Guest User


a guest
Sep 18th, 2023
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text 2.02 KB | None | 0 0
  1. auth_attempts: 5
  2. block_auth_min: 15
  3. clients:
  4. persistent: []
  5. runtime_sources:
  6. arp: true
  7. dhcp: true
  8. hosts: true
  9. rdns: false
  10. whois: true
  11. dns:
  12. aaaa_disabled: true
  13. all_servers: false
  14. allowed_clients: []
  15. anonymize_client_ip: false
  16. bind_hosts:
  17. -
  18. blocked_hosts:
  19. - version.bind
  20. - id.server
  21. - hostname.bind
  22. bogus_nxdomain: []
  23. bootstrap_dns:
  24. - -
  25. -
  26. - 2620:fe::10
  27. - 2620:fe::fe:10
  28. cache_optimistic: false
  29. cache_size: 4194304
  30. cache_ttl_max: 0
  31. cache_ttl_min: 0
  32. disallowed_clients: []
  33. edns_client_subnet:
  34. custom_ip: ""
  35. enabled: false
  36. use_custom: false
  37. enable_dnssec: true
  38. fallback_dns:
  39. -
  40. -
  41. -
  42. -
  43. fastest_addr: false
  44. fastest_timeout: 1s
  45. handle_ddr: true
  46. ipset_file: ""
  47. max_goroutines: 300
  48. port: 53
  49. ratelimit: 20
  50. ratelimit_whitelist: []
  51. refuse_any: true
  52. trusted_proxies:
  53. -
  54. - ::1/128
  55. upstream_dns:
  56. - '# Google DNS'
  57. - sdns://AgUAAAAAAAAABzguOC44LjigHvYkz_9ea9O63fP92_3qVlRn43cpncfuZnUWbzAMwbmgdoAkR6AZkxo_AEMExT_cbBssN43Evo9zs5_ZyWnftEUgalBisNF41VbxY7E7Gw8ZQ10CWIKRzHVYnf7m6xHI1cMKZG5zLmdvb2dsZQovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5
  58. - '# Cloudflare DNS'
  59. - sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAABzEuMC4wLjEAEmRucy5jbG91ZGZsYXJlLmNvbQovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5
  60. upstream_dns_file: ""
  61. filtering:
  62. blocked_services:
  63. schedule:
  64. time_zone: Local
  65. safe_search:
  66. bing: true
  67. duckduckgo: true
  68. enabled: true
  69. google: true
  70. pixabay: true
  71. yandex: true
  72. youtube: true
  73. http:
  74. address:
  75. pprof:
  76. enabled: false
  77. port: 6060
  78. session_ttl: 720h
  79. http_proxy: ""
  80. language: ""
  81. os:
  82. group: ""
  83. rlimit_nofile: 0
  84. user: ""
  85. querylog:
  86. enabled: true
  87. file_enabled: true
  88. ignored: []
  89. interval: 2160h
  90. size_memory: 1000
  91. schema_version: 27
  92. statistics:
  93. enabled: true
  94. ignored: []
  95. interval: 24h
  96. theme: auto
  97. users:
  98. - name: [redacted]
  99. password: [redacted]
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