
Golem 1 angel 0

Dec 16th, 2010
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  2. Zer0bandit: So then, I am to spar against Code?
  3. Guest_shinigamisilver: yes if code agrees *looks at her*
  4. Guest_codenaa: sure
  5. Guest_shinigamisilver: ok same rules but different people
  6. Guest_codenaa: *nods*
  7. Guest_codenaa: whogoes first
  8. Guest_shinigamisilver: thats between you and him
  10. Zer0bandit: The golem inclines its head politely, taking a stable stance on the dusty arena floor. "You may, if you wish, madam."
  12. Guest_codenaa: *she comes flying in as a bright falling star , before hitting the ground her wings extend and slows her down, as she lands the dust of the arena takes flight , as the dust settles down she looks at her oponent smiling and says: lets make this a good one*
  14. Zer0bandit: The yellow glow of the golem's eye traces the movements of its opponent closely, and as it lacks a face it nods its approval instead. "Indeed," it agrees. For a creature of stone and unidentifiable blackened fibers, it seems to stand lightly, in a stance of readiness as it waits for the first blow to be thrown.
  16. Guest_codenaa: *as she looks apon her rival and nods that the duel is starting she flaps her wing ,making a burst of air aproaching her oponent , if this attack hits her oponent he would get knocked back at the arena wall and be dazed*
  18. Zer0bandit: The golem seems to realise the attack somewhat late, or perhaps it was simply biding its time; whatever the case, it suddenly jerks aside as the percussive gust approaches. Some of the surrounding drag buffets the construct, but it regains its balance quickly; it turns its sideways motion into a circling maneuver, moving around toward the side of its opponent.
  21. Guest_codenaa: *she follows her oponents movement and sees him standing to her side as if hes trying to flank her , she grins and takes out her wingblade, she then throws it to her oponent the blades split midair covering every side of her oponent , the blades aproaching in lightning speed giving her oponent little time to escape, if this attack hits her oponent he would have cuts all over his body and be severly hurt*
  23. Zer0bandit: Sensing the impending attacks, the golem dives for the dusty floor of the arena, its stony exterior grinding as it slides beneath the first few projectiles. It rolls to its feet and twists to avoid another- the bespelled blade scrapes across one of the golem's plates, throwing up sparks and making a sound that sets the teeth on edge. Another blade clips the golem's leg, but it transfers the forward momentum into a roll, sliding closer to its opponent- it sweeps a leg along close to the ground, aiming to trip her up.
  24. sarefie has left the chat
  26. Guest_codenaa: *as she sees the incoming leg she quickly takes flight and flies up 9 feet from the ground , while midair she draws her sword and points it towards her oponent, the moonlight makes the sword shine , with her white bright eyes she stares apon her oponent to await his next move and to take a moment to think about a strategy to defeat him*
  28. Zer0bandit: The golem twists, its golden eye following the now-airborne woman. Seemingly unpreturbed, it darts beneath her, then leaps with startling speed and impressive height. If the golem's opponent doesn't get out of the way, it's likely that the construct will manage to grab onto her, which would add a considerable amount of weight to attempt to keep aloft- likely too much.
  30. Guest_codenaa: *as the incoming limp from her oponent aproaches from beneath she quickly sets in her desent towards her oponent as she sees the long way the leg has made she takes her sword and makes an attempt on chopping her limp half way in the middle , if this attack should succeed her oponent would lose his leg up to his knee*
  32. Zer0bandit: Considering the golem's upward trajectory and its opponent's sudden downward one, a midair collision is inevitable. It attempts to twist out of the way of the incoming sword, though it doesn't entirely manage to do so; instead of hitting the vulnerable joint, the blade slams into the stony plates of the golem's lower leg, sending up more sparks and another grating, hair-raising noise. The plating chips, but luckily for the golem it doesn't shear through. The sudden clash changes the construct's momentum, however, and it tumbles to the arena floor.
  34. Guest_codenaa: *as she watches her oponent fall to the ground , knowing it's a friendly duel she shows him respect by giving him time to get back on his feet and regain strength*
  36. Zer0bandit: The golem rolls to its feet again, quickly sinking back into a ready stance; as a creature of stone and enchantment, it has no need to regain breath or bearings, and stands ready to begin the next skirmish.
  38. Guest_codenaa: *she grins to see her oponent ready for another session, she spreads her wings midair while holding her sword with both hands towards her chest and the tip pointing towards the ground , a bright light apears from her chest showing her inner soul as she calls apon her powers for strength and wisdom, she then commands her wings to make her spin as fast aslight itself to create a tornado of air, she then flaps her wings once more to send the tornado towards her oponent , if the tornado should reach her oponent he would be smashed hard against the arena wall*
  40. Zer0bandit: Faced with another violent surge of air, the golem attempts to jerk aside again, this time with less success than its previous effort. The outer edge of the onrushing tornado clips the construct, and though it is too heavy to properly be sent flying by such a glancing blow, it does get shoved back to collide with the side of the arena with a heavy 'crunch'. After a scant moment to regain balance, however, it is moving again- apparently, the construct has decided to stop messing around. As it sprints for its opponent, it raises a three-fingered hand; a strange humming vibration begins to fill the air, focused on its palm. It's unclear what the phenomenon is a precursor to, but it certainly can't be good.
  42. Guest_codenaa: *as she sees her oponent aproaching fast , as she hears the humming sound she prepares for an incoming attack by cloaking her wings awaiting her oponents attack*
  44. Zer0bandit: The golem leaps again, twisting to put force into the thrust of its palm. The vibration has reached such a level that the air itself seems to shudder; should the blow impact, it would likely shatter bones with the sheer force of the disruption.
  46. Guest_codenaa: *she quickly moves away from her oponets attack to avoid a devastating blow , however the vibrations have caused her wing to dislocate giving her excruciating pain, before she plummets to the ground in pains of agony, she tried to stab her oponent by taking her sword , and making an attempt at his heart from the direction her oponent is attacking from*
  48. Zer0bandit: Both combatants hit the ground, and the golem- still carrying through its momentum- is in no position to get out of the way of the upward stab of the sword. Luckily- and almost humorously- the sword does in fact go straight through the golem, stabbing the air in the already-existing hole in the construct's chest. The golem glances down, apparently contemplating the sword and its position for a moment, before jumping back, extricating itself from the blade before it can be dragged in a direction that will do some real damage.
  50. Guest_codenaa: *seeing her oponent retreat from the hit from her sword she send in the persuit for him , she pick her sword running after her oponent with 1 wing dislocated and hurt, she tried to thrust her sword into her oponents eye , if this atack should succeed her oponent would lose his vision
  52. Zer0bandit: The golem manages to dodge the critical blow, but just barely- the sword catches one of the plates at the side of its head, provoking a grinding sound and a crack as the (comparably thinner) armour snaps. Before the broken piece of bespelled stone has even hit the ground, the golem is in motion again, spinning to add force to what will be a crushing blow of the elbow to the midsection of its opponent, should it connect.
  54. Guest_codenaa: *she then takes the unexpected hit in her ribs making her grasp for air , as she plummetsto the ground with agonising pain,her eyes become blank as she looses uncontiousness*
  56. Zer0bandit: Noting its opponent's sudden lack of movement, the golem immediately ceases hostilities, stepping across to peer down at her. "It seems the match has come to an end."
  58. Guest_codenaa: *her wings still give sighns of life making every1 aware that she ain't dead*
  59. Guest_shinigamisilver: match: winner zer0
  61. Zer0bandit: The softly glowing yellow eye of the golem glances up to the audience. "I believe this female will require medical attention. Is there a professional nearby to provide such a service?"
  63. Guest_codenaa: a bright light apears from her chest so bright it blinds every1 present , healing her wounds, as the light returns to her chest , she stands firm and strong again on the arena floor , perfectly fine*
  65. Zer0bandit: The construct seems to consider for a moment, before extending a three-fingered hand toward the woman. "It was an excellent battle. Thank you."
  67. EmoNixxyRai: ermm, Zero may i ask..how long ago were you constructed and who or what created you?
  69. Guest_codenaa: *smiles* an angel can only be harmed in during a duel as an angel is immortal for eternal, , while she grabs her oponents hand , bows and says: it certainly was
  71. Zer0bandit: The construct turns its head toward the origin of the question, seeming to consider a moment. "The civilisation that I am a product of has been long forgotten for thousands of your years."
  73. Zer0bandit: Almost as an afterthought, it releases the woman's hand with a nod, turning to retrieve the cracked piece of its armour from the arena floor.
  75. EmoNixxyRai: I see...forgive my nosey-ness
  77. Zer0bandit: "It is a common query," the golem replies lightly, seeming to examine the shorn-off piece of rock. "It is not something to apologise for."
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