:7228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
  840. 18:32:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  841. 18:32:56 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  842. 18:32:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 041 - Friends of Foes.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10319
  843. 18:32:56 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 041 - Friends of Foes.nfo
  844. 18:32:56 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 041 - Friends of Foes.mkv
  845. 18:32:56 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 23.89:0.00)
  846. 18:32:56 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/2/2510bc8d.jpg
  847. 18:32:56 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 19.94:0.00)
  848. 18:32:56 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/a8418e39.jpg
  849. 18:32:56 T:7228 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0e, sym: 0008, unicode: 0008, modifier: 0
  850. 18:32:56 T:7228 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: backspace (f008) pressed, action is Back
  851. 18:32:56 T:7228 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  852. 18:32:57 T:7228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
  853. 18:32:57 T:7228 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  854. 18:32:57 T:7228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------
  855. 18:32:57 T:7228 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
  856. 18:32:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  857. 18:32:57 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  858. 18:32:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 042 - The Search Continues.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10320
  859. 18:32:57 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 042 - The Search Continues.nfo
  860. 18:32:57 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 042 - The Search Continues.mkv
  861. 18:32:57 T:5392 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork - took 156 ms to load special://skin/extras/screens/settings_system.jpg
  862. 18:32:58 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  863. 18:32:58 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  864. 18:32:58 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 043 - A Friendly Surprise.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10321
  865. 18:32:58 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 043 - A Friendly Surprise.nfo
  866. 18:32:58 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 043 - A Friendly Surprise.mkv
  867. 18:32:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  868. 18:32:59 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  869. 18:32:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 044 - Brood of Evil.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10322
  870. 18:32:59 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 044 - Brood of Evil.nfo
  871. 18:32:59 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 044 - Brood of Evil.mkv
  872. 18:33:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  873. 18:33:00 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  874. 18:33:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 045 - Frieza Strikes.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10323
  875. 18:33:00 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 045 - Frieza Strikes.nfo
  876. 18:33:00 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 045 - Frieza Strikes.mkv
  877. 18:33:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  878. 18:33:01 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  879. 18:33:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 046 - Defying Orders.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10324
  880. 18:33:01 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 046 - Defying Orders.nfo
  881. 18:33:01 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 046 - Defying Orders.mkv
  882. 18:33:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  883. 18:33:02 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  884. 18:33:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 047 - Namek s Defense.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10325
  885. 18:33:02 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 047 - Namek s Defense.nfo
  886. 18:33:02 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 047 - Namek s Defense.mkv
  887. 18:33:02 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 9.03:0.00)
  888. 18:33:02 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/6/68a56eef.jpg
  889. 18:33:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  890. 18:33:03 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  891. 18:33:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 048 - The Hunted.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10326
  892. 18:33:03 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 048 - The Hunted.nfo
  893. 18:33:03 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 048 - The Hunted.mkv
  894. 18:33:04 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 12.31:0.00)
  895. 18:33:04 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/2/260aebf4.jpg
  896. 18:33:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  897. 18:33:04 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  898. 18:33:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 049 - The Prince Fights Back.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10327
  899. 18:33:04 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 049 - The Prince Fights Back.nfo
  900. 18:33:04 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 049 - The Prince Fights Back.mkv
  901. 18:33:05 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 14.32:0.00)
  902. 18:33:05 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/abec1521.jpg
  903. 18:33:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  904. 18:33:05 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  905. 18:33:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 050 - Unexpected Problem.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10328
  906. 18:33:05 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 050 - Unexpected Problem.nfo
  907. 18:33:05 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 050 - Unexpected Problem.mkv
  908. 18:33:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  909. 18:33:06 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  910. 18:33:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 051 - Vegeta has a Ball.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10329
  911. 18:33:06 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 051 - Vegeta has a Ball.nfo
  912. 18:33:06 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 051 - Vegeta has a Ball.mkv
  913. 18:33:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  914. 18:33:07 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  915. 18:33:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 052 - The Past and Future.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10330
  916. 18:33:07 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 052 - The Past and Future.nfo
  917. 18:33:07 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 052 - The Past and Future.mkv
  918. 18:33:08 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  919. 18:33:08 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  920. 18:33:08 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 053 - Zarbon s Surprise.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10331
  921. 18:33:08 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 053 - Zarbon s Surprise.nfo
  922. 18:33:08 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 053 - Zarbon s Surprise.mkv
  923. 18:33:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  924. 18:33:09 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  925. 18:33:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 054 - Guru s Gift.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10332
  926. 18:33:09 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 054 - Guru s Gift.nfo
  927. 18:33:09 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 054 - Guru s Gift.mkv
  928. 18:33:09 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 9.36:0.00)
  929. 18:33:09 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/1/16d428d3.jpg
  930. 18:33:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  931. 18:33:10 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  932. 18:33:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 055 - Piccolo vs Everyone.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10333
  933. 18:33:10 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 055 - Piccolo vs Everyone.nfo
  934. 18:33:10 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 11.38:0.00)
  935. 18:33:10 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 055 - Piccolo vs Everyone.mkv
  936. 18:33:10 T:6092 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/e/e1c1bf0c.jpg
  937. 18:33:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  938. 18:33:11 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  939. 18:33:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 056 - Zarbon s Mission.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10334
  940. 18:33:11 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 056 - Zarbon s Mission.nfo
  941. 18:33:11 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 056 - Zarbon s Mission.mkv
  942. 18:33:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  943. 18:33:12 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  944. 18:33:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 057 - Gohan the Hunted.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10335
  945. 18:33:12 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 057 - Gohan the Hunted.nfo
  946. 18:33:12 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 057 - Gohan the Hunted.mkv
  947. 18:33:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  948. 18:33:13 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  949. 18:33:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 058 - Unknown Enemies.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10336
  950. 18:33:13 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 058 - Unknown Enemies.nfo
  951. 18:33:13 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 058 - Unknown Enemies.mkv
  952. 18:33:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  953. 18:33:14 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  954. 18:33:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 059 - Destination Guru.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10337
  955. 18:33:14 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 059 - Destination Guru.nfo
  956. 18:33:14 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 059 - Destination Guru.mkv
  957. 18:33:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  958. 18:33:15 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  959. 18:33:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 060 - Bulma s Big Day.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10338
  960. 18:33:15 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 060 - Bulma s Big Day.nfo
  961. 18:33:15 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 060 - Bulma s Big Day.mkv
  962. 18:33:15 T:6092 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 21.23:0.00)
  963. 18:33:15 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f1ff00ad.jpg
  964. 18:33:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  965. 18:33:16 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  966. 18:33:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 061 - Hidden Power.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10339
  967. 18:33:16 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 061 - Hidden Power.nfo
  968. 18:33:16 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 061 - Hidden Power.mkv
  969. 18:33:16 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - no format suitable (min error is: 42.84:0.00)
  970. 18:33:16 T:6092 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/0/039765dc.jpg
  971. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  972. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  973. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 062 - New Ally New Problem.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10340
  974. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 062 - New Ally New Problem.nfo
  975. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 062 - New Ally New Problem.mkv
  976. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  977. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  978. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 063 - Guldo s Mind Binds.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10341
  979. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 063 - Guldo s Mind Binds.nfo
  980. 18:33:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 063 - Guldo s Mind Binds.mkv
  981. 18:33:18 T:7228 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  982. 18:33:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  983. 18:33:18 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  984. 18:33:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 064 - Recoome Unleashed.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10342
  985. 18:33:18 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 064 - Recoome Unleashed.nfo
  986. 18:33:18 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 064 - Recoome Unleashed.mkv
  987. 18:33:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  988. 18:33:19 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  989. 18:33:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 065 - Let the Battle Begin.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10343
  990. 18:33:19 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 065 - Let the Battle Begin.nfo
  991. 18:33:19 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 065 - Let the Battle Begin.mkv
  992. 18:33:20 T:6092 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 17.31:0.00)
  993. 18:33:20 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/8/82cff707.jpg
  994. 18:33:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  995. 18:33:20 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  996. 18:33:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 066 - Goku s New Power.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10344
  997. 18:33:20 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 066 - Goku s New Power.nfo
  998. 18:33:20 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 066 - Goku s New Power.mkv
  999. 18:33:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1000. 18:33:21 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1001. 18:33:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 067 - A Legend Revealed.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10345
  1002. 18:33:21 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 26.49:0.00)
  1003. 18:33:21 T:6092 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/0/0a2cb132.jpg
  1004. 18:33:21 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 067 - A Legend Revealed.nfo
  1005. 18:33:21 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 067 - A Legend Revealed.mkv
  1006. 18:33:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1007. 18:33:22 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1008. 18:33:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 068 - Ginyu Assault.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10346
  1009. 18:33:22 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 068 - Ginyu Assault.nfo
  1010. 18:33:22 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 068 - Ginyu Assault.mkv
  1011. 18:33:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1012. 18:33:23 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1013. 18:33:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 069 - Incredible Force.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10347
  1014. 18:33:23 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 069 - Incredible Force.nfo
  1015. 18:33:23 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 069 - Incredible Force.mkv
  1016. 18:33:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1017. 18:33:24 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1018. 18:33:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 070 - Frieza Approaches.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10348
  1019. 18:33:24 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 070 - Frieza Approaches.nfo
  1020. 18:33:24 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 070 - Frieza Approaches.mkv
  1021. 18:33:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1022. 18:33:25 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1023. 18:33:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 071 - Goku is Ginyu Ginyu is Goku.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10349
  1024. 18:33:25 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 071 - Goku is Ginyu Ginyu is Goku.nfo
  1025. 18:33:25 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 071 - Goku is Ginyu Ginyu is Goku.mkv
  1026. 18:33:25 T:6092 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 38.13:0.00)
  1027. 18:33:25 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/e/ee360647.jpg
  1028. 18:33:25 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 10.94:0.00)
  1029. 18:33:25 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/b/b218a8af.jpg
  1030. 18:33:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1031. 18:33:26 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1032. 18:33:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 072 - Calling the Eternal Dragon.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10350
  1033. 18:33:26 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 072 - Calling the Eternal Dragon.nfo
  1034. 18:33:26 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 072 - Calling the Eternal Dragon.mkv
  1035. 18:33:26 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 17.14:0.00)
  1036. 18:33:26 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/7/783a80a7.jpg
  1037. 18:33:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1038. 18:33:27 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1039. 18:33:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 073 - Gohan Defeat your Dad.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10351
  1040. 18:33:27 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 073 - Gohan Defeat your Dad.nfo
  1041. 18:33:27 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 073 - Gohan Defeat your Dad.mkv
  1042. 18:33:27 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 14.10:0.00)
  1043. 18:33:27 T:7788 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/a069bf54.jpg
  1044. 18:33:28 T:7228 DEBUG: CApplication::ProcessMouse: trying mouse action wheeldown
  1045. 18:33:28 T:7228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
  1046. 18:33:28 T:7228 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  1047. 18:33:28 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1048. 18:33:28 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1049. 18:33:28 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 074 - Captain Ginyu The Frog.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10352
  1050. 18:33:28 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 074 - Captain Ginyu The Frog.nfo
  1051. 18:33:28 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 074 - Captain Ginyu The Frog.mkv
  1052. 18:33:28 T:7788 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 22.83:0.00)
  1053. 18:33:28 T:6092 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  1054. 18:33:28 T:6092 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/5/50dc557c.png
  1055. 18:33:28 T:6092 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT5 (min error is: 20.06:0.27)
  1056. 18:33:28 T:3444 DEBUG: Creating DDS version of: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/0/0936e64b.jpg
  1057. 18:33:29 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1058. 18:33:29 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1059. 18:33:29 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 075 - Password is Porunga.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10353
  1060. 18:33:29 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 075 - Password is Porunga.nfo
  1061. 18:33:29 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 075 - Password is Porunga.mkv
  1062. 18:33:30 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1063. 18:33:30 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1064. 18:33:30 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 076 - Piccolo s Return.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10354
  1065. 18:33:30 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 076 - Piccolo s Return.nfo
  1066. 18:33:30 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 076 - Piccolo s Return.mkv
  1067. 18:33:31 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1068. 18:33:31 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1069. 18:33:31 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 077 - The Fusion.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10355
  1070. 18:33:31 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 077 - The Fusion.nfo
  1071. 18:33:31 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 077 - The Fusion.mkv
  1072. 18:33:32 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1073. 18:33:32 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1074. 18:33:32 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 078 - Fighting Power One Million.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10356
  1075. 18:33:32 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 078 - Fighting Power One Million.nfo
  1076. 18:33:32 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 078 - Fighting Power One Million.mkv
  1077. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1078. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1079. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 079 - Gohan Attacks.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10357
  1080. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 079 - Gohan Attacks.nfo
  1081. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 079 - Gohan Attacks.mkv
  1082. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1083. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1084. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 080 - Piccolo the Super-Namek.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10358
  1085. 18:33:33 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 080 - Piccolo the Super-Namek.nfo
  1086. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 080 - Piccolo the Super-Namek.mkv
  1087. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1088. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1089. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 081 - Deja Vu.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10359
  1090. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 081 - Deja Vu.nfo
  1091. 18:33:34 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 081 - Deja Vu.mkv
  1092. 18:33:35 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1093. 18:33:35 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1094. 18:33:35 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 082 - Frieza s Second Transformation.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10360
  1095. 18:33:35 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 082 - Frieza s Second Transformation.nfo
  1096. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 082 - Frieza s Second Transformation.mkv
  1097. 18:33:36 T:3444 DEBUG: CDDSImage::Compress - using DXT1 (min error is: 9.46:0.00)
  1098. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1099. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1100. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 083 - Another Transformation.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10361
  1101. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 083 - Another Transformation.nfo
  1102. 18:33:36 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 083 - Another Transformation.mkv
  1103. 18:33:37 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1104. 18:33:37 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1105. 18:33:37 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 084 - Dende s Demise.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10362
  1106. 18:33:37 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 084 - Dende s Demise.nfo
  1107. 18:33:37 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 084 - Dende s Demise.mkv
  1108. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1109. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1110. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 085 - The Renewed Goku.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10363
  1111. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 085 - The Renewed Goku.nfo
  1112. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 085 - The Renewed Goku.mkv
  1113. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1114. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1115. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 086 - The End of Vegeta.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10364
  1116. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 086 - The End of Vegeta.nfo
  1117. 18:33:38 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 086 - The End of Vegeta.mkv
  1118. 18:33:39 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1119. 18:33:39 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1120. 18:33:39 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 087 - The Ultimate Battle.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10365
  1121. 18:33:39 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 087 - The Ultimate Battle.nfo
  1122. 18:33:39 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 087 - The Ultimate Battle.mkv
  1123. 18:33:40 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1124. 18:33:40 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1125. 18:33:40 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 088 - Clash of the Super Powers.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10366
  1126. 18:33:40 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 088 - Clash of the Super Powers.nfo
  1127. 18:33:40 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 088 - Clash of the Super Powers.mkv
  1128. 18:33:41 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1129. 18:33:41 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1130. 18:33:41 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 089 - Frieza s Boast.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10367
  1131. 18:33:41 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 089 - Frieza s Boast.nfo
  1132. 18:33:41 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 089 - Frieza s Boast.mkv
  1133. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1134. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1135. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 090 - Bold and Fearless.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10368
  1136. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 090 - Bold and Fearless.nfo
  1137. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 090 - Bold and Fearless.mkv
  1138. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1139. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1140. 18:33:42 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 091 - Embodiment of Fire.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10369
  1141. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 091 - Embodiment of Fire.nfo
  1142. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 091 - Embodiment of Fire.mkv
  1143. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1144. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1145. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 092 - Trump Card.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10370
  1146. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 092 - Trump Card.nfo
  1147. 18:33:43 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 092 - Trump Card.mkv
  1148. 18:33:44 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1149. 18:33:44 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1150. 18:33:44 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 093 - Keep the Chance Alive.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10371
  1151. 18:33:44 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 093 - Keep the Chance Alive.nfo
  1152. 18:33:44 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 093 - Keep the Chance Alive.mkv
  1153. 18:33:45 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1154. 18:33:45 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1155. 18:33:45 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 094 - Power of the Spirit.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10372
  1156. 18:33:45 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 094 - Power of the Spirit.nfo
  1157. 18:33:45 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 094 - Power of the Spirit.mkv
  1158. 18:33:46 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1159. 18:33:46 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1160. 18:33:46 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 095 - Transformed at Last.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10373
  1161. 18:33:46 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 095 - Transformed at Last.nfo
  1162. 18:33:46 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 095 - Transformed at Last.mkv
  1163. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1164. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1165. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 096 - Explosion of Anger.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10374
  1166. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 096 - Explosion of Anger.nfo
  1167. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 096 - Explosion of Anger.mkv
  1168. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1169. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1170. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 097 - Namek s Destruction.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10375
  1171. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 097 - Namek s Destruction.nfo
  1172. 18:33:47 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 097 - Namek s Destruction.mkv
  1173. 18:33:48 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1174. 18:33:48 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1175. 18:33:48 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 098 - A Final Attack.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10376
  1176. 18:33:48 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 098 - A Final Attack.nfo
  1177. 18:33:48 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 098 - A Final Attack.mkv
  1178. 18:33:49 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1179. 18:33:49 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1180. 18:33:49 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 099 - Approaching Destruction.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10377
  1181. 18:33:49 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 099 - Approaching Destruction.nfo
  1182. 18:33:49 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 099 - Approaching Destruction.mkv
  1183. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1184. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1185. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetEpisodeList: Searching '' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1186. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeList returned <episodeguide><episode><title>Unlikely Alliance</title><url cache="1530.xml">16460</url><epnum>3</epnum><season>1</season><id>16460</id><aired>1989-05-10</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Ancestors</title><url cache="1530.xml">16461</url><epnum>20</epnum><season>1</season><id>16461</id><aired>1989-09-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Arrival</title><url cache="1530.xml">16462</url><epnum>28</epnum><season>1</season><id>16462</id><aired>1989-11-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Goz and Mez</title><url cache="1530.xml">16463</url><epnum>13</epnum><season>1</season><id>16463</id><aired>1989-07-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Plight of the Children</title><url cache="1530.xml">16464</url><epnum>16</epnum><season>1</season><id>16464</id><aired>1989-08-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Pendulum Room Peril</title><url cache="1530.xml">16465</url><epnum>17</epnum><season>1</season><id>16465</id><aired>1989-08-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Sacrifice</title><url cache="1530.xml">16466</url><epnum>25</epnum><season>1</season><id>16466</id><aired>1989-11-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Day 1</title><url cache="1530.xml">16467</url><epnum>7</epnum><season>1</season><id>16467</id><aired>1989-06-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Nappa`s Rampage</title><url cache="1530.xml">16468</url><epnum>26</epnum><season>1</season><id>16468</id><aired>1989-11-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Dueling Piccolos</title><url cache="1530.xml">16469</url><epnum>15</epnum><season>1</season><id>16469</id><aired>1989-08-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan Goes Bananas!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16470</url><epnum>8</epnum><season>1</season><id>16470</id><aired>1989-06-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Reunions</title><url cache="1530.xml">16471</url><epnum>2</epnum><season>1</season><id>16471</id><aired>1989-05-03</aired></episode><episode><title>The Darkest Day</title><url cache="1530.xml">16472</url><epnum>22</epnum><season>1</season><id>16472</id><aired>1989-10-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Lesson Number One</title><url cache="1530.xml">16473</url><epnum>29</epnum><season>1</season><id>16473</id><aired>1989-12-06</aired></episode><episode><title>The End of Snake Way</title><url cache="1530.xml">16474</url><epnum>18</epnum><season>1</season><id>16474</id><aired>1989-09-06</aired></episode><episode><title>The New Threat</title><url cache="1530.xml">16475</url><epnum>1</epnum><season>1</season><id>16475</id><aired>1989-04-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku vs. Vegeta</title><url cache="1530.xml">16476</url><epnum>30</epnum><season>1</season><id>16476</id><aired>1989-12-13</aired></episode><episode><title>No Time Like the Present</title><url cache="1530.xml">16477</url><epnum>6</epnum><season>1</season><id>16477</id><aired>1989-06-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Nimbus Speed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16478</url><epnum>27</epnum><season>1</season><id>16478</id><aired>1989-11-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Piccolo`s Plan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16479</url><epnum>4</epnum><season>1</season><id>16479</id><aired>1989-05-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan`s Rage</title><url cache="1530.xml">16480</url><epnum>5</epnum><season>1</season><id>16480</id><aired>1989-05-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Defying Gravity</title><url cache="1530.xml">16481</url><epnum>19</epnum><season>1</season><id>16481</id><aired>1989-09-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Saibamen Attack!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16482</url><epnum>23</epnum><season>1</season><id>16482</id><aired>1989-10-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Counting Down</title><url cache="1530.xml">16483</url><epnum>21</epnum><season>1</season><id>16483</id><aired>1989-09-27</aired></episode><episode><title>The Strangest Robot</title><url cache="1530.xml">16484</url><epnum>9</epnum><season>1</season><id>16484</id><aired>1989-06-28</aired></episode><episode><title>The Power of Nappa</title><url cache="1530.xml">16485</url><epnum>24</epnum><season>1</season><id>16485</id><aired>1989-10-25</aired></episode><episode><title>Princess Snake</title><url cache="1530.xml">16486</url><epnum>14</epnum><season>1</season><id>16486</id><aired>1989-08-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Saiyan Sized Secret</title><url cache="1530.xml">16487</url><epnum>31</epnum><season>1</season><id>16487</id><aired>1989-12-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Global Training</title><url cache="1530.xml">16488</url><epnum>12</epnum><season>1</season><id>16488</id><aired>1989-07-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Terror on Arlia</title><url cache="1530.xml">16489</url><epnum>11</epnum><season>1</season><id>16489</id><aired>1989-07-12</aired></episode><episode><title>A New Friend</title><url cache="1530.xml">16490</url><epnum>10</epnum><season>1</season><id>16490</id><aired>1989-07-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Mercy</title><url cache="1530.xml">16491</url><epnum>35</epnum><season>1</season><id>16491</id><aired>1990-02-07</aired></episode><episode><title>The Hunted</title><url cache="1530.xml">16492</url><epnum>48</epnum><season>1</season><id>16492</id><aired>1990-05-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Picking Up the Pieces</title><url cache="1530.xml">16493</url><epnum>36</epnum><season>1</season><id>16493</id><aired>1990-02-14</aired></episode><episode><title>New Ally, New Problem</title><url cache="1530.xml">16494</url><epnum>62</epnum><season>1</season><id>16494</id><aired>1990-09-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Piccolo vs. Everyone</title><url cache="1530.xml">16495</url><epnum>55</epnum><season>1</season><id>16495</id><aired>1990-07-18</aired></episode><episode><title>The Search Continues</title><url cache="1530.xml">16496</url><epnum>42</epnum><season>1</season><id>16496</id><aired>1990-04-04</aired></episode><episode><title>Let the Battle Begin</title><url cache="1530.xml">16497</url><epnum>65</epnum><season>1</season><id>16497</id><aired>1990-10-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s New Power</title><url cache="1530.xml">16498</url><epnum>66</epnum><season>1</season><id>16498</id><aired>1990-11-07</aired></episode><episode><title>A Legend Revealed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16499</url><epnum>67</epnum><season>1</season><id>16499</id><aired>1990-11-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Spirit Bomb Away!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16500</url><epnum>32</epnum><season>1</season><id>16500</id><aired>1990-01-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Zarbon`s Special Surprise</title><url cache="1530.xml">16501</url><epnum>53</epnum><season>1</season><id>16501</id><aired>1990-06-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Nursing Wounds</title><url cache="1530.xml">16502</url><epnum>38</epnum><season>1</season><id>16502</id><aired>1990-02-28</aired></episode><episode><title>The Past and The Future</title><url cache="1530.xml">16503</url><epnum>52</epnum><season>1</season><id>16503</id><aired>1990-06-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Look Out Below</title><url cache="1530.xml">16504</url><epnum>41</epnum><season>1</season><id>16504</id><aired>1990-03-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Unknown Enemies</title><url cache="1530.xml">16505</url><epnum>58</epnum><season>1</season><id>16505</id><aired>1990-08-22</aired></episode><episode><title>The Prince Fights Back</title><url cache="1530.xml">16506</url><epnum>49</epnum><season>1</season><id>16506</id><aired>1990-05-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Unexpected Problem</title><url cache="1530.xml">16507</url><epnum>50</epnum><season>1</season><id>16507</id><aired>1990-05-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Hero in the Shadows</title><url cache="1530.xml">16508</url><epnum>33</epnum><season>1</season><id>16508</id><aired>1990-01-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Held Captive</title><url cache="1530.xml">16509</url><epnum>40</epnum><season>1</season><id>16509</id><aired>1990-03-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza Strikes!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16510</url><epnum>45</epnum><season>1</season><id>16510</id><aired>1990-04-25</aired></episode><episode><title>Guru`s Gift</title><url cache="1530.xml">16511</url><epnum>54</epnum><season>1</season><id>16511</id><aired>1990-07-04</aired></episode><episode><title>Krillin`s Offensive</title><url cache="1530.xml">16512</url><epnum>34</epnum><season>1</season><id>16512</id><aired>1990-01-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza Approaches</title><url cache="1530.xml">16513</url><epnum>70</epnum><season>1</season><id>16513</id><aired>1990-12-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Brood of Evil</title><url cache="1530.xml">16514</url><epnum>44</epnum><season>1</season><id>16514</id><aired>1990-04-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Namek`s Defense</title><url cache="1530.xml">16515</url><epnum>47</epnum><season>1</season><id>16515</id><aired>1990-05-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Friends or Foes?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16516</url><epnum>39</epnum><season>1</season><id>16516</id><aired>1990-03-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Guldo`s Mind Binds</title><url cache="1530.xml">16517</url><epnum>63</epnum><season>1</season><id>16517</id><aired>1990-09-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Ginyu Assault</title><url cache="1530.xml">16518</url><epnum>68</epnum><season>1</season><id>16518</id><aired>1990-11-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Zarbon`s Mission</title><url cache="1530.xml">16519</url><epnum>56</epnum><season>1</season><id>16519</id><aired>1990-08-01</aired></episode><episode><title>A Friendly Surprise</title><url cache="1530.xml">16520</url><epnum>43</epnum><season>1</season><id>16520</id><aired>1990-04-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Hidden Power</title><url cache="1530.xml">16521</url><epnum>61</epnum><season>1</season><id>16521</id><aired>1990-09-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Incredible Force</title><url cache="1530.xml">16522</url><epnum>69</epnum><season>1</season><id>16522</id><aired>1990-11-28</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan, the Hunted</title><url cache="1530.xml">16523</url><epnum>57</epnum><season>1</season><id>16523</id><aired>1990-08-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Defying Orders</title><url cache="1530.xml">16524</url><epnum>46</epnum><season>1</season><id>16524</id><aired>1990-05-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Destination: Guru</title><url cache="1530.xml">16525</url><epnum>59</epnum><season>1</season><id>16525</id><aired>1990-08-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Bulma`s Big Day</title><url cache="1530.xml">16526</url><epnum>60</epnum><season>1</season><id>16526</id><aired>1990-09-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Recoome Unleashed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16527</url><epnum>64</epnum><season>1</season><id>16527</id><aired>1990-10-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku</title><url cache="1530.xml">16528</url><epnum>71</epnum><season>1</season><id>16528</id><aired>1990-12-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Plans for Departure</title><url cache="1530.xml">16529</url><epnum>37</epnum><season>1</season><id>16529</id><aired>1990-02-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Calling the Eternal Dragon</title><url cache="1530.xml">16530</url><epnum>72</epnum><season>1</season><id>16530</id><aired>1990-12-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegeta has a Ball</title><url cache="1530.xml">16531</url><epnum>51</epnum><season>1</season><id>16531</id><aired>1990-06-06</aired></episode><episode><title>Bold and Fearless</title><url cache="1530.xml">16537</url><epnum>90</epnum><season>1</season><id>16537</id><aired>1991-05-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Namek`s Destruction</title><url cache="1530.xml">16538</url><epnum>97</epnum><season>1</season><id>16538</id><aired>1991-06-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan Returns</title><url cache="1530.xml">16539</url><epnum>100</epnum><season>1</season><id>16539</id><aired>1991-07-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Suicidal Course</title><url cache="1530.xml">16540</url><epnum>113</epnum><season>1</season><id>16540</id><aired>1991-10-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Trump Card</title><url cache="1530.xml">16541</url><epnum>92</epnum><season>1</season><id>16541</id><aired>1991-05-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Keep the Chance Alive</title><url cache="1530.xml">16542</url><epnum>93</epnum><season>1</season><id>16542</id><aired>1991-05-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Piccolo`s Return</title><url cache="1530.xml">16543</url><epnum>76</epnum><season>1</season><id>16543</id><aired>1991-01-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Piccolo the Super-Namek</title><url cache="1530.xml">16544</url><epnum>80</epnum><season>1</season><id>16544</id><aired>1991-02-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Brief Chance for Victory</title><url cache="1530.xml">16545</url><epnum>116</epnum><season>1</season><id>16545</id><aired>1991-11-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Power of the Spirit</title><url cache="1530.xml">16546</url><epnum>94</epnum><season>1</season><id>16546</id><aired>1991-06-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Call For Restoration</title><url cache="1530.xml">16547</url><epnum>112</epnum><season>1</season><id>16547</id><aired>1991-10-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Approaching Destruction</title><url cache="1530.xml">16548</url><epnum>99</epnum><season>1</season><id>16548</id><aired>1991-07-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Battle in Kami`s Lookout</title><url cache="1530.xml">16549</url><epnum>110</epnum><season>1</season><id>16549</id><aired>1991-10-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza`s Second Transformation</title><url cache="1530.xml">16550</url><epnum>82</epnum><season>1</season><id>16550</id><aired>1991-03-13</aired></episode><episode><title>The Renewed Goku</title><url cache="1530.xml">16551</url><epnum>85</epnum><season>1</season><id>16551</id><aired>1991-04-03</aired></episode><episode><title>Fight With Piccolo</title><url cache="1530.xml">16552</url><epnum>111</epnum><season>1</season><id>16552</id><aired>1991-10-09</aired></episode><episode><title>The End of Vegeta</title><url cache="1530.xml">16553</url><epnum>86</epnum><season>1</season><id>16553</id><aired>1991-04-10</aired></episode><episode><title>The Ultimate Battle</title><url cache="1530.xml">16554</url><epnum>87</epnum><season>1</season><id>16554</id><aired>1991-04-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Welcome Back Goku</title><url cache="1530.xml">16555</url><epnum>121</epnum><season>1</season><id>16555</id><aired>1991-12-18</aired></episode><episode><title>The Heavens Tremble</title><url cache="1530.xml">16556</url><epnum>108</epnum><season>1</season><id>16556</id><aired>1991-09-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Embodiment of Fire</title><url cache="1530.xml">16557</url><epnum>91</epnum><season>1</season><id>16557</id><aired>1991-05-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Extreme Measures</title><url cache="1530.xml">16558</url><epnum>114</epnum><season>1</season><id>16558</id><aired>1991-10-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza`s Boast</title><url cache="1530.xml">16559</url><epnum>89</epnum><season>1</season><id>16559</id><aired>1991-05-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Dende`s Demise</title><url cache="1530.xml">16560</url><epnum>84</epnum><season>1</season><id>16560</id><aired>1991-03-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza Defeated!!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16561</url><epnum>104</epnum><season>1</season><id>16561</id><aired>1991-08-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Fighting Power: One Million??</title><url cache="1530.xml">16562</url><epnum>78</epnum><season>1</season><id>16562</id><aired>1991-02-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Transformed at Last</title><url cache="1530.xml">16563</url><epnum>95</epnum><season>1</season><id>16563</id><aired>1991-06-12</aired></episode><episode><title>A Final Attack</title><url cache="1530.xml">16564</url><epnum>98</epnum><season>1</season><id>16564</id><aired>1991-07-10</aired></episode><episode><title>Krillin`s Proposal</title><url cache="1530.xml">16565</url><epnum>117</epnum><season>1</season><id>16565</id><aired>1991-11-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Frieza`s Counterattack</title><url cache="1530.xml">16566</url><epnum>118</epnum><season>1</season><id>16566</id><aired>1991-11-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Alive!!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16567</url><epnum>107</epnum><season>1</season><id>16567</id><aired>1991-09-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Black Fog of Terror</title><url cache="1530.xml">16568</url><epnum>109</epnum><season>1</season><id>16568</id><aired>1991-09-25</aired></episode><episode><title>The Last Wish</title><url cache="1530.xml">16569</url><epnum>101</epnum><season>1</season><id>16569</id><aired>1991-07-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Duel on a Vanishing Planet</title><url cache="1530.xml">16570</url><epnum>102</epnum><season>1</season><id>16570</id><aired>1991-08-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Password is Porunga</title><url cache="1530.xml">16571</url><epnum>75</epnum><season>1</season><id>16571</id><aired>1991-01-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Deja Vu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16572</url><epnum>81</epnum><season>1</season><id>16572</id><aired>1991-03-06</aired></episode><episode><title>Clash of the Super Powers</title><url cache="1530.xml">16573</url><epnum>88</epnum><season>1</season><id>16573</id><aired>1991-04-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Another Transformation?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16574</url><epnum>83</epnum><season>1</season><id>16574</id><aired>1991-03-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan Defeat Your Dad!!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16575</url><epnum>73</epnum><season>1</season><id>16575</id><aired>1991-01-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Another Super Saiyan?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16576</url><epnum>120</epnum><season>1</season><id>16576</id><aired>1991-12-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Pathos of Frieza</title><url cache="1530.xml">16577</url><epnum>103</epnum><season>1</season><id>16577</id><aired>1991-08-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Mighty Blast of Rage</title><url cache="1530.xml">16578</url><epnum>105</epnum><season>1</season><id>16578</id><aired>1991-08-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Namek`s Explosion? Goku`s End?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16579</url><epnum>106</epnum><season>1</season><id>16579</id><aired>1991-09-04</aired></episode><episode><title>The Fusion</title><url cache="1530.xml">16580</url><epnum>77</epnum><season>1</season><id>16580</id><aired>1991-02-06</aired></episode><episode><title>Captain Ginyu... The Frog</title><url cache="1530.xml">16581</url><epnum>74</epnum><season>1</season><id>16581</id><aired>1991-01-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Explosion of Anger</title><url cache="1530.xml">16582</url><epnum>96</epnum><season>1</season><id>16582</id><aired>1991-06-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan Attacks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16583</url><epnum>79</epnum><season>1</season><id>16583</id><aired>1991-02-20</aired></episode><episode><title>The World Awakens</title><url cache="1530.xml">16584</url><epnum>115</epnum><season>1</season><id>16584</id><aired>1991-11-06</aired></episode><episode><title>The Mysterious Youth</title><url cache="1530.xml">16585</url><epnum>119</epnum><season>1</season><id>16585</id><aired>1991-12-04</aired></episode><episode><title>More Androids?!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16586</url><epnum>131</epnum><season>1</season><id>16586</id><aired>1992-03-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Time Chamber</title><url cache="1530.xml">16587</url><epnum>147</epnum><season>1</season><id>16587</id><aired>1992-07-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Double Trouble for Goku</title><url cache="1530.xml">16588</url><epnum>128</epnum><season>1</season><id>16588</id><aired>1992-02-19</aired></episode><episode><title>The Androids Appear</title><url cache="1530.xml">16589</url><epnum>126</epnum><season>1</season><id>16589</id><aired>1992-02-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Cell is Complete</title><url cache="1530.xml">16590</url><epnum>160</epnum><season>1</season><id>16590</id><aired>1992-10-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Deadly Beauty</title><url cache="1530.xml">16591</url><epnum>135</epnum><season>1</season><id>16591</id><aired>1992-04-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Last Ditch Effort</title><url cache="1530.xml">16592</url><epnum>137</epnum><season>1</season><id>16592</id><aired>1992-04-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Nightmare Comes True</title><url cache="1530.xml">16593</url><epnum>133</epnum><season>1</season><id>16593</id><aired>1992-03-25</aired></episode><episode><title>Bow to the Prince</title><url cache="1530.xml">16594</url><epnum>156</epnum><season>1</season><id>16594</id><aired>1992-09-09</aired></episode><episode><title>What is the Tournament?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16595</url><epnum>166</epnum><season>1</season><id>16595</id><aired>1992-11-25</aired></episode><episode><title>He`s Here</title><url cache="1530.xml">16596</url><epnum>149</epnum><season>1</season><id>16596</id><aired>1992-07-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Laboratory Basement</title><url cache="1530.xml">16597</url><epnum>145</epnum><season>1</season><id>16597</id><aired>1992-06-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Closing In</title><url cache="1530.xml">16598</url><epnum>138</epnum><season>1</season><id>16598</id><aired>1992-05-06</aired></episode><episode><title>The Last Defense</title><url cache="1530.xml">16599</url><epnum>159</epnum><season>1</season><id>16599</id><aired>1992-09-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Ordeal</title><url cache="1530.xml">16600</url><epnum>125</epnum><season>1</season><id>16600</id><aired>1992-01-29</aired></episode><episode><title>The Secret of Dr. Gero</title><url cache="1530.xml">16601</url><epnum>130</epnum><season>1</season><id>16601</id><aired>1992-03-04</aired></episode><episode><title>Seized with Fear</title><url cache="1530.xml">16602</url><epnum>140</epnum><season>1</season><id>16602</id><aired>1992-05-20</aired></episode><episode><title>The Cell Games</title><url cache="1530.xml">16603</url><epnum>165</epnum><season>1</season><id>16603</id><aired>1992-11-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Assassin</title><url cache="1530.xml">16604</url><epnum>134</epnum><season>1</season><id>16604</id><aired>1992-04-01</aired></episode><episode><title>No Worries Here</title><url cache="1530.xml">16605</url><epnum>169</epnum><season>1</season><id>16605</id><aired>1992-12-16</aired></episode><episode><title>The Monster is Coming</title><url cache="1530.xml">16606</url><epnum>148</epnum><season>1</season><id>16606</id><aired>1992-07-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Krillin`s Decision</title><url cache="1530.xml">16607</url><epnum>158</epnum><season>1</season><id>16607</id><aired>1992-09-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Unwelcome Discovery</title><url cache="1530.xml">16608</url><epnum>139</epnum><season>1</season><id>16608</id><aired>1992-05-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegeta Must Pay</title><url cache="1530.xml">16609</url><epnum>161</epnum><season>1</season><id>16609</id><aired>1992-10-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Saiyans Emerge</title><url cache="1530.xml">16610</url><epnum>154</epnum><season>1</season><id>16610</id><aired>1992-08-26</aired></episode><episode><title>A Handy Trick</title><url cache="1530.xml">16611</url><epnum>127</epnum><season>1</season><id>16611</id><aired>1992-02-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Ghosts from Tomorrow</title><url cache="1530.xml">16612</url><epnum>164</epnum><season>1</season><id>16612</id><aired>1992-11-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Sacrifice</title><url cache="1530.xml">16613</url><epnum>153</epnum><season>1</season><id>16613</id><aired>1992-08-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Our Hero Awakes</title><url cache="1530.xml">16614</url><epnum>146</epnum><season>1</season><id>16614</id><aired>1992-07-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Saving Throw</title><url cache="1530.xml">16615</url><epnum>163</epnum><season>1</season><id>16615</id><aired>1992-11-04</aired></episode><episode><title>Mystery Revealed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16616</url><epnum>122</epnum><season>1</season><id>16616</id><aired>1992-01-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Follow Dr. Gero</title><url cache="1530.xml">16617</url><epnum>132</epnum><season>1</season><id>16617</id><aired>1992-03-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Borrowed Powers</title><url cache="1530.xml">16618</url><epnum>142</epnum><season>1</season><id>16618</id><aired>1992-06-03</aired></episode><episode><title>The Reunion</title><url cache="1530.xml">16619</url><epnum>141</epnum><season>1</season><id>16619</id><aired>1992-05-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Z Warriors Prepare</title><url cache="1530.xml">16620</url><epnum>124</epnum><season>1</season><id>16620</id><aired>1992-01-22</aired></episode><episode><title>No Match For The Androids</title><url cache="1530.xml">16621</url><epnum>136</epnum><season>1</season><id>16621</id><aired>1992-04-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Trunks Ascends</title><url cache="1530.xml">16622</url><epnum>162</epnum><season>1</season><id>16622</id><aired>1992-10-28</aired></episode><episode><title>Upgrade to Super Saiyan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16623</url><epnum>129</epnum><season>1</season><id>16623</id><aired>1992-02-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Meet Me In the Ring</title><url cache="1530.xml">16624</url><epnum>168</epnum><season>1</season><id>16624</id><aired>1992-12-09</aired></episode><episode><title>The Doomsday Broadcast</title><url cache="1530.xml">16625</url><epnum>167</epnum><season>1</season><id>16625</id><aired>1992-12-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Hour of Temptation</title><url cache="1530.xml">16626</url><epnum>157</epnum><season>1</season><id>16626</id><aired>1992-09-16</aired></episode><episode><title>His Name is Cell</title><url cache="1530.xml">16627</url><epnum>143</epnum><season>1</season><id>16627</id><aired>1992-06-10</aired></episode><episode><title>Say Goodbye, 17</title><url cache="1530.xml">16628</url><epnum>152</epnum><season>1</season><id>16628</id><aired>1992-08-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Up to Piccolo</title><url cache="1530.xml">16629</url><epnum>150</epnum><season>1</season><id>16629</id><aired>1992-07-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Silent Warrior</title><url cache="1530.xml">16630</url><epnum>151</epnum><season>1</season><id>16630</id><aired>1992-08-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Super Vegeta</title><url cache="1530.xml">16631</url><epnum>155</epnum><season>1</season><id>16631</id><aired>1992-09-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Special Technique</title><url cache="1530.xml">16632</url><epnum>123</epnum><season>1</season><id>16632</id><aired>1992-01-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Piccolo`s Folly</title><url cache="1530.xml">16633</url><epnum>144</epnum><season>1</season><id>16633</id><aired>1992-06-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Camera Shy</title><url cache="1530.xml">16635</url><epnum>209</epnum><season>1</season><id>16635</id><aired>1993-12-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Take Flight, Videl</title><url cache="1530.xml">16636</url><epnum>207</epnum><season>1</season><id>16636</id><aired>1993-11-17</aired></episode><episode><title>The Newest Super Saiyan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16637</url><epnum>206</epnum><season>1</season><id>16637</id><aired>1993-11-10</aired></episode><episode><title>I`ll Fight Too!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16638</url><epnum>205</epnum><season>1</season><id>16638</id><aired>1993-11-03</aired></episode><episode><title>The Fight Is Over</title><url cache="1530.xml">16639</url><epnum>180</epnum><season>1</season><id>16639</id><aired>1993-04-07</aired></episode><episode><title>One More Wish</title><url cache="1530.xml">16640</url><epnum>193</epnum><season>1</season><id>16640</id><aired>1993-07-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku vs. Cell</title><url cache="1530.xml">16641</url><epnum>177</epnum><season>1</season><id>16641</id><aired>1993-03-10</aired></episode><episode><title>Trunks vs. Goten</title><url cache="1530.xml">16642</url><epnum>211</epnum><season>1</season><id>16642</id><aired>1993-12-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Warriors of the Dead</title><url cache="1530.xml">16643</url><epnum>195</epnum><season>1</season><id>16643</id><aired>1993-07-28</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan Goes to High School</title><url cache="1530.xml">16644</url><epnum>200</epnum><season>1</season><id>16644</id><aired>1993-09-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Cell`s Bag of Tricks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16645</url><epnum>178</epnum><season>1</season><id>16645</id><aired>1993-03-17</aired></episode><episode><title>No More Rules</title><url cache="1530.xml">16646</url><epnum>179</epnum><season>1</season><id>16646</id><aired>1993-03-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Dende`s Dragon</title><url cache="1530.xml">16647</url><epnum>173</epnum><season>1</season><id>16647</id><aired>1993-02-03</aired></episode><episode><title>The World Tournament</title><url cache="1530.xml">16648</url><epnum>210</epnum><season>1</season><id>16648</id><aired>1993-12-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Tournament Begins</title><url cache="1530.xml">16649</url><epnum>196</epnum><season>1</season><id>16649</id><aired>1993-08-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Awakening</title><url cache="1530.xml">16650</url><epnum>185</epnum><season>1</season><id>16650</id><aired>1993-05-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Android Explosion</title><url cache="1530.xml">16651</url><epnum>183</epnum><season>1</season><id>16651</id><aired>1993-04-28</aired></episode><episode><title>Save the World</title><url cache="1530.xml">16652</url><epnum>191</epnum><season>1</season><id>16652</id><aired>1993-06-30</aired></episode><episode><title>Faith in a Boy</title><url cache="1530.xml">16653</url><epnum>181</epnum><season>1</season><id>16653</id><aired>1993-04-14</aired></episode><episode><title>Blackmail</title><url cache="1530.xml">16654</url><epnum>204</epnum><season>1</season><id>16654</id><aired>1993-10-27</aired></episode><episode><title>A Hero`s Farewell</title><url cache="1530.xml">16655</url><epnum>188</epnum><season>1</season><id>16655</id><aired>1993-06-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Rescue Videl</title><url cache="1530.xml">16656</url><epnum>203</epnum><season>1</season><id>16656</id><aired>1993-10-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Final Round</title><url cache="1530.xml">16657</url><epnum>198</epnum><season>1</season><id>16657</id><aired>1993-08-25</aired></episode><episode><title>A New Guardian</title><url cache="1530.xml">16658</url><epnum>172</epnum><season>1</season><id>16658</id><aired>1993-01-27</aired></episode><episode><title>The Puzzle of General Tao</title><url cache="1530.xml">16659</url><epnum>174</epnum><season>1</season><id>16659</id><aired>1993-02-10</aired></episode><episode><title>Memories of Gohan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16660</url><epnum>171</epnum><season>1</season><id>16660</id><aired>1993-01-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Water Fight</title><url cache="1530.xml">16661</url><epnum>197</epnum><season>1</season><id>16661</id><aired>1993-08-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Cell Juniors Attack!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16662</url><epnum>184</epnum><season>1</season><id>16662</id><aired>1993-05-05</aired></episode><episode><title>I am Saiyaman!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16663</url><epnum>201</epnum><season>1</season><id>16663</id><aired>1993-09-15</aired></episode><episode><title>The Games Begin</title><url cache="1530.xml">16664</url><epnum>175</epnum><season>1</season><id>16664</id><aired>1993-02-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Cell Returns!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16665</url><epnum>189</epnum><season>1</season><id>16665</id><aired>1993-06-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Free the Future</title><url cache="1530.xml">16666</url><epnum>194</epnum><season>1</season><id>16666</id><aired>1993-07-21</aired></episode><episode><title>The Unstoppable Gohan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16667</url><epnum>186</epnum><season>1</season><id>16667</id><aired>1993-05-19</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan`s First Date</title><url cache="1530.xml">16668</url><epnum>202</epnum><season>1</season><id>16668</id><aired>1993-09-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Gohan`s Plea</title><url cache="1530.xml">16669</url><epnum>182</epnum><season>1</season><id>16669</id><aired>1993-04-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Decision</title><url cache="1530.xml">16670</url><epnum>192</epnum><season>1</season><id>16670</id><aired>1993-07-07</aired></episode><episode><title>The Horror Won`t End</title><url cache="1530.xml">16671</url><epnum>190</epnum><season>1</season><id>16671</id><aired>1993-06-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku vs. Pikkon</title><url cache="1530.xml">16672</url><epnum>199</epnum><season>1</season><id>16672</id><aired>1993-09-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Losers Fight First</title><url cache="1530.xml">16673</url><epnum>176</epnum><season>1</season><id>16673</id><aired>1993-03-03</aired></episode><episode><title>A Girl Named Lime</title><url cache="1530.xml">16674</url><epnum>170</epnum><season>1</season><id>16674</id><aired>1993-01-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Gather for the Tournament</title><url cache="1530.xml">16675</url><epnum>208</epnum><season>1</season><id>16675</id><aired>1993-11-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Cell`s Break Down</title><url cache="1530.xml">16676</url><epnum>187</epnum><season>1</season><id>16676</id><aired>1993-05-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Magic Ball of Buu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16677</url><epnum>231</epnum><season>1</season><id>16677</id><aired>1994-06-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Buu is Hatched</title><url cache="1530.xml">16678</url><epnum>232</epnum><season>1</season><id>16678</id><aired>1994-07-06</aired></episode><episode><title>Next Up, Goku</title><url cache="1530.xml">16679</url><epnum>223</epnum><season>1</season><id>16679</id><aired>1994-04-13</aired></episode><episode><title>The Fusion Dance</title><url cache="1530.xml">16680</url><epnum>247</epnum><season>1</season><id>16680</id><aired>1994-11-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Forfeit of Piccolo</title><url cache="1530.xml">16681</url><epnum>215</epnum><season>1</season><id>16681</id><aired>1994-02-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Battle Supreme</title><url cache="1530.xml">16682</url><epnum>224</epnum><season>1</season><id>16682</id><aired>1994-04-20</aired></episode><episode><title>The Warrior`s Decision</title><url cache="1530.xml">16683</url><epnum>236</epnum><season>1</season><id>16683</id><aired>1994-08-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Race to Capsule Corp.</title><url cache="1530.xml">16684</url><epnum>244</epnum><season>1</season><id>16684</id><aired>1994-11-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Pay to Win</title><url cache="1530.xml">16685</url><epnum>226</epnum><season>1</season><id>16685</id><aired>1994-05-04</aired></episode><episode><title>Meal Time</title><url cache="1530.xml">16686</url><epnum>235</epnum><season>1</season><id>16686</id><aired>1994-08-03</aired></episode><episode><title>Learn to Fuse!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16687</url><epnum>242</epnum><season>1</season><id>16687</id><aired>1994-10-12</aired></episode><episode><title>Return to Other World</title><url cache="1530.xml">16688</url><epnum>249</epnum><season>1</season><id>16688</id><aired>1994-12-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Eighteen Unmasks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16689</url><epnum>225</epnum><season>1</season><id>16689</id><aired>1994-04-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Revival</title><url cache="1530.xml">16690</url><epnum>240</epnum><season>1</season><id>16690</id><aired>1994-09-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Big Trouble, Little Trunks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16691</url><epnum>213</epnum><season>1</season><id>16691</id><aired>1994-01-19</aired></episode><episode><title>The Z Sword</title><url cache="1530.xml">16692</url><epnum>243</epnum><season>1</season><id>16692</id><aired>1994-10-19</aired></episode><episode><title>The Losses Begin</title><url cache="1530.xml">16693</url><epnum>233</epnum><season>1</season><id>16693</id><aired>1994-07-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Buu`s Mutiny</title><url cache="1530.xml">16694</url><epnum>246</epnum><season>1</season><id>16694</id><aired>1994-11-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Videl Is Crushed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16695</url><epnum>217</epnum><season>1</season><id>16695</id><aired>1994-02-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Who Will Fight Who?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16696</url><epnum>214</epnum><season>1</season><id>16696</id><aired>1994-01-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegeta Attacks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16697</url><epnum>222</epnum><season>1</season><id>16697</id><aired>1994-03-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Super Saiyan 3?!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16698</url><epnum>245</epnum><season>1</season><id>16698</id><aired>1994-11-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Identities Revealed</title><url cache="1530.xml">16699</url><epnum>218</epnum><season>1</season><id>16699</id><aired>1994-02-23</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Time Is Up</title><url cache="1530.xml">16700</url><epnum>248</epnum><season>1</season><id>16700</id><aired>1994-11-30</aired></episode><episode><title>King of the Demons</title><url cache="1530.xml">16701</url><epnum>221</epnum><season>1</season><id>16701</id><aired>1994-03-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Energy Drain</title><url cache="1530.xml">16702</url><epnum>219</epnum><season>1</season><id>16702</id><aired>1994-03-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Global Announcement</title><url cache="1530.xml">16703</url><epnum>241</epnum><season>1</season><id>16703</id><aired>1994-09-28</aired></episode><episode><title>Heart of a Villain</title><url cache="1530.xml">16704</url><epnum>227</epnum><season>1</season><id>16704</id><aired>1994-05-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Evil Lives On</title><url cache="1530.xml">16705</url><epnum>238</epnum><season>1</season><id>16705</id><aired>1994-08-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Find the Dragon Balls</title><url cache="1530.xml">16706</url><epnum>239</epnum><season>1</season><id>16706</id><aired>1994-09-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Gotenks Is Born</title><url cache="1530.xml">16707</url><epnum>251</epnum><season>1</season><id>16707</id><aired>1994-12-21</aired></episode><episode><title>Final Atonement</title><url cache="1530.xml">16708</url><epnum>237</epnum><season>1</season><id>16708</id><aired>1994-08-24</aired></episode><episode><title>The Wizard`s Curse</title><url cache="1530.xml">16709</url><epnum>220</epnum><season>1</season><id>16709</id><aired>1994-03-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegeta`s Pride</title><url cache="1530.xml">16710</url><epnum>229</epnum><season>1</season><id>16710</id><aired>1994-06-15</aired></episode><episode><title>The Long Awaited Fight</title><url cache="1530.xml">16711</url><epnum>230</epnum><season>1</season><id>16711</id><aired>1994-06-22</aired></episode><episode><title>A Dark and Secret Power</title><url cache="1530.xml">16712</url><epnum>216</epnum><season>1</season><id>16712</id><aired>1994-02-09</aired></episode><episode><title>Best of the Boys</title><url cache="1530.xml">16713</url><epnum>212</epnum><season>1</season><id>16713</id><aired>1994-01-12</aired></episode><episode><title>The Terror of Mr. Buu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16714</url><epnum>234</epnum><season>1</season><id>16714</id><aired>1994-07-27</aired></episode><episode><title>Out from the Broken Sword</title><url cache="1530.xml">16715</url><epnum>250</epnum><season>1</season><id>16715</id><aired>1994-12-14</aired></episode><episode><title>The Dark Prince Returns</title><url cache="1530.xml">16716</url><epnum>228</epnum><season>1</season><id>16716</id><aired>1994-05-25</aired></episode><episode><title>The Innards of Buu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16717</url><epnum>273</epnum><season>1</season><id>16717</id><aired>1995-08-02</aired></episode><episode><title>Meet Vegito</title><url cache="1530.xml">16718</url><epnum>269</epnum><season>1</season><id>16718</id><aired>1995-07-05</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegeta`s Respect</title><url cache="1530.xml">16719</url><epnum>280</epnum><season>1</season><id>16719</id><aired>1995-10-18</aired></episode><episode><title>Buu Against Buu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16720</url><epnum>255</epnum><season>1</season><id>16720</id><aired>1995-02-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Goku`s Next Journey</title><url cache="1530.xml">16721</url><epnum>291</epnum><season>1</season><id>16721</id><aired>1996-01-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Celebrations with Majin Buu</title><url cache="1530.xml">16722</url><epnum>287</epnum><season>1</season><id>16722</id><aired>1995-12-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Unlikely Friendship</title><url cache="1530.xml">16723</url><epnum>252</epnum><season>1</season><id>16723</id><aired>1995-01-11</aired></episode><episode><title>Majin-Buu Transforms</title><url cache="1530.xml">16724</url><epnum>265</epnum><season>1</season><id>16724</id><aired>1995-05-24</aired></episode><episode><title>Time Struggle</title><url cache="1530.xml">16725</url><epnum>257</epnum><season>1</season><id>16725</id><aired>1995-02-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Search for Survivors</title><url cache="1530.xml">16726</url><epnum>264</epnum><season>1</season><id>16726</id><aired>1995-05-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Battle for the Universe Begins</title><url cache="1530.xml">16727</url><epnum>279</epnum><season>1</season><id>16727</id><aired>1995-09-20</aired></episode><episode><title>Unlucky Break</title><url cache="1530.xml">16728</url><epnum>262</epnum><season>1</season><id>16728</id><aired>1995-04-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Deadly Vision</title><url cache="1530.xml">16729</url><epnum>275</epnum><season>1</season><id>16729</id><aired>1995-08-16</aired></episode><episode><title>Spirit Bomb Triumphant</title><url cache="1530.xml">16730</url><epnum>286</epnum><season>1</season><id>16730</id><aired>1995-12-13</aired></episode><episode><title>He`s Always Late</title><url cache="1530.xml">16731</url><epnum>288</epnum><season>1</season><id>16731</id><aired>1996-01-10</aired></episode><episode><title>The Old Kai`s Weapon</title><url cache="1530.xml">16732</url><epnum>266</epnum><season>1</season><id>16732</id><aired>1995-05-31</aired></episode><episode><title>Ready to Fuse?</title><url cache="1530.xml">16733</url><epnum>267</epnum><season>1</season><id>16733</id><aired>1995-06-07</aired></episode><episode><title>Vegito? Downsized</title><url cache="1530.xml">16734</url><epnum>271</epnum><season>1</season><id>16734</id><aired>1995-07-19</aired></episode><episode><title>I Kill No More</title><url cache="1530.xml">16735</url><epnum>253</epnum><season>1</season><id>16735</id><aired>1995-01-25</aired></episode><episode><title>A Whole New Gohan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16736</url><epnum>263</epnum><season>1</season><id>16736</id><aired>1995-05-03</aired></episode><episode><title>Super Moves of Gotenks</title><url cache="1530.xml">16737</url><epnum>258</epnum><season>1</season><id>16737</id><aired>1995-03-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Empty Planet</title><url cache="1530.xml">16738</url><epnum>256</epnum><season>1</season><id>16738</id><aired>1995-02-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Earth Reborn</title><url cache="1530.xml">16739</url><epnum>283</epnum><season>1</season><id>16739</id><aired>1995-11-15</aired></episode><episode><title>The Evil of Men</title><url cache="1530.xml">16740</url><epnum>254</epnum><season>1</season><id>16740</id><aired>1995-02-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Feeding Frenzy</title><url cache="1530.xml">16741</url><epnum>260</epnum><season>1</season><id>16741</id><aired>1995-03-15</aired></episode><episode><title>Minute of Desperation</title><url cache="1530.xml">16742</url><epnum>281</epnum><season>1</season><id>16742</id><aired>1995-11-01</aired></episode><episode><title>Rip in the Universe</title><url cache="1530.xml">16743</url><epnum>270</epnum><season>1</season><id>16743</id><aired>1995-07-12</aired></episode><episode><title>The Incredible Fighting Candy</title><url cache="1530.xml">16744</url><epnum>272</epnum><season>1</season><id>16744</id><aired>1995-07-26</aired></episode><episode><title>Trapped In Forever</title><url cache="1530.xml">16745</url><epnum>259</epnum><season>1</season><id>16745</id><aired>1995-03-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Gotenks Is Awesome!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16746</url><epnum>261</epnum><season>1</season><id>16746</id><aired>1995-03-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Union of Rivals</title><url cache="1530.xml">16747</url><epnum>268</epnum><season>1</season><id>16747</id><aired>1995-06-28</aired></episode><episode><title>True Saiyans Fight Alone</title><url cache="1530.xml">16748</url><epnum>278</epnum><season>1</season><id>16748</id><aired>1995-09-13</aired></episode><episode><title>Granddaughter Pan</title><url cache="1530.xml">16749</url><epnum>289</epnum><season>1</season><id>16749</id><aired>1996-01-17</aired></episode><episode><title>Old Buu Emerges</title><url cache="1530.xml">16750</url><epnum>282</epnum><season>1</season><id>16750</id><aired>1995-11-08</aired></episode><episode><title>Evil Kid Buu!</title><url cache="1530.xml">16751</url><epnum>276</epnum><season>1</season><id>16751</id><aired>1995-08-23</aired></episode><episode><title>End of Earth</title><url cache="1530.xml">16752</url><epnum>277</epnum><season>1</season><id>16752</id><aired>1995-09-06</aired></episode><episode><title>Call to Action</title><url cache="1530.xml">16753</url><epnum>284</epnum><season>1</season><id>16753</id><aired>1995-11-22</aired></episode><episode><title>Buu`s Reincarnation</title><url cache="1530.xml">16754</url><epnum>290</epnum><season>1</season><id>16754</id><aired>1996-01-24</aired></episode><episode><title>People of Earth Unite</title><url cache="1530.xml">16755</url><epnum>285</epnum><season>1</season><id>16755</id><aired>1995-11-29</aired></episode><episode><title>Mind Trap</title><url cache="1530.xml">16756</url><epnum>274</epnum><season>1</season><id>16756</id><aired>1995-08-09</aired></episode><episode><title>The World of Dragon Ball Z</title><url cache="1530.xml">51995</url><epnum>1</epnum><season>0</season><id>51995</id><aired></aired></episode><episode><title>DB-Z-GT - Director`s Choice 10 Craziest Fighting Techniques</title><url cache="1530.xml">51996</url><epnum>2</epnum><season>0</season><id>51996</id><aired></aired></episode><episode><title>Director`s Choice - 10 Best Fight Scenes From The Dragon Ball Series</title><url cache="1530.xml">51997</url><epnum>3</epnum><season>0</season><id>51997</id><aired></aired></episode><episode><title>Featurette 01 - Goku vs Vegeta</title><url cache="1530.xml">51998</url><epnum>4</epnum><season>0</season><id>51998</id><aired></aired></episode><episode><title>Rebirth Part 1 - Film to Video The HD Transfer</title><url cache="1530.xml">67599</url><epnum>5</epnum><season>0</season><id>67599</id><aired></aired></episode></episodeguide>
  1187. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::OnProcessSeriesFolder - no match for show: 'Dragon Ball Z', season: 1, episode: 0, airdate: '01/01/1601', title: ''
  1188. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 101 - The Last Wish.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10378
  1189. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16475' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1190. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16475</code><title>The New Threat</title><season>1</season><episode>1</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>11</votes><rating>5.74</rating><aired>1989-04-26</aired><actor><name>Nozawa Masako</name><role>Son Gokuu</role></actor><actor><name>Nozawa Masako</name><role>Son Gohan</role></actor><actor><name>Miyauchi Kouhei</name><role>Kame Sennin</role></actor><actor><name>Tsuru Hiromi</name><role>Bulma</role></actor><actor><name>Shou Mayumi</name><role>Chichi</role></actor><actor><name>Tanaka Mayumi</name><role>Kuririn</role></actor><actor><name>Furukawa Toshio</name><role>Piccolo</role></actor><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1191. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1192. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>With no new battles to fight, Goku has been living a quiet life in the countryside with his wife Chi-Chi...and their son Gohan! While Goku makes plans to spend a happy day with friends on Master Roshi's island, a powerful new threat is on its way to Earth. And the arrival of this sinister alien could spell disaster for Goku and his friends!</plot></details>
  1193. 18:33:50 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 101 - The Last Wish.mkv
  1194. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1195. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1196. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 102 - Duel on a Vanishing Planet.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10379
  1197. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16475
  1198. 18:33:51 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1199. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16471' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1200. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16471</code><title>Reunions</title><season>1</season><episode>2</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>3</votes><rating>8.08</rating><aired>1989-05-03</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1201. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1202. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku and Gohan attend a reunion on Master Roshi's island, where Goku introduces his son to all of his old friends. The smiles quickly fade, however, as an unexpected visitor lands on the island, and for Goku the day becomes a reunion of a different kind. A powerful alien has arrived. It's Raditz: Goku's evil older brother!</plot></details>
  1203. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 102 - Duel on a Vanishing Planet.mkv
  1204. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1205. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1206. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 103 - Pathos of Frieza.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10380
  1207. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16471
  1208. 18:33:51 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1209. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16460' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1210. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16460</code><title>Unlikely Alliance</title><season>1</season><episode>3</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-05-10</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1211. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1212. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Raditz has kidnapped Gohan! And unless Goku agrees to forsake his friends and the people of Earth by joining the sinister Saiyan, he may never see his son again! All hope is not lost, however, as a second uninvited guest arrives on the island - and Goku forges an unlikely alliance!</plot></details>
  1213. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 103 - Pathos of Frieza.mkv
  1214. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1215. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1216. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 104 - Frieza Defeated.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10381
  1217. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16460
  1218. 18:33:51 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1219. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16479' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1220. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16479</code><title>Piccolo's Plan</title><season>1</season><episode>4</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>3</votes><rating>7.26</rating><aired>1989-05-17</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1221. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1222. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>The situation looks bleak for Goku and Piccolo, as Raditz easily deflects every attack they send his way. But Piccolo may have a way to stop the sinister Saiyan. He's perfected a powerful new attack, the Special Beam Cannon!There's only one problem: Piccolo needs time to gather the energy for the blast, which means Goku will have to last for five minutes against Raditz alone!</plot></details>
  1223. 18:33:51 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 104 - Frieza Defeated.mkv
  1224. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1225. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1226. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 105 - Mighty Blast of Rage.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10382
  1227. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16479
  1228. 18:33:52 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1229. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16480' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1230. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16480</code><title>Gohan's Rage</title><season>1</season><episode>5</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-05-24</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1231. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1232. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>As Goku takes blow after punishing blow from the evil Raditz, Gohan is able to watch no longer! The young boy's rage unlocks an awesome power sleeping within him, and he unleashes a mighty attack that not even Radtiz can resist! But as quickly as Gohan's power appears, it vanishes. And when Raditz prepares to strike back, Goku must make the ultimate sacrifice to save his son! This all only leads to the revelation that two more Saiyans are on their way to Earth.</plot></details>
  1233. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 105 - Mighty Blast of Rage.mkv
  1234. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1235. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1236. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 106 - Namek s Explosion Goku s End.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10383
  1237. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16480
  1238. 18:33:52 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1239. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16477' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1240. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16477</code><title>No Time Like the Present</title><season>1</season><episode>6</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>6.54</rating><aired>1989-06-07</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1241. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1242. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>With Raditz defeated and Goku gone from this world, the surviving Z Warriors must begin preparing for the arrival of two more Saiyans who will reach Earth in one year's time. Piccolo takes Gohan into the wild for a severe training program, in the hope that his hidden power will be revealed. Meanwhile, Goku embarks on a new adventure in the next world, as he must travel the endless miles of Snake Way to receive training from the legendary King Kai!</plot></details>
  1243. 18:33:52 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 106 - Namek s Explosion Goku s End.mkv
  1244. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1245. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1246. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 107 - Goku s Alive.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10384
  1247. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16477
  1248. 18:33:53 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1249. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16467' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1250. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16467</code><title>Day 1</title><season>1</season><episode>7</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>8.18</rating><aired>1989-06-14</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1251. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1252. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan begins his first day of Piccolo's training. Alone in the wilderness, he must quickly learn to take care of himself. But that isn't easy when he's tired, hungry - and being chased by hungry dinosaurs! If Gohan's first day is this dangerous, how will he ever survive for the second? Piccolo secretly watches these events.</plot></details>
  1253. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 107 - Goku s Alive.mkv
  1254. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1255. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1256. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 108 - The Heavens Tremble.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10385
  1257. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16467
  1258. 18:33:53 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1259. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16470' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1260. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16470</code><title>Gohan Goes Bananas!</title><season>1</season><episode>8</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>6.54</rating><aired>1989-06-21</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1261. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1262. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Krillin receives a startling message, sent by Yajirobe. Korin wants him to gather Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu and report for special training! And if that weren't enough, he and Roshi still have to find a way to tell Chi-Chi what's happened to Goku and her son. Meanwhile, Gohan's training causes him to undergo a shocking transformation!</plot></details>
  1263. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 108 - The Heavens Tremble.mkv
  1264. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1265. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1266. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 109 - Black Fog of Terror.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10386
  1267. 18:33:53 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16470
  1268. 18:33:53 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1269. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16484' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1270. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16484</code><title>The Strangest Robot</title><season>1</season><episode>9</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-06-28</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1271. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1272. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan awakes in the wilderness to find his tail gone and a new set of clothes on his back. But the puzzled boy has little time to figure out what happened before a group of wild animals try to have him for breakfast! The chase leads Gohan into the depths of an ancient cave, where he meets an old Capsule Corp robot. The robot has lived alone in the cave for over 30 years, and he's not happy to have visitors!</plot></details>
  1273. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 109 - Black Fog of Terror.mkv
  1274. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1275. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1276. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 110 - Battle in Kami s Lookout.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10387
  1277. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16484
  1278. 18:33:54 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1279. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16490' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1280. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16490</code><title>A New Friend</title><season>1</season><episode>10</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>6.94</rating><aired>1989-07-05</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1281. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1282. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Krillin pulls Yamcha away from a rowdy baseball game to begin training at Korin Tower. Meanwhile, Gohan's adventures in the wilderness continue, as he makes a new dinosaur friend! Gohan is happy to finally have some company. That is, until he gets a harsh reminder - not all dinosaurs are friendly!</plot></details>
  1283. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 110 - Battle in Kami s Lookout.mkv
  1284. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1285. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1286. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 111 - Fight With Piccolo.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10388
  1287. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16490
  1288. 18:33:54 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1289. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16489' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1290. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16489</code><title>Terror on Arlia</title><season>1</season><episode>11</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>3.60</rating><aired>1989-07-12</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1291. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1292. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>While Goku runs down Snake Way for a meeting with King Kai, Gohan gets a very important survival lesson from a T-Rex. Meanwhile Vegeta and Nappa head towards Earth but make a quick stop on planet Arlia and become prisoners of the tyrant king who rules the planet. After a brief scuffle with the monster Yeddy, the Arlians realize that the two Saiyans are more for then they can handle as Vegeta and Nappa leave their terrible mark on the planet.</plot></details>
  1293. 18:33:54 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 111 - Fight With Piccolo.mkv
  1294. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1295. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1296. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 112 - Call For Restoration.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10389
  1297. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16489
  1298. 18:33:55 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1299. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16488' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1300. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16488</code><title>Global Training</title><season>1</season><episode>12</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>6.54</rating><aired>1989-07-19</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1301. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1302. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan is busy with his survival training and spends his day tormenting a clumsy but delicious T-Rex. Tien and Chiaotzu are training across the planet, but their workout is interrupted by a very demanding Launch. Goku tries to find King Kai on Snake Way while Piccolo's power gets out of control with disastrous results.</plot></details>
  1303. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 112 - Call For Restoration.mkv
  1304. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1305. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1306. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 113 - Suicidal Course.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10390
  1307. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16488
  1308. 18:33:55 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1309. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16463' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1310. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16463</code><title>Goz and Mez</title><season>1</season><episode>13</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>2.39</rating><aired>1989-07-26</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1311. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1312. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After waking up dazed and disoriented, Goku sees a fruit tree. Not one to deny his appetite, Goku helps himself. But watching him are two giant ogres who want nothing more than to use the hero as a play toy! If Goku can defeat their challenges, the ogres vow to show him the way back to Snake Way. But can these two beasts be trusted?</plot></details>
  1313. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 113 - Suicidal Course.mkv
  1314. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1315. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1316. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 114 - Extreme Measures.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10391
  1317. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16463
  1318. 18:33:55 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1319. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16486' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1320. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16486</code><title>Princess Snake</title><season>1</season><episode>14</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>3</votes><rating>3.18</rating><aired>1989-08-02</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1321. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1322. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Finally back on Snake Way, Goku comes across a house. Thinking it belongs to the legendary King Kai, Goku believes his amazing journey has ended. But he soon finds himself begin deceived by Princess Snake, who will do anything to keep Goku her prisoner forever!</plot></details>
  1323. 18:33:55 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 114 - Extreme Measures.mkv
  1324. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1325. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1326. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 115 - The World Awakens.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10392
  1327. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16486
  1328. 18:33:56 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1329. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16469' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1330. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16469</code><title>Dueling Piccolos</title><season>1</season><episode>15</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-08-09</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1331. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1332. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Still in shock that Raditz was able to dodge his strongest attack, Piccolo flies off the handle causing him to split in two! Gohan takes a break from training and begins to dream of his mother and father. The next day he decides to visit his mother by traversing the sea on a makeshift raft. He soon gets caught in a storm and remembers he can't swim! Could this be the end of poor Gohan?</plot></details>
  1333. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 115 - The World Awakens.mkv
  1334. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1335. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1336. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 116 - Brief Chance for Victory.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10393
  1337. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16469
  1338. 18:33:56 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1339. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16464' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1340. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16464</code><title>Plight of the Children</title><season>1</season><episode>16</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-08-16</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1341. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1342. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After surviving a rough night on a stormy sea, Gohan washes up onshore and is nursed back to health by two orphans named Rom and Chiko. It turns out that they are part of a larger gang of orphans who live on their own and are constantly on the run from meddling adults. Pigero, the orphans' leader, hatches a plan to take the orphaned children to a safer hiding place but when the police show up everything goes wrong!</plot></details>
  1343. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 116 - Brief Chance for Victory.mkv
  1344. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1345. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1346. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 117 - Krillin s Proposal.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10394
  1347. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16464
  1348. 18:33:56 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1349. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16465' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1350. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16465</code><title>Pendulum Room Peril</title><season>1</season><episode>17</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>7.83</rating><aired>1989-08-30</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1351. 18:33:56 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1352. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Mr. Popo leads Earth's top warriors to Kami's Pendulum Room where the past, present and future exist at the same time. After an eventful trip back in time they all realize they have to train a lot harder if they are going to stand a chance against the two Saiyans who are speeding ever closer to Earth.</plot></details>
  1353. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 117 - Krillin s Proposal.mkv
  1354. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1355. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1356. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 118 - Frieza s Counterattack.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10395
  1357. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16465
  1358. 18:33:57 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1359. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16474' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1360. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16474</code><title>The End of Snake Way</title><season>1</season><episode>18</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>3.60</rating><aired>1989-09-06</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1361. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1362. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan continues his martial arts training under the watchful eye of Piccolo, but a strange transformation takes him over. A full moon causes the young Saiyan to rampage out of control! Meanwhile Goku finally makes it to the end of Snake Way and mistakes a friendly ape named Bubbles for the mythical King Kai. With two of our heroes going bananas it looks like the two sinister Saiyans will have an easy time invading Earth!</plot></details>
  1363. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 118 - Frieza s Counterattack.mkv
  1364. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1365. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1366. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 119 - The Mysterious Youth.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10396
  1367. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16474
  1368. 18:33:57 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1369. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16481' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1370. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16481</code><title>Defying Gravity</title><season>1</season><episode>19</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>2.39</rating><aired>1989-09-13</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1371. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1372. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan's training with Piccolo continues to intensify, but it's Goku who faces the biggest challenge. Goku begins his training, but it is unlike anything he's ever experienced before. The intense gravity of King Kai's planet makes training difficult, but when he learns that the Saiyans are used to extreme fighting conditions, Goku is inspired to give it his all. But will it be enough?</plot></details>
  1373. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 119 - The Mysterious Youth.mkv
  1374. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1375. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1376. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 120 - Another Super Saiyan.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10397
  1377. 18:33:57 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16481
  1378. 18:33:57 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1379. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16461' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1380. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16461</code><title>Goku's Ancestors</title><season>1</season><episode>20</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-09-20</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1381. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1382. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After Goku completes the first phase of his special martial arts training King Kai instructs him to bash Gregory with a hammer. Easier said than done. After an exhaustive chase, King Kai tells the story of the Saiyan race. Inspired, Goku resumes his training and eventually manages to put the hammer to Gregory. Impressed, King Kai agrees to train Goku personally. But will it be enough to stop the incoming Saiyan invasion of Earth?</plot></details>
  1383. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 120 - Another Super Saiyan.mkv
  1384. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1385. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1386. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 121 - Welcome Back Goku.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10398
  1387. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16461
  1388. 18:33:58 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1389. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16483' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1390. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16483</code><title>Counting Down</title><season>1</season><episode>21</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>2.39</rating><aired>1989-09-27</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1391. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1392. 18:33:58 T:7228 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  1393. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku's training with King Kai complete, Master Roshi and the gang summon the Eternal Dragon to wish him back to life! And they're not a moment too soon. There's only one day left before the Saiyans arrive! The problem is - it's going to take Goku two days to return on Snake Way!</plot></details>
  1394. 18:33:58 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 121 - Welcome Back Goku.mkv
  1395. 18:33:58 T:7788 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 7788 terminating (autodelete)
  1396. 18:33:58 T:6092 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 6092 terminating (autodelete)
  1397. 18:33:58 T:5392 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 5392 terminating (autodelete)
  1398. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1399. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1400. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 122 - Mystery Revealed.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10399
  1401. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16483
  1402. 18:33:59 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1403. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16472' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1404. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16472</code><title>The Darkest Day</title><season>1</season><episode>22</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>5.20</rating><aired>1989-10-11</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1405. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1406. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>The Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa defiantly announce their arrival on Earth with the complete destruction of East City. Sensing their power, Goku, Gohan and Krillin prepare for the worst and meet the Saiyans face to face where Piccolo learns of his origins on the planet Namek. Yajirobe also learns of the Saiyans arrival but uses it merely as an occasion for profit. Our heroes are left facing on onslaught of sprouted Saibamen under the grinning command of Vegetta and Nappa</plot></details>
  1407. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 122 - Mystery Revealed.mkv
  1408. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1409. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1410. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 123 - Goku s Special Technique.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10400
  1411. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16472
  1412. 18:33:59 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1413. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16482' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1414. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16482</code><title>Saibamen Attack!</title><season>1</season><episode>23</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.38</rating><aired>1989-10-18</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1415. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1416. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Having completed their year-long journey to Earth, the two snister Saiyans made their presence known with explosive style! Now Krillin, Piccolo, and Gohan stand face to face with these saiyan monsters, and the diabolical henchmen they've brought with them. Can they hold out until Goku arrives?</plot></details>
  1417. 18:33:59 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 123 - Goku s Special Technique.mkv
  1418. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1419. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1420. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 124 - Z Warriors Prepare.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10401
  1421. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16482
  1422. 18:34:00 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1423. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16485' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1424. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16485</code><title>The Power of Nappa</title><season>1</season><episode>24</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>8.65</rating><aired>1989-10-25</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1425. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1426. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Enraged over the loss of his friend, Yamcha, Krillin unleashes a powerful attack that destroys the maniacal Saibamen once and for all. But the victory is only temporary. Now the Earth's defenders must battle the Saiyans themselves - and the terrifying Nappa is ready for a fight!</plot></details>
  1427. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 124 - Z Warriors Prepare.mkv
  1428. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1429. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1430. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 125 - Goku s Ordeal.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10402
  1431. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16485
  1432. 18:34:00 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1433. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16466' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1434. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16466</code><title>Sacrifice</title><season>1</season><episode>25</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>8.65</rating><aired>1989-11-01</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1435. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1436. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>In a desperate attempt to save his friends, Chiaotzu sacrifices himself to stop the evil Nappa. But when the smoke clears, Nappa is left standing. Now Tien and the others must carry on without their friend as Nappa launches another devastating attack. And though his body is broken, Tien has one trick left that could put the diabolical Saiayn down, once and for all!</plot></details>
  1437. 18:34:00 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 125 - Goku s Ordeal.mkv
  1438. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1439. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1440. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 126 - The Androids Appear.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10403
  1441. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16466
  1442. 18:34:01 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1443. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16468' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1444. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16468</code><title>Nappa's Rampage</title><season>1</season><episode>26</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>2</votes><rating>1.33</rating><aired>1989-11-08</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1445. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1446. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta has called a halt to the fighting, and Nappa uses the time to go on a rampage! Meanwhile, Goku reaches the end of Snake Way and races to rejoin his friends, But is he already too late to save them from the deadly Saiyans?</plot></details>
  1447. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 126 - The Androids Appear.mkv
  1448. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1449. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1450. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 127 - A Handy Trick.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10404
  1451. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16468
  1452. 18:34:01 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1453. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16478' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1454. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16478</code><title>Nimbus Speed</title><season>1</season><episode>27</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.38</rating><aired>1989-11-22</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1455. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1456. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin do their best to stop the Saiyan invaders, Vegeta and Nappa, from finding the Dragon Balls and taking over the planet. Meanwhile, Goku is flying back to Earth on the Flying Nimbus with more power than he has ever had before. Will it be enough? And will he arrive in time?</plot></details>
  1457. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 127 - A Handy Trick.mkv
  1458. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1459. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1460. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 128 - Double Trouble For Goku.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10405
  1461. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16478
  1462. 18:34:01 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1463. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16462' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1464. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16462</code><title>Goku's Arrival</title><season>1</season><episode>28</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>8.65</rating><aired>1989-11-29</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1465. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1466. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Piccolo makes the ultimate sacrifice in an effort to save Gohan from the Saiyan's ruthless rampage. Just when all seems hopeless, Goku finally returns to Earth with an incredible new level of power and confronts the Saiyans. But, will this new power be enough to defeat Nappa and Vegeta?</plot></details>
  1467. 18:34:01 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 128 - Double Trouble For Goku.mkv
  1468. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1469. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1470. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 129 - Upgrade To Super Saiyan.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10406
  1471. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16462
  1472. 18:34:02 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1473. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16473' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1474. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16473</code><title>Lesson Number One</title><season>1</season><episode>29</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>10.00</rating><aired>1989-12-06</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1475. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1476. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Locked in the final battle with Earth's Saiyan attackers, Goku begins to demonstrate the skills and training he received from King Kai beginning with a devastating attack on Nappa. But when Nappa concedes defeat under the command of Vegeta, he turns on Gohan and Krillin only to be stopped by Goku's Kaio-Ken attack. Broken and defeated, Nappa is finally vanquished by Vegeta leaving Goku to face him alone.</plot></details>
  1477. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 129 - Upgrade To Super Saiyan.mkv
  1478. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1479. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1480. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 130 - The Secret Of Dr Gero.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10407
  1481. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16473
  1482. 18:34:02 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1483. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16476' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1484. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16476</code><title>Goku vs. Vegeta</title><season>1</season><episode>30</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>8.65</rating><aired>1989-12-13</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1485. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1486. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After sending Gohan and Krillin away, Goku decides to take on the mighty Vegeta all by himself. As his family and friends wait and wonder, Goku and the powerful Saiyan face off in a destructive battle. Both warriors seem evenly matched, but both are hiding their true strength. Will Goku's hidden abilities be enough to put an end to this once and for all?</plot></details>
  1487. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 130 - The Secret Of Dr Gero.mkv
  1488. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1489. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1490. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 131 - More Androids.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10408
  1491. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16476
  1492. 18:34:02 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1493. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16487' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1494. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16487</code><title>Saiyan Sized Secret</title><season>1</season><episode>31</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.38</rating><aired>1989-12-20</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1495. 18:34:02 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1496. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta and Goku continue their one-one one battle of strength, will, and determination. Blow by blow, the two warriors seem evenly matched, until Vegeta reveals the secret power of the Saiyans...the ability to transform into a giant ape, whose rage is capable of destroying entire civilizations and planets! Can Goku find a way to stop this monstrous assault?</plot></details>
  1497. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 131 - More Androids.mkv
  1498. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1499. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1500. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 132 - Follow Dr Gero.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10409
  1501. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16487
  1502. 18:34:03 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1503. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16500' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1504. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16500</code><title>Spirit Bomb Away!</title><season>1</season><episode>32</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>2.50</rating><aired>1990-01-17</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1505. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1506. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>The battle continues between Goku and Vegeta, who is now a completely transformed Saiyan Warrior. When Gohan senses the danger his dad is facing, he convinces Krillin that they must return and fight. Goku is left with no choice except to use the Spirit Bomb. But when that fails, he is left in the clutches of Vegeta with no help in sight!</plot></details>
  1507. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 132 - Follow Dr Gero.mkv
  1508. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1509. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1510. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 133 - Nightmare Comes True.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10410
  1511. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16500
  1512. 18:34:03 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1513. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16508' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1514. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16508</code><title>Hero in the Shadows</title><season>1</season><episode>33</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>10.00</rating><aired>1990-01-24</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1515. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1516. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>With Goku caught in the clutches of the giant ape Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan launch a desperate attempt to save him! All is for naught, however, as Krillin's Destructo Disk fails to sever the Saiyan's tail. But a single hope remains for reversing Vegeta's monstrous transformation, when an unlikely hero steps out of the shadows - Yajirobe!</plot></details>
  1517. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 133 - Nightmare Comes True.mkv
  1518. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1519. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1520. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 134 - Goku s Assasin.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10411
  1521. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16508
  1522. 18:34:03 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1523. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16512' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1524. 18:34:03 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16512</code><title>Krillin's Offensive</title><season>1</season><episode>34</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>2.50</rating><aired>1990-01-31</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1525. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1526. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>While Gohan fights for his life against Vegeta, Goku passes the power of the Spirit Bomb to Krillin. With King Kai's guidance, Krillin launches the bomb at Vegeta in an attack that sends the evil Saiyan sky-high. Now that he's been sent hurtling toward the outer-reaches of the Earth's atmosphere, this is surely the last our heroes have seen of Vegeta - or is it?</plot></details>
  1527. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 134 - Goku s Assasin.mkv
  1528. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1529. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1530. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 135 - Deadly Beauty.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10412
  1531. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16512
  1532. 18:34:04 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1533. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16491' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1534. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16491</code><title>Mercy</title><season>1</season><episode>35</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-02-07</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1535. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1536. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan transforms into the giant ape, much to the dismay of the angry Vegeta. After a grueling battle, Vegeta managed to cut off Gohan's tail, taking away his ability to transform. But, the giant ape fell and crushed Vegeta, leaving him beaten and defeated. Krillin decides to finish the Saiyan, once and for all, but Goku has other plans...</plot></details>
  1537. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 135 - Deadly Beauty.mkv
  1538. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1539. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1540. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 136 - No Match For The Androids.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10413
  1541. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16491
  1542. 18:34:04 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1543. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16493' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1544. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16493</code><title>Picking Up the Pieces</title><season>1</season><episode>36</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-02-14</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1545. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1546. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>The battle with the Saiyans finally won, Goku, Krillin, and the others mourn the loss of Yamcha, Tien, Chiatzu, and Piccolo. With Kami also gone, the Earth's Dragon Balls have disappeared. There is no hope for wishing any of the fallen heroes back to life... Or is there?</plot></details>
  1547. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 136 - No Match For The Androids.mkv
  1548. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1549. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1550. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 137 - Last Ditch Effort.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10414
  1551. 18:34:04 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16493
  1552. 18:34:04 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1553. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16529' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1554. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16529</code><title>Plans for Departure</title><season>1</season><episode>37</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-02-21</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1555. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1556. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>As the weak and weary warriors of Planet Earth are bandaged and cared for, Bulma accidentally destroys the Siayan spaceship, leaving no way to get to Planet Namek! But, Mr. Popo reveals that there might be another spacecraft they can use. Can they get to it in time, and will the old and forgotten ship even work if they do?</plot></details>
  1557. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 137 - Last Ditch Effort.mkv
  1558. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1559. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1560. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 138 - Closing In.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10415
  1561. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16529
  1562. 18:34:05 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1563. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16502' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1564. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16502</code><title>Nursing Wounds</title><season>1</season><episode>38</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-02-28</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1565. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1566. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku, Krillin, and Gohan nurse their wounds and prepare for the return of the Siayan attackers while Bulma follows Mr. Popo to find a spaceship to take her to Planet Namek. There, she plans to find the Dragon Balls in attempt to bring back Piccolo. Can Goku recover before it's too late? Can Bulma get to Planet Namek, and once there, what obstacles await her?</plot></details>
  1567. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 138 - Closing In.mkv
  1568. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1569. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1570. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 139 - Unwelcome Discovery.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10416
  1571. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16502
  1572. 18:34:05 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1573. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16516' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1574. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16516</code><title>Friends or Foes?</title><season>1</season><episode>39</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-03-07</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1575. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1576. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan joins Bulma and Krillin as they head to Planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. What begins as a mundane trip becomes chaotic when they encounter a bizarre situation in the emptiness of space. Finding themselves on some type of space station, they set out on foot to find their escape.</plot></details>
  1577. 18:34:05 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 139 - Unwelcome Discovery.mkv
  1578. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1579. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1580. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 140 - Seized with Fear.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10417
  1581. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16516
  1582. 18:34:06 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1583. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16509' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1584. 18:34:06 T:3444 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 3444 terminating (autodelete)
  1585. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16509</code><title>Held Captive</title><season>1</season><episode>40</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-03-14</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1586. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1587. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin have been taken captive by an army of children! These young soliders believe that Gohan and his friends are allies of Frieza, the evil warlord who destroyed their hoe planet. Now, with time running out, the Z-gang must find a way to convince the kids of their innocence.</plot></details>
  1588. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 140 - Seized with Fear.mkv
  1589. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1590. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1591. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 141 - The Reunion.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10418
  1592. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16509
  1593. 18:34:06 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1594. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16504' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1595. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16504</code><title>Look Out Below</title><season>1</season><episode>41</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-03-21</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1596. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1597. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin make a rough landing on what they believe to be Planet Namek, but when their ship falls off a liff, it seems their journey will come to an untimely end Luckily for or heroes, two kind Namekians appear in the nick of time and pull them to safety. Offering to help them in their quest, the Namekian named Raiti leads their gang on a search for the Dragon Balls.</plot></details>
  1598. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 141 - The Reunion.mkv
  1599. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1600. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1601. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 142 - Borrowed Powers.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10419
  1602. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16504
  1603. 18:34:06 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1604. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16496' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1605. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16496</code><title>The Search Continues</title><season>1</season><episode>42</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-04-04</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1606. 18:34:06 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1607. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>On Planet Namek, Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma continue their search for the Dragon Balls with the help of their new friend Zaacro. Standing between them and their goal, however, is one mean giant! Meanwhile, back on Earth, Goku has escaped from the hospital to begin training for his upcoming re-match with Vegeta.</plot></details>
  1608. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 142 - Borrowed Powers.mkv
  1609. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1610. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1611. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 143 - His Name is Cell.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10420
  1612. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16496
  1613. 18:34:07 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1614. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16520' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1615. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16520</code><title>A Friendly Surprise</title><season>1</season><episode>43</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-04-11</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1616. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1617. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>As Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan close in on the last of the Dragon Balls, they uncover a shocking secret about their Namekian friends. And while Goku works to build up his strength back on Earth, far across the galaxy, Vegeta has begun making plans of his own. The Saiyan prince's sights are set on one thing - revenge.</plot></details>
  1618. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 143 - His Name is Cell.mkv
  1619. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1620. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1621. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 144 - Piccolo s Folly.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10421
  1622. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16520
  1623. 18:34:07 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1624. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16514' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1625. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16514</code><title>Brood of Evil</title><season>1</season><episode>44</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-04-18</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1626. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1627. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After fleeing from the wicked aliens, Bulma, Krillin and Gohan arrive on the planet Namek. But they are not alone. Vegeta is right behind in his own space pod. To make matters worse, the dreaded Frieza is already on the planet, and he has three of the Dragon Balls!</plot></details>
  1628. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 144 - Piccolo s Folly.mkv
  1629. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1630. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1631. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 145 - Laboratory Basement.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10422
  1632. 18:34:07 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16514
  1633. 18:34:07 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1634. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16510' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1635. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16510</code><title>Frieza Strikes!</title><season>1</season><episode>45</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-04-25</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1636. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1637. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>While Bulma, Krillin and Gohan discuss what to do next, Frieza sends two soldiers to inflitrate their ship. But Krillin and Gohan's combined might is too much for them to handle, and they are easily defeated. Meanwhile, on another part of the planet, Vegeta defeats his longtime enemy, Cui.</plot></details>
  1638. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 145 - Laboratory Basement.mkv
  1639. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1640. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1641. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 146 - Our Hero Awakens.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10423
  1642. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16510
  1643. 18:34:08 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1644. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16524' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1645. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16524</code><title>Defying Orders</title><season>1</season><episode>46</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-05-02</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1646. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1647. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Back on Earth, Gokus is sufferning from an illness, but a magic Senzu bean offers a full recover. When Goku hears about the trouble on Namek, he jumps into his old spaceship, rebuilt by Bulma's father Dr. Briefs. On Namek, Krillin and Gohan witness Frieza's power and learn that he has collected four Dragon Balls!</plot></details>
  1648. 18:34:08 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 146 - Our Hero Awakens.mkv
  1649. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1650. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1651. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 147 - Time Chamber.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10424
  1652. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16524
  1653. 18:34:09 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1654. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16515' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1655. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16515</code><title>Namek's Defense</title><season>1</season><episode>47</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-05-09</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1656. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1657. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Namekian warriors fall under attack from Frieza's forces as the evil villain continues his earch for the fifth Dragon Ball. Dodoria, Frieza's red-faced henchman, leads the assault. Meanwhile, Goku continues his voyage to Namek in his space pod, where he finds plento of time to train for the coming battle.</plot></details>
  1658. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 147 - Time Chamber.mkv
  1659. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1660. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1661. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 148 - The Monster is Coming.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10425
  1662. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16515
  1663. 18:34:09 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1664. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16492' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1665. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16492</code><title>The Hunted</title><season>1</season><episode>48</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-05-16</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1666. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1667. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Unable to stand by and watch the torture any longer, Gohan leaps out of hiding to rescue a Namekian boy from the clutches of Frieza's evil henchmen. Now Gohan and Krillin have an even bigger problem on their hands - Dodoria is chasing them, and he won't stop until he has his revenge!</plot></details>
  1668. 18:34:09 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 148 - The Monster is Coming.mkv
  1669. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1670. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1671. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 149 - He s Here.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10426
  1672. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16492
  1673. 18:34:10 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1674. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16506' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1675. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16506</code><title>The Prince Fights Back</title><season>1</season><episode>49</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-05-23</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1676. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1677. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta catches Dodoria in his search for Gohan and Krillin, and attacks. In an attempt to save his life, Dodoria reveals that Frieza was responsible for the destructino of the Saiyan home planet (also called Vegeta). Vegeta destroys Dodoria in return, and begins his own quest for the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillin reunite with Bulma and learn that Goku will soon arrive on Namek.</plot></details>
  1678. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 149 - He s Here.mkv
  1679. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1680. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1681. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 150 - Up to Piccolo.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10427
  1682. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16506
  1683. 18:34:10 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1684. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16507' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1685. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16507</code><title>Unexpected Problem</title><season>1</season><episode>50</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-05-30</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1686. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1687. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku runs into trouble when his space pod begins to drift towards a star. Goku has to think fast in order to avoid getting bumped up. Back on Namek, Vegeta beats Frieza to the sixth Dragon Ball and hides it in a lake.</plot></details>
  1688. 18:34:10 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 150 - Up to Piccolo.mkv
  1689. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1690. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1691. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 151 - Silent Warrior.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10428
  1692. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16507
  1693. 18:34:11 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1694. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16531' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1695. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16531</code><title>Vegeta has a Ball</title><season>1</season><episode>51</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-06-06</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1696. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1697. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After saving Dende, Gohan and Krillin feel a large Ki and recognize it as belonging to Vegeta, who is attacking a village to obtain the Dragon Ball there. Dende learns why the others have come all the way from Earth, and begs them to help save his people. Elsewhere, Goku continues his training on his spaceship. King Kai speaks to Goku's mind, saying that Piccolo and the other late warriors have arrived on Kai's World asking for the same training Kai gave Goku.</plot></details>
  1698. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 151 - Silent Warrior.mkv
  1699. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1700. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1701. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 152 - Say Goodbye, 17.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10429
  1702. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16531
  1703. 18:34:11 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1704. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16503' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1705. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16503</code><title>The Past and The Future</title><season>1</season><episode>52</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-06-20</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1706. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1707. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>On Kai's World, Tien, Chiatzu, Yamcha and Piccolo arrive and begin their training after Piccolo inadvertently tells a joke. Meanwhile, on Planet Namek, Zarbon and Vegeta find each other and begin their battle.</plot></details>
  1708. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 152 - Say Goodbye, 17.mkv
  1709. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1710. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1711. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 153 - Sacrifice.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10430
  1712. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16503
  1713. 18:34:11 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1714. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16501' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1715. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16501</code><title>Zarbon's Special Surprise</title><season>1</season><episode>53</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-06-27</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1716. 18:34:11 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1717. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta challenges Frieza's green-haired assistant Zarbon to a fight. Vegeta appears to gain the upper hand, but Zarbon transforms into a powerful monster and defeats the Saiyan. Meanwhile, goku continues his space pod training and Krillin and Dende remain on their quest for Guru.</plot></details>
  1718. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 153 - Sacrifice.mkv
  1719. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1720. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1721. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 154 - Saiyans Emerge.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10431
  1722. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16501
  1723. 18:34:12 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1724. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16511' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1725. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16511</code><title>Guru's Gift</title><season>1</season><episode>54</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-07-04</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1726. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1727. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Krillin and Dende finally reach Guru's home, where the eldest Namek explains the history of the Dragon Balls as well as Piccolo's unusual origin. Sensing Krillin's innate goodness, Guru awakens Krillin's latent powers and gives him the last Dragon Ball.</plot></details>
  1728. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 154 - Saiyans Emerge.mkv
  1729. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1730. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1731. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 155 - Super Vegeta.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10432
  1732. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16511
  1733. 18:34:12 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1734. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16495' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1735. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16495</code><title>Piccolo vs. Everyone</title><season>1</season><episode>55</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-07-18</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1736. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1737. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu continue their training on Kai's world and sturggle with their assignements against Bubbles and Gregory. However, Piccolo finds Kai's methods foolish and refuses to participate, but finally joins in sparring against the other three. Meanwhile, Zarbon finds an unconscious Vegeta and brings him back to Frieza.</plot></details>
  1738. 18:34:12 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 155 - Super Vegeta.mkv
  1739. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1740. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1741. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 156 - Bow To The Prince.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10433
  1742. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16495
  1743. 18:34:13 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1744. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16519' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1745. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16519</code><title>Zarbon's Mission</title><season>1</season><episode>56</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-08-01</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1746. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1747. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>On Namek, Vegeta finally recovers from his battle with Zarbon, and escapse from Frieza's base with all five Dragon Balls. He discovers that Krillin has the seventh Dragon Ball and goes after it, with Zarbon in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Goku's spaceship begins passing through a violent magnetic storm.</plot></details>
  1748. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 156 - Bow To The Prince.mkv
  1749. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1750. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1751. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 157 - Hour of Temptation.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10434
  1752. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16519
  1753. 18:34:13 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1754. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16523' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1755. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16523</code><title>Gohan, the Hunted</title><season>1</season><episode>57</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-08-08</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1756. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1757. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku's space pod encounters a magnetic storb, casuing the gravity machine to go haywire. Goku barely survives the most intense gravity he has every experinenced: 100G. On Namek, Krillin reunintes with Bulma and is almost immediately confronted by Vegeta and Zarbon, who begin to fight over Krilin's Dragon Ball.</plot></details>
  1758. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 157 - Hour of Temptation.mkv
  1759. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1760. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1761. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 158 - Krillin s Decision.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10435
  1762. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16523
  1763. 18:34:13 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1764. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16505' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1765. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16505</code><title>Unknown Enemies</title><season>1</season><episode>58</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-08-22</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1766. 18:34:13 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1767. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta defeats Zarbon and gains what he thinks to be the last Dragon Ball. But on his way to summon the Eternal Dragon, he runs into Gohan, who (unbeknowst to Vegeta) is reutrning with the seventh Dragon Ball. Meanwhile, a furious Frieza sends for the Ginyu Force to help him recover the Dragon Balls.</plot></details>
  1768. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 158 - Krillin s Decision.mkv
  1769. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1770. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1771. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 159 - The Last Defense.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10436
  1772. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16505
  1773. 18:34:14 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1774. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16525' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1775. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16525</code><title>Destination: Guru</title><season>1</season><episode>59</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-08-29</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1776. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1777. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Bulma has a dream about Vegeta killing her and stealing the Dragon Ball, but she falls out of her chair and wakes up. Elsewhere, Vegeta strategizes about how to get the seventh Dragon Ball, when several violent, quake-causing energy waves flash by. Bulma tries to hold on to the canyon wall, but the Dragon Ball rolls away and into the lake. She doesn't want to get wet, so she tries to fish it back in with a stick, but ends up pushing it farther into the water. She says that she'll wait for Krillin to get it when he comes back, but the ball rolls further down into the cavernous lake. Bulma pops open a submarine capsule and goes to retrieve it. She runs into a giant water dinosaur. She sees that the Dragon Ball is stuck in the scales on its back, so she fires torpedoes at it. It turns around swims off, dropping the Dragon Ball. In Space, Goku continues to wear himself out training at 100 G-Force.</plot></details>
  1778. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 159 - The Last Defense.mkv
  1779. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1780. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1781. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 160 - Cell is Complete.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10437
  1782. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16525
  1783. 18:34:14 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1784. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16526' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1785. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16526</code><title>Bulma's Big Day</title><season>1</season><episode>60</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-09-05</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1786. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1787. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Bulma screams to be let down, and reminisces on her troublesome life. She bites the soldier holding her, and she drops him. They catch her and land in a clearing. Bulma tries to escape but her efforts are fruitless. She eavesdrops on their conversation and finds out that they don't know about the Dragon Balls, so she explains to them how the wish could make them stronger than even Frieza. They like the idea of boundless strength and insist that she show them where the other balls are. In Space, Goku uses to Kaio-ken to form a energy ball and throws it into the gravitational pull of the gravity machine, causing it to cycle around the room. Goku then gathers energy for a Kamehameha and fires it at the other energy ball. Instead of them connecting, they overlap and hit Goku, one on the back and one on the chest. He endures the hit as if it were nothing.</plot></details>
  1788. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 160 - Cell is Complete.mkv
  1789. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1790. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1791. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 161 - Vegeta Must Pay.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10438
  1792. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16526
  1793. 18:34:14 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1794. 18:34:14 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16521' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1795. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16521</code><title>Hidden Power</title><season>1</season><episode>61</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-09-12</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1796. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1797. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan and Krillin continue to fly towards Guru's. Krillin says that when Gohan's latent power is released, he may not even be able to challenge Vegeta, but he should be able to buy Goku more time to arrive. In Space, Goku finishes his training and returns the gravity to normal. Even he is impressed with how far he'd come. He takes a bath, drinks a sports drink, and rests the final leg of his voyage to Planet Namek. As Goku lay resting in his bed, even he does not know that he has crossed the threshold of power than any Saiyans could attain. On Namek, Gohan and Krillin finally near Guru's home, but before they get there, they sense Vegeta's energy at a very short distance away from them. Krillin stays behind and tells Gohan to go on to Guru's.</plot></details>
  1798. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 161 - Vegeta Must Pay.mkv
  1799. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1800. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1801. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 162 - Trunks Ascends.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10439
  1802. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16521
  1803. 18:34:15 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1804. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16494' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1805. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16494</code><title>New Ally, New Problem</title><season>1</season><episode>62</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-09-19</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1806. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1807. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Frieza addresses the Ginyu force with their mission: find the Dragon Balls and capture Vegeta. The Ginyu Force check their scouters and track Vegeta, along with two other sources of high energy Frieza tells them that it is just two weaklings from Earth. Guldo has a flashback to when Vegeta insulted him on one of Frieza's planets. He almost attacked Vegeta, but Frieza blasted him from behind and stopped him from doing it. Guldo begins to taste revenge, as the Ginyu force perform a routine warm-up and take off to fulfill their mission.</plot></details>
  1808. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 162 - Trunks Ascends.mkv
  1809. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1810. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1811. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 163 - Saving Throw.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10440
  1812. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16494
  1813. 18:34:15 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1814. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16517' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1815. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16517</code><title>Guldo's Mind Binds</title><season>1</season><episode>63</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>1.53</rating><aired>1990-09-26</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1816. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1817. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan and Krillin battle Guldo, the smallest member of the Ginyu Force. The four-eyed Guldo may be small, but he uses his powerful time-freezing attacks to wear down our heroes. Fortunately, Vegeta is now on the side of the good guys, and he steps in to protect Gohan and Krillin.</plot></details>
  1818. 18:34:15 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 163 - Saving Throw.mkv
  1819. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1820. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1821. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 164 - Ghosts From Tomorrow.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10441
  1822. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16517
  1823. 18:34:16 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1824. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16527' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1825. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16527</code><title>Recoome Unleashed</title><season>1</season><episode>64</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-10-24</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1826. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1827. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Recoome is the next Ginyu fighter to attack, and he has his sights set on Vegeta. Vegeta gives it all he's got, but he is no match for Recoome. Now it is time for Krillin and Gohan to return the favor, stepping in to help Vegeta. But where is Goku?</plot></details>
  1828. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 164 - Ghosts From Tomorrow.mkv
  1829. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1830. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1831. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 165 - The Cell Games.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10442
  1832. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16527
  1833. 18:34:16 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1834. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16497' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1835. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16497</code><title>Let the Battle Begin</title><season>1</season><episode>65</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-10-31</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1836. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1837. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Captain Ginyu hands the seven Dragon Balls to Frieza, but he is unable to summon the Eternal Dragon. He leaves to find Guru in order to discover the problem. Meanwhile, Recoome is defeating our heroes, but Goku's arrival on Namek turns the tide.</plot></details>
  1838. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 165 - The Cell Games.mkv
  1839. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1840. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1841. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 166 - What is the Tournament.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10443
  1842. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16497
  1843. 18:34:16 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1844. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16498' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1845. 18:34:16 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16498</code><title>Goku's New Power</title><season>1</season><episode>66</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-11-07</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1846. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1847. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku finally emerges out of the Space pod and tries to detect the life force of both Krillin and Gohan. Goku finds it very difficult because their powers are deceased. After Goku finds them he takes to the sky and is there in an instant.</plot></details>
  1848. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 166 - What is the Tournament.mkv
  1849. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1850. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1851. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 167 - The Doomsday Broadcast.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10444
  1852. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16498
  1853. 18:34:17 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1854. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16499' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1855. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16499</code><title>A Legend Revealed</title><season>1</season><episode>67</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>1.53</rating><aired>1990-11-14</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1856. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1857. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>After finishing off Recoome, Goku is now up to the last members of the ginyus Burter and Jeice. After telling them to return home Jeice and Burter take to the skies and launch an attack on Goku called the Crusher ball; which Goku launches it away.</plot></details>
  1858. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 167 - The Doomsday Broadcast.mkv
  1859. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1860. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1861. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 168 - Meet Me In The Ring.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10445
  1862. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16499
  1863. 18:34:17 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1864. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16518' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1865. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16518</code><title>Ginyu Assault</title><season>1</season><episode>68</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-11-21</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1866. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1867. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Burter and Jeice are now stuck with Goku to fight, as Recoome is down. After there Crusher ball move does not work they have to find a way to get Goku but nothing works and are in trouble for neither of them cant land a punch. How will they be able to stop the saiyan warrior!</plot></details>
  1868. 18:34:17 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 168 - Meet Me In The Ring.mkv
  1869. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1870. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1871. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 169 - No Worries Here.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10446
  1872. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16518
  1873. 18:34:18 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1874. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16522' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1875. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16522</code><title>Incredible Force</title><season>1</season><episode>69</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-11-28</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1876. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1877. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Vegeta leaves Goku behind to get the Dragon Balls for himself, leaving Goku to face Captain Ginyu alone, while Krillin and Gohan get the radar to get the Dragon Balls. However, time is of the essence as Frieza gets closer to Guru; and Goku has a few surprises up his sleeve for Captain Ginyu.</plot></details>
  1878. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 169 - No Worries Here.mkv
  1879. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1880. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1881. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 170 - A Girl Named Lime.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10447
  1882. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16522
  1883. 18:34:18 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1884. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16513' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1885. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16513</code><title>Frieza Approaches</title><season>1</season><episode>70</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-12-05</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1886. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1887. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>It seems that Goku is more powerful than Ginyu, but the captain won't give up so easily. Meanwhile, Guru sends Dende off to tell Krillin and the others the password with his potential unlocked as Frieza arrives to get the password. Can Nail hold Frieza off until the dragon is summoned?</plot></details>
  1888. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 170 - A Girl Named Lime.mkv
  1889. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1890. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1891. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 171 - Memories Of Gohan.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10448
  1892. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16513
  1893. 18:34:18 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1894. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16528' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1895. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16528</code><title>Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku</title><season>1</season><episode>71</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1990-12-12</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1896. 18:34:18 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1897. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Nail gives it everything he's got against Frieza as Dende flies to the others, but Nail can't hold out much longer. Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillin get the dragon radar and head towards Frieza's spaceship, while Captain Ginyu has a surprise of his own for Goku.</plot></details>
  1898. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 171 - Memories Of Gohan.mkv
  1899. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1900. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1901. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 172 - A New Guardian.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10449
  1902. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16528
  1903. 18:34:19 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1904. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16530' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1905. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16530</code><title>Calling the Eternal Dragon</title><season>1</season><episode>72</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1990-12-19</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1906. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1907. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Krillin and Gohan arrive at Frieza's spaceship and found the Dragon Balls, unaware that Vegeta is not far away. As the two heroes figure out what the password is, Jeice and Captain Ginyu, in Goku's body, arrive as well. The cleverly disguised Ginyu tries to trick Krillin into believing that he is who he appears to be, but Gohan can see past his lies and knows the truth as Goku arrives in Ginyu's broken body. Can our heroes beat Ginyu with Goku's power?</plot></details>
  1908. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 172 - A New Guardian.mkv
  1909. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1910. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1911. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 173 - Dende s Dragon.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10450
  1912. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16530
  1913. 18:34:19 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1914. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16575' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1915. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16575</code><title>Gohan Defeat Your Dad!!</title><season>1</season><episode>73</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-01-09</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1916. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1917. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Ginyu tries to power up with Goku's body, but he keeps getting weaker by not using mind and body. As Krillin and Gohan fight Ginyu, Vegeta fights Jeice and it seems the Saiyan Prince has gotten stronger too. Has he become a Super Saiyan as well?</plot></details>
  1918. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 173 - Dende s Dragon.mkv
  1919. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1920. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1921. 18:34:19 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 174 - The Puzzle Of General Tao.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10451
  1922. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16575
  1923. 18:34:20 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1924. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16581' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1925. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16581</code><title>Captain Ginyu... The Frog</title><season>1</season><episode>74</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-01-16</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1926. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1927. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Realizing that he's no match for Vegeta, Ginyu tries to use his body switch move on the Saiyan Prince, but Goku is able block the attack and got his body back. Back in his broken body, Captain Ginyu tries his trick again to survive in Vegeta's body. Luckily, Goku is able to throw a frog to intercept the transfer. With the Ginyu Force defeated, Goku recovers in the isolation chamber in Frieza's spaceship while everyone else prepares for a battle with Frieza.</plot></details>
  1928. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 174 - The Puzzle Of General Tao.mkv
  1929. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1930. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1931. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 175 - The Games Begin.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10452
  1932. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16581
  1933. 18:34:20 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1934. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16571' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1935. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16571</code><title>Password is Porunga</title><season>1</season><episode>75</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-01-23</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1936. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1937. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>With new battle armor, Krillin heads to Guru to get the password as Gohan looks after the Dragon Balls and Vegeta takes a nap. However, Frieza has figured out Nail's stalling strategy and flies back to the ship. Who will be able to make their wish?</plot></details>
  1938. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 175 - The Games Begin.mkv
  1939. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1940. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1941. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 176 - Losers Fight First.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10453
  1942. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16571
  1943. 18:34:20 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1944. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16543' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1945. 18:34:20 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16543</code><title>Piccolo's Return</title><season>1</season><episode>76</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>1.53</rating><aired>1991-01-30</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1946. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1947. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Thanks to Dende, the Eternal Dragon, Porunga, has been summoned with the power to grant three wishes. The first two wishes are used to bring Piccolo back to life and to bring him to Namek by Piccolo's own request, thanks to the mediation by King Kai. Unfortunately, Vegeta is awake and rushes toward the others with rage to make his wish. Will he succeed and are any of them prepared for Frieza?</plot></details>
  1948. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 176 - Losers Fight First.mkv
  1949. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1950. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1951. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 177 - Goku VS Cell.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10454
  1952. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16543
  1953. 18:34:21 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1954. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16580' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1955. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16580</code><title>The Fusion</title><season>1</season><episode>77</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-02-06</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1956. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1957. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Because of a broken heart caused by Frieza's cruelty towards his people, Guru is gone, as well as Porunga and Vegeta's wish. Frieza arrives, furious being denied his wish. As the fight for the Universe has just begun, Piccolo finds Nail, and the wounded warrior makes an unexpected proposal.</plot></details>
  1958. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 177 - Goku VS Cell.mkv
  1959. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1960. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1961. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 178 - Cell s Bag Of Tricks.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10455
  1962. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16580
  1963. 18:34:21 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1964. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16562' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1965. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16562</code><title>Fighting Power: One Million??</title><season>1</season><episode>78</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-02-13</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1966. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1967. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>While Vegeta and Frieza verbally battle each other, Frieza reveals a terrible secret: he was the one who destroyed Planet Vegeta, killed Vegeta's father, and wiped out the majority of the Saiyan race. Without allowing Vegeta and the others to recover from this terrible revelation, Frieza reveals another stunning development: his power to transform! Will Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin's combined strength be able to topple Frieza's new stronger form?</plot></details>
  1968. 18:34:21 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 178 - Cell s Bag Of Tricks.mkv
  1969. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1970. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1971. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 179 - No More Rules.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10456
  1972. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16562
  1973. 18:34:22 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1974. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16583' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1975. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16583</code><title>Gohan Attacks</title><season>1</season><episode>79</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-02-20</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1976. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1977. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>By transforming into a giant, Frieza has gained more power and shows it off by attacking Krillin. With the brave hero out of commission, Gohan lashes out in rage as he fires a reckless volley of attacks, but can he really beat Frieza?</plot></details>
  1978. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 179 - No More Rules.mkv
  1979. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1980. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1981. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 180 - The Fight Is Over.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10457
  1982. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16583
  1983. 18:34:22 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1984. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16544' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1985. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16544</code><title>Piccolo the Super-Namek</title><season>1</season><episode>80</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-02-27</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1986. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1987. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Krillin is healed, thanks to Dende's special powers, and then he distracts Frieza long enough for little Namekian to heal Gohan as Vegeta just stands there in awe. The three warriors fire at Frieza with everything they got, but it seems that they can't win, but an old friend is just moments away.</plot></details>
  1988. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 180 - The Fight Is Over.mkv
  1989. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  1990. 18:34:22 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  1991. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 181 - Faith In A Boy.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10458
  1992. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16544
  1993. 18:34:23 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  1994. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16572' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  1995. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16572</code><title>Deja Vu</title><season>1</season><episode>81</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-03-06</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  1996. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  1997. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Piccolo arrives to the battlefield preparing to fight Frieza alone. Everyone thinks he's making his death wish, but Piccolo seems to hold his own and anticipates Frieza's moves, thanks to his fusion with Nail. But will it be enough?</plot></details>
  1998. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 181 - Faith In A Boy.mkv
  1999. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2000. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2001. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 182 - Gohan s Plea.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10459
  2002. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16572
  2003. 18:34:23 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2004. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16550' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2005. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16550</code><title>Frieza's Second Transformation</title><season>1</season><episode>82</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-03-13</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2006. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2007. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Everyone stands in awe as Piccolo turns the tide of the battle against Frieza, but the tyrant isn't going to give up. He is about to transform again into a far more powerful creature. Will Piccolo be able to handle Frieza's power increase?</plot></details>
  2008. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 182 - Gohan s Plea.mkv
  2009. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2010. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2011. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 183 - Android Explosion.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10460
  2012. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16550
  2013. 18:34:23 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2014. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16574' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2015. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16574</code><title>Another Transformation?</title><season>1</season><episode>83</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-03-20</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2016. 18:34:23 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2017. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Gohan steps in to battle to save Piccolo by firing an energy blast at Frieza with even more power than before. However, the tyrant manages to barely bounce it back. Instead of finishing them off in his current state, Frieza is about to transform into his final form. Luckily, Vegeta has a plan that might make him into a Super Saiyan. Will his plan work, and will it be enough?</plot></details>
  2018. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 183 - Android Explosion.mkv
  2019. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2020. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2021. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 184 - Cell Juniors Attack.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10461
  2022. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16574
  2023. 18:34:24 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2024. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16560' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2025. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16560</code><title>Dende's Demise</title><season>1</season><episode>84</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-03-27</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2026. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2027. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>In his final form, Frieza takes out Dende right away, so no one could be healed by him. Gohan and the others try their best against the cruel monster, but none of their attacks work. Vegeta steps in, vowing that he has become a Super Saiyan and will beat Frieza, but the powerful tyrant isn't worried.</plot></details>
  2028. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 184 - Cell Juniors Attack.mkv
  2029. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2030. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2031. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 185 - Awakening.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10462
  2032. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16560
  2033. 18:34:24 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2034. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16551' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2035. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16551</code><title>The Renewed Goku</title><season>1</season><episode>85</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-04-03</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2036. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2037. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>It seems that Vegeta isn't a Super Saiyan, for even the Saiyan Prince can't read Frieza's movements as the heartless fiend tortures Vegeta. As everyone stands there in fear, Goku has finally been recovered, but will he come to his friends in time to stop Frieza?</plot></details>
  2038. 18:34:24 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 185 - Awakening.mkv
  2039. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2040. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2041. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 186 - The Unstoppable Gohan.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10463
  2042. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16551
  2043. 18:34:25 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2044. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16553' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2045. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16553</code><title>The End of Vegeta</title><season>1</season><episode>86</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-04-10</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2046. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2047. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku has entered the battlefield stronger than ever and prepares to fight Frieza alone. It seems that Goku might become a Super Saiyan, as he easily deflects Frieza's energy attacks. As Vegeta taunts Frieza, the tyrant easily finishes him off with a cruel bout of laughter. With his last breath, Vegeta tells Goku of what Frieza has done to him and his people. Can Goku be able to defeat Frieza, the one person no one else has beaten?</plot></details>
  2048. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 186 - The Unstoppable Gohan.mkv
  2049. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2050. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2051. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 187 - Cell s Break Down.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10464
  2052. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16553
  2053. 18:34:25 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2054. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16554' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2055. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16554</code><title>The Ultimate Battle</title><season>1</season><episode>87</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-04-17</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2056. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2057. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>With new understanding of the Saiyans, Goku vows to beat Frieza for his people. Both of these warriors match each other's moves with great speed and strength. Then, Frieza fires at Namek, causing a volcanic eruption. Can Goku survive this?</plot></details>
  2058. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 187 - Cell s Break Down.mkv
  2059. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2060. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2061. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 188 - A Hero s Farewell.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10465
  2062. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16554
  2063. 18:34:25 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2064. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16573' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2065. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16573</code><title>Clash of the Super Powers</title><season>1</season><episode>88</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-04-24</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2066. 18:34:25 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2067. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>As the fight continues, Goku attacks from underwater upon realizing that Frieza can't sense power levels. As Goku seems to be in control, Frieza uses his mind to use rocks to attack Goku so he can trap him in an energy ball that will explode if it touches anything but Frieza, and it doesn't look good for our hero.</plot></details>
  2068. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 188 - A Hero s Farewell.mkv
  2069. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2070. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2071. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 189 - Cell Returns.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10466
  2072. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16573
  2073. 18:34:26 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2074. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16559' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2075. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16559</code><title>Frieza's Boast</title><season>1</season><episode>89</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-05-01</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2076. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2077. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>To prove that he's the strongest of all, Frieza uses his feet and not his hands to beat Goku. It may seem Frieza has the advantage, but Goku proves that the tyrant will have to use his hands. Meanwhile, Bulma finds a frog, unaware that it's Captain Ginyu as he prepares to switch bodies with her.</plot></details>
  2078. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 189 - Cell Returns.mkv
  2079. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2080. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2081. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 190 - The Horror Won t End.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10467
  2082. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16559
  2083. 18:34:26 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2084. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16537' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2085. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16537</code><title>Bold and Fearless</title><season>1</season><episode>90</episode><runtime>25</runtime><aired>1991-05-08</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2086. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2087. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>To ensure Goku is defeated, Frieza powers up to 50% of his maximum and it seems that not even Goku can handle it. Captain Ginyu finds the other heroes in Bulma's body and prepares to have his revenge. Can the others see through Ginyu's trickery?</plot></details>
  2088. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 190 - The Horror Won t End.mkv
  2089. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2090. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2091. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 191 - Save The World.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10468
  2092. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16537
  2093. 18:34:26 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2094. 18:34:26 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16557' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2095. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16557</code><title>Embodiment of Fire</title><season>1</season><episode>91</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-05-15</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2096. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2097. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Captain Ginyu prepares his revenge by switching with Piccolo, but Gohan is able to throw Bulma (as a frog) in the way to get her body back. Meanwhile, Goku is being beaten up by Frieza with his power increase and even the Kaio-Ken attack doesn't work. But as he is held by the monster's power, he has a vision showing what Frieza could do to Earth. Rocked and inspired by the vision, Goku powers up, but will it be enough?</plot></details>
  2098. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 191 - Save The World.mkv
  2099. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2100. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2101. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 192 - Goku s Decision.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10469
  2102. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16557
  2103. 18:34:27 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2104. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16541' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2105. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16541</code><title>Trump Card</title><season>1</season><episode>92</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-05-22</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2106. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2107. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>Goku's 20x Kaio-Ken attack with a Kamehameha doesn't work against Frieza, as the tyrant tries to destroy him once and for all. Suddenly, Vegeta telepathically speaks to Goku from the otherworld to not give up yet, giving Goku more power, but it's not enough. Luckily, Goku has one more trick up his sleeve: the Spirit Bomb.</plot></details>
  2108. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 192 - Goku s Decision.mkv
  2109. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  2110. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  2111. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 193 - One More Wish.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=10470
  2112. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: NfoUrl returned 16541
  2113. 18:34:27 T:4920 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse XML
  2114. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading episode '16542' using scraper (file: 'C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\', content: 'tvshows', version: '2.0.0')
  2115. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned <details><code>16542</code><title>Keep the Chance Alive</title><season>1</season><episode>93</episode><runtime>25</runtime><votes>1</votes><rating>5.21</rating><aired>1991-05-29</aired><credits>Maeda Minoru</credits><credits>Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi</credits><credits>Toriyama Akira</credits><director>Nishio Daisuke</director><url function="GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI" cache="anime-list.xml"></url></details>
  2116. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeMappingXMLAPI returned <details><url function="GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI" cache="tvdb-1530.xml"></url></details>
  2117. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeExtraDetailsDataAPI returned <details><thumb></thumb><plot>As King Kai and the others watch the battle on Namek, the Ginyu Force arrives to take over the planet, but Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu are ready for a fight. Back on Namek, Frieza discovers Goku's Spirit Bomb and plans to stop it. Suddenly, Piccolo steps in to give Goku more time, but how long can he hold on against Frieza?</plot></details>
  2118. 18:34:27 T:4920 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:Y:\Anime\Dragon Ball Z\Dragon Ball Z - 193 - One More Wish.mkv
  2119. 18:34:28 T:4920 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
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