
Admin GUI - Traditional Chinese v1.4.1

Oct 26th, 2019
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  1. # ----------- + AdminGUI by Ziga Zajc + ----------- #
  2. # #
  3. # Language #
  4. # 原繁體中文翻譯 -亞倫
  5. # 繁體中文翻譯 -FlatLing
  6. # --------- + ------------------------- + --------- #
  7. #
  8. # 你可以使用這些顏色代碼:
  9. # __________________________
  10. # | 代碼: | 顏色: |
  11. # |__________________________|
  12. # | &0 | 黑 |
  13. # | &1 | 深藍 |
  14. # | &2 | 墨綠 |
  15. # | &3 | 深青 |
  16. # | &4 | 深紅 |
  17. # | &5 | 深紫 |
  18. # | &6 | 金 |
  19. # | &7 | 灰 |
  20. # | &8 | 深灰 |
  21. # | &9 | 藍 |
  22. # | &a | 綠 |
  23. # | &b | 青 |
  24. # | &c | 紅 |
  25. # | &d | 亮紫 |
  26. # | &e | 黃 |
  27. # | &f | 白 |
  28. # | &k | 亂碼 |
  29. # | &l | 粗體 |
  30. # | &m | 刪除線 |
  31. # | &n | 底線 |
  32. # | &o | 斜體 |
  33. # | &r | 重置字體 |
  34. # |__________________________|
  35. #
  36. #----------------------------------------------------------
  37. # 前缀
  38. #----------------------------------------------------------
  39. prefix: "&7[&c管理員介面&7] "
  40. #----------------------------------------------------------
  41. #----------------------------------------------------------
  42. # 指令
  43. #----------------------------------------------------------
  44. permission: "&c你沒有權限執行此操作!"
  45. is_not_a_player: "&c{player} 並非一名玩家!"
  46. is_not_a_number: "&c{number} 並非一個數字!"
  47. wrong_arguments: "&c你只能使用 /admin 或 /admin <玩家>"
  48. vault_required: "&cYour server don't have installed Vault to complete this action!"
  49. vanish_required: "&cYour server don't have installed Super Vanish or Premium Vanish to complete this action!"
  50. #----------------------------------------------------------
  51. # 介面名稱
  52. #----------------------------------------------------------
  53. inventory_main: "&4&l管理員介面"
  54. inventory_player: "&5&l{player}"
  55. inventory_world: "&2&l世界"
  56. inventory_players: "&1&l玩家"
  57. inventory_actions: "&9&l操作 &2&l{player}"
  58. inventory_kick: "&8&l踢出 &2&l{player}"
  59. inventory_ban: "&8&l封鎖 &2&l{player}"
  60. inventory_potions: "&c&l藥水 &2&l{player}"
  61. inventory_spawner: "&8&l生成 &2&l{player}"
  62. inventory_inventory: "&a&l背包 &2&l{player}"
  63. inventory_money: "&2&l金錢 &2&l{player}"
  64. inventory_money_give: "&2&l金錢給予 {player}"
  65. inventory_money_set: "&2&l金錢&9&l 設 &2&l{player}"
  66. inventory_money_take: "&2&l金錢&c&l 拿 &2&l{player}"
  67. #----------------------------------------------------------
  68. # 管理員介面
  69. #----------------------------------------------------------
  70. main_player: "&5&l{player}"
  71. main_world: "&2&l世界"
  72. main_players: "&9&l玩家"
  73. main_maintenance_mode: "&c&l維護模式"
  74. main_quit: "&c&l退出"
  75. #----------------------------------------------------------
  76. # 玩家介面
  77. #----------------------------------------------------------
  78. player_back: "&c&lBack"
  79. player_heal: "&e&l治癒"
  80. player_feed: "&7&l餵食"
  81. player_survival: "&a&l生存"
  82. player_adventure: "&2&l冒險"
  83. player_creative: "&3&l創造"
  84. player_spectator: "&9&l觀察者"
  85. player_god_enabled: "&a&l上帝"
  86. player_god_disabled: "&c&l上帝"
  87. player_potions: "&c&l藥水"
  88. player_spawner: "&8&l生成"
  89. player_kill: "&8&l擊殺"
  90. player_burn: "&c&l燃燒"
  91. player_money: "&2&lMoney"
  92. player_vanish_enabled: "&a&l隱形"
  93. player_vanish_disabled: "&c&l隱形"
  94. player_lightning: "&5&l閃擊"
  95. player_firework: "&4&l煙花"
  96. player_back: "&c&l返回"
  97. #----------------------------------------------------------
  98. # 世界介面
  99. #----------------------------------------------------------
  100. world_day: "&e&l早上"
  101. world_night: "&8&l晚上"
  102. world_thunder: "&9&l雷雨"
  103. world_rain: "&3&l下雨"
  104. world_clear: "&b&l晴朗"
  105. world_back: "&c&l返回"
  106. #----------------------------------------------------------
  107. # 玩家介面
  108. #----------------------------------------------------------
  109. players_color: "&2&l{player}"
  110. players_lore: "&c點我使用更多操作"
  111. players_previous: "&c&l上一頁"
  112. players_page: "&a&l頁"
  113. players_next: "&2&l下一頁"
  114. players_back: "&c&l返回"
  115. #----------------------------------------------------------
  116. # 玩家設定介面
  117. #----------------------------------------------------------
  118. players_settings_info: "&2&l{player}"
  119. players_settings_money: "&2&l金錢"
  120. players_settings_actions: "&9&l操作"
  121. players_settings_spawner: "&8&l生成"
  122. players_settings_kick_player: "&8&l踢出玩家"
  123. players_settings_ban_player: "&8&l封鎖玩家"
  124. players_settings_back: "&c&l返回"
  125. #----------------------------------------------------------
  126. # 操作介面
  127. #----------------------------------------------------------
  128. actions_back: "&c&lBack"
  129. actions_heal: "&e&l治癒"
  130. actions_feed: "&7&l餵食"
  131. actions_info: "&2&l{player}"
  132. actions_survival: "&a&l生存"
  133. actions_adventure: "&2&l冒險"
  134. actions_creative: "&3&l創造"
  135. actions_spectator: "&9&l觀察者"
  136. actions_teleport_to_player: "&d&l傳送至玩家"
  137. actions_kill_player: "&8&l殺死玩家"
  138. actions_burn_player: "&c&l燃燒玩家"
  139. actions_teleport_player_to_you: "&d&l將玩家傳送至你"
  140. actions_god_enabled: "&a&l上帝"
  141. actions_god_disabled: "&c&l上帝"
  142. actions_potions: "&c&l藥水"
  143. actions_fakeop: "&c&lFake OP"
  144. actions_vanish_enabled: "&a&l隱形"
  145. actions_vanish_disabled: "&c&l隱形"
  146. actions_lightning: "&5&l閃擊"
  147. actions_firework: "&4&l煙花"
  148. actions_inventory: "&a&l背包"
  149. actions_back: "&c&l返回"
  150. #----------------------------------------------------------
  151. # 踢除介面
  152. #----------------------------------------------------------
  153. kick: "&4你被請出伺服器, 原因: "
  154. kick_hacking: "&7&l非法輔助程式!"
  155. kick_griefing: "&6&l破壞!"
  156. kick_spamming: "&d&l洗頻!"
  157. kick_advertising: "&3&l廣告!"
  158. kick_swearing: "&e&l辱罵!"
  159. kick_back: "&c&l返回"
  160. #----------------------------------------------------------
  161. # 封鎖介面
  162. #----------------------------------------------------------
  163. ban: "&4你被伺服器封鎖了, 原因: "
  164. ban_time: "&c你的封鎖將在 &c&l{days}.{months}.{years}&c &c&l{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} 後解鎖."
  165. ban_years: "&e&l年"
  166. ban_months: "&e&l月"
  167. ban_days: "&e&l日"
  168. ban_hours: "&e&l小時"
  169. ban_minutes: "&e&l分鐘"
  170. ban_hacking: "&7&l非法輔助程式!"
  171. ban_griefing: "&6&l破壞!"
  172. ban_spamming: "&d&l洗頻!"
  173. ban_advertising: "&3&l廣告!"
  174. ban_swearing: "&e&l辱罵!"
  175. ban_back: "&c&l返回"
  176. #----------------------------------------------------------
  177. # 藥水介面
  178. #----------------------------------------------------------
  179. potions_night_vision: "&8&l夜視"
  180. potions_invisibility: "&7&l隱形"
  181. potions_jump_boost: "&a&l跳躍提升"
  182. potions_fire_resistance: "&c&l抗火"
  183. potions_speed: "&b&l速度"
  184. potions_slowness: "&4&l緩速"
  185. potions_water_breathing: "&9&l水中呼吸"
  186. potions_instant_health: "&a&l立即治療"
  187. potions_instant_damage: "&4&l立即傷害"
  188. potions_poison: "&5&l中毒"
  189. potions_regeneration: "&e&l恢復"
  190. potions_strength: "&e&l力量"
  191. potions_weakness: "&4&l虛弱"
  192. potions_luck: "&6&l幸運"
  193. potions_slow_falling: "&3&l緩降"
  194. potions_time: "&a&l持續時間"
  195. potions_remove_all: "&4&l全部清除"
  196. potions_level: "&a&l等級"
  197. potions_back: "&c&l返回"
  198. #----------------------------------------------------------
  199. # 生成介面
  200. #----------------------------------------------------------
  201. spawner_bat: "&a&l蝙蝠"
  202. spawner_blaze: "&c&l烈焰神"
  203. spawner_cat: "&a&l貓"
  204. spawner_cave_spider: "&c&l洞穴蜘蛛"
  205. spawner_chicken: "&a&l雞"
  206. spawner_cod: "&b&l鱈魚"
  207. spawner_cow: "&a&l牛"
  208. spawner_creeper: "&c&l苦力怕"
  209. spawner_dolphin: "&b&l海豚"
  210. spawner_donkey: "&a&l驢子"
  211. spawner_drowned: "&c&l沉屍"
  212. spawner_elder_guardian: "&c&l遠古守衛"
  213. spawner_enderman: "&c&l終界使者"
  214. spawner_endermite: "&c&l終界蟎"
  215. spawner_evoker: "&c&l喚魔者"
  216. spawner_fox: "&a&l狐狸"
  217. spawner_ghast: "&c&l地獄幽靈"
  218. spawner_guardian: "&c&l深海守衛"
  219. spawner_horse: "&a&l馬"
  220. spawner_husk: "&c&l屍殼"
  221. spawner_llama: "&a&l羊駝"
  222. spawner_magma_cube: "&c&l熔岩立方怪"
  223. spawner_mooshroom: "&a&l哞菇"
  224. spawner_mule: "&a&l騾子"
  225. spawner_ocelot: "&a&l山貓"
  226. spawner_panda: "&a&l熊貓"
  227. spawner_parrot: "&a&l鸚鵡"
  228. spawner_phantom: "&c&l夜魅"
  229. spawner_pig: "&a&l豬"
  230. spawner_pillager: "&c&l窳民"
  231. spawner_polar_bear: "&a&l北極熊"
  232. spawner_pufferfish: "&b&l河豚"
  233. spawner_rabbit: "&a&l兔子"
  234. spawner_ravager: "&c&l劫毀獸"
  235. spawner_salmon: "&b&l鮭魚"
  236. spawner_sheep: "&a&l綿羊"
  237. spawner_shulker: "&c&l界伏蚌"
  238. spawner_silverfish: "&c&l蠹魚"
  239. spawner_skeleton: "&c&l骷髏"
  240. spawner_skeleton_horse: "&c&l骷髏馬"
  241. spawner_slime: "&c&l史萊姆"
  242. spawner_spider: "&c&l蜘蛛"
  243. spawner_squid: "&b&l魷魚"
  244. spawner_stray: "&c&l流髑"
  245. spawner_trader_llama: "&a&l行商駱馬"
  246. spawner_tropical_fish: "&b&l熱帶魚"
  247. spawner_turtle: "&a&l海龜"
  248. spawner_vex: "&c&l惱鬼"
  249. spawner_villager: "&a&l村民"
  250. spawner_vindicator: "&c&l衛道士"
  251. spawner_wandering_trader: "&a&l流浪商人"
  252. spawner_witch: "&c&l女巫"
  253. spawner_wither: "&c&l凋零怪"
  254. spawner_wolf: "&a&l狼"
  255. spawner_zombie: "&c&l殭屍"
  256. spawner_zombie_pigman: "&c&l殭屍豬人"
  257. spawner_zombie_villager: "&c&l殭屍村民"
  258. spawner_back: "&c&l返回"
  259. #----------------------------------------------------------
  260. # 金錢介面
  261. #----------------------------------------------------------
  262. money_give: "&2&l給予"
  263. money_set: "&9&l設成"
  264. money_take: "&c&l拿取"
  265. money_back: "&c&l返回"
  266. #----------------------------------------------------------
  267. # 金錢數值介面
  268. #----------------------------------------------------------
  269. money_amount_back: "&c&l返回"
  270. #----------------------------------------------------------
  271. # 背包介面
  272. #----------------------------------------------------------
  273. inventory_refresh: "&a&l刷新"
  274. inventory_clear: "&b&l清除"
  275. inventory_back: "&c&l返回"
  276. #----------------------------------------------------------
  277. # 訊息
  278. #----------------------------------------------------------
  279. message_target_player_teleport: "&a你傳送到 {player}"
  280. message_player_kill: "&a你殺死了 {player}"
  281. message_player_burn: "&a你點燃了 {player}!"
  282. message_target_player_creeper: "&a&lCreeper, Aww Man!"
  283. message_player_creeper: "&a苦力怕已生成在 {player} 身上."
  284. message_target_player_heal: "&e{player} 治癒了你."
  285. message_player_heal: "&a你治癒了 {player}"
  286. message_target_player_feed: "&e{player} 餵食了你."
  287. message_player_feed: "&a你餵食了 {player}"
  288. message_player_kick: "&a{player} 被請出了遊戲."
  289. message_player_ban: "&a{player} 被伺服器封鎖."
  290. message_player_god_enabled: "&a{player} 正處於上帝模式."
  291. message_player_god_disabled: "&a{player} 不再處於上帝模式."
  292. message_target_player_god_enabled: "&a{player} 啟動了你的上帝模式."
  293. message_target_player_god_disabled: "&a{player} 關閉了你的上帝模式."
  294. message_target_player_potions: "&a{player} 給予你 {potion}&a 效果 {time} 分鐘."
  295. message_player_potions: "&a你給予了 {player} {potion}&a 效果 {time} 分鐘."
  296. message_target_player_potions_remove: "&a{player} &c清除了 &a你所有的藥水效果."
  297. message_player_potions_remove: "&a你清除了 {player} 身上的所有藥水效果."
  298. message_heal: "&a你被治癒了."
  299. message_feed: "&a你被餵食了."
  300. message_god_enabled: "&a你啟動了上帝模式."
  301. message_god_disabled: "&a你關閉了上帝模式."
  302. message_kill: "&c你殺死了自己."
  303. message_burn: "&c你點燃了自己."
  304. message_potions_remove: "&a你清除了身上的所有效果."
  305. message_potions: "&a你給予了自己 {potion}&a 效果 {time} 分鐘."
  306. message_maintenance: "&a伺服器正處於 &c維護模式&a. 請稍後再加入."
  307. message_maintenance_enabled: "&a維護模式 &a&l啟用."
  308. message_maintenance_disabled: "&a維護模式 &c&l關閉."
  309. message_player_not_found: "&c玩家不在線上(或不存在)!"
  310. message_ban_bypass: "&c你不能封鎖此玩家!"
  311. message_kick_bypass: "&c你不能踢除此玩家!"
  312. message_give: "&a你給予了 {amount} 你自己你現在有 {balance}"
  313. message_player_give: "&a你給予了 {player} {amount} 該玩家現在有 {balance}"
  314. message_target_player_give: "&a{player} 給予你 {amount} 你現在有 {balance}"
  315. message_set: "&a你給予你自己 {amount}"
  316. message_player_set: "&a你設置 {player} 的金錢為 {amount}"
  317. message_target_player_set: "&a{player} 設定你的金錢為 {amount}"
  318. message_take: "&a你剛從自己拿走 {amount} 你現在有 {balance}"
  319. message_player_take: "&a你剛從 {player} 拿走了 {amount} 該玩家現在有 {balance}"
  320. message_target_player_take: "&c{player} 拿走了 {amount} 你現在有 {balance}"
  321. message_transaction_error: "&c交易出現問題!"
  322. message_take_error: "&c金額不能超過自己有的!"
  323. message_player_take_error: "&c金額不能超過該玩家有的!"
  324. message_visible: "&a現在其他玩家看得到你了"
  325. message_player_visible: "&a現在其他玩家看的到 {player} "
  326. message_hide: "&a現在其他玩家看不到你了"
  327. message_player_hide: "&a現在其他玩家看不到 {player} 了"
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