
Daniella Park

Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. " where are you? "
  3. username; alaguanlin
  5. slot; C
  7. backup; H
  9. faceclaim; sora park (sora_pppp)
  11. backup; ji yoonmi (yoonmida)
  13. " and i'm so sorry "
  15. name; daniella 'danni' park, park danbi
  17. kakaotalk id; dumb.dannip
  18. age; 17
  20. date of birth; 30/07/2000
  22. birthplace; adelaide,south australia, australia
  24. hometown; sydney, new south wales, australia
  26. languages english, the french she's learnt at school so not much, korean, which her parents speak to her in
  28. " i cannot sleep "
  30. personality; excitable; danni is the type of person to get excited over someone else's triumph's, her friend got into the
  31. school she wanted? that has made danni's day. her cousin is pregnant? you can bet danni is right over at the
  32. closest baby shop getting everything she needs. she also gets excited over small things and can't help
  33. planning every detail down to the 't'. if someone has planned to get coffee in a few days you can bet that
  34. danni has planned what she's going to wear, how she's going to greet everyone and the colour she's going to
  35. paint her nails.
  37. hardworker; this is one girl who is not afraid to work hard for what she wants. she's spent hour upon hour in
  38. her garden planting new seedlings, or sitting down and looking at the best plants to grow during
  39. the summer months. she likes seeing the 'fruit' of her labour when she's eating at the dinner
  40. table and has a side of homegrown carrots, or giving her teachers some freshly cut flowers from
  41. her windowsill. recently she's taken up bread making as a hobby and spends her time looking at
  42. different types of yeast in supermarkets, though she sneaks out at 1am to do it.
  44. captivating; its not the sort of captivating where people turn and stare as she walks by, but danni has this
  45. aura around her when she talks about something she is genuinely passionate about, such as
  46. gardening or volleyball, it draws people in and they can't help but listen, and that aura stays
  47. when the topic changes, is just adapts to fit the conversation. instead of the intense and
  48. inspiring presence she holds while passionate, the moment she starts cracking jokes or reciting
  49. riddles people from all around her are tuning in and shouting out answers. she is captivating in
  50. the sense that she makes people want to listen to her.
  52. impulsive; part of danni's personality is that she can hardly control what she does. if an idea pops into her
  53. head, she's done it before you can say stop you dumbass. it becomes an issue when she's required to
  54. be serious, such as in the middle of tests, meeting her lovers parents and so forth. but it can
  55. sometimes come in handy, for example if they somehow managed to get stuck in a burning aeroplane
  56. and is about to be eaten by one of the other passengers, you can count on danni to come to the
  57. rescue. but given how infrequent those sort of occurrences are, its really just inconvenient and
  58. annoying for the people that have to deal with her trail of destruction.
  60. deceiving; although on the outside and most of the time on the inside, the struggle of being apart from her
  61. lover has lead to her being able to deceive people easily. it is no problem for her to plaster on a
  62. fake smile and muster up jokes and puns even when all she feels like doing is curling up into a
  63. ball and crying because she misses his warm arms and his bright smile. she first learnt how to do
  64. this because she didn't want to worry her friends, who she knew had their own worries and problems,
  65. so she took it upon herself to never make them sad. the only person who can actually see through
  66. this is her older sister, who went through the same thing when she was younger and knows exactly
  67. how to fix the pain.
  69. background; danni was born in late july the year 2000 in adelaide, australia. due to her parents work when she was around eleven years old she moved to the large scale city of sydney, where she met her close friends H and R. she first met H when she transferred into her new school, the older girl had been set as her 'buddy' and showed her around the school. after H left the school, not forgetting to exchange contacts with the young girl she had become fond and protective of, danni spent a lot of time in the drama club, where she learnt how to perform stand up comedy, along with other forms of acting. when she moved into highschool, she met up with H again, but due to H being busy with her studies was handed of to a talkative and bubbly girl. the moment danni got the chance she slid away through the door beside her, luckily she found herself in a quiet place - the library which is where she met R. the older girl was checking out a few books to read later on and danni basically lost her shit when she saw that one of the books was on botany. she followed R for the next four days before they actually began to talk. danni actually invited R to her house just so they could sit in the garden.
  71. in regards to school life and social standing, danni has average grades, shes not getting straight a's but nor is she failing. she averages b's but get c's for subjects like maths and p.e., shes well liked by her teachers because she always hands her work in on time and is an energetic contributor to class discussions. her social standing is actually more on the higher side. she can't be considered overly popular but people definitely know who she is and are more than happy to spend time around her, maybe her positivity will rub off.
  73. family; hector park/ park hojung; 52; geologist working in the mines; danni's father. he's away from home a lot at the
  74. moment but he and danni spent a long time looking at plants and special stones when she was younger, sparking an
  75. interest in plant life and gardening.
  77. erin park-whyman; 43; teaching english to korean exchange students; danni's mother, they have quite a close
  78. relationship, erin helps danni to learn korean by only talking to her in korean while at home.
  80. kaetlyn park/ park chaeryoung; 24; studying environmental sciences at university; danni's older sister, the two are
  81. very close and spend countless hours gossiping over people at school, boy troubles and do each others make up.
  82. kaetlyn has looked over danni since they were younger and is very protective over her. they used to play for the
  83. same volleyball club before she got too old.
  85. jamie 'jae' park/ park junho; 7; is in grade two at school; danni's younger brother; danni helps him with his
  86. reading and basic maths skills after school, he sees her as a role model and hopes to be as happy and well liked as
  87. her when he gets older.
  89. occupation; is in 11th grade at a highschool in sydney; works part time at a florist every wednesday afternoon, friday
  90. afternoon and sunday morning. she will often bring in some of her own flowers to sell and gets a split of the
  91. profit.
  93. description; so i think the face claim is pretty good, i think that maybe she would have a few small moles. one on the tip
  94. of her nose, a few on her thighs and chan's favourite, one right on her collarbone. no one knows why chan
  95. likes it so much, he just does.
  97. cloting style; very much modernised 90s, ripped jeans, baggy tshirts, basically look up 90s aesthetic and the clothes are
  98. pretty much spot on, shorts and tshirts are a go-to, always tucked in and in bright colours. she likes big
  99. belts as well. if you want i can send some pics.
  101. " i cannot dream tonight "
  103. likes; - watching a new plant flourish in her garden
  104. - the feeling she gets deep in the pit of her stomach while watching her loved ones laughing and being happy
  105. - sitting in convenience store at 3am watching the empty streets and reflecting on her day
  106. - dancing in the rain
  107. - that indescribable feeling when her heart swells up and she can't think straight all becuase of one boy, the
  108. feeling of falling in love for the first time and knowing you can't do anything about it but watch the rest of the
  109. world burn around you
  110. - the feeling walking out of the shower into your room wapped in a towel while the sun is shining
  111. - waves flowing over her feet
  112. - puns
  114. dislikes; - that moment in between netflix episodes when you see your reflection in the black screen and wonder what you
  115. are doing with your life
  116. - accidentally opening a text message and being forced to reply
  117. - her stomach growling loudly in public
  118. - the feeling you get when you stand up to fast and can see anything for like 5 minutes
  119. - fake sincerity
  120. - getting emotional when she's with other people
  122. hobbies; beach volleyball, gardening, doing her friends makeup, is trying to become a bread making master
  124. habits; snorts while laughing until it turns into a wheeze, sniffs even if she isn't sick, has a specific theme for each week regarding her clothes and accessories: hasn't strayed from doing it for the last 3 years
  126. trivia < at least 6 or optional
  128. " i need somebody and always "
  130. love interest; loml bang chan
  132. backup; hyunjin my love
  134. kakaotalk id; CB97
  136. dating period; something shorter y'feel me, so within 3-5 months of dating
  138. couple trivia; - long walks in botanical gardens, she stares at the plants, chan stares at her
  139. - calling him chris when they're alone
  140. - danni arguing with chan and making it up to him by cuddling him when he's asleep, even though they both
  141. know he's just waiting for her to come in and vice versa
  142. - facetime calls that go on for hours because they've both fallen asleep without ending the call
  143. - sending letters each month with cute messages so that it brightens their day
  144. - fighting people when they complain about the age difference between the two
  145. - danni stealing his clothes right before chan's about to leave so that she still has a piece of him with
  146. her
  147. - drooling over chan's morning voice
  148. - looking into each others eyes and realising how irrevocably in love they are
  149. - chan singing her to sleep over the phone
  150. - lying on the beach and naming their future children even though they're far too young for kids
  151. - just talking about the future in general
  152. - danni going to korea and being insecure because of all of the suddenly beautiful people her boyfriend is
  153. surrounded by
  156. " i miss you "
  158. requested scenes with LI; - sleeping next to one another for the first time
  159. - chan singing her to sleep
  160. - just generally fluffy things
  161. - either one of them breaking down and the other one comforting them
  162. - either one of them getting jealous and how they react to the jealousy
  164. requested scenes with girls; - all of them going on one massive group date and getting all dressed up in new clothes and
  165. doing each others hair and makeup, it'd be great
  166. - danni, H and R all travelling to korea together like one massive roadtrip but in the air
  167. - eventually breaking down in front of one of the girls and being surprised when they aren't
  168. angry at her for being sad
  170. requested scenes with everyone; - all of them having a water ballon fight and its couples against couples
  171. - when one of them is about to graduate they all randomly rock up at the graduation and the
  172. graduate starts to cry on stage when she sees them all waving and cheering
  174. NOTE TO YOU <3 ; this is a really cool idea, i hope that you have fun writing it :-)
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