
Nikolai von Ulmen Paizo PbP info

Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. [spoiler=Character Sheet]NIKOLAI VON ULMEN
  2. Male [url=]Human[/url] (Perfect?) [url=]Oracle[/url] ([url=]Dual-Cursed[/url]) 1
  3. LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
  4. [b]Init[/b] +3; [b]Senses[/b] Perception +6
  6. --------------------
  8. --------------------
  10. [b]AC[/b] 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15. . (+1 Dex, +5 armor) [18 AC, 11 touch, 17 flat-footed w/ shield]
  11. [b]HP[/b] 10 (1d8+2)
  12. [b]Fort[/b] +2, [b]Ref[/b] +1, [b]Will[/b] +3
  13. [b]Weakness[/b] Oracle's Curse: Lame, Tongues
  15. --------------------
  17. --------------------
  19. [b]Speed[/b] 15 ft. (Medium Armor)
  20. [b]Melee[/b] Longspear +4 (1d8+6/20/x3)
  21. . . Morningstar +4 (1d8+4/20/x2) [1H]
  22. . . Morningstar +4 (1d8+6/20/x2) [2H]
  23. . . Dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
  24. . . Gauntlet +4 (1d3+4/20/x2)
  25. [b]Ranged[/b] Dagger +1 (1d4+4/20/x2)
  26. [b]Special Attacks[/b] Misfortune (Ex) 1/day/target
  28. --------------------
  30. --------------------
  32. [b]Str[/b] 18, [b]Dex[/b] 12, [b]Con[/b] 14, [b]Int[/b] 12, [b]Wis[/b] 13, [b]Cha[/b] 17
  33. [b]Base Atk[/b] +0; [b]CMB[/b] +4; [b]CMD[/b] 15
  34. [b]Feats[/b] [url=]Fey Foundling[/url]
  35. [b]Traits[/b] [url=]Reactionary (+2 Initiative)[/url], [url=]Seeker (+1 Perception, Perception is a class skill)[/url]
  36. [b]Skills[/b] Diplomacy 1 rank (+7), Perception 1 rank (+6), Knowledge (Religion) 1 rank (+5), Sense Motive 1 rank (+5), Spellcraft 1 rank (+5), Bluff 0 ranks (+3), Disguise 0 ranks (+3), Intimidate 0 ranks (+3), Appraise 0 ranks (+1), Heal 0 ranks (+1), Survival 0 ranks (+1), Climb 0 ranks (+0), Swim 0 ranks (+0), Fly 0 ranks (-3), Ride 0 ranks (-3), Stealth 0 ranks (-3)
  37. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Celestial, Draconic
  38. [b]Combat Gear[/b] -; [b]Other Gear[/b] 0pp 0gp 0sp 0cp, scale armor, heavy steel shield, longspear, morningstar, dagger (4), satchel, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torch (10), trail ration (5 days), waterskin [i](Light encumbrance)[/i]
  40. --------------------
  42. --------------------
  44. [b]Favored Class: Paladin (HP)[/b]
  45. [b][url='s-curse]Oracle's Curse (Ex)[/url][/b]
  46. . . [url=]Lame[/url]
  47. . . [url=]Tongues[/url] (never progresses)
  48. [b][url=]Revelations[/url][/b]
  49. . . [url=]Misfortune (Ex)[/url]
  51. --------------------
  52. SPELLS
  53. --------------------
  55. [b]Oracle[/b] (CL 1, Concentration +4)
  56. [b]0-[/b] [DC13] [url=]create water[/url], [url=]detect magic[/url], [url=]light[/url], [url=]read magic[/url]
  57. [b]1-[/b] [DC14] 4/day [url=]cure light wounds[/url], [url=]divine favor[/url], [url=]protection from evil[/url][/spoiler]
  59. [spoiler=Physical Description]Nikolai is a handsome, strongly-built young man; a prime example of a human teenager. His unusual blue hair and crimson eyes are said to be from his father's side of the family, but the youth is not so sure. His appearance is but one thing the young von Ulmen believes he has been cursed with - He also has a bum leg that cannot be mended with any amount of magic or medicine. This is the most notable of his divine impairments, as it can be easily observed in how the young boy favors his right leg, and can be found using his longspear as a type of walking stick.
  61. Nikolai tends to favor light clothing in blue, greys and browns, with the occasional splash of green. When necessary, he wears his armor over his favorite adventuring outfit.
  63. [url=]Portrait of Nikolai.[/url][/spoiler]
  65. [spoiler=Personality]Nikolai is a friendly, enthusiastic youth. He is loyal, headstrong and always looking out for the good of others. He is diligent in his training, finding that moving his body and studying magic to help him regain even a little of the ability that his "gift" had taken from him.
  67. Nikolai, like most teens, is not free of his emotions, and sometimes his god-given difference leaves him morose and introspective. It shows clearly on his face, for the young von Ulmen wears his heart on his sleeve.
  69. When stressed, Nikolai loses the ability to speak in anything than a airy, chime-like tongue. Sadly, this prevents him from communicating the way his compatriots do, but he has learned to use his body language to help explain himself when these bouts occur.[/spoiler]
  71. [spoiler=Mentor]Nikolai's mentor is Doran, a former paladin and scholar of magic. He was decommissioned because of losing his leg in battle, but the one-legged warrior is still very much a capable soldier and instructor. He is strict and sometimes overbearing, but he truly cares for his disciple's well-being and potential to be something great. However, despite the fact that both Nikolai and Doran respect each other deeply, the two are constantly arguing. Even while the younger man follows the elder's instructions, the two will almost inevitably butt heads about some thing or another.
  73. Doran is, however, the best man to teach the young von Ulmen. His injury gives him unique qualifications to assist the boy, and his experience and studies with divine magics allow him to help lead the Nikolai to the path of good.[/spoiler]
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