
FE:AR Shirou [Blade Master Model 42]

Jun 22nd, 2016
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  1. Name: Shirou
  2. Class: Nomad
  3. Affinity: Tongs
  4. Character Specific Skill: Awareness
  5. Class Skill: Hit and Run, Horseback, Dismount
  7. Personal Fault: Now is definitely the time to panic: If Shirou starts the Player Phase with enemies adjacent, -1 MOV
  8. Personal Skill: Deadeye: +10 Crit when enemy cannot counter.
  9. Personal Skill: The hits keep coming: If Shirou landed an attack in the previous Player Phase, +15 hit during the Player Phase.
  10. \ Personal Skill: Armor Piercer: If Shirou's target has more DEF than RES, +2 STR.
  12. Preferred stats: SKL, SPD
  13. Proficiency: Recurve (C), Bow (D)
  14. Progression spent: 300%/300%
  16. HP: 18 (45%)
  17. STR: 5 (50%) +2
  18. MAG: 1 (00%)
  19. SKL: 7 (50%)
  20. LUK: 2 (20%) +1
  21. DEF: 3 (45%)
  22. RES: 1 (60%)
  23. SPD: 6 (60%) +1
  25. CON: 7 (+14)
  26. AID: 6 (+14)
  27. MOV: 5 (+2)
  29. Levels:
  31. <---Not Yet Gained--->
  32. Lvl2: +HP, SPD
  33. Lvl3: +STR, SKL, SPD
  34. Lvl4: +STR, SKL, LUK, SPD
  35. Lvl5: +HP, STR, LUK
  36. Lvl6: +HP, STR, SPD
  37. Lvl7: +HP, STR, SKL, LUK
  38. Lvl8: +SKL, LUK, SPD
  39. Lvl9: +SKL, LUK, SPD
  40. Lvl10: +STR, SKL, SPD
  41. Lvl11: +STR, SPD
  42. <---Not Yet Gained--->
  44. Current Stats:
  46. HP: 18 (45%)
  47. STR: 7 (50%)
  48. MAG: 1 (00%)
  49. SKL: 7 (50%)
  50. LUK: 3 (20%)
  51. DEF: 3 (45%)
  52. RES: 1 (60%)
  53. SPD: 7 (60%)
  55. CON: 7 (+14)
  56. AID: 6 (+14)
  57. MOV: 5 (+2)
  59. Supports:
  61. Inventory:
  62. Name Type (-) RNG WT MT HIT CR QL
  63. Iron Bow Recu (E) 2 6 5 85 0 45
  64. Iron Longbow Long (E) 2-3 10 6 65 0 30
  65. Vulnerary (3/3) Heals 10 HP for 3 Rounds, 1/2 Healed each Round
  66. -
  67. -
  68. Mounted:
  69. -
  70. -
  71. -
  73. Battle Stats (Iron Bow)
  74. AT: 12
  75. Hit: 100
  76. AS: 7
  77. Eva: 17
  78. Crt: 3
  79. DG: 3
  81. Battle Stats (Iron Longbow)
  82. AT: 13
  83. Hit: 80
  84. AS: 5 (7-[10-{7+1}])
  85. Eva: 13
  86. Crt: 3
  87. DG: 3
  89. Backstory (3):
  90. 1: In his youth growing up in a border town in the northeast of Uxanin, Shirou was bullied and beaten for his pink hair and small frame.
  91. 2: His father tried to teach him to use a blade. In part because of tradition, but also because he thought it might alleviate his torment from the other boys. It didn't take.
  92. 3: Shirou left home when he was 11, stealing three of his neighbor's horses and killing the family's son on his way out.
  94. Belief (3):
  95. 1: Those with power make the rules, might makes right.
  96. 2: Honor means nothing on the field of battle- if it's worth fighting for, it's worth fighting dirty for.
  97. 3: Praise and Pride should be reserved for things earned, not inherited.
  99. Goal (3):
  100. 1: Become the greatest archer in history.
  101. 2: Have his name be feared across the continent.
  102. 3: Never again shall anyone talk shit about his hair.
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