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a guest
May 4th, 2018
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  1. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:42,454] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:42] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  2. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,195] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  3. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,198] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  4. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,202] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  5. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,203] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class ''>.get_keyword(*(u'tree_open', [u'', 157], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  6. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,204] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  7. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,216] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  8. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,226] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((((("a"."keyword" = 'tree_open') AND ("a"."model" = ',-1')) OR (("a"."keyword" = 'tree_open') AND ("a"."model" = ',157'))) AND (("b"."active" = true) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "e" ON ("e"."id" = "d"."group") WHERE ((("e"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "f"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "f" WHERE ("f"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" WHERE ("g"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "h"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "h" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "i" ON ("i"."id" = "h"."group") WHERE ((("i"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "l"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "l" WHERE ("l"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "m"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "m" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "n" ON ("n"."id" = "m"."group") WHERE ((("n"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  9. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,232] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action.keyword')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  10. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,237] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "b"."model", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_access" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "c" ON ("c"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("b"."model" IN ('ir.action')) AND (("c"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "b"."model"
  11. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,240] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  12. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,243] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  13. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,246] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action.act_window')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  14. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,252] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."context_model" AS "context_model", "a"."res_model" AS "res_model", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."context_domain" AS "context_domain", "a"."limit" AS "limit", "a"."order" AS "order" FROM "ir_action_act_window" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  15. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,255] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", "a"."view" AS "view", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (197)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  16. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,258] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action.act_window.view')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  17. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,260] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (197)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  18. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,264] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action.act_window.domain')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  19. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,268] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (197)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  20. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,272] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (50, 51, 52)))
  21. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,274] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'ir.action.act_window.domain,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (50, 51, 52)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  22. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,279] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."context" AS "context", "a"."search_value" AS "search_value", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action_act_window" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  23. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,283] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  24. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,284] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'ir.action,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (197)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  25. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,289] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."action" IN (197))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  26. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,292] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."usage" AS "usage", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  27. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,294] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = ',name')) AND ("c"."lang" = 'en')) AND ("c"."type" = 'model')) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = false)) WHERE (("a"."action" IN (197)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(COALESCE(NULLIF(NULL, ''), "c"."value"), "b"."name") ASC
  28. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,297] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  29. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,299] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."icon" AS "icon", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (197))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  30. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,301] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", "a"."view" AS "view", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (197)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  31. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,304] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."data" AS "data", "a"."inherit" AS "inherit", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."priority" AS "priority", "a"."module" AS "module", "a"."field_childs" AS "field_childs", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."model" AS "model", "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_ui_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (385, 386)))
  32. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,319] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  33. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,321] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  34. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,324] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  35. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,325] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  36. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,327] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  37. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,332] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: [{'create_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'groups': [], 'context_model': None, 'res_model': u'purchase.request', 'write_uid': 0, 'act_window_views': (227, 228), 'keywords': [187], 'id': 197, 'create_uid': 0, 'icon.rec_name': None, 'usage': None, 'type': u'ir.action.act_window', 'pyson_order': 'null', 'pyson_domain': '[]', 'views': [(386, u'tree'), (385, u'form')], 'domains': [(u'Draft', u'[["purchase_line", "=", null]]', True), (u'Exception', u'[["state", "=", "exception"]]', True), (u'All', '[]', False)], 'write_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'active': True, 'pyson_context': u'{}', 'context_domain': None, 'icon': None, 'rec_name': u'Purchase Requests', 'name': u'Purchase Requests', 'keyword': u'tree_open', 'limit': None, 'pyson_search_value': u'[]', 'act_window_domains': (50, 51, 52), 'action': 197, 'order': None}]
  38. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,332] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  39. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,354] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  40. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,357] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  41. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,361] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  42. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,361] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class ''>.get_access(*([u'', u'ir.ui.view', u'ir.ui.view_search', u'', u'ir.ui.view_tree_state', u'ir.ui.view_tree_width', u'party.address', u'party.address.format', u'party.category', u'party.check_vies.result', u'party.configuration', u'party.configuration.party_lang', u'party.configuration.party_sequence', u'party.contact_mechanism', u'party.identifier', u'', u'', u'', u'party.replace.ask', u'', u'product.category', u'product.configuration', u'product.configuration.default_cost_price_method', u'product.cost_price', u'product.cost_price_method', u'product.list_price', u'product.product', u'product.template', u'product.template-product.category', u'product.template-product.category.all', u'product.uom', u'product.uom.category', u'product.attribute', u'product.attribute-product.attribute-set', u'product.attribute.set', u'product.product.cost_history', u'purchase.configuration', u'purchase.configuration.purchase_method', u'purchase.configuration.sequence', u'purchase.handle.invoice.exception.ask', u'purchase.handle.shipment.exception.ask', u'purchase.line', u'', u'purchase.line-ignored-stock.move', u'purchase.line-recreated-stock.move', u'purchase.product_supplier', u'purchase.product_supplier.price', u'purchase.purchase', u'purchase.purchase-ignored-account.invoice', u'purchase.purchase-recreated-account.invoice', u'purchase.request', u'purchase.request.create_purchase.ask_party', u'purchase.request.handle.purchase.cancellation.start', u'purchase.request.quotation', u'purchase.request.quotation.create.ask_suppliers', u'purchase.request.quotation.create.succeed', u'purchase.request.quotation.line', u'purchase.requisition', u'purchase.requisition.line', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'res.user', u'res.user.application', u'res.user.config.start', u'res.user-ir.action', u'res.user.login.attempt', u'', u'res.user.warning', u'sale.configuration', u'sale.configuration.sale_method', u'sale.configuration.sequence', u'sale.handle.invoice.exception.ask', u'sale.handle.shipment.exception.ask', u'sale.line', u'', u'sale.line-ignored-stock.move', u'sale.line-recreated-stock.move', u'sale.return_sale.start', u'', u'', u'', u'multi.locations.inventory', u'multi.locations.inventory.line', u'', u'product.by_location.context', u'stock.configuration', u'stock.configuration.location', u'stock.configuration.sequence', u'stock.inventory', u'stock.inventory.line', u'stock.location', u'stock.location.lead_time', u'stock.move', u'stock.period'], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  43. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,363] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  44. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,373] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  45. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,382] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "b"."model", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_access" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "c" ON ("c"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("b"."model" IN ('', 'ir.ui.view', 'ir.ui.view_search', '', 'ir.ui.view_tree_state', 'ir.ui.view_tree_width', 'party.address', 'party.address.format', 'party.category', 'party.check_vies.result', 'party.configuration', 'party.configuration.party_lang', 'party.configuration.party_sequence', 'party.contact_mechanism', 'party.identifier', '', '', '', 'party.replace.ask', '', 'product.category', 'product.configuration', 'product.configuration.default_cost_price_method', 'product.cost_price', 'product.cost_price_method', 'product.list_price', 'product.product', 'product.template', 'product.template-product.category', 'product.template-product.category.all', 'product.uom', 'product.uom.category', 'product.attribute', 'product.attribute-product.attribute-set', 'product.attribute.set', 'product.product.cost_history', 'purchase.configuration', 'purchase.configuration.purchase_method', 'purchase.configuration.sequence', 'purchase.handle.invoice.exception.ask', 'purchase.handle.shipment.exception.ask', 'purchase.line', '', 'purchase.line-ignored-stock.move', 'purchase.line-recreated-stock.move', 'purchase.product_supplier', 'purchase.product_supplier.price', 'purchase.purchase', 'purchase.purchase-ignored-account.invoice', 'purchase.purchase-recreated-account.invoice', 'purchase.request', 'purchase.request.create_purchase.ask_party', 'purchase.request.handle.purchase.cancellation.start', 'purchase.request.quotation', 'purchase.request.quotation.create.ask_suppliers', 'purchase.request.quotation.create.succeed', 'purchase.request.quotation.line', 'purchase.requisition', 'purchase.requisition.line', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'res.user', 'res.user.application', 'res.user.config.start', 'res.user-ir.action', 'res.user.login.attempt', '', 'res.user.warning', 'sale.configuration', 'sale.configuration.sale_method', 'sale.configuration.sequence', 'sale.handle.invoice.exception.ask', 'sale.handle.shipment.exception.ask', 'sale.line', '', 'sale.line-ignored-stock.move', 'sale.line-recreated-stock.move', 'sale.return_sale.start', '', '', '', 'multi.locations.inventory', 'multi.locations.inventory.line', '', 'product.by_location.context', 'stock.configuration', 'stock.configuration.location', 'stock.configuration.sequence', 'stock.inventory', 'stock.inventory.line', 'stock.location', 'stock.location.lead_time', 'stock.move', 'stock.period')) AND (("c"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "b"."model"
  46. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,408] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  47. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,410] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  48. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,413] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  49. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,414] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  50. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,416] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  51. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,421] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: {u'product.attribute': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.configuration.purchase_method': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.contact_mechanism': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'multi.locations.inventory': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.requisition': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'multi.locations.inventory.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.request.quotation.create.ask_suppliers': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'stock.inventory.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'product.product.cost_history': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.configuration': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.configuration': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.check_vies.result': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'res.user': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.request.quotation.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'sale.line-recreated-stock.move': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.configuration': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.uom': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.line-recreated-stock.move': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.configuration': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'res.user.application': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.list_price': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'res.user.login.attempt': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.requisition.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'res.user.config.start': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.cost_price_method': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'ir.ui.view_search': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.return_sale.start': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.configuration.sale_method': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.purchase': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'stock.inventory': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'product.configuration.default_cost_price_method': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'ir.ui.view': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.configuration': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.purchase-recreated-account.invoice': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.location.lead_time': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.line-ignored-stock.move': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.configuration.sequence': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.product_supplier': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'sale.configuration.sequence': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.line-ignored-stock.move': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.by_location.context': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.attribute.set': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.request': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'stock.move': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.address.format': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.address': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.period': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.line': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.configuration.sequence': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.product': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'party.configuration.party_lang': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'product.uom.category': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'product.attribute-product.attribute-set': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.template': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.purchase-ignored-account.invoice': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.template-product.category.all': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.request.handle.purchase.cancellation.start': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.category': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.product_supplier.price': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'party.identifier': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'ir.ui.view_tree_state': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.handle.shipment.exception.ask': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.configuration.party_sequence': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.cost_price': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'sale.handle.shipment.exception.ask': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.request.quotation': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'sale.handle.invoice.exception.ask': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.location': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'purchase.handle.invoice.exception.ask': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'ir.ui.view_tree_width': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'res.user.warning': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.request.quotation.create.succeed': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.replace.ask': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'res.user-ir.action': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'party.category': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'create': 1, 'delete': 1}, u'': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'product.template-product.category': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'purchase.request.create_purchase.ask_party': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}, u'stock.configuration.location': {'read': True, 'write': True, 'create': True, 'delete': True}}
  52. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,422] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  53. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,437] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  54. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,440] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  55. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,445] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  56. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,445] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.fields_view_get(*(386, u'tree', {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  57. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,447] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  58. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,456] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  59. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,459] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."inherit" AS "inherit", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."priority" AS "priority", "a"."module" AS "module", "a"."field_childs" AS "field_childs", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."model" AS "model", "a"."data" AS "data", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_ui_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (386)))
  60. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,462] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."data" AS "data", "a"."inherit" AS "inherit", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."priority" AS "priority", "a"."module" AS "module", "a"."field_childs" AS "field_childs", "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."model" AS "model", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_ui_view" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."inherit" = 386) AND ("a"."model" = 'purchase.request')) OR (("a"."id" = 386) AND ("a"."inherit" IS NOT NULL))) ORDER BY "a"."priority" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  61. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,467] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('purchase.request')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  62. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,470] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."info" AS "info", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."global_search_p" AS "global_search_p", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."module" AS "module", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."model" AS "model", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_model" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."model" IN ('purchase.requisition.line'))) ORDER BY "a"."model" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  63. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,472] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_model" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (250)))
  64. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,474] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."lang", "a"."type", "a"."name", "a"."src", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.requisition.line,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)))
  65. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,476] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "b"."model", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_access" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "c" ON ("c"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("b"."model" IN (NULL)) AND (("c"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "b"."model"
  66. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,478] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "b"."model", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_access" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "c" ON ("c"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("b"."model" IN ('company.employee')) AND (("c"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "b"."model"
  67. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,480] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "b"."model", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_access" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "c" ON ("c"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("b"."model" IN ('')) AND (("c"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "b"."model"
  68. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,482] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."width" AS "width", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."field" AS "field", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."model" AS "model", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_ui_view_tree_width" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."model" = 'purchase.request') AND ("a"."user" = 1)) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  69. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,490] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."lang", "a"."type", "a"."name", "a"."src", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,uom_digits') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,uom_digits') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Purchased')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Done')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Draft')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Cancel')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Exception')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Quotation')) OR ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'selection') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,state') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) AND ("a"."src" = 'Received')) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,employee') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,employee') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,party') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,party') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,uom') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,uom') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,purchase_date') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,purchase_date') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,product') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,product') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,company') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,company') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,warehouse') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,warehouse') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,default_uom_digits') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,default_uom_digits') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,warehouse_required') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,warehouse_required') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,requisition_number') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,requisition_number') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,stock_level') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,stock_level') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'field') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,quantity') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)) OR (("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'help') AND ("a"."name" = 'purchase.request,quantity') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false) AND ("a"."res_id" = -1)))
  70. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,515] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  71. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,517] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  72. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,520] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  73. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,521] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  74. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,523] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  75. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,528] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: {'type': u'tree', 'view_id': 386, 'field_childs': None, 'fields': {'requisition_number': {'autocomplete': [], 'domain': '[]', 'on_change': [], 'sortable': False, 'name': 'requisition_number', 'searchable': True, 'required': False, 'help': '', 'on_change_with': [], 'states': '{"invisible": {"__class__": "Not", "v": {"d": false, "__class__": "Eval", "v": "requisition_number"}}}', 'readonly': True, 'loading': 'lazy', 'translate': False, 'type': 'char', 'select': False, 'string': 'Requisition Number'}, 'product': {'domain': '[["purchasable", "=", true]]', 'on_change': [], 'name': 'product', 'searchable': True, 'create': True, 'required': False, 'help': '', 'on_change_with': [], 'states': '{}', 'readonly': True, 'loading': 'eager', 'relation': 'product.product', 'search_context': '{}', 'context': '{}', 'delete': True, 'type': 'many2one', 'select': True, 'string': 'Product'}, 'uom_digits': {'domain': '[]', 'on_change': [], 'sortable': False, 'name': 'uom_digits', 'searchable': False, 'required': False, 'help': '', 'on_change_with': ['uom'], 'states': '{}', 'readonly': True, 'loading': 'lazy', 'type': 'integer', 'select': False, 'string': 'UOM Digits'}, 'company': {'domain': '[["id", {"c": {"k": "company", "__class__": "In", "v": {"d": {}, "__class__": "Eval", "v": "context"}}, "e": "!=", "__class__": "If", "t": "="}, {"d": -1, "k": "company", "__class__": "Get", "v": {"d": {}, "__class__": "Eval", "v": "context"}}]]', 'on_change': [], 'name': 'company', 'searchable': True, 'create': True, 'required': True, 'help': '', 'on_change_with': [], 'states': '{}', 'readonly': True, 'loading': 'eager', 'relation': '', 'search_context': '{}', 'context': '{}', 'delete': True, 'type': 'many2one', 'select': False, 'string': 'Company'}, 'default_uom_digits': {'domain': '[]', 'on_change': [], 'sortable': False, 'name': 'default_uom_digits', 'searchable': False, 'required': False, 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name="employee" width="161"/><field name="requisition_number" width="145"/><field name="product" width="249"/><field name="quantity" width="84"/><field name="uom"/><field name="warehouse"/><field name="party"/><field name="purchase_date"/><field name="stock_level"/><field name="company"/><field name="state"/></tree>'}
  76. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,528] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  77. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,561] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  78. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,575] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  79. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,576] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  80. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,577] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  81. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,588] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  82. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,589] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  83. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,601] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  84. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,601] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.view_toolbar_get(*({u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1},), **{}) from admin@
  85. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,610] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  86. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,610] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search_count(*([u'AND', [[u'state', u'=', u'exception']], []], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  87. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,613] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  88. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,619] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  89. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,619] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search_count(*([u'AND', [[u'purchase_line', u'=', None]], []], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  90. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,619] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  91. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,620] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  92. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,620] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  93. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,629] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  94. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,641] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  95. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,643] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."keyword" = 'form_print') AND ("a"."model" = 'purchase.request,-1') AND (("b"."active" = true) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "e" ON ("e"."id" = "d"."group") WHERE ((("e"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "f"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "f" WHERE ("f"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" WHERE ("g"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "h"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "h" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "i" ON ("i"."id" = "h"."group") WHERE ((("i"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "l"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "l" WHERE ("l"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "m"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "m" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "n" ON ("n"."id" = "m"."group") WHERE ((("n"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  96. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,643] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'purchase.request') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  97. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,651] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."keyword" = 'form_action') AND ("a"."model" = 'purchase.request,-1') AND (("b"."active" = true) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "e" ON ("e"."id" = "d"."group") WHERE ((("e"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "f"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "f" WHERE ("f"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" WHERE ("g"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "h"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "h" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "i" ON ("i"."id" = "h"."group") WHERE ((("i"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "l"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "l" WHERE ("l"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "m"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "m" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "n" ON ("n"."id" = "m"."group") WHERE ((("n"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  98. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,652] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."rule_group" AS "rule_group", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (53)))
  99. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,653] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'purchase.request') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  100. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,655] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."menu" AS "menu", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."signature" AS "signature", "a"."password_reset_expire" AS "password_reset_expire", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."email" AS "email", "a"."main_company" AS "main_company", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."password_reset" AS "password_reset", "a"."employee" AS "employee", "a"."login" AS "login", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."password_hash" AS "password_hash" FROM "res_user" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  101. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,659] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."rule_group" AS "rule_group", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (53)))
  102. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,659] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."parent" AS "parent", "a"."footer" AS "footer", "a"."header" AS "header", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."timezone" AS "timezone", "a"."party" AS "party", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "company_company" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."parent" IN (1)) AND ("a"."parent" IS NOT NULL))
  103. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,662] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  104. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,663] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."menu" AS "menu", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."signature" AS "signature", "a"."password_reset_expire" AS "password_reset_expire", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."email" AS "email", "a"."main_company" AS "main_company", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."password_reset" AS "password_reset", "a"."employee" AS "employee", "a"."login" AS "login", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."password_hash" AS "password_hash" FROM "res_user" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  105. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,663] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."parent" AS "parent", "a"."footer" AS "footer", "a"."header" AS "header", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."timezone" AS "timezone", "a"."party" AS "party", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "company_company" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  106. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,665] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('ir.action.wizard')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  107. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,665] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."parent" AS "parent", "a"."footer" AS "footer", "a"."header" AS "header", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."timezone" AS "timezone", "a"."party" AS "party", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "company_company" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."parent" IN (1)) AND ("a"."parent" IS NOT NULL))
  108. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,667] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."employee" AS "employee", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-company_employee" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."user" IN (1)) AND ("a"."employee" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY "a"."employee" ASC
  109. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,668] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."parent" AS "parent", "a"."footer" AS "footer", "a"."header" AS "header", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."timezone" AS "timezone", "a"."party" AS "party", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "company_company" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  110. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,672] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."wiz_name" AS "wiz_name", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."window" AS "window", "a"."email" AS "email", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."model" AS "model", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action_wizard" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  111. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,675] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."perm_delete" AS "perm_delete", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."default_p" AS "default_p", "a"."global_p" AS "global_p", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."perm_write" AS "perm_write", "a"."perm_read" AS "perm_read", "a"."perm_create" AS "perm_create", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."model" AS "model" FROM "ir_rule_group" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (45)))
  112. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,677] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule_group" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") WHERE ((("b"."model" = 'purchase.request') AND ("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule" AS "c"))) AND ("a"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))))
  113. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,679] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."employee" AS "employee", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-company_employee" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."user" IN (1)) AND ("a"."employee" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY "a"."employee" ASC
  114. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,679] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."state" = 'exception') AND true) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  115. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,680] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  116. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,682] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."perm_delete" AS "perm_delete", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."default_p" AS "default_p", "a"."global_p" AS "global_p", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."perm_write" AS "perm_write", "a"."perm_read" AS "perm_read", "a"."perm_create" AS "perm_create", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."model" AS "model" FROM "ir_rule_group" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (45)))
  117. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,683] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'ir.action,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (198, 199, 201)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  118. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,684] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule_group" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("a"."model" = "b"."id") WHERE ((("b"."model" = 'purchase.request') AND ("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule" AS "c"))) AND ("a"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))))
  119. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,688] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."action" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  120. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,689] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."purchase_line" IS NULL) AND true) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  121. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,693] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = ',name')) AND ("c"."lang" = 'en')) AND ("c"."type" = 'model')) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = false)) WHERE (("a"."action" IN (198, 199, 201)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(COALESCE(NULLIF(NULL, ''), "c"."value"), "b"."name") ASC
  122. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,696] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."usage" AS "usage", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  123. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,698] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  124. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,701] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."icon" AS "icon", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (198, 199, 201))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  125. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,701] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  126. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,710] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."keyword" = 'form_relate') AND ("a"."model" = 'purchase.request,-1') AND (("b"."active" = true) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "e" ON ("e"."id" = "d"."group") WHERE ((("e"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "f"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "f" WHERE ("f"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" WHERE ("g"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "h"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "h" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "i" ON ("i"."id" = "h"."group") WHERE ((("i"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "l"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "l" WHERE ("l"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "m"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "m" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "n" ON ("n"."id" = "m"."group") WHERE ((("n"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  127. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,710] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  128. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,715] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  129. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,716] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  130. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,716] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  131. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,719] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  132. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,723] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."context_model" AS "context_model", "a"."res_model" AS "res_model", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."context_domain" AS "context_domain", "a"."limit" AS "limit", "a"."order" AS "order" FROM "ir_action_act_window" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  133. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,726] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", "a"."view" AS "view", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (203)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  134. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,728] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (203)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  135. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,730] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (203)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  136. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,734] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."context" AS "context", "a"."search_value" AS "search_value", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action_act_window" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))))))
  137. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,735] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  138. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,739] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  139. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,740] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'ir.action,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (203)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  140. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,741] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  141. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,745] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."keyword" AS "keyword", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."action" AS "action", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_keyword" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_action" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."action") WHERE ((("a"."action" IN (203))) AND ((((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" WHERE ("c"."action" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "d"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "d" WHERE ("d"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "e"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "e" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "f" ON ("f"."id" = "e"."group") WHERE ((("f"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))) OR (((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "g"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "h" ON ("h"."id" = "g"."group") WHERE ((("h"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))) AND ("b"."active" IN (true, false)) AND ((("b"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "i"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "i" WHERE ("i"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("b"."id" IN (SELECT "j"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "j" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "k" ON ("k"."id" = "j"."group") WHERE ((("k"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9))))))))))))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  142. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,745] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 0
  143. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,746] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  144. 5269 139918995076864 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,746] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  145. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,749] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."usage" AS "usage", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  146. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,749] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  147. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,752] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."action" AS "action", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = ',name')) AND ("c"."lang" = 'en')) AND ("c"."type" = 'model')) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = false)) WHERE (("a"."action" IN (203)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(COALESCE(NULLIF(NULL, ''), "c"."value"), "b"."name") ASC
  148. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,752] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  149. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,756] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  150. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,759] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."icon" AS "icon", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_action" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (203))) AND ((("a"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "b"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "b" WHERE ("b"."action" IS NOT NULL)))) OR (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "c"."action" FROM "ir_action-res_group" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."id" = "c"."group") WHERE ((("d"."id" IN (5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9)))))))))
  151. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,760] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", "a"."view" AS "view", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (203)) AND ("a"."active" = true)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  152. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,761] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 5
  153. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,761] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  154. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,774] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  155. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,776] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  156. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,778] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  157. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,779] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  158. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,781] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  159. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,785] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: {'print': [], 'action': [{'groups': [12], 'create_uid': 0, 'create_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'name': u'Create Purchase', 'keyword': 'form_action', 'usage': None, 'id': 198, 'wiz_name': u'purchase.request.create_purchase', 'write_uid': 0, 'active': True, 'keywords': [188], 'window': False, 'icon.rec_name': None, 'write_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'action': 198, 'rec_name': u'Create Purchase', 'model': u'purchase.request', 'type': u'ir.action.wizard', 'email': None, 'icon': None}, {'groups': [], 'create_uid': 0, 'create_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 25, 182347), 'name': u'Create Quotation', 'keyword': 'form_action', 'usage': None, 'id': 201, 'wiz_name': u'purchase.request.quotation.create', 'write_uid': 0, 'active': True, 'keywords': [191], 'window': False, 'icon.rec_name': None, 'write_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 25, 182347), 'action': 201, 'rec_name': u'Create Quotation', 'model': None, 'type': u'ir.action.wizard', 'email': None, 'icon': None}, {'groups': [12], 'create_uid': 0, 'create_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'name': u'Handle Purchase Cancellation', 'keyword': 'form_action', 'usage': None, 'id': 199, 'wiz_name': u'purchase.request.handle.purchase.cancellation', 'write_uid': 0, 'active': True, 'keywords': [189], 'window': False, 'icon.rec_name': None, 'write_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 22, 706660), 'action': 199, 'rec_name': u'Handle Purchase Cancellation', 'model': u'purchase.request', 'type': u'ir.action.wizard', 'email': None, 'icon': None}], 'relate': [{'create_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 22, 9, 37, 25, 182347), 'groups': [12], 'context_model': None, 'res_model': u'purchase.request.quotation', 'write_uid': 0, 'act_window_views': (), 'keywords': [193], 'id': 203, 'create_uid': 0, 'icon.rec_name': None, 'usage': None, 'type': u'ir.action.act_window', 'pyson_order': 'null', 'pyson_domain': u'[{"c": {"s2": [{"d": "", "__class__": "Eval", "v": "active_id"}], "s1": {"d": [], "__class__": "Eval", "v": "active_ids"}, "__class__": "Equal"}, "e": ["lines.request", "in", {"d": "", "__class__": "Eval", "v": "active_ids"}], "__class__": "If", "t": ["lines.request", "=", {"d": "", "__class__": "Eval", "v": "active_id"}]}]', 'views': [], 'domains': [], 'write_date': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 12, 13, 51, 30, 794048), 'active': True, 'pyson_context': u'{}', 'context_domain': None, 'icon': None, 'rec_name': u'Quotations', 'name': u'Quotations', 'keyword': 'form_relate', 'limit': None, 'pyson_search_value': u'[]', 'act_window_domains': (), 'action': 203, 'order': None}]}
  160. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,785] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  161. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,812] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  162. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,814] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  163. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,819] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  164. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,819] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search(*([u'AND', [], [[u'purchase_line', u'=', None]]], 0, 1000, None, {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  165. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,821] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  166. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,831] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  167. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,834] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."purchase_line" AS "purchase_line", "a"."supply_date" AS "supply_date", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."state" AS "state", "a"."preferred_quotation_line" AS "preferred_quotation_line", "a"."party" AS "party", "a"."uom" AS "uom", "a"."purchase_date" AS "purchase_date", "a"."product" AS "product", "a"."description" AS "description", "a"."computed_uom" AS "computed_uom", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."computed_quantity" AS "computed_quantity", "a"."warehouse" AS "warehouse", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."exception_ignored" AS "exception_ignored", "a"."stock_level" AS "stock_level", "a"."quantity" AS "quantity", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((true AND ("a"."purchase_line" IS NULL)) AND ((("a"."company" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" DESC LIMIT 1000
  168. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,848] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  169. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,850] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  170. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,854] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  171. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,854] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  172. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,858] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  173. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,865] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: [14, 13, 11, 10, 9]
  174. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,866] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:45] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  175. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,902] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  176. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,904] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  177. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,908] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  178. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,909] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.read(*([9, 10, 11, 13, 14], [u'requisition_number', u'uom_digits', u'state', u'company', u'product', u'employee', u'default_uom_digits', u'purchase_date', u'warehouse', u'party', u'stock_level', u'warehouse_required', u'uom', u'quantity', u'company.rec_name', u'product.rec_name', u'employee.rec_name', u'warehouse.rec_name', u'party.rec_name', u'uom.rec_name', u'rec_name', u'_timestamp'], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  179. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,911] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  180. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,921] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  181. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,924] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."state" AS "state", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."product" AS "product", "a"."purchase_date" AS "purchase_date", "a"."warehouse" AS "warehouse", "a"."party" AS "party", "a"."stock_level" AS "stock_level", "a"."uom" AS "uom", "a"."quantity" AS "quantity", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp", "a"."product" AS "product", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."warehouse" AS "warehouse", "a"."party" AS "party", "a"."uom" AS "uom", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (9, 10, 11, 13, 14))) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  182. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,927] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."origin" AS "origin", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (9, 10, 11, 13, 14))) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  183. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,928] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'purchase.requisition.line') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  184. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,932] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."product" AS "product", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."description" AS "description", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."unit_price" AS "unit_price", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."requisition" AS "requisition", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."supplier" AS "supplier", "a"."unit" AS "unit", "a"."quantity" AS "quantity", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "purchase_requisition_line" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (9, 10, 11, 13, 14)))
  185. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,935] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'purchase.requisition') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  186. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,937] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."total_amount_cache" AS "total_amount_cache", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."description" AS "description", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."number" AS "number", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."state" AS "state", "a"."warehouse" AS "warehouse", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."employee" AS "employee", "a"."supply_date" AS "supply_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "purchase_requisition" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (9, 11, 13, 14)))
  187. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,942] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."total_amount_cache" AS "total_amount_cache", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."description" AS "description", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."number" AS "number", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."state" AS "state", "a"."warehouse" AS "warehouse", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."employee" AS "employee", "a"."supply_date" AS "supply_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "purchase_requisition" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (10)))
  188. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,947] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."description" AS "description", "a"."computed_uom" AS "computed_uom", "a"."computed_quantity" AS "computed_quantity", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."preferred_quotation_line" AS "preferred_quotation_line", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."purchase_line" AS "purchase_line", "a"."exception_ignored" AS "exception_ignored", "a"."supply_date" AS "supply_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."id" IN (9, 10, 11, 13, 14))) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  189. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,949] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'stock.location') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  190. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,951] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "stock_location" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (4)))
  191. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,953] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'stock.location,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (4)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  192. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,955] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'product.product') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  193. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,958] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."code" AS "code", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."template" AS "template", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."qty_stock_min" AS "qty_stock_min" FROM "product_product" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  194. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,960] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'product.template') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  195. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,961] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "product_template" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  196. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,962] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'product.template,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (1)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  197. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,966] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'product.uom') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  198. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,967] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."digits" AS "digits", "a"."category" AS "category", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."rounding" AS "rounding", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."rate" AS "rate", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."factor" AS "factor", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "product_uom" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1, 2)))
  199. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,972] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."salable" AS "salable", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."weight" AS "weight", "a"."taxes_category" AS "taxes_category", "a"."height" AS "height", "a"."default_uom" AS "default_uom", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."purchasable" AS "purchasable", "a"."height_uom" AS "height_uom", "a"."accounts_category" AS "accounts_category", "a"."width" AS "width", "a"."length_uom" AS "length_uom", "a"."type" AS "type", "a"."lead_time" AS "lead_time", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."sale_uom" AS "sale_uom", "a"."purchase_uom" AS "purchase_uom", "a"."volume" AS "volume", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."consumable" AS "consumable", "a"."weight_uom" AS "weight_uom", "a"."account_category" AS "account_category", "a"."volume_uom" AS "volume_uom", "a"."length" AS "length", "a"."attribute_set" AS "attribute_set", "a"."width_uom" AS "width_uom", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "product_template" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  200. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,976] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('product.product')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  201. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,981] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  202. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,983] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."parent" AS "parent", "a"."footer" AS "footer", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."currency" AS "currency", "a"."header" AS "header", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."timezone" AS "timezone", "a"."party" AS "party", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "company_company" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  203. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,985] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."code" AS "code", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."replaced_by" AS "replaced_by", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "party_party" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1)))
  204. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,988] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('stock.location')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  205. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,990] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('company.employee')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  206. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,992] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."end_date" AS "end_date", "a"."company" AS "company", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."party" AS "party", "a"."start_date" AS "start_date" FROM "company_employee" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1, 2)))
  207. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,995] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."code" AS "code", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."replaced_by" AS "replaced_by", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "party_party" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (2, 11)))
  208. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,997] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  209. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:45,998] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "c"."model", "b"."name", MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_read" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_write" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_create" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), MAX(CASE WHEN ("a"."perm_delete" = true) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM "ir_model_field_access" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_model_field" AS "b" ON ("a"."field" = "b"."id") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") LEFT JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "d" ON ("d"."group" = "a"."group") WHERE (("c"."model" IN ('product.uom')) AND (("d"."user" = 1) OR ("a"."group" IS NULL))) GROUP BY "c"."model", "b"."name"
  210. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,000] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "product_uom" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (1, 2)))
  211. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,001] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."res_id", "a"."value" FROM "ir_translation" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."lang" = 'en') AND ("a"."type" = 'model') AND ("a"."name" = 'product.uom,name') AND ("a"."value" != '') AND ("a"."value" IS NOT NULL) AND (("a"."res_id" IN (1, 2)))) AND ("a"."fuzzy" = false))
  212. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,016] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  213. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,018] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  214. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,021] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  215. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,022] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  216. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,023] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  217. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,029] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: [{u'uom_digits': 2, u'warehouse.rec_name': u'Warehouse', 'id': 10, u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', 'state': u'draft', u'party.rec_name': None, 'purchase_date':, 11, 24), u'employee': 1, 'party': None, 'uom': 2, u'uom.rec_name': u'Kilogram', 'product': 1, 'company': 1, 'warehouse': 4, u'default_uom_digits': 2, u'product.rec_name': u'[cho1] chocolat', u'warehouse_required': True, u'rec_name': u'chocolat@Warehouse', u'requisition_number': u'10', '_timestamp': u'1511517230.77577', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', 'stock_level': None, 'quantity': 1.0}, {u'uom_digits': 2, u'warehouse.rec_name': u'Warehouse', 'id': 9, u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', 'state': u'quotation', u'party.rec_name': None, 'purchase_date':, 11, 24), u'employee': 1, 'party': None, 'uom': 2, u'uom.rec_name': u'Kilogram', 'product': None, 'company': 1, 'warehouse': 4, u'default_uom_digits': 2, u'product.rec_name': None, u'warehouse_required': None, u'rec_name': u'des bonbons@Warehouse', u'requisition_number': u'9', '_timestamp': u'1511518672.65629', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', 'stock_level': None, 'quantity': 1.0}, {u'uom_digits': 0, u'warehouse.rec_name': u'Warehouse', 'id': 11, u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', 'state': u'draft', u'party.rec_name': None, 'purchase_date':, 11, 24), u'employee': 1, 'party': None, 'uom': 1, u'uom.rec_name': u'Unit', 'product': None, 'company': 1, 'warehouse': 4, u'default_uom_digits': 2, u'product.rec_name': None, u'warehouse_required': None, u'rec_name': u'bla bla @Warehouse', u'requisition_number': u'11', '_timestamp': u'1511521218.76823', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', 'stock_level': None, 'quantity': 1.0}, {u'uom_digits': 0, u'warehouse.rec_name': u'Warehouse', 'id': 13, u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', 'state': u'draft', u'party.rec_name': None, 'purchase_date':, 4, 27), u'employee': 2, 'party': None, 'uom': 1, u'uom.rec_name': u'Unit', 'product': None, 'company': 1, 'warehouse': 4, u'default_uom_digits': 2, u'product.rec_name': None, u'warehouse_required': None, u'rec_name': u'Smartphone@Warehouse', u'requisition_number': u'13', '_timestamp': u'1524828002.61236', u'employee.rec_name': u'maxx', 'stock_level': None, 'quantity': 1.0}, {u'uom_digits': 2, u'warehouse.rec_name': u'Warehouse', 'id': 14, u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', 'state': u'draft', u'party.rec_name': None, 'purchase_date':, 4, 27), u'employee': 1, 'party': None, 'uom': 2, u'uom.rec_name': u'Kilogram', 'product': 1, 'company': 1, 'warehouse': 4, u'default_uom_digits': 2, u'product.rec_name': u'[cho1] chocolat', u'warehouse_required': True, u'rec_name': u'chocolat@Warehouse', u'requisition_number': u'14', '_timestamp': u'1524829468.95182', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', 'stock_level': None, 'quantity': 5.0}]
  218. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,029] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:46] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  219. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,043] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  220. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,051] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  221. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,052] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  222. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,061] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  223. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,064] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  224. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,064] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search_count(*([u'AND', [[u'purchase_line', u'=', None]], []], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  225. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,074] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  226. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,075] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search_count(*([u'AND', [[u'state', u'=', u'exception']], []], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  227. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,076] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  228. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,076] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  229. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,084] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  230. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,092] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."state" = 'exception') AND true) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  231. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,094] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  232. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,097] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "purchase_request" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."purchase_line" IS NULL) AND true) AND ((("a"."company" = 1))))
  233. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,100] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  234. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,108] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  235. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,111] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  236. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,112] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  237. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,115] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  238. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,123] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  239. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,130] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  240. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,131] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 0
  241. 5269 139918978291456 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,132] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:46] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  242. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,135] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  243. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,136] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  244. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,137] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  245. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,142] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 5
  246. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,142] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:46] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  247. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,896] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  248. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,899] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  249. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,903] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  250. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,904] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class ''>.search_count(*([[u'resource', u'=', u'purchase.request,14']], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  251. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,906] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  252. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,915] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  253. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,918] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'ir.attachment') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  254. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,921] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "ir_attachment" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."resource" = 'purchase.request,14'))
  255. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,937] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  256. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,939] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  257. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,942] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  258. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,943] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  259. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,945] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  260. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,950] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 0
  261. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,950] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:46] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  262. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,962] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  263. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,967] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  264. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,973] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  265. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,975] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class ''>.search_count(*([[u'resource', u'=', u'purchase.request,14'], [u'unread', u'=', True]], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  266. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,976] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  267. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,989] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  268. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,993] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_rule" AS "a" INNER JOIN "ir_rule_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."rule_group") INNER JOIN "ir_model" AS "c" ON ("b"."model" = "c"."id") WHERE ((("c"."model" = 'ir.note') AND ("b"."perm_read" = true)) AND ((("b"."id" IN (SELECT "d"."rule_group" FROM "ir_rule_group-res_group" AS "d" INNER JOIN "res_user-res_group" AS "e" ON ("d"."group" = "e"."group") WHERE ("e"."user" = 1))) OR ("b"."default_p" = true)) OR ("b"."global_p" = true)))
  269. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:46,997] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT COUNT('*') FROM "ir_note" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."resource" = 'purchase.request,14') AND (("a"."id" IN (SELECT "b"."id" FROM "ir_note" AS "b" LEFT JOIN "ir_note_read" AS "c" ON (("b"."id" = "c"."note") AND ("c"."user" = 1)) WHERE (CASE WHEN ("c"."user" IS NOT NULL) THEN false ELSE true END = true)))))
  270. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,011] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  271. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,013] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = '6c9c36b41dfca5870bcf5a8793a32fed95ff14e44ca4232e8277ac23a153280c') AND true) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  272. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,016] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  273. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,016] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database UPDATE "ir_session" SET "write_uid" = 0, "write_date" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (("ir_session"."id" IN (258)))
  274. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,018] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (258)))
  275. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,023] DEBUG trytond.protocols.dispatcher Result: 0
  276. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,023] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:47] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  277. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,585] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  278. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,587] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = 1) AND true) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = 1)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  279. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,592] DEBUG session valid for '1' from '' on database 'tryton_dev'
  280. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,592] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search(*([u'AND', [], [[u'purchase_line', u'=', None]]], 0, 1000, [[u'employee', u'ASC']], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  281. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,594] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  282. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,608] DEBUG trytond.backend.postgresql.database SELECT "a"."timestamp", "a"."name" FROM "ir_cache" AS "a"
  283. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,613] ERROR trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.pool.purchase.request'>.search(*([u'AND', [], [[u'purchase_line', u'=', None]]], 0, 1000, [[u'employee', u'ASC']], {u'language': u'en', u'employee.rec_name': u'Maxime Richez', u'locale': {u'date': u'%m/%d/%Y', u'thousands_sep': u',', u'decimal_point': u'.', u'grouping': [3, 3, 0]}, u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'company.rec_name': u'Saluc', u'groups': [5, 6, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 17, 8, 7, 9], u'employee': 1, u'company': 1}), **{}) from admin@
  284. Traceback (most recent call last):
  285. File "/home/mrichez/Workspace/tryton/tryton_dev/trytond/trytond/protocols/", line 167, in _dispatch
  286. result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
  287. File "/home/mrichez/Workspace/tryton/tryton_dev/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1223, in search
  288. table = convert_from(None, tables)
  289. File "/home/mrichez/Workspace/tryton/tryton_dev/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1564, in convert_from
  290. table = convert_from(table, sub_tables)
  291. File "/home/mrichez/Workspace/tryton/tryton_dev/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1564, in convert_from
  292. table = convert_from(table, sub_tables)
  293. File "/home/mrichez/Workspace/tryton/tryton_dev/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1556, in convert_from
  294. right, condition = tables[None]
  295. TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not NoneType
  296. 5269 139918986684160 [2018-05-04 07:24:47,623] INFO werkzeug - - [04/May/2018 07:24:47] "POST /tryton_dev/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
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