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Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. a legal contract
  2. rainbow golem making hallucinogenic potions that are way past expired
  3. a poisoned pie
  4. (almost) a corrosive acid that dissolves everything, made from human entrails
  5. two pints of corrupted spiritfolk’s blood.
  6. bonus spiritfolk blood arcs later as a healing potion from thog. turns out hes allergic
  7. an unhealthy amount of the fogapple alcohol
  8. “fun powder”
  9. green wizard hole slime
  10. (licks) wall of a wizard tower
  11. (also licks) dried human blood on a metal balcony way in a wizard tower
  12. explosive liquid thrown at him by a cult master
  13. a glass full of foreign mushrooms growing under the bar that make you not feel your legs and even more later on
  14. HUMAN BLOOD LICK X2 COMBO when he licks fresh human blood from a mat in the middle of the woods
  15. screaming eldritch coffee from the abyss. not as bad considering it tastes quite good even if the smoke has the shape of little skulls
  16. incrediblely powerful semi reality warping hallucinogenics made of transdimensional squid
  17. several brewskis
  18. the Velafi Twister. Contains blood, three kinds of alcohol, and magic.
  19. (tries to lick) a glowing evil spiritfolk seal under a carpet
  20. a little bit of magic infused unnaturally green well water off of gregor’s fingers
  21. a taste of evil magic bonfire/fire elemental fanned by a strange hivemind of villagers that gave him several memories of horrible atrocities, tortures, and various sacrifices. Needed more spice.
  22. expired strawberry jam that tastes funny because markus fucking licked it off the floor and its DEFINATELY incredibly old and crusty.
  23. a spoonful of lemony lime haunted mansion neon clouds
  24. a magic circle probably at least once.
  25. water
  26. (kisses) a golem soul orb
  27. an endless bottle of asphyxiation gas that gave him acid spit
  28. to be added to as i continue through Dungeon Truck and finally catch up. (if you have things to add from before dungeon truck, hit me up so i’ll add it)
  29. (kisses) Ashe ;0 (way back when)
  30. a random potion from Rat’s cooler (electric blue, to be specific)
  31. Acid-licks the lock on a sticky chest (And gets stuck)
  32. teifling oil
  33. (licks) the blades of a spinning death trap
  34. (allegedly) (twice) manmade snow marked “UNSAFE”
  35. the ground
  36. (licks) a finger swipe of outside the existance of space on the cultist cave walls scratched by the undead with the curse of the Ahm Queen’s monster bubbling in and out of the walls.
  37. the same thing above but then he EATS it like the god damn man he is
  38. Ashe puts her finger in his mouth out of her own free will
  39. More Xin-kabobs
  40. Magically appearing coffee from his new Number One Dad mu
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