
Showery aura nights

May 16th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Martha could not! No! Would not sleep! She had to stop this. She had to... Call home and figure out what is going on.
  2. Gareth for what its worth is a novice in his own right and probably did not know or think things through like Alex did when it comes to these thing. He only obeyed the rules he learned and now outside his home he could barely deal with Jeans advances let alone with this awkwardness.
  3. She had to figure out why she suddenly felt like her body synced started sensing what Fie is sensing or something.
  4. Her dad did teach her and her siblings about aura and how everyone had it and they would learn all the basics through some exercises he figured out from his pokemon move and ability research along with their daily lessons.
  5. The fact that the silly dancing based on teeter dance, boxing based on dizzy punch, calming meditation and yoga practice actually tacked and were way more detailed than what Gareth had to say would have been downright silly if she wasn't feeling it right now.
  6. The only answer she had is to call home... In the dead of midnight Hoenn time. Hopefully mom picked up...
  8. Half a minute flew by before her mother picked up sitting in her dads lap and surrounded by the other 13 moms, all wearing bed-gowns and covering their lower bodies with a blanket.
  10. Laura: "Martha silly i appreciate you calling back home but please keep track of the time. We were busy all day and were um relaxing."
  11. The blue-haired slender beauty intoned with a playful chime as she wiggled her hips on the spot.
  13. Brendan: "Leave it dear we have to be thankful she is calling back home at all. So whats up girlie? Any trouble?"
  14. Her dad stared her down unafraid of facing the issue and straight to the point just how she liked it.
  16. Martha: "Yes dad. Um i am having this problem. I've tried meditating the way one friend said i should and um awoke my aura."
  17. She gulped knowing she had messed up not listening to the family teachings first.
  19. Brendan: "Congrats, welcome to the adult part of the family where every girl is magical and every real man has a spandex costume in his closet to play superhero. Your older brothers Ozai, Elio and sister Selene would be so proud."
  20. The other mothers made heart shapes and made rude "wand gestures" while pointing at her dad which is something Martha quietly ignored while screaming internally on how awkward this is.
  22. Laura: "Sweetie i hope you are keeping the self-help book your grandpa, grandma and dad co-wrote. The exercises and advice in there are all you need to keep safe. Depression, aggression and anxiety needs to be dealt with properly when you are an aura user or you will hurt your self and other."
  23. Her mother said with a tinge of worry while slowly shifting in her husbands lap.
  25. Brendan: "That and the manual "Simple and safe move mastery for each type" i gave you. I wrote the proper mentality for each move to meditate on and how it functions in great detail. The safe moves are the ones you meditate on and use your self to gradually improve and derive the other more powerful ones since i did not want to list the dangerous ones for human or pokemon use."
  26. Marthas brain froze. Sometimes she forgot the mega-athlete, Hoenn champion, contest master, all around super-cop etc. was also a researcher who knows his stuff.
  28. Martha: "Those books are seriously about arua? WTF dad? I mean you did tell us but WTF? Especially those dumb on the nose titles."
  29. She palmed her face while facing away.
  31. Brendan: "We put those out for everyone's use past the 4th badge because everyone has some aura and it can heavily affect them in a negative way when it grows.The exercises specifically condense 2 abilities most humans need which are Pure power to maintain a strong healthy body and willpower comparable to a strong Medicham depending on effort through repeated exercise and Own tempo which gives one a perfected balanced sense of their surrounding space and time."
  32. Her father said in a stern lecturing tone. This was going to be long.
  34. Martha: "Uh yeah the thingie about water type specialists constantly getting lost on water and rock type specialists constantly lost on land loosing their sense of time. Or dragon type specialists getting angry because something is causing disorder thus they often end up as officers and officials like you did."
  35. She remembered horror tales of hikers and water type specialists lost for whole decades. Water specialists were not allowed on the water for prolonged time periods unless they finished specialized naval training...Including some dumb dances and boxing styles huh.
  37. Brendan: "Exactly. Now remember the 4 training methods you were taught for the mind? Train your Will through repeated exercise which is how the move Meditate works via Yoga practice. Train your Knowledge by focusing on learning when your feelings are out of whack and train your Emotions by being in close contact with your friends including pokemon, individuals you respect, family and loved one when knowledge leads you nowhere which is how Calm mind works balancing both to let your mind climb like climbing up between two walls. And finally practice etiquette to balance all three of the above in a safe manner. That is how you maintain self control."
  38. Martha stilled remembering more lessons.
  40. Martha: "Dad why do these should exactly like the 4 virtues of Chivalry? Preservance, Prudence, Loyalty and Etiquette."
  42. Brendan: "Little one the Birch family is from Kalos. Our ancestors, the dragon-knights of Paldea who fought Az there figured it out when they discovered mega evolution to defeat him. Now then, has this informative chat helped you calm down your emotions enough to tell me what happened exactly to you?"
  43. Martha realized she had truly calmed down slightly by learning and reviewing these things.
  45. Martha: "Uh yeah. So uh i um saw Alex giving Fiona a deep tissue massage which made me feel all kinds of awkward, angry, confused and physically bothered in weird places. Then when i tried to meditate like how Gareth taught me and it got worse as i saw them through the wall. How do i stop that?"
  46. She got agitated and heated flushing right away again and she knew it.
  48. Brendan: "Unless you are touching them up close your Psychic aura will not make you feel anything from their bodies, those are your own feelings and physical reactions you are sensing. As for how you are seeing them...Read up on how the move Detect and Rock smash, Flash and Mind reader work. Basically your heart is beating really fast while sending out shockwaves you learned how to do subconsciously when we were tutoring you and your starter Meditite Rock smash and agile style karate katas to use them with to the point of mastery. Since everything naturally combines with Normal type energy your eyes emit the move Flash on the same pulse combining the two into the move Mind Reader. I will give you two solutions to your issue now."
  50. Martha: "Oh thank Rayquaza dad. Please tell me how to stop this."
  51. She sighed thinking this is finally over.
  53. Brendan: "The normal method is to put your fingers on your neck and consciously sense your pulse while sensing Fighting type energy along with your own pulse which will let you slow your heart down till you no longer use Detect. It is a good method to calm down for rest. Do the reverse to learn Detect and you will be able to pull it off easily without the trick once you got practice. Remember the shock-waves of energy are key. All energy solely relies on the shock-waves of the body induced by the your own thoughts and natural bodily functions. None of that meditation nonsense you heard from priests will work. Only a normal solution like this while you master Detect, Flash and Mind reader will do you good. Those "Aura guardians" are usually quacks or halfwitted priests of that order from Rota the knights there started by learning in a halfwitted manner from sir Aaron with what he learned in a halfwitted manner from a certain Adaman from ancient Hisui. Adamans father was also of Kalosian knightly roots but got shipwrecked there and joined the locals."
  54. Her father said that with a fond look while rubbing his steel necklace inlaid with a blue diamond. One of her mothers, May was doing the same with her weird pearl necklace.
  56. Martha: "And if that doesn't work?"
  57. She remembered that dumb old tune about Sinnohs greatest love machine and co-founder of the nations of Sinnoh, Kanto and Jhoto along with founding the Hoenn contest circuit. Great now she had a tune about an ancient lover-boy stuck in her head while overlapping the images of her beloved step-dad and Alex. "Ugh" she grunted with a blush.
  59. Brendan: "The other method is to get in contact with the individual you have feelings for in the steps of friendly conversation, respectful contact or intimacy. Or you can get off on your own in the shower which the actual solution that will work in your case since you seem to actually like the boy and he is getting busy. Not that i mind joining them in but both you and Fiona have to come to an agreement to tie him down properly after."
  60. After finishing this everyone gave her a knowing smile while her heartbeat picked up and she could see them again with Alex going down on Fie, and oh lord that looked hot.
  62. Laura: "So that boy Alex how is he? What do you know of him?"
  63. Everyone looked eager for he answer and she knew she could not hang up.
  65. Martha: "He is serious, conscientious, caring, polite most of the time, has a playful streak, has well groomed good looks, a well trained body and practices his capoeira on the regular. He finished ranger school and um... His parents used to be crooks turned deputies and his mom is the Greenshot nurse Joy."
  66. Martha listed of too quickly for her own comfort realizing there was something very wrong there and she could not lie to her self.
  68. May: "Wait. Is't that nurse Jessie and her husband James?"
  69. Gardenia: "Oh the Cacticurne guy. He is a magnificent grass type trainer. Not as good as your dad but good enough to be a gym leader."
  70. Serena: "Holy hell those are nostalgic names. We should go bother her with a call. We haven't heard from them in a while."
  71. May: "Yes our old contest rivals and daddy Brendans precious pupils."
  72. Brendan: "Oh hush, i only taught the woman Spite, Shadow punch, Purify and Poison jab while i taught the man Grassy terrain, Grass knot, Sunny day and Morning sun. The two of them are good people we helped rehabilitate. The fact that they raised a good soon our stern daughter would like means they are a great success."
  74. Karen: "Um hey, if being next to each other subconsciously cheers you up you might have something more going there. You know those reincarnation studies and how i met your dad when i was on the verge."
  75. That got everyone quiet until the others broke the silence.
  77. Phoebe: "That's right go and buy a blue, green and red charm from a channeler. If they gradually start pointing at him while you wear them in that order that means you have friendship, respect and love pat down. Go grab him girlie."
  79. Candice: "Or push him into cold water then warm him up like i did to your dad till he feels like he has picked a lucky clover."
  80. Zinnia: "Or bonk him unconscious with your charms like i did to ride the dragon heh."
  81. Flannery: "Or just spend some coin to relax like a normal person would. Seriously girls don't act like we are the missfortune sisters."
  82. May and Serena: "Oh and ask him to master Grass knot. It's a very useful move!"
  83. They said in unison while licking their lips.
  84. That got the women giggling.
  86. Daisy: "Exercise the agile style martial arts i taught you, dance and perform with him like crazy and you will prevail. Also please watch out for your younger brother Riley. He is in Saltcoast right now. We will cover his hotel expenses there so he can learn at the local gym. Thankfully he got his naval training pat down."
  88. Brendan: "Martha i'll be ending the call here so i can get a few minutes of sleep in tonight. You stay safe there and remember we will always support your decisions. Don't worry about money either if there is a shotgun marriage as long as the boy meets some standards. Good night."
  89. Her mother started shifting her hips strangely again and Martha finally realized while averting her eyes from the video call.
  91. Martha: "Yes dad. Good night."
  92. With that she was left with lingering thoughts of being pent up like a fully drawn bow again. Mom just had to make it worse.
  94. She shuffled through her bag and found the tiny egg shaped buzzer she has as her only toy.
  95. Aside from learning how to use their hands and heat and put on protection with how Judy taught them from some ero-book with her toy collection that was her only shameful secret.
  96. Not that the toys were ever used for anything else apparently because aside from fondling each other the girls are all surprisingly innocent... Excluding Flannery and Jean from today on.
  97. Kathy for all her matchmaker habits would probably present her self like a female Arcanine in heat to Alex if he simply hit on her regardless of what the others thought.
  98. She was a cow waiting to bounce with him riding a rodeo.
  99. She could already imagine how Judy would hop onto Alex like an Emolga hops down on a berry shrub to stuff her cheeks. Or climb his rather sizeable appendage to barely fit it in and be bounced around like a toy.
  100. Now that she could see, it looked a bit larger than the toys the girls tried before.
  101. Flannery really must have practiced for Alex and he in turn went down on her till she was a mess clutching his head with her legs and being carried and bathed by him.
  102. Looking at one of the two showers in her en-suite she saw Holly and her Gardevoir being a quivering mess apparently also having peeked somehow.
  103. Gareth seems to have put up something strange obscuring his room. It looked like 4 half-moons were covering him from sight, and protecting him from having to see that.
  104. Huh... Everyone got it on anyway it was time for a shower. Thankfully her cast was plastic.
  106. She slipped off her spandex and underwear letting the lukewarm water run as she put on the thankfully waterproof buzzer and got it on.
  107. Remembering how Alex fondled Fie and how he went down on her she slowly gazed at their hugging forms in the shower and imagined her self right there.
  108. Her one good arm turned on the buzzer and slowly rubbed her pert chest she right now wished was a few sizes bigger.
  109. A firm C cup might make her the envy of many women but the others were all slightly bigger, even Judy and especially Holly given how tiny yet "big hearted" they are .
  110. Oh lord she had it bad for him, wishing him inside and already imagining her self, Holly, Judy, Kathy and Fie all wearing white tied together with a red string knot onto Alex in a smooth looking tuxedo.
  111. Or perhaps tied up with a grass knot hanging from the ceiling only for him to slowly take turns with all of them.
  112. With a bleary sigh and only a handful of minutes she went for another 2 rounds before finally washing off.
  114. *Meantime next door in Gareth's room*
  116. Gareth: "Thank the elders i brought these carved half-moon charms with me. Otherwise i would have to watch all of them instead of stopping my self and turning away. Not being able to turn of aura sight easily like Alex is a real problem. Jean do you think there is a way to help me? I feel really messed up today."
  118. Jean: "Ho so you said the others are getting it on and you have pitched a tent?"
  120. Gareth: "Yes you could say that the charms i'm using have formed a tent. It thankfully works despite how powerful their auras are. Only Fie and Alex are together from what little i glimpsed before turning away. Also Holly and Martha looked downright like ravenous Houndoom the way they looked at Alex before they went to their rooms."
  122. Jean: "Gareth o sweet Gareth you are so innocent, that's what i love about you. So i have a quick way to help you relieve your self. I'm going to assist you. Just make sure not to save any recording of the videochat on your phone. I'll play in the shower for you and you will relieve your self for me as well. What do you say?"
  124. Gareth: "Jean i know this is indecent but i'll play along. Just let me arrange my pendants in there so the others don't see me."
  126. Jean: "Say these pendants. Can you make them for me as well. I only want you to see me."
  128. Gareth: "Um these carry a special meaning when carved for another. They are um used as symbols of being engaged. Are you sure you want one from me."
  130. Jean: "Yes please. I'm not letting you go or letting anyone else get at you or me. Hey i just thought of a funny prank on Alex, Fie and the others."
  132. Gareth: "... I'm listening."
  134. Jean: "Teach him how to carve these telling him to hand them out to the girls for privacy but leave out the part about it being an engagement symbol. But only the girls from our group alright?!"
  136. Gareth: "Deal."
  138. Jean: "Now get in the shower. I'm waiting for a good show."
  140. Fin
Tags: parody
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