
Russian Roulette (WIP)

Jan 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Day Russian Roulette in Equestria.
  2. >It has been about six months since you've found yourself in this land of girly p0nies and pastel colors.
  3. >And ever since week two, you've had one constant, nerve-wracking visitor.
  4. >You shudder as you hear a knock on your door.
  5. >And that would be her.
  6. >Time for the morning ritual.
  7. >Open up night stand, take out your revolver, check to see one bullet inside of it...
  8. >Spin cylinder.
  9. >Point barrel to head.
  10. >Pull the trigger.
  11. >Click.
  12. “Not today.”
  13. >With a sigh, you put the revolver back into the night stand.
  14. >Shit, shower, shave, brush teeth, get dressed.
  15. >More knocking at the door.
  16. >Impatient isn't she?
  17. >Finally manage to drag yourself to the front door.
  18. >Open up the door, and there she is:
  19. >Fluttershy. And she's dressed up in a spider outfit.
  20. >Goddamnit.
  21. >You give her your best death glare.
  22. “What is it?”
  23. >”U-u-u-u-um... Are... Are arachnids your-”
  24. >Slam the door right in her stupid, stuttering face.
  25. >”I.. I didn't hear a 'no'?”
  26. “NO!”
  27. >You shout, the windows in your home shuddering violently as you pound your fist into the door.
  28. >”Oh... Okay.”
  29. >She sounds just as sad and dejected as ever.
  30. >Good.
  31. >It's all her fault.
  32. >Ever since she started doing this thing, you've tried to convince her to stop.
  33. >You thought she was nice, but you just weren't into p0nies in that capacity.
  34. >She wouldn't take “No” for answer.
  35. >Nor “Please stop”.
  36. >Or “Oh god, get off!”
  37. >And finally, “Just kill me, damn it.”
  38. >Worse of all, no one believed you. Not the squiggly haired marshmallow p0ny. Not the apple themed farmer p0ny. Not the pink colored cake one. Not the purple smart one. Even Rainbow Dash, who was your fucking bro before all this shit started, didn't believe you.
  39. >Eventually, you just stopped trying to convince them.
  40. >You were the alien. The unknown. Of course no one would believe you.
  41. >And thus began your morning ritual.
  42. >For the past two weeks, you've put that revolver up to you head, and prayed for quick release...
  43. >Only to be denied with every pull of the trigger.
  44. >Maybe fate had a bigger part for you to play, or maybe it was a sick bastard who liked torturing you.
  45. >It was hard to tell.
  46. >So, you went through the motions of living. You would go into town, find some odd job to do, earn some money, buy some food, eat, sleep... And the cycle would continue.
  47. >Today was no different.
  48. >Applejack needed help at the farm, and you provided that help. After work, she'd always offer to have you over for dinner, but by now it was mostly a courtesy. She didn't really want you over, you did bad mouth her friend after all.
  49. >Even if everything you said was true.
  50. >She was the 'Element of Honesty', but she couldn't tell that? What a crock.
  51. >She gave you your bits for the day, and you go to the market to buy some food.
  52. >What do you feel like eating today?
  53. >Spaghetti's easy to make, so you buy the stuff for that.
  54. >You walk home...
  55. >Cook, eat, clean, shower, go to bed.
  56. >Why won't it just end?
  57. -
  58. >Your dreams are your only refuge these days.
  59. >Until they start throwing chaotic imagery at you.
  60. >You wake up in a cold sweat.
  61. >As you try to move your arms, you feel something restraining your wrists.
  62. >Oh no.
  63. >You try moving your feet...
  64. >They're tied up too!
  65. >Why did you have to get a bed with bed post?!
  66. >You struggle against the bonds like an animal as your adrenaline surges.
  67. >Oh god, who would do this? Why would they do this?
  68. >”H-h-h-hello Anon.”
  69. >Her.
  70. >You twist your head toward the sound of the infernal voice and spy the yellow succubus.
  71. “Let me go, Fluttershy.”
  72. >”I-I-I'm afraid, I can't do that Anon.” She floats over to the bed a look of pure lust in her eyes,
  73. “No... No no no... This isn't my fetish, stop it!”
  74. >You plead, starting to sob.
  75. >Powerless, she bites the hem of your boxer shorts and slowly pulls them down around your ankles, “But its not about your fetish, sweety...”
  76. >She lays across your chest, her dripping nethers staining your mattress before hovering over your stiffening penis.
  77. >Goddamnit, why must your own body betray you?
  78. >”Tonight, Anon... Your going to love me. Whether you like it, or not.” She whispers into your ear as she slams her awaiting organ downward...
  79. -
  80. >You awaken in a cold sweat, checking your wrist and ankles for rope.
  81. >They're not there.
  82. >Your not tied up.
  83. >Curling up into a ball, you begin to sob.
  84. >Why? Why did this have to continue?!
  85. >No matter where you go, she'll be there. She's even invaded your dreams.
  86. >With that realization, something inside of you snaps like an overstressed guitar string.
  87. >Frantically, you reach for the nightstand and take out your revolver and place it against your forehead.
  88. >A crazed smile crosses your lips as you begin to pull the trigger.
  89. >Click.
  90. >Nothing.
  91. >Click.
  92. >Nadda.
  93. >Click.
  94. >Your not winning this round fate.
  95. >Click.
  96. >Come on you son of a bitch!
  97. >Click.
  98. >You can feel the Grim Reaper standing behind you as your finger starts to compress the trigger one last time.
  99. “Only dreams now.”
  100. >Is all you can mutter for your last words.
  101. >...Click.
  102. >What?
  103. >Click.
  104. >No!
  105. >Click click click click!
  106. >Fuck!
  107. >Frantically, you open the cylinder, checking to see if the bullet is still there.
  108. >The bullet still sits in the chamber, but the primer had been struck.
  109. >Your salvation, your way out from all the pain and suffer...Was a dud.
  111. >Screaming at the top of your lungs, you throw the worthless hunk of metal at your bedroom window.
  112. >The window shatters as the stainless steel firearm smashes through it.
  113. >Your eyes begin to well up as tears stream down your face.
  114. >Finally, you stop crying long enough to have a coherent thought.
  115. >A suicidal grin crosses your face as you get up from the bed and begin to frantically search your home for spare bits.
  116. -
  117. >The morning could not have come soon enough. You didn't even wait for Fluttershy to give you her usual fetish wake-up call.
  118. >You managed to scrounge up twenty bits last night, you run to the market. You should be going to work at AJ's today, but it's not like she's gonna miss you or anything.
  119. >Where is it...? Ah, yes the hardware store. Perfect.
  120. >The sign on the front door gets flipped from 'Closed' to 'Open'.
  121. >Perfect timing.
  122. >For once, fate is smiling on you.
  123. -
  124. >You are Applejack
  125. >You try to do some apple bucking today, but your hooves aren't into it.
  126. >Yesterday, that Anon fella' come over to do some work for you like he usually does.
  127. >He puts on a happy exterior, but you can tell something is eating him up on the inside.
  128. >Every time you try to reach out to him though, he gives you a polite 'No thank you' and goes on his way.
  129. >He's been like that for the past few months, after he told you about his 'experiences' with Fluttershy. It had to be a lie. There's no way Fluttershy would do those horrible things!
  130. >But what bothers you was that you're very good at picking out a lie, and from you could tell. He wasn't lying. At least it didn't look like he was.
  131. >But you knew Fluttershy longer, and there was no possible way that she would do those things that he claimed she did. He tried to talk to your other friends, but they didn't believe him either.
  132. >All of you even had a little meeting about it.
  133. >Twilight thought he was suffering from some sort of stress that made him see things. Something about pent up sexual frustration, you couldn't quite understand it.
  134. >Rarity thought he was just pining for attention.
  135. >Rainbow thought he was just being a jerk.
  136. >Fluttershy thought he needed a hug.
  137. >Pinkie Pie thought a party and a song might help... That's her solution to everything.
  138. >And you didn't know quite what to think.
  139. >In any case, he stopped talking to you about it and kept quiet.
  140. >But everyday you saw him, he kept looking more and more ragged.
  141. >And then he didn't show up for work this morning.
  142. >He maybe a liar, but you know Anon, and he's never been late.
  143. >”Hey AJ! Got some rainclouds ready to water the south fields.”
  144. >It was Rainbow Dash.
  145. “Oh, hey Rainbow. Thank ya' kindly, those trees have been lookin' awful dry.”
  146. >You force a smile.
  147. >She just gives you a look, and crosses her hooves, “Okay, whats up AJ? You have that 'I'm worried about something, but I don't want to say what it is' look.”
  148. >How did she get so good at reading you, anyway?
  149. “Yeah... Ah'm a little worried 'bout Anon. He was suppose ta' show up fer work today, but I haven't seen him yet.”
  150. >Dash rolled her eyes, “Well, he's probably just running late or something. Heh, maybe 'Fluttershy' has him tied up in her dungeon and is tickling his hooves?” She jokes, nudging your side with an elbow.
  151. “Heh... Raight.”
  152. >”You're seriously worried about him? He's a big guy, he can take care of himself.”
  153. “Ah know that, but still... Wha' if'n he's sick? Or hurt?”
  154. >Rainbow flew over next to you, “Would you feel better if we went to go check on him?”
  155. “Ah probably would, actually.”
  156. -
  157. >It's a bit of a walk to Anonymous' house, but you got to know what's going on with him.
  158. >On the journey there, you and Dash talk about just how silly he's being.
  159. >As Anon's house comes into view, you notice a few things that are off.
  160. >Well, one mayor thing.
  161. >”Is that Fluttershy standing out in front of Anon's house with a giant purple dildo?” Rainbow asked, the disbelief heavy in her voice.
  162. >And there she is. Your friend, the kindness, gentlest soul in all of Equestria, is standing outside of Anonymous' door carrying a giant purple dick.
  163. >Both you and Rainbow rush to the door,
  164. “Fluttershy, wha' tha' buck is goin' on?!”
  165. >You shout as you get closer.
  166. >She turns to face you, her teal eyes wide as she drops the purple sex toy and runs in the opposite direction. Rainbow flies after her while shouting, “Hey, wait a second!”
  167. >Your heart begins to race as it starts to sink it... Anon complained that Fluttershy tried to use adult toys on him before. You thought he was joking.
  168. “He wasn't lyin'....”
  169. >Frantically, you knock on the front door.
  170. “Anon! Open up, it's AJ!”
  171. >Your only reply is the sound of a loud 'crash'.
  172. >Without thinking, you buck down the front door and run inside.
  173. “Where are ya' Anon?!”
  174. >Not a soul in the living room, or the kitchen, so you make your way to his bedroom.
  175. >As you open the door, your eyes widen.
  176. >Anon was on the floor, a broken piece of rope tied to an exposed rafter, and another piece tied around his neck, and what looked like blood coming from the back of his head.
  177. -
  178. >You are Applejack, and you're sitting in the lobby of P0nyville Hospital. It's been a few hours since dragged Anon in... After, whatever happened.
  179. >You're worried sick, especially about that rope around his neck.
  180. >Did somep0ny try to kill him in his sleep or something?
  181. >He wasn't the most popular stallion around town, but to do that...?
  182. >But more sobering of a thought... What if he did it to himself?
  183. >No! No he wouldn't do that. If he was upset, he could have come talk to you, or any of the others.
  184. >It's not like you never... listened... to... him...
  185. >No, that thing Fluttershy was doing this morning was just a fluke, it had to be! It was just a misunderstanding. She was just... playing a prank.
  186. >Right?
  187. >”Miss Applejack?” Looking up, Doctor Stable was standing in front of you with a remorseful look on his face.
  188. “How's he doin' Doc?”
  189. >”He's suffered a major concussion... However, most of the time a p0ny regains consciousness by themselves; he isn't.” The Doctor flips through the clip board in front of him, “It seems he's gone into a coma.”
  190. >Oh no.
  191. >”We're not sure if he'll wake up on his own. But, I have a few more questions, if you don't mind?”
  192. >His statement hits you hard, causing you to shrink back slightly.
  193. “Ahlright. Ah'll try ta' answer 'em the best Ah can.”
  194. >”Good. Has Anon ever had any self-destructive habits? More specifically, self mutilation.”
  195. “What?”
  196. >He looks at the papers again, “Well, we're noticing a disturbing amount of marks and scars on his body, in places we don't think he could reach on his own.”
  197. >Then he starts to list them off, “Burns.”
  198. >”Fluttershy used hot candle wax on me...” You can hear Anon's voice say.
  199. >”Lacerations.”
  200. >”She tried to carve her name in my thigh.” Anon echoes in your brain.
  201. >”And most confusingly, a butterfly shaped burn mark.”
  202. >”Look at it, AJ! I swear, I'm not making this up! Believe me, damn it!” The human yells in your memory.
  203. “Oh sweet Celestia.”
  204. >Tears begin to run down your cheeks.
  205. >You could have stopped this. But you didn't listen.
  206. >”Miss Applejack? Are you going to be okay?”
  207. >It's all starting to make a disturbing amount of sense. Anon always wore clothes, but sometimes he would take his shirt off when it got too hot. He stopped doing that a few months back, after he stopped trying to tell you about Fluttershy.
  208. >Keep it together, girl. You need to be strong.
  209. >You sniffle and shake your head,
  210. “Ah... Ah don't think so. Do ya' think he did all that to himself...?”
  211. >Doctor Stable was silent for a moment, “It's possible. Has his mood changed significantly since you've met him?”
  212. “Yeah, now that ya' mention it. He used ta' pretty sociable, but lately he's kinda withdrawn. Doesn't go out much.”
  213. >That was mostly because all of you distanced yourselves from him. He was bad mouthing your friend, after all.
  214. >”I see. Thank you. We're going to be keeping him under close surveillance for a while...” Stable turns to walk out of the waiting room.
  215. >You have to know, you just have to know.
  216. “Doc. I gotta know. Tha' rope did he...?”
  217. >He sighs, and looks back at you, “I couldn't say for certain, but in my professional opinion? It's a strong possibility. Anyway, I have other patience I need to see. Visiting hours are later in the day. I would suggest getting any friends of his to come and talk to him. It may help him wake up.”
  218. >This is a lot to digest. Your head is reeling, as tears begin to build in your eyes.
  219. >You always thought of yourself as a good friend. Even if you were a bit stubborn, you were always there when they needed you. Anon needed you months ago, and you ignored him. Told him he was wrong, that he was just imagining things.
  220. >Some friend you are.
  221. -
  222. >As you walked out of the hospital, Rainbow flew up. She frantically said to go to the library before going off to find Rarity.
  223. >Another friendship meeting. Time to face the music.
  224. >The library was just as clean and orderly as it always was.
  225. >Twilight was sitting on a cushion, along with Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was humming to herself and bouncing her head up and down, and Twilight looked more annoyed than anything.
  226. >You must have still been wearing that sad expression from the hospital, because they both look at you with concern.
  227. >”Applejack... You look upset, what happened?”
  228. >Pinkie gasp, “Oh no! Do you need something to help perk you up? I have a great song that might do the trick.”
  229. “Not now, Pinkie.”
  230. >You sigh, walking over and taking a seat on a cushion.
  231. “Somethin' did happen, Twilight. I'll tell ya' when Rainbow wrangles up Rarity.”
  232. >All of you sit in eerie silence for the next few minutes before Rainbow flies through the door carrying Rarity still dressed in her fancy morning robe, “Ugh, I don't see why this meeting couldn't wait until I was down styling my mane, Dash!”
  233. >”Trust me, it's important.” She replies, using a serious tone.
  234. >Rarity just rolls her eyes, and takes a seat on a cushion as Rainbow chooses to float overhead.
  235. >After a few more moments of silence, both you and the blue pegasus tell them what, exactly, you saw this morning. Going out to Anon's, and finding Fluttershy standing at his door with a giant purple dildo. The rest of the group can't believe it. Rainbow continues, saying that she chased Fluttershy but lost her. Thinking she might have gone back to her cottage, she checked there... Didn't find her there, but she did manage to find something else: a closet stuffed to the brim with stuff that Anon claimed the yellow pegasus tried to use on him in the past. When Rainbow described the branding iron with a butterfly on it, you couldn't hold back anymore and you started to cry.
  236. “He tried ta' kill himself, girls! Made himself a noose, an' tried to hang himself up from the rafters. Thank Celestia the rope snapped.”
  237. >You shout out, and a hushed silence washes out over the group.
  238. “All this time, we thought he was just bein' a jerk, an' he was tellin' tha' truth. We coulda' helped him.”
  239. >”A-Applejack, how were we to know that-” Rarity attempts to interrupt, only to be cut off by more of your shouting.
  240. “SO?! Remember when Twilight was freakin' out when she didn't have a letter fer the Princess tha' one time? It's like tha', except five hundred times worse. We didn't learn a damned thin', did we? He was our friend, and whether he was tellin' tha' truth or not, he needed our help. And we didn't didn't even lift a hoof.”
  241. >You sob, laying flat on the floor.
  242. >”It's still circumstantial. Sure, Fluttershy may have those... weird things but it still doesn't mean that she's been sexually harassing him this entire time.” Twilight says almost silently.
  243. >Slowly you raise you head and give her a death glare.
  244. “He has a butterfly shaped burn mark on 'im. It don't get more conclusive than that... None of us are innocent 'ere. We were his only friends, an' we let him down. This didn' hafta' happen. It didn'.”
  245. >You look around the group, who all are staring at the floor, except for Pinkie whose sobbing more than you.
  246. “Ah don' know bout yall, but Ah'm mighty upset with mahself. An' rightly so. Doctor don't know if'n he's even gonna wake up.”
  247. >Slowly you stand up, and take in a deep breath.
  248. “Tha's all Ah gotta say. Ah gotta go to tha' hospital. Almost visitin' hours.”
  249. -
  250. >Looking at Anon now, it was hard to believe that at one point he was a pretty happy-go-lucky fella.
  251. >He was so motionless, and his expression was just blank, and that hospital gown was way too small for him.
  252. >You could see them all. Burns, scratches, scars, that butterfly mark on his thigh.
  253. >What did that crazy mare put him through?
  254. >The nurses let you in to see Anon a few minutes ago, and you don't know what to say.
  255. >Doctor Stable told you that talking may help, so you just start talking...
  256. “Hey Anon. Ah... Ah remember the first day ya' went down ta' Sweet Apple Aches lookin' fer work. Ah didn't know if you'd be any good or not, so Ah watched ya' the whole day. Heh, but ya' did good, ya' know that? Never seen a p0ny carry so many baskets at once before, though yer apple buckin' could use a little work. Ya' need ta' get lower on tha' trunks, though tha's a bit tough fer ya' considerin' yer height.”
  257. >You want Anon to give you some witty comment like he used to, but he's silent.
  258. “Ya'... Ya' remember when we went to tha' lake tha' one time? Rarity didn't wanna get wet, so ya' scooped her up and jumped raight in the water with her. She was mad at first, but got over it.”
  259. >You reach over and run your hoof over his hair, more tears welling up in your eyes.
  260. “Ah'm sorry Anon. Ah should of listened when ya' told me bout all that. But Ah didn't.”
  261. >You bury your face into his motionless arm, tears flowing freely from your eyes.
  262. “Please wake up. Please. Ah'll listen to ya' from now on, just wake up. Please? Please...”
  264. -
  266. >A lot people believe in demons and angels.
  267. >Demons torture evil souls for all eternity, while angels raise up those good souls to paradise everlasting.
  268. >Pretty cut and dry.
  269. >But there are some tales that say that demons and angels are really the same thing.
  270. >If you're frightened of dying, and you're holding on, you'll see demons tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the Earth.
  271. >It's part of transcending into the after life.
  272. >If that's the case, then you must must be holding on awful hard.
  273. >You are Anonymous, and there is no escaping this hell.
  274. >Your trapped on all sides by endless waves of yellow and pink rapists, sometimes they let you run, and other times they don't even give you the chance. When they catch you, and always catch you, they rip, tear, burn, slash, and devour your flesh. Only for you to be a new a few moments later, and the process begins yet again.
  275. >No matter how far you run, they're always there.
  276. >You want the pain to end, but your pleading is only met with choruses of lust-filled giggles and promises of 'You'll love me' and 'We'll take the pain away'.
  277. >The only time you get a respite is when the here the voices of the people you used to call friends.
  278. >Applejack likes to reminisce about the good old days, and all the weird things that you did, while Rainbow Dash likes to read one of those 'Daring Do' stories. Pinkie Pie talks about her day while you hear he make balloon animals. Rarity just comments on how cold you look, and how a nice scarf would make you feel much better. They're all are welcomed distractions from the waves of rape and flesh rending torture, but they don't last anywhere near long enough.
  279. >And right now, you could certainly use those voices.
  280. >Running down an endless hallway crafted from flesh, marrow, sinew, and primal urges, you can sense their presence.
  281. >”Is dismemberment your fetish?”
  282. >”Is vore your fetish?”
  283. >”Love me, Anonymous.”
  284. >”I'll make you love me.”
  285. >”Please don't struggle, you'll like it.”
  286. >”Just let go and accept it.”
  287. >Fluttershy's voice echoes from all around you, as yellow hooves reach out to grasp you and rip you asunder.
  288. >Looking over your shoulder you see them. A herd of yellow pegasi, each donning a different fetish theme, and there is nothing more terrifying.
  289. >”No one believes you. They never will.”
  290. >The voices nagging continue.
  291. “Shut up!”
  292. >You shout out, as the voices get closer, until you can feel their breaths on the back of your neck.
  293. >Here it comes, yet again.
  294. >Maybe this time they'll leave your throat for last so you can scream for longer. They do enjoy the screaming.
  295. >Why can't you just die?
  296. >They descend on you, holding you down roughly while you try to squirm away, but there are too many of them.
  297. >They start with your feet, flat teeth gnawing off your shoes and then chewing the flesh of your toes. Each one is ripped off one by one, causing you to shout out in pain, only for your open mouth to be filled with an abnormally long tongue, that silences your protest and robs you of breath.
  298. >You try to close your eyes, but they're forced open by a pair of twisted yellow hooves, forcing you to watch on as your slowly devoured by a swarm of Fluttershys.
  299. >Each painful bite makes you cry out against the invading muscle, as they giggle sinisterly. Your feet are next, they get ripped off while your legs are slowly stripped of flesh. If this were really happening, you would have gone into shock by now and not be able to feel a thing... Unfortunately, that isn't the case.
  300. >A few of the smaller ones have dug into your rib cage, and you can feel them gorging themselves on your innards...
  301. >”Anonymous... Can you hear me?”
  302. >A voice. A different one. The pain stops, and suddenly the mob of monstrous pegasi are gone. Your body is whole again, and suddenly your in a big white void.
  303. >”It's... It's Twilight Sparkle. Heh, you probably already know that right? I'm... I'm sorry I haven't visited you until today. I just thought that maybe...”
  304. >You can hear her sniffling now.
  305. >The blank void changes back to that fleshy hallway for a moment, before turning back into the void.
  306. >No. Don't think about that. Just concentrate on the voice. The voices are your only break from the gnawing, the biting, and the pain.
  307. >”I don't even know if you can hear this but... I.. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I was wrong about everything. I went to your home the other day. I researched a spell that would let me look into the past. I thought you just did all this for... I saw it all. The gun, Fluttershy, your... Your...”
  308. >Sobbing now, why does your arm feel wet?
  309. >”I... I wrote a friendship report to Princess Celestia about... This. I... I want to read it to you before I send it away.
  311. “Dear Princess Celestia,
  313. Sometimes, one of your friends tells you something that you something you don't want to believe. You think that they might be fibbing, lying, or just being a jerk. But you owe it to your friend to at least look into it, even if it maybe totally false... Because, if you just ignore it you may lose somep0ny whose important to you.
  315. A few days ago, Anonymous tried to kill himself. For months, he tried to tell us about how Fluttershy was-
  317. >She chokes on the next words,
  319. “-sexually harassing him. Instead of looking into it, we chose to ignore it instead. We didn't think she was capable of it, and that he was just making it up. But we were wrong. Instead of investigating, we distanced ourselves from him. We didn't talk to him as much, and we treated him horribly. And because of our poor choices, Anonymous is in a coma, and Fluttershy has gone missing. I still think that Fluttershy wouldn't knowing drive another living being to do such an unthinkable act, but the result still remains the same. Because of my inaction, we may have lost two p0nies that were very important to us.”
  321. >Another long pause before the voice continues...
  323. “I can usually use a little magic, and everything goes back to normal, but I can't fix this. I just can't. We need help.
  325. Your Faithful Student,
  326. Twilight Sparkle.”
  328. >The voice stops as your arms just more damp by the moment, “I'm sorry.... I'm sorry....” it continues to say that over and over again.
  329. >Eventually, the voice stops and there is only silence, leaving you to your own thoughts...
  330. >... What if you are asleep?
  331. >What if this entire hell is just some bizarre, head injury induced fever dream?
  332. >Would you want to wake up? To face the 'friends' who turned their backs on you?
  333. >”You don't belong with them, Anonymous.” You can feel a nibble on your ear, “They don't deserve you. You're going to be here forever... And ever... And ever...”
  334. >Looks like you don't get the luxury of running away this time.
  335. -
  336. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and earlier today you visited Anonymous for the first time since he was in the hospital. AJ said that it may help you, but all it does is remind me that you have so much to learn.
  337. >You refused to believe the truth. You ignored it, you denied it, and you tried everything to prove that he was just making it all up. But every spell, every investigation, everything came back to the same conclusion: Fluttershy had been doing terrible things.
  338. >Fetish guessing, rape attempts, the butterfly brand. It was all true.
  339. >You were the last of your circle of friends to accept it, you wanted to believe that it would just go away... But it didn't. Anon didn't wake up, Fluttershy didn't come back, and it wasn't just a Changeling plot.
  340. >Your letter to Princess Celestia was a cry for help, you wanted to fix this but you just don't know what to do. There was no spell big enough, or powerful enough that you knew. While it was tempting to use a time-warping spell to try and stop Fluttershy before she started, but that maybe the catalyst for this entire thing!
  341. >You look to Spike, who was already sleeping, then out to the night sky.
  342. >It was late, and you needed to get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow you would be able to fix... All of this.
  343. >As you crawl into bed, you hear a loud crash coming from downstairs.
  344. >Spike jumps up in shock, “The penguins are coming!” running into a wall, knocking himself out.
  345. >Quickly, you jump out of bed and go downstairs.
  346. >And there she is...
  347. >Fluttershy.
  348. ------
  349. Part 4
  351. >You are Rainbow Dash, and you're so pissed off right now.
  352. >Early this morning, you heard that Fluttershy finally decided to show her face again. She was at the library with Twilight.
  353. >You don't know the specifics, but it doesn't matter. You're angry, and you want to buck her face in.
  354. >Okay, maybe not hurt her, but you're still gonna shout a lot.
  355. >Trying to keep your temper under control, you enter the library and slam the door behind you.
  356. >Buck you, door.
  357. >AJ was sitting on the floor with a scowl on her face, while Twilight was standing near Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane.
  358. >You could hear Pinkie growling, from somewhere... Probably under the floor boards.
  359. >Why? Because she's Pinkie.
  360. >Spike was at the hospital Anon-sitting since you guys were having another 'friendship meeting'.
  361. >Rarity would probably be late, she wanted to swing by the hospital to give that scarf she's been working on to Anon.
  362. >...Just thinking about him makes you remember how bad you bucked up.
  363. >You still remember the first night he tried to tell you what was going on. It was late, and you were completely smashed on apple cider, and he was probably a little buzzed. That guy had an unnaturally strong liver, you swear. He was carrying you home on his back (stupid drunken flying), when he told you about her. You laughed it off, thinking he was just making a joke. He just kinda sighed, “Yeah. Funny.”
  364. >He was quiet for the next few days after that, but talked to you again. And again. And again. Back then, you just thought he was trying to turn you against Fluttershy. You called him a jerk and to leave you alone. If he couldn't be nice to Fluttershy, you didn't want to be his friend.
  365. >You didn't talk to him much after that.
  366. >Not a very good friend, are you?
  367. >”Hey Rainbow. Is Rarity comin'?” AJ ask, her frown easing slightly.
  368. “Yeah, she'll be by in a little bit. She wanted to give Anon that scarf.”
  369. >”A-a-anon...?” Fluttershy stuttered.
  370. >”Yeah, Anon. Ya' know, tha' guy you've been harassin' for Celestia knows how long?” AJ growls, “Just how many times did he tell ya' to stop, anyway? Five? Ten? Sixty?”
  371. >You've hardly ever seen AJ this pissed before. She was stomping over to Fluttershy, just waiting for the stuttering winged-p0ny to say something.
  372. >Fluttershy just whimpered and shrinked back further into her mane.
  373. >”AJ, calm down! There has to be a reasonable explanation for this.” Twilight's horn lit up, forcing the farmer p0ny back a few steps.
  374. >She just narrowed her eyes, and took a seat back in her previous spot.
  375. >Pinkie was still growling, and you see her head pop out from a book case, “There is no reasonable explanation!” Suddenly, she's under the rug, “Nonny-Non is in the hospital!”
  376. >Fluttershy whimpers and cowers under her hooves, her ears laying flat against her head.
  377. >”Pinkie, please let her-” Twilight, the voice of reason in the room, is interrupted by the cowering pegasus' mumbling, “-what did you say, Fluttershy?”
  378. >More mumbling.
  379. >”Consarnit, just say it!” AJ yells.
  380. >”IT'S ALL MY FAULT!” She cries out, and begins to bawl her eyes out, “I was just trying to show him my love, and it never worked. I got so frustrated, I kept trying so many different things, and nothing worked, so I kept trying other things, and those didn't work and... I'm... I'm so sorry.”
  381. >”Fat lotta good it does tellin' us that! We're not tha' ones ya' branded with a hot iron, are we?” AJ Can't contain herself anymore, and is back on her hooves, and Pinkie Pie drops down from the ceiling and stands right besides her, “Did ya' feel real good 'bout yourself after that one?”
  382. >Twilight is so taken aback by Fluttershy's sudden confession, she's standing there in stunned silence, while Fluttershy cowers underneath her hooves, tears still flowing freeing from her eyes.
  383. >AJ looks like she's about to do something bad, and Pinkie's hair has gone all flat and she's got a crazy look in her eye.
  384. >... Your gonna have to be the responsible one this time, aren't you?
  385. >Yep.
  386. >Damn it.
  387. >Quickly, you fly in front of the two encroaching mares, holding them back.
  388. “AJ, Pinkie, stop it. I'm pissed too, but this isn't helping anyp0ny.”
  389. >”But she-” Pinkie tries to shout, but you cut her off,
  390. “She bucked up. But you know what? We all did. Wasn't that what you said a few days ago, AJ?”
  391. >AJ frowns, averting your gaze, “...Yeah, yer right.”
  392. >Pinkie takes a few steps back, and sits down, looking ashamed of herself.
  393. “Don't get me wrong, I'm still angry. And while most of the blame probably does belong to Fluttershy, we still sat on our flanks and let it happen.”
  394. >You look back to Fluttershy whose looking up at you, still sniffling.
  395. “I just have to know one thing... What made you think doing those things to him would make him love you?!”
  396. >”I don't know! I just wasn't thinking, I was too worried about making him love me, to think. I just kept trying, and trying, and I got so desperate I wasn't even paying attention to how he felt... And... And...” She tries to explain, though her voice squeaks and hiccups constantly.
  397. >The door to the library opens again, and it's Spike standing in the doorway, “You have to go to the hospital! Anon isn't look too hot.”
  398. -
  399. >You are Doctor Stable, medical professional.
  400. >And right now, your doing everything in your power to keep your only human patient from joining the choir invisible.
  401. “You're not dying today, Anonymous. Come on, you want to live don't you?!”
  402. >You whisper, your hooves working frantically to depress his chest, and keep his lungs flowing with fresh air.
  403. >Nurse Redheart runs into the room, crash cart in tow. Quickly, she places an IV drip into his arm, while you levitate the defibrillator paddles to his chest.
  404. “Clear!”
  405. >You shout, as a jolt of magic causes his body to jump, his heart rate monitor still flat.
  406. “Again!”
  407. >A few seconds later, you shock his heart once more...
  408. >...The heart rate monitor blips to life. It's weak, but he's still alive.
  409. >With a sigh, you shake your head. It looks like all you did was delay the inevitable. Your not sure what caused the sudden cardiac arrest, but it could come back at any moment.
  410. “Looks like he wants to live for a little while longer...”
  411. >Nurse Redheart nods her head, “Yes. His friends are probably going to be by soon... What should I tell them?”
  412. >This was the part of the job you hated. You became a doctor to help p0nies, to make them feel better, but unfortunately, sometimes you had to tell them cold hard reality.
  413. “Tell them the truth...”
  414. >As you make your way to the waiting room, you keep your head high. This wasn't good news, but at least they got a luxury that most p0nies didn't...
  415. >They'll be able to say goodbye.
  416. -
  417. >You are Anonymous. And you can feel the curtains finally coming down.
  418. >The Flutter-Horde had forgone devouring your flesh, and is just taunting you.
  419. >You used to be able to pick out the individual words, but now it's just so much noise, and the bright white void is becoming very dim.
  420. >Maybe, finally, you can be at peace...
  421. >Then, you begin to hear the voices again.
  422. >”Nonni. it's your birthday next month, right? I still haven't had a chance to throw you a birthday party yet! I promise it'll be super awesome. But you can't party if you disappear, okay?”
  423. >That sounded like Pinkie.
  424. >”Anon... It's gonna be cider season soon. Ah could use tha' extra hoov- hands around.” She pauses,” Ah, who am ah kiddin'? Ah don' want ya' to go. Ah still haven't made it raight, yet. Ah can't fix mah mistake unless you get better. Ah'll do anything.”
  425. >Applejack...
  426. >”Hey big guy. I'm not good at this mushy stuff, but you were a good friend to me. Looking back on it, I wish I was a better friend to you. I don't want this to be a goodbye. I hate goodbyes, especially when they're permanent! I don't want to lose anymore friends, I mean, we still haven't gone to a Wonderbolts show yet! You better get up, Anon.”
  427. >That would be Rainbow.
  428. >”Anonymous. I know we always didn't see eye to eye on many things, your fashion sense being one of them... And I may have called you a brute a few times. All of the time, actually, and you are a brute, but, your our brute...”
  429. >Rarity...
  430. >”Please, just hold on for one more day. I got a letter from the Princess, she'll be here tomorrow, just hold on till then. She can fix this! I know she can. She's got to be able to... Just hold on.”
  431. >Twilight, too?
  432. >”Anonymous... I...”
  433. >That voice. No. No no no. Why can't she just leave you alone? Hasn't she ruined your life enough already?
  434. >From the crowd of now silent Fluttershys, a small normal looking one steps forward, speaking in a quiet whisper.
  435. >”I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I know you'll probably never forgive me for it, or talk to me, or want see me again... And I'll be fine with that. I should have known what I was doing was wrong, I should stopped when you told me to, but I was too stupid. I thought that if I kept trying, something would work. I didn't mean for you to feel so miserable that you had to hurt yourself to make the pain go away...”
  436. >It looks up at you with sincerely regretful eyes.
  437. >”If you get better, I'll never bother you again. I'll leave you alone. I can't even ask for you to forgive me, not after all of... This...”
  438. >The Tiny-Shy motions to your scarred body.
  439. >”Please, get up.”
  440. >Your winged torturers disappear in a puff of smoke, leaving only yourself in a dimming void.
  441. >Standing there, on the edge of oblivion, you feel... Conflicted.
  442. >It's strange. A little while ago, you were ready to let go, to make all the pain and suffering you've endured go away forever.
  443. >The voices of your friends...
  444. >Are they still friends?
  445. >Maybe.
  446. >No matter what they maybe, their words surprised you, if it was really them talking.
  447. >The landscape begins to shift; changing from a blank void to a pitch black room, with only a metal table sitting in the middle of it.
  448. >You approach the table, and on it sits a note, a single bullet, and a revolver. You pick up the note, and it reads,
  450. “Life or death”
  452. >After you finish reading, the note falls apart in your grasp. Your hands reach for the single bullet, and for the gun.
  453. >Open cylinder, load the bullet.
  454. >Spin the cylinder.
  455. >Close the cylinder.
  456. >Place the barrel against your head.
  457. >Memories of Fluttershy's constant harassment play out on the walls of the black room. Of the strange advances, the constant harassment, and last but not least, the branding.
  458. >Pull the trigger.
  459. >Click.
  460. >The walls change to show you scenes of your friends telling your crazy.
  461. >Click.
  462. >How you were just making it all up.
  463. >Click.
  464. >The feelings of betrayal.
  465. >Click.
  466. >Depression.
  467. >Click.
  468. >The bullet is always in the last chamber, isn't it?
  469. >...How they had remorse for their actions.
  470. >Your finger eases off the trigger.
  471. >How they wish they could fix what they done, and even Fluttershy had apologized for putting you through hell.
  472. >But was that reason enough? Did you really want to go back to living after everything you've endured?
  473. >Your finger drifts back onto the trigger.
  474. >It was too late for you anyway. Just because they realized their mistakes, doesn't mean it won't start again. They could turn on you again, and then you'd be back here. Or worse. They might lock you away in some mental asylum.
  475. >You cock back the hammer.
  476. >”But you can't party if you disappear, okay?”
  477. >”Ah'll do anything.”
  478. >”You better get up, Anon.”
  479. >” are a brute, but, your our brute...”
  480. >”Just hold on.”
  481. >”Please, get up.”
  482. >Their words play back in your mind, and you set the revolver back on the metal table, and shake your head.
  483. >You don't want to die. Not today.
  484. >Then, the world exploded.
  485. -
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