
An Eternity Bound Past 25

Jul 9th, 2013
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  2. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  3. Avara has connected.
  4. Mike has connected.
  5. Avara: Yar
  6. Mike: Yo ho ho.
  7. Kaorin Sakura: Hello.
  8. Kaorin Sakura: Loading up up maps.
  9. Venec_Myles has connected.
  10. Lonnie: (Mmm. Maps~)
  11. Nick has connected.
  12. * Olivia stretches.
  13. Kaorin Sakura: Not gonna change too much.
  14. Avara: so... who-all's not making it today?
  15. Lonnie: (Aishen is out, I believe, as is TBG.)
  16. Lonnie: (Sooooo I think we alreayd have all da peoples.)
  17. Kaorin Sakura: Looks like.
  18. Kaorin Sakura: Yeah, let me just update some tokens. -.- Note to self, multiple maptool windows open doesn't save correctly.
  19. Lonnie: (Yeah, MapTools requires monogamy, I've found.)
  20. Aishen has connected.
  21. Lonnie: (Heya Aishen!)
  22. Avara: Hi there Aishen
  23. Aishen: nope
  24. Kaorin Sakura: Sorry about this guys.
  25. Kaorin Sakura: Juuuuust about done.
  26. Aishen: (Porn?)
  27. Lonnie: (I just always imagine these games like a PS1 rpg. The next area's just taking a loooooong time to load from disc.)
  28. Nick: (Ugh gross)
  29. Lonnie: (May wanna pop the hood and check for scratches when we get to the next save point, after a beautifully-rendered cutscene with up to a hundred polygons.)
  30. Lonnie: (vrrrrt whr whr whr whr vrrrrt)
  31. Nick: (Did it freeze, how can we tell if it's loading or not?)
  32. Lonnie: (long as there's no clicking noise...)
  33. Kaorin Sakura: THREE more tokens.
  34. Lonnie: (Ah ah ah)
  35. Kaorin Sakura: Already, getting my charger and I SHALL BE READY.
  36. * Olivia tail swish.
  37. Nick: (Charger!!!)
  38. Lonnie: (ChargEST)
  39. Yumi: (( charginger z ))
  40. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Map added.
  41. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Changes saved.
  42. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Map added.
  43. Kaorin Sakura says to the GMs: Changes saved.
  44. Sometime in Theo's flashback!
  45. During an event he's having a hell of a time remembering...
  46. Welcome to the World of Pokémon!
  47. Avara: how do you know about the parts you weren't there for? ... wait, we did that joke already.
  48. Lilea: (( Lilea went through the door ))
  49. Kaorin Sakura: (( Oh thank gawd Mike. You did vision blocking. ))
  50. Lonnie: (I did!)
  51. Lonnie: (Me-from-two-years-ago was a smart, smart man. And handsome. And poor.)
  52. Kaorin Sakura: ...
  53. Lonnie: (At least one of those things remains true today.)
  54. Kaorin Sakura: (( It's REMAINING A QUESTION MARK. ))
  55. * Kaorin Sakura edits.
  56. Lonnie: (But yeah. Ready when you are.)
  57. Kaorin Sakura: (( Okay! Fixed. ))
  58. Kaorin Sakura: (( Oh well. NOT SHINY. Due to ? BS. ))
  59. Kaorin Sakura: (( I'll place that 200 on a 2D100 somewhere then. ))
  60. Kaorin Sakura: (( I take it everyone's entering the next area? ))
  61. Lonnie: (..?)
  62. * Lonnie is, yes, with Amethyst right behind her.
  63. Aishen: (I'm already there)
  64. Kaorin Sakura: Sent Nick a link to move Felix to 2 C Climb the tree (45,27)
  65. Sent Nick a link to move Luxio to 2 C Climb the tree (46,27)
  66. Sent Mike a link to move Lonnie to 2 C Climb the tree (44,27)
  67. Sent Venec_Myles a link to move Lilea to 2 C Climb the tree (45,28)
  68. Sent Venec_Myles a link to move Olivia to 2 C Climb the tree (46,28)
  69. Sent a link to move Amethyst to 2 C Climb the tree (44,28)
  70. Sent Avara a link to move Yumi to 2 C Climb the tree (45,26)
  71. Click to go to 2 C Climb the tree (45,27)
  72. Lilea: (Yus, that's why I had her on the door. >.>)
  73. Venec_Myles says to the GMs: Moved Token "Lilea" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  74. Venec_Myles says to the GMs: Moved Token "Olivia" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  75. Nick says to the GMs: Moved Token "Luxio" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  76. Avara says to the GMs: Moved Token "Yumi" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  77. Nick says to the GMs: Moved Token "Felix" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  78. Mike says to the GMs: Moved Token "Lonnie" to map "2 C Climb the tree".
  79. Avara: the map is blackest pitch
  80. Lonnie: (Not seeing anything... I believe we might also have vision set to Night here.)
  81. Avara: and now it isn't
  82. Lonnie: (or I could've been just waaaay zoomed out)
  83. Lilea: (( We ported in before it was viewable to players ))
  84. Yumi: "So, do we have any kind of plan, or are we charging in blindly?"
  85. Lonnie: "Plans are good. We should make one."
  86. Lilea: "Well... we don't know what we're facing. If someone snuck in we might have the better type advantages." Lilea whispered.
  87. Yumi: "Does anyone actually have any talent at sneaking?"
  88. Felix: "I have an idea, but I don't have a way of making it work."
  89. Yumi: "What's the idea?"
  90. * Felix hesitates
  91. Lonnie: "Well, spit it out." *waits and listens*
  92. Felix: "If someone has a pokemon that can sneak. I can use their eyes and ears..."
  93. Lilea: "Olivia here can sneak... but unless someone here is psychic she can't tell us."
  94. Yumi: "Sounds like we have a plan then. Olivia and Felix."
  95. Felix: "I'm not a psychic, but I'm a very intune with pokemon."
  96. Lilea: Lilea crouched down, "Okay Olivia, you listen to Felix when he tells you to go places, but follow your own gut if a battle happens, alright sweetie?"
  97. Lonnie: "Very, very in tune, it sounds like." *raises eyebrow*
  98. Olivia: Olivia nods.
  99. Yumi: "Maybe not -that- in tune, Lonnie."
  100. Kaorin Sakura: (( Uh, one second folks. ))
  101. Olivia: Olivia slithers toward the stairs, coils and watches Felix.
  102. Lonnie: (What's Olivia's Stealth, by the way? I presume Ekans are really good at it.)
  103. Kaorin Sakura: (( Got partner to cook so uh, I'm on diaper duty. ))
  104. Olivia: (( 3d6+1 + Stealth Capability ))
  105. Felix: (( Alright I'm going to channel Olivia and use the Shared Senses Feature))
  106. Avara: ok. we can wait
  107. Lonnie: (*looks something up real quick*)
  108. Lonnie: (*is satisfied with what was looked up*)
  109. Felix: (( Might I ask what Olivia's moves are?))
  110. Olivia: (( Bite, Poison Sting, Glare, Screech, Swallow, Spit Up, Stockpile. Mentor FTW ))
  111. Felix: ((Nice))
  112. Felix: ((Don't think I'm going to borrow any though))
  113. Lonnie: (Glare is pr. awesome, man.)
  114. Felix: ((*goes to look it up))
  115. Kaorin Sakura: (( Back! ))
  116. Felix: (( I will be borrowing glare))
  117. Lonnie: (according to the PDF: EoT Paralyze.)
  118. Olivia: (( So is screech. 4 meter burst doesn't hit allies. -2 def stages ))
  119. Kaorin Sakura: (( Screech is 4m? ))
  120. Olivia: (( Correction, 2 meter ))
  121. Olivia: (( We went over this, error on my version of the sheet ))
  122. Lonnie: (still really useful.)
  123. Lonnie: (Anyway.)
  124. Felix: (( Only can borrow Glare, since screech is also EOT
  125. Felix: ))
  126. Kaorin Sakura: (( Screech is 2m burst ))
  127. Olivia: (( Glare is will ))
  128. Kaorin Sakura: (( Glare is EoT in PTU ))
  129. Olivia: (( Reporting second error on your sheet ))
  130. Kaorin Sakura: (( It's why I started making the sheet I am. ))
  131. Kaorin Sakura: (( Planswalker got lazy. ))
  132. Kaorin Sakura: (( And I gave him the correct move information in a chart. ))
  133. Olivia: (( ^_^() ))
  134. Olivia: (( No problem, I don't think I've tried ))
  135. * Felix stares into Olivia's eyes
  136. Olivia: Olivia makes eye contact with Felix. . o O "(... someone there?)"
  137. Felix: ( Yes, I my name is Felix and I was hoping for some help)
  138. Olivia: "(Help I am willing to give, cute one.)"
  139. Felix: "(Alright, then. We are hoping that you might sneak down the hallway to scout for us.)"
  140. Felix: (( Swift 1-AP Shared Senses))
  141. Avara: sorry. back with dinner! did i miss things?
  142. Olivia: "(No trouble at all.)" Olivia's tail swishes and she slithers up the stairs as silent as she can.
  143. Kaorin Sakura: (( Not really! Just convo. ))
  144. Felix: ((Being able to see and hear what she sees how are going to do this?))
  145. Kaorin Sakura: (( And Olivia flirting with a Human. Do-ho! ))
  146. Lilea: Lilea watched Olivia with her hands clasped together, gulping as she wishes Olivia luck.
  147. Kaorin Sakura: (( I'll give you brief ownership of her so you can see where she goes and stuff. ))
  148. Olivia: Olivia Stealth Ho! 7 Plus Stealth Capability.
  149. Kaorin Sakura: 10
  150. Buzzing can be heard nearby.
  151. * Combee 3 turns and looks towards Olivia.
  152. Olivia: Olivia sees a Combee, and starts to sneak back. 18
  153. * Combee 3 looses sight of Olivia.
  154. Combee 3: o.O
  155. Felix: " I... I mean Olivia sees some of the bug Pokemon. There is buzzing"
  156. Olivia: (( Must have been nothing))
  157. * Combee 3 looks around.
  158. Olivia: Olivia is still.
  159. * Combee 3 shrugs its wings and returns.
  160. Felix: "One followed her a bit, but she has managed to avoid it."
  161. Olivia: Olivia corner peeeeeek. Stealth 15
  162. Nick is disconnected.
  163. Olivia: Olivia perception to notice any traces or hidden pokemon. 12
  164. Nick has connected.
  165. You whisper to Venec_Myles: You can see a spider-web down at the end of the corridor. Probably Spinarak or Joltik Pok�mon.
  166. You whisper to Nick: You can see a spider-web down at the end of the corridor. Probably Spinarak or Joltik Pok�mon.
  167. Olivia: Stealth! 15
  168. Kaorin Sakura: 6
  169. * Kakuna doesn't move.
  170. Olivia: Dangerous Stealth! 9
  171. * Metapod remains still.
  172. Nick: ((Back, what did I miss?))
  173. Swadloon: 9
  174. * Olivia looks around, surprised to be outside. It took her eyes a while to adjust and realize.
  175. Lonnie: (Sounds like cocoon Pokemon.)
  176. * Swadloon remains still.
  177. Olivia: (( Webs, cacoon pokemon, very barren so far.))
  178. Olivia: Olivia makes her way back. Stealth 15
  179. Nick: "(You did well.)"
  180. Lonnie: "How's it look out there?"
  181. Felix: "(Thank you Olivia)"
  182. Olivia: She looks back at Felix, wondering if she could hear his voice again. She wiggled a bit as she did. "(... Empty, but many ambush spots. Walk carefully.)"
  183. Olivia: "(... tell Lilea she is precious to me.)"
  184. Felix: "It was mostly empty. There were a few spots for ambushes... She says we should tread carefully."
  185. Olivia: "(...)"
  186. Olivia: "(... I can't tell her myself...)"
  187. Felix: "(Alright then.)"
  188. Yumi: "So... what order should we go in? I can fire off some powerful hits, but my best attacker's not doing too well, and... well, I've taken more than a bit of damage myself."
  189. Lilea: "Yeah... we're not in the best shape, but we've got the guts and the pokemon to pull us through!"
  190. Felix: "Well if we don't want to be stuck in the middle, we might clear out the room to the left."
  191. Lonnie: "True. Still, best to tread lightly... And on the shortest path, if we can."
  192. Felix: "Or we could try sneaking by, but if we get found out it could be dangerous."
  193. Olivia: Olivia looked up and Felix and nodded. She thought about going left first too.
  194. * Amethyst hears Olivia's words, but knows better than to say anything quite yet - especially with everyone being so serious. But still, :3.
  195. Felix: "Olivia agrees with going left first."
  196. Yumi: "Not exactly that good at sneaking. Better than I should be, maybe, but not actually any good." (2d6+0)
  197. Lonnie: *nod* "Sounds like a plan to me."
  198. Yumi: (( make sure to deliver olivia's message, felix ))
  199. Lilea: (( He can when he wants, Olivia will only bite if he forgets entirely ))
  200. Felix: ((The one about Iliea being precious to her?))
  201. Yumi: (( yeah that one ))
  202. Lilea: "I've never tried sneaking, I'm light so I might be good, but I wouldn't count on it."
  203. Lonnie: (3d6-2 on stealth here.)
  204. Felix: ((Well until I end the channeling, I can pretty much hear her thoughts, feel her emotions etc))
  205. Yumi: "Movement order?"
  206. Felix: "Hmmmmm"
  207. * Olivia is patient, content, thinks Felix is cute.
  208. Lonnie: "If Olivia can handle being sneaky some more, I'd suggest her and Amethyst in front."
  209. Lonnie: "And if you're hurt, let someone else take the rear - we don't want to leave you unguarded."
  210. Felix: "I haven't been hurt yet, and Luxio is still good to go."
  211. Amethyst: "Okay. We'll play the quiet game!"
  212. Felix: "He can sneak... I struggle with it though."
  213. Amethyst: * The Mew floats over to Olivia, and very pointedly says nothing, being quite proud of it.
  214. Yumi: "I guess I'm in the middle, then? I can try hitting enemies with Hyper Voice or Uproar if they get too close, or make them weaker."
  215. Lilea: "Yumi and I should stay in the back."
  216. Felix: "(Olivia, I'm going to stop sharing with you for now.") ((End Channeling))
  217. Lonnie: "All right. Amethyst, once we hang left at the intersection: be like the air."
  218. Olivia: Olivia looked back as if she were saying something, but nothing was heard. Instead she nodded to Felix and looked foward.
  219. Lonnie: (Shall we go?)
  220. Lonnie: (...marching in a prescribed order is hard when you can't just pick up everyone's game pieces and move them together.)
  221. Olivia: ( Has mew permission apparently))
  222. Amethyst: (...Might be set to everyone/ *shrug*)
  223. Amethyst: * As they go around the corner, Amethyst twirls... and goes invisible, trying very hard to be Stealthy, as well: 15
  224. Kaorin Sakura: (( Fixed ))
  225. Olivia: Olivia stays quiet too, preparing for an ambush. 16
  226. Amethyst goes invisible! She can remain this way for 4 minutes.
  227. Genesect: 12
  228. * Felix freezes in terror
  229. * Lonnie is also trying to be quiet! 7
  230. * Olivia smiles.
  231. Combee 3: ?
  232. Genesect: "..."
  233. Avara: oh god why is there a genesect
  234. Genesect: (( Making a Stealth check, Felix? ))
  235. Mike: (Thaaaaat might be my fault actually.)
  236. Mike: (It *is* mentioned in the module.)
  237. Genesect: (( Nope. It's not the big bad. ))
  238. Mike: (brb, getting h2o and writing our wills.)
  239. Genesect: (( I said I'd move that 200 result on a 2d100 somewhere else. ))
  240. Avara: genocide insect incoming!
  241. Genesect: (( Anyway, unless Felix makes a Stealth check, they all notice. ))
  242. Felix: ((8 Stealth))
  243. Avara: lee! y u no learn fight moves until you evolve?
  244. * Amethyst quietly O.O at the bug.
  245. * Genesect 's eyes glow and narrow in on Felix.
  246. Felix: "......"
  247. Felix: ((cries internally lol))
  248. Olivia: Olivia sees Felix in danger! (( Can take surprise round? ))
  249. Mike: (Indeed, this seems like init to me. Glare that sucker, I say.)
  250. * Kaorin Sakura checks result.
  251. Kaorin Sakura: (( Yup! ))
  252. Olivia: Oliviea leaps forward and Glares at Genesect! 8 Speed!
  253. Amethyst: (Amethyst isn't in the i- ahh thank you.)
  254. Felix: "This could be bad...."
  255. Aishen: (So hate you all...)
  256. * Genesect became magically paralyzed.
  257. Amethyst: (We wub you too Aishen.)
  258. Genesect: (( I think he wants Genesect. ))
  259. Amethyst: (Maybe.)
  260. Amethyst: (What's it worth to you, Aishen? ^_^)
  261. Avara: did anyone pack pokeballs?
  262. Genesect: (( Felix, could you enter in your initiative? ))
  263. Aishen: (really fucking hate you all)
  264. Felix: ((I have some...))
  265. Lonnie: (I've got 5x Pokeballs and 2x Great Balls.)
  266. Genesect: (( For Felix and Luxio. ))
  267. Lonnie: (And enough AP to throw some Curve Balls too.)
  268. Olivia: (( I want a spinarak... ))
  269. Aishen: Ask mike
  270. Genesect: New Encounter Starts: Initiative Sorted, Top of the Order, Round 1
  271. Felix: ((set))
  272. Combee 3: !!
  273. Olivia: (( 2's initiative ))
  274. Combee 3: (( Yumi, where's your Pokemon? ))
  275. Avara: forgot to bring lee back out since yumi hasn't been alerted to the fight yet.
  276. Avara: doing so
  277. Felix: (( Hey guys is it possible to set Combat Stages on here?))
  278. Combee 3: (( Not here. Didn't make that macro yet. ))
  279. Avara: speaking of lee being here
  280. Avara: justamomentplz
  281. Olivia: (( If you go Edit and Label, we usually write them down there ))
  282. Avara: ... there's no enemies next to felix, are there
  283. Combee 3: (( Lee's in initiative. ))
  284. Combee 3: (( Add his initiative please ))
  285. Lonnie: (No enemies yet!)
  286. Felix: ((there is an evil wall))
  287. Avara: are there any enemies next to the doorway?
  288. * Combee 3 flies east and throws a burst of wind at Olivia! 1 vs. Sp.Def Eva!
  289. Olivia: (( and her name is Olivia ))
  290. Avara: can't see. but i want to be able to use my... fine. nvm.
  291. Olivia: Olivia evades but barely!
  292. * Combee 3 flies northeast and throws a burst of wind at Olivia! 16 vs. Sp.Def Eva!
  293. Olivia: Olivia is bombarded by the wind!
  294. Combee 3: 24 Flying Special Damage!
  295. Olivia: Olivia loses 13 hit points.
  296. * Combee 3 throws a burst of wind at Olivia! 2 vs. Sp.Def Eva!
  297. Combee 3: 21 Flying Special Damage!
  298. Olivia: Olivia loses 10 hit points.
  299. Lonnie has received initiative.
  300. Olivia: Olivia's looking a little... winded.
  301. Lonnie: (Hm... I could try and capture some of these Combee... Buuut probably not quite worth it here.)
  302. * Lonnie passes her turn!
  303. Luxio has received initiative.
  304. * Luxio starts storing electricity
  305. Luxio: (( Charge +1 SDEF CS 2x dd if elec move next turn))
  306. Lilea has received initiative.
  307. Lilea: (Maptools lies, that was 5 meters)
  308. Combee 3: (( What was 5 meters? ))
  309. Lilea: (( Her movement.))
  310. Lilea: Lilea shouts out, "Olivia! Don't let them gang up on you, Stockpile Now's your chance!"
  311. Olivia: Olivia found a mouth full of honey not large enough to make a trap and Stockpiles it.
  312. Felix has received initiative.
  313. * Felix glares at Combee1
  314. Felix: (([1d20-3))
  315. Felix: (8)
  316. * Combee 1 was paralyzed by an unnerving gaze!
  317. Amethyst has received initiative.
  318. Olivia: "(*I* taught him that one!)"
  319. Lonnie: "Amethyst!" She gets a glint in her eye. "Let's play pretend"
  320. * Amethyst drops her Invisibility!
  321. * Amethyst then uses Transform on the Genesect!
  322. Amethyst: (Any issues with this, GM?)
  323. Combee 1: (( Why would it? ))
  324. Amethyst: (It shouldn't; the silence just surprised me. Editing token!)
  325. Combee 1: (( Need me to drop the token for you? ))
  326. Amethyst: "(RAWR I'M GOJIRA!)"
  327. Lonnie: "Attagirl."
  328. Lonnie: (done)
  329. Yumi has received initiative.
  330. * Yumi withdraws the very slow-running lee for now, before moving to get a better look. The fact that Amethyst was turning into a death machine worried her.
  331. Combee 1: (( That all? ))
  332. Avara: no!
  333. Avara: i never got told if i can use a move after withdraw, actually
  334. Lilea: "Go Go Yumi!"
  335. Combee 1: (( Oh! ))
  336. Combee 1: (( Withdrawing or calling out is a free action. ))
  337. Avara: and how far does burst 2 reach from here
  338. Combee 1: (( It's only if you do both is it a Trainer Action. ))
  339. Avara: need to decide if i'm sending lee into the fray or if i'm using a debuff... lee it is.
  340. Avara: max of ath+acro, right?
  341. Combee 1: (( Throwing distance? ))
  342. Combee 1: (( 4+Acrobatics Rank. ))
  343. Avara: yes
  344. Avara: ok
  345. * Lee is launched over the Genesect's head and appears behind it, suddenly striking out with a hig--no, low attack! 3 Fake Out (vs physical evasion
  346. * Genesect suffers the Fake-Out attack!
  347. Lee: 19 physical normal damage. and flinch.
  348. Lonnie: (Nice.)
  349. Lilea: "Woo! You go Mr. Tyrogue!"
  350. * Genesect suffers 3 damage and flinches!
  351. Genesect: Genesect loses 3 hit points.
  352. Lonnie: "I could hear that hit from here."
  353. * Genesect is currently flinched
  354. Olivia has received initiative.
  355. Olivia: Olivia slithered to the middle and being a propper lady did not speak with her mouth stockpiled with honey. Instead her tail let out an unearthly, screeching raddle! 2-burst -3 Speed, Friendly, -2 def stages.
  356. Olivia: Olivia should have probably stuck with the screeching hiss....
  357. Lee has received initiative.
  358. Skiiiip!
  359. Genesect: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  360. * Combee 2 knows better than to waste time on the 'mon!
  361. * Combee 2 bites at Felix! 17 vs. Def Eva!
  362. Felix: ((definite hit))
  363. Combee 2: 26 Physical Bug Damage!
  364. Lilea: Lilea gasps!
  365. Felix: Felix loses 16 hit points.
  366. * Combee 3 throws another burst of wind at Olivia! 4 vs. Sp.Def Eva! for 20 Flying Special Damage!
  367. Lonnie has received initiative.
  368. Olivia: Olivia loses 6 hit points.
  369. Lonnie: (Hm.)
  370. Lonnie: (...I'm very tempted to throw a ball at #2. Thoughts?)
  371. Lonnie: (It'd be a long shot.)
  372. Lonnie: (...Ah, why not.)
  373. * Lonnie steps forward, and chucks a normal Pokeball at Combee 2 - putting a little Curve on it! 16 to hit with False Swipe.
  374. Lonnie: 15 Normal physical no-faint damage.
  375. Lonnie: (and I leave the Pokeball roll to the GM, as is our peoples' custom.)
  376. Combee 2: Combee 2 loses 6 hit points.
  377. Lonnie: (Aww, was hoping for more piddly defense. Oh well.)
  378. Kaorin Sakura: 85
  379. Kaorin Sakura: The GM should be SOMEWHAT MEAN!
  380. Kaorin Sakura: -8
  381. Lonnie: ()
  382. * Combee 2 was swallowed nigh instantly by the Pokéball and a successful chime happens before it even hits the ground!
  383. Combee 2: (( -8 Capture roll. ))
  384. Lonnie: "Yes!"
  385. Lonnie: "That's one out of the way."
  386. Luxio has received initiative.
  387. Felix: "Nice!"
  388. * Luxio attempts to slam into Genesect
  389. Luxio: 18
  390. Olivia: Olivia weaves out of the charging Luxio's path.
  391. Lonnie: (*golf clap*)
  392. Combee 2: (( Whelp! ))
  393. Luxio: ((Was that a crit)?))
  394. Avara: crit
  395. Avara: very criy
  396. Avara: very crit
  397. Combee 2: (( Roll base damage three times, then add attack+5. ))
  398. Combee 2: (( Need help, Nick? ))
  399. Luxio: 94 Physical Electric Damage
  400. Lonnie: (O.O)
  401. Lonnie: (Please don't kill it.)
  402. Genesect: (( He won't kill it. ))
  403. Genesect: Genesect loses 81 hit points.
  404. Lilea: "Woo! Nice shot!"
  405. * Genesect is hit with an explosion of electrical power and is covered in burns everywhere, passing out instantly.
  406. Olivia: "(Impressive.)"
  407. Lilea has received initiative.
  408. Lonnie: "Yow."
  409. Genesect: (( That's not a legal move, Olivia. ))
  410. Lilea: Lilea moves under Amethyst!
  411. Genesect: (( You're in a wall. ))
  412. * Felix smiles
  413. Lilea: ((In a wall for awkard stacking, is standing under Amethyst))
  414. Avara: is amethyst flying?
  415. Genesect: (( How far off the ground is Amethyst? ))
  416. Genesect: (( I've been assuming not high enough to be 1m above people. ))
  417. Avara: ... i just noticed, amethyst is over honey. so if amethyst isn't flying... woopsie
  418. Lilea: ((Pointed that out earlier, which is why I thought I could))
  419. Amethyst: (Uh.)
  420. Lilea: Lilea can't get through the crowd! She stands and watches, cheering still!
  421. Amethyst: (Given the amount of headroom in this tree-tunnel?)
  422. Amethyst: (Unless you say there's enough room for her to be flying, she probably isn't now.)
  423. Genesect: (( tunnels are 4m tall. ))
  424. Amethyst: (...If I have that room and can still fly, then Amee is in fact flying.)
  425. Amethyst: (She just doesn't usually think og 'being on the ground'.)
  426. Genesect: (( How high? ))
  427. Lilea: ((Lilea's fine, move on. ^_^ ))
  428. Amethyst: (Probably just 1m, unfortunately.)
  429. Genesect: (( Genesect is 1.5m tall. ))
  430. Amethyst: (But yeah. Let's?)
  431. Combee 1: 5
  432. * Combee 1 is too paralyzed to move!
  433. Felix has received initiative.
  434. Felix: ((Pass))
  435. Amethyst has received initiative.
  436. Felix: "Let me move out of the way."
  437. Amethyst: "(RAWR RAWR RAWR!)"
  438. * Amethyst charges forward in a burst of flame! Flame Charge!
  439. Combee 1: : O!!!!!!!!
  440. Amethyst: (Since Combee 3 is well out of the way and whatnot...)
  441. Amethyst: 0 to hit
  442. * Combee 1 avoids your fiery attack!
  443. Yumi has received initiative.
  444. Amethyst: 32 Fire Physical if it'd hit, though. (Because Analytic!)
  445. Amethyst: "(Awww.)"
  446. Amethyst: "(...RAWRGLEBARGLE ROAR!)"
  447. Combee 1: (( Gogogo, Yumi! ))
  448. * Yumi moves around the deathbot9000 and turns to the paralyzed combee, before letting out her frustration at the situation so far out in a shout. 0 close blast 3. Friendly.
  449. Nick is disconnected.
  450. Yumi: 54 Hyper--aww. acc0? fuckyou rng
  451. Nick has connected.
  452. Olivia has received initiative.
  453. Olivia: Olivia was amused by everyone attacking the poor Combee, she thought she'd try a little bite of it... 13 Physical!
  454. Olivia: 30 Physical Dark + Flinch.
  455. Combee 1: > : |
  456. * Combee 1 already went this turn, Flinch has no effect.
  457. Combee 1: Combee 1 loses 21 hit points.
  458. Lee has received initiative.
  459. * Lee walks across the fainted genesect, and tries slamming his shoulder into the OTHER combee. 2
  460. Lee: (vs physical evasion)
  461. Combee 1: (( Yah hit. ))
  462. Lee: 19 physical normal damage
  463. Olivia: "(You're a tasty little stockpile, come on and play~)"
  464. Combee 3: Combee 3 loses 10 hit points.
  465. Combee 3: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  466. Avara: that is the end of the turn.
  467. * Combee 3 is still following orders and flies pass Felix, throwing a gust of wind at Lonnie! 10 vs. Sp.Def Eva! and 19 Flying Special Damage!
  468. Lonnie has received initiative.
  469. * Lonnie is battered by the wind!
  470. Lilea: "Ohno! Are you okay?"
  471. * Lonnie takes 9 damage.
  472. Lonnie: "I'll be okay."
  473. Avara: HOLD IT
  474. Lonnie: (Hm?)
  475. Avara: what are you planning?
  476. Avara: and do pokeball throws count as attack rolls?
  477. Lonnie: (Was gonna throw a Pokeball at the hurt one.)
  478. Lonnie: (Aaaand I believe so. Moreso for me usually than others, but wasn't gonna Curveball this one.)
  479. Combee 3: (( Pokeballs is a status attack and consumes a Trainer action. ))
  480. * Lee runs over and high fives lonnie.
  481. Lee: +1 to attack roll.
  482. * Lonnie grins, and takes the high-five! And with that extra spark of inspiration, she throws a Pokeball - straight - at the hurt, Paralyzed Combee. 1 to hit.
  483. * Combee 1 is struck!
  484. Combee 1: Combee 1 loses 0 hit points.
  485. Avara:
  486. Kaorin Sakura: 56
  487. * Combee 1 is swallowed whole by the Pokéball and lands on the ground with a solid thud.
  488. Combee 1: * The Pokéball rolls along the ground as Combee fights against it before a chime of success sounds off!
  489. Lonnie: "Gotcha!"
  490. Lilea: "Woo! Nice arm!"
  491. Luxio has received initiative.
  492. Lonnie: "Thanks! Played softball back in high school."
  493. * Lee gives Lonnie a thumbs-up and a smile. You think his teeth shine, somehow.
  494. Lilea: (( They can go through space, I'm not sure if they can stack )
  495. Nick: ((Can't reach him))
  496. Aishen: (Flag on the play, no butt licking in combat.)
  497. Lonnie: (Unless you're having Luxio pick Lee up and let him RIDE.)
  498. Lilea: (( Unless Lee rides on Luxio which OMIGOSH that would e awesome! ))
  499. Combee 1: (( You cannot stand in the saem square. ))
  500. Combee 1: (( Lee occupies that square. ))
  501. Nick: ((Was thinking about swooping in for a bite))
  502. * Luxio gathers electricity as he stands prouldy over Genesect
  503. Lilea has received initiative.
  504. Lonnie: (You could try jumping over the Combee and landing on the other side. But oh well.)
  505. Lonnie: (The third dimension is the most powerful one!)
  506. Lilea: "Amethyst! Now's Your Chance!"
  507. Aishen: (Aishen)
  508. Luxio: ((Ah, will have to remember that one ^w^;)
  509. Lilea: (( One at-will move, yadda yadda ))
  510. Amethyst: "(Whoo!)"
  511. Amethyst: (*looks at at-wills*)
  512. Amethyst: (can I Quick Attack the Combee?)
  513. Amethyst: (I forget if I'm allowed to shift here as well - or if I can do it on the diag here. Presuming we can make it work...)
  514. Lilea: ((No, you can't shift))
  515. Amethyst: 0 to hit, and 29 Normal Physical damage.
  516. Amethyst: (warglebargle RNG!)
  517. Combee 1: (( You can target at diagonals, yes. ))
  518. Lee: Dammit RNG!
  519. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
  520. Combee 1: (( MISSMISSMISS ))
  521. Felix has received initiative.
  522. Felix: ((pass))
  523. Amethyst has received initiative.
  524. Felix: ((waitasec)
  525. Combee 1: (( Waiting ))
  526. Amethyst: (*waits a sec*)
  527. * Felix glares at Combee3 8
  528. Amethyst: (Told ya Glare was awesome.)
  529. Combee 1: (( Amethyst! ))
  530. * Combee 1 was paralyzed via boogey man looks!
  531. Amethyst: "(Oooh... what's THIS do?)"
  532. Amethyst: *vrrRRRRRMM-*
  533. Amethyst: 14 to hit vs. SpDef, and 33 Special Normal Techno-Blast FIRIN MAH LAZERS damage.
  534. Lilea: (O)_(O)
  535. Amethyst: *PTCHOOOOOOO*
  536. Combee 3: Combee 3 loses 23 hit points.
  537. * Felix looks intriuged
  538. Amethyst: "(WHEEEEEE!)"
  539. * Lonnie takes a step back. "Whoa, geeze!"
  540. * Combee 3 was blasted by the cannon beams and looks worse for the wear!
  541. Yumi has received initiative.
  542. Avara: i think i can safely pass, yeah?
  543. Olivia has received initiative.
  544. Olivia: Olivia slithered passed the crowd and lashed out at the combee with her Bite attack! 0 Physical!
  545. * Combee 3 plays the -OHGAWDSNAKEAVOIDAVOID- game.
  546. Olivia: (Prolly miss, Lee high fived so top o' da round)
  547. Lee has received initiative.
  548. Lonnie has received initiative.
  549. Combee 3: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  550. Avara: indeed
  551. Lilea: "Ha, three for three Ms. Lonnie?"
  552. Lonnie: "Mmm..."
  553. * Lonnie takes a look at this Combee. Can she identify its gender, with maybe an Edu. Pokemon check?
  554. Combee 3: (( Try it. ))
  555. Lonnie: (11)
  556. You whisper to Mike: Looks to be male.
  557. Lonnie: "...Nah. I think we've done enough to 'em."
  558. Lilea: Lilea tilts her head Pokemon Education: 10 + Breeder Feature.
  559. * Lonnie will still False Swipe at it, though! 17 to hit, and 17 damage.
  560. Lilea: (( Breeder does nothing of the sort. >.> ))
  561. Combee 3: (( That'll roll over on your turn. ))
  562. Lonnie: "Sorry, little guy. But we need you out of the way to help you."
  563. Lonnie: (Oh, if the check was my turn, I'll survive.)
  564. Combee 3: Combee 3 loses 6 hit points.
  565. Lonnie: (Or not, either way.)
  566. * Combee 3 staggered as it remained conscious from the False Swipe.
  567. Luxio has received initiative.
  568. Luxio: ((Pass))
  569. Lilea has received initiative.
  570. Lonnie: (You can catch it or swing at it either way, to me.)
  571. You whisper to Venec_Myles: The Combee appears to be male.
  572. Lilea: "Lee! Now's your chance! Give him a good buggy boppin'!"
  573. Combee 3: (( Lee is 4m away. ))
  574. Combee 3: (( Okay! ))
  575. Lilea: (( 3 if diagonals don't count as 2 ))
  576. Avara: 15 tackle.
  577. Lonnie: (Slammin'.)
  578. Avara: 24 physical normal damage
  579. Combee 3: Combee 3 loses 15 hit points.
  580. * Combee 3 falls out of the air, unconscious.
  581. Olivia: Olivia spits out her stockpile and Lilea quickly gets to work applying potions.
  582. Olivia: Olivia is healed and gains 29 hit points.
  583. * Felix lets out a sigh of relief
  584. * Amethyst ends her Transformation, returning to normal... well, normal for her, anyway.
  585. Kaorin Sakura: 24.375
  586. Kaorin Sakura: 24 XP to participating Pokémon!
  587. Felix: "Glad that's over."
  588. Amethyst: "That was fun!"
  589. Lonnie: "You did really well, Amethyst. That was... authentically frightening."
  590. Felix: "You certainly are amazing."
  591. Olivia: Olivia is level 19
  592. Amethyst: "Thank you!" *swirls in air, pleased*
  593. Lonnie: "Do we... need to do anything about this guy? He seems more dangerous than the rest. Maybe."
  594. Olivia: "(You were impressive, all of you. We really pulled together as a team.)" Olivia smiled to all the pokemon.
  595. Lonnie: "Though your Luxio took him apart."
  596. Amethyst: "(Go team!)"
  597. Olivia: Olivia nodded to Amethyst.
  598. Luxio: "(I was hoping for more of a fight, but we've done well.)"
  599. Lilea: Lilea skipped over and scooped up Olivia, nuzzling the snake.
  600. Olivia: Olivia smiled and coiled around Lilea.
  601. * Yumi uses a potion on herself.
  602. Yumi: Yumi is healed and gains 19 hit points.
  603. Lonnie: "...Stop me if this sounds stupid: I'd like to revive this guy and try to capture him."
  604. Nick is disconnected.
  605. Nick is disconnected.
  606. Nick has connected.
  607. Yumi: "... That's up to you. I'm sure Lee would be happy to help you."
  608. Lilea: "Go for it Ms. Lonnie! I'll back you up!"
  609. * Lee prepares to offer a Helping Hand.
  610. * Lonnie takes a deep breath. "Okay."
  611. Olivia: Olivia prepares to glare at it again.
  612. Lonnie: * The Coordinator kneels down, and puts her one and only Revive in the Genesect's mouth. "Thanks for the back-up, everyone."
  613. Lilea: "I know what it's like to have the one you're going for faint on you. Well, it hasn't happened to me yet but I can imagine!"
  614. Genesect: Genesect is healed and gains 40 hit points.
  615. * Genesect revives and slowly stands.
  616. * Lonnie snaps her fingers as the Genesect revives, to get all the attention on her.
  617. * Lonnie stands with a confident air, keeping eye contact.
  618. Genesect: * For a moment, you can feel its shadowness subsiding slightly but then it locks it's cannons on Lonnie (Lock-On).
  619. Olivia: Olivia uses Glare! 16
  620. Lonnie: "Hey, friend. I've got a proposition for you, and I think you'll find it mighty enticing."
  621. Lonnie: "You look like the kind of Pokemon that wants power and fame. For other Pokemon to look on you with awe."
  622. Lonnie: "That sound about right?"
  623. Lonnie has received initiative.
  624. Genesect: New Encounter Starts: Initiative Sorted, Top of the Order, Round 1
  625. * Genesect looks ready to blast Lonnie. Without the chance of failure.
  626. Lonnie: "...Not gonna listen? All right."
  627. * Lee high fives Lonnie
  628. * Lonnie stops mincing words, reaches into her bag, pulls out a Great Ball, and puts a bit of Curve on it! 4 to hit.
  629. * Genesect is struck with da Blue Ball!
  630. Lonnie: 15 Normal Physical no-faint damage.
  631. Avara: +5 damage, still non-faint
  632. Avara: 'cause lee
  633. Lonnie: (oh right!)
  634. Lonnie: (That.)
  635. Lonnie: (^_^)
  636. Genesect: Genesect loses 3 hit points.
  637. * Felix frowns
  638. Kaorin Sakura: 72
  639. Kaorin Sakura: (( Oh wait, forgot to apply Great Ball. ))
  640. Lonnie: (Mmhm.)
  641. Kaorin Sakura: -6
  642. Lonnie: (...I suppose I could've used Fling instead, but oh well.)
  643. * Genesect is swallowed whole by the Great Ball of which doesn't shake, doesn't wobble and simply skids onto the ground behind it. SUCCESS!
  644. Yumi: "Congratulations. You now own a homicidal bugmech that will probably try to kill you. Unless you can figure out how to de-shadow it?"
  645. Kaorin Sakura: (( -6. omg ))
  646. Lonnie: "...And if you'd been willing to listen, we could've avoided that."
  647. Felix: "....."
  648. Lonnie: "Sorry. Talking to the Genesect, not you guys."
  649. Lilea: "Alright, now we heard somethin' about spider webs and spinarak are awesome, or we can keep going from here!"
  650. * Yumi recalls Lee.
  651. * Felix looks at Luxio intently
  652. Lonnie: "Yeah, that... is going to be a better question. Removing that shadow influence... But it's not going to happen in here, and if I can't, I'll give him to someone who can, safely."
  653. Felix: ("You did well, thank you.")
  654. Luxio: ("The pleasure was all mine.")
  655. Lonnie: "And... You backed me up on that capture. I'll follow you if you want to find a Spinarak, too."
  656. Lonnie: "But I'm worried about whatever's at the top of this tree causing all this."
  657. Lilea: "We can nab one on the way out! Business before pleasure!"
  658. Yumi: "Do you think this is the way up?"
  659. Lilea: "I can always stay in town but we're low on resources and need to keep pushing."
  660. Lilea: "... I don't know."
  661. Felix: "Couldn't hurt to take a look."
  662. Lilea: "Eggs!"
  663. Kaorin Sakura: (( Oh! ))
  664. Kaorin Sakura: (( Wait ))
  665. Lonnie: (Hm?)
  666. Lonnie: (*gets brownies while waiting*)
  667. Kaorin Sakura: (( They were hidden. Derp. ))
  668. Lilea: "OMIGOSH a person just fell from the ceiling!"
  669. Yumi: "... That can't be good."
  670. Lilea: Lilea foolishly runs over!
  671. The unconscious and injured females with black outfits labeled with a large red R look to be just as injured as the Genesect Lonnie captured.
  672. * Felix checks the pulse of Rocket1
  673. Kaorin Sakura: (( Education Medicine roll! ))
  674. Lilea: Lilea uses Medicine to make sure they wont get any worse than they are, but not actually heal them. 10
  675. Kaorin Sakura: (( What items are you using, Lilea? ))
  676. Felix: (( 9 ))
  677. You whisper to Nick: She's alive, but not getting better.
  678. Lilea: (( None, just making sure open wounds aren't as exposed, moving shirts, tearing off bits to wrap around, checking for infection, just minor emergency stuff ))
  679. Felix: "This ones alive."
  680. Lonnie: "What happened to them?"
  681. Lilea is able to slow the bleeding with torn bits of the woman's clothes. But not stop it.
  682. You whisper to Venec_Myles: Have Olivia give a Perception.
  683. Lilea: "Did you say you had a lot of potions Yumi? They may be bad... but we can't just leave them here can we?"
  684. Kaorin Sakura: 18
  685. * Yumi hands Lilea a potion.
  686. Olivia whispers: 7
  687. Yumi: "Do you need one too, Felix?
  688. You whisper to Venec_Myles: Thanks!
  689. Felix: "I have some bandages."
  690. Lilea: Lilea applies a potion to the rocket. "One at a time, we don't want two bad guys. If one can get the other to safety that's all we need."
  691. Felix: "I'm not sure if that will be enough though."
  692. Lilea: "Bandages work over time, potions will wake people up, but not in the best condition."
  693. Avara: does felix need a potion to keep that rocket from dying?
  694. * Rocket looks a bit better but doesn't regain consciousness.
  695. Lonnie: "I've got more bandages if you nee them. I'm not very good at actually putting them on, though - you look far more skilled than I do, there."
  696. Olivia whispers: Olivia: ... I think I failed a spot check.
  697. Felix: ((What kind of check is that? Edu Med?))
  698. Felix: ((Or can I simply rab her wounds))
  699. Rocket: (( For what? ))
  700. Rocket: (( Applying a bandage? ))
  701. Olivia: Olivia watches the eggs.
  702. Felix: ((Just to keep her from dieing
  703. Felix: ))
  704. Yumi: "Considering taking some for Lilea, Olivia?"
  705. Rocket: (( Some sort of healing helps. ))
  706. Olivia: Olivia looked back, then at the eggs. She tilted her head, she'd never considered it.
  707. Aishen is disconnected.
  708. Aishen is disconnected.
  709. Felix: "I may need a potion here."
  710. Lonnie: (...Is Egg 4 up there already Shadow'd?)
  711. * Yumi hands Felix a potion
  712. Lilea: (( One was applied here, just establishing ))
  713. Felix: "Thanks, I owe you one."
  714. Yumi: "Seven left."
  715. Rocket: (( A Potion was applied to Rocket. Not Rocket 1. ))
  716. Lilea: (( Alright! Clarification established. )) Lilea checks the Rocket's health. Medicine 13
  717. You whisper to Mike: The furthest most egg looks to be different than the others.
  718. You whisper to Venec_Myles: She looks better but still in very bad condition. However, she's no longer getting worse.
  719. Lilea: "Alright, this one will be out for a while." Lilea made a makeshift pillow from whatever pack the Rocket carried, "But she'll still be out for a while, perfect."
  720. Felix: "Lilea, could you check this one too?"
  721. * Felix looks worried
  722. * Lonnie looks at the egg from a distance. Does it look hurt or damaged? Or is it only... like everything else here? 13 Edu. Pokemon
  723. Lilea: Lilea skipped over and looked over the Rocket1. Medicine! 14
  724. You whisper to Venec_Myles: Similar condition to the other Rocket gal. But will get worse.
  725. Lilea: "Esh... she's still bleeding out. She might need another potion."
  726. Felix: "Would a bandage help?"
  727. Amethyst: "What'cha lookin' at?"
  728. Lilea: (( GM? ))
  729. Lonnie: "That Egg in the back... I know enough to not go pick it up, but it looks different from the rest."
  730. Lilea: (( Bandages help? ))
  731. Rocket: (( Bandages would help, indeed! ))
  732. * Felix hands over a bandage
  733. Lilea: "Yeah, that'd work too."
  734. Lilea: Lilea applies! 12 If medicine is needed.
  735. Yumi: "Given how everything else is... could it be shadow'd?"
  736. Lilea bandages up the Rocket 1. She'll stop dying. And get better overtime.
  737. Felix: "Looks like you're going to make a good doctor."
  738. Lilea: "Well, ones not dying and ones getting better. That'll let them heal up and run off, maybe this scare is what they need!"
  739. Lonnie: "Could be. I don't even know how you'd *do* that to an Egg."
  740. Lonnie: "I mean... they're not even born yet. How could they be filled with that kind of hatred? What would they even hate?"
  741. Yumi: "Everything. Nothing. Themselves."
  742. Yumi: "The confines of their shell, and how long it's taking to be ready to leave the shell."
  743. Felix: "This shadow stuff is new to me... I couldn't say." ((Gut feeling time 24))
  744. Lilea: Lilea gets out a little notebook and writes, "I fixed you and your friend up, I hope you can make it to a center for better care than I can give. I hope you rethink things and be nicer to pokemon, making them shadow like they are is how you got attacked in the first place! Best wishes, Lilea!" She signed it with a heart and tucked it in the pocket of the Rocket1.
  745. Lonnie: "...Now you're making me want to do the stupid thing and go pick it up."
  746. You whisper to Mike: Wanna give me a Perception for you and Amethyst?
  747. Lonnie: 10 Percep
  748. Lonnie: 13 Amee Percep
  749. Yumi: "Well... I'm not sure if it's legal or not? But the eggs would be safer -away- from the shadow infestation."
  750. You whisper to Mike: Amethyst can see a female hiding beside the egg watching you all very carefully.
  751. Amethyst whispers: Is it also Shadow'd? Can she tell?
  752. Yumi: 13 perception to determine if there's anything that-a-way that's going to kill us for taking the eggs. Including traps'n'such.
  753. Lilea: "I'm very picky, if I don't know whats in it I don't want to end up with a pokemon I'm not going to train..." Lilea said to the group. "so go ahead, help yourselves if you want any.
  754. You whisper to Mike: It doesn't look shadowed.
  755. * Amethyst bravely darts toward the egg.
  756. Yumi: "You can always set a pokemon up for adoption with new trainers if it's not something you want, Lilea."
  757. Amethyst: "Hello!"
  758. Amethyst: "It's okay. We can see you! We don't wanna hurt you."
  759. * Thirisdes Agardes comes out from blending in with her environment.
  760. Lilea: "That always makes me feel funny. Like I'm getting their hopes up... it's just a personal thing. Maybe cause I"m new!"
  761. Thirisdes Agardes: "..."
  762. Felix: "Doesn't look like anything is hiding..."
  763. Felix: "Ahh"
  764. Amethyst: *waves happily* "Hi!"
  765. Thirisdes Agardes: "..."
  766. Thirisdes Agardes: "What does the name Isaac mean to you?"
  767. Thirisdes Agardes: "Or King?"
  768. * Thirisdes Agardes moves protectively in front of the darkened egg as you all move closer.
  769. Yumi: "... I don't know why, but it sounds like... trouble?"
  770. Felix: "I'm not really from around here, I couldn't really say...."
  771. Lilea: "I-I, nothing?"
  772. * Thirisdes Agardes limps a bit as she moves.
  773. Amethyst: "Is it, a... uhm... I dunno!"
  774. Thirisdes Agardes: "...Then get out of here."
  775. Felix: "Are you hurt?!"
  776. Lilea: "Omigosh are you okay?!"
  777. Yumi: "Why?"
  778. Lilea: Lilea starts rushing over to check!
  779. Thirisdes Agardes: "Stay back!"
  780. Thirisdes Agardes: "I don't know you and I don't care to know you!"
  781. Thirisdes Agardes: "Leave this place."
  782. Yumi: "We're not going to attack you unless you attack us."
  783. Lilea: "You're hurt and stuff! I'm... I'm harmless trust me!"
  784. Amethyst: "But... But we just met."
  785. * Felix bites his lip
  786. Lilea: "We.. we just want to know what's going on, why the pokemon here are growing aggressive... we want to help..." Moe Charm 21
  787. Thirisdes Agardes: "I've had my fair share of 'experiences' with you Humans. Just leave me be..."
  788. Lilea: Lilea looks distressed, all cutelike.
  789. * Thirisdes Agardes 's disposition did no tchange.
  790. Thirisdes Agardes: "...Isaac King."
  791. Yumi: "We came here to take care of whatever's causing the shadowification of pokemon. The only reason we were inspecting the eggs was in case we'd need to take them to keep the baby pokemon from getting killed." 19 Less cute but more confident.
  792. Thirisdes Agardes: "He and his crew of idiotic followers and their infernal machines...they're to be blamed for that."
  793. Lilea: "Then we'll go beat him up!"
  794. Felix: "Even if you don't care to know us, you should at least let Lilea take a look at you." ((Charming with a smile 18))
  795. Lonnie: "...Are those machines like gloves? Because we're already taking them down."
  796. Thirisdes Agardes: "...They are.'
  797. Lonnie: "We have no love for them. Quite the opposite, in fact."
  798. Thirisdes Agardes: "Those eggs are free for you to take."
  799. * Thirisdes Agardes picks up the egg behind her and moves aside.
  800. Thirisdes Agardes: "But this's mine."
  801. Thirisdes Agardes: "And I'll get better on my own."
  802. Lilea: "I... " Lilea still looks worriedly at Thirisdes.
  803. Yumi: "Do you know how to purify it?"
  804. Lilea: "Alright, but I'm going to leave a potion here whether you want it or not!"
  805. Thirisdes Agardes: "Puri--oh."
  806. Lilea: Lilea takes a step forward and puts a potion on the ground and walks back.
  807. Thirisdes Agardes: "...My son isn't like them. You don't need to worry about that."
  808. Amethyst whispers: * Amethyst looks at the sad lady. Can she use Edu: Sci to learn what she is? If so, 23
  809. Lilea: She sticks her tongue out at Thirisdes.
  810. Yumi: "You're sure?"
  811. Felix: "Even if that's the case, I'm going to leave this for you here." /me puts bandage on the ground
  812. Thirisdes Agardes: "I know."
  813. Yumi: "Then take your kid and get out of here."
  814. Amethyst: "Okay... We hope you do okay, Ms. Nice Sad Lady."
  815. You whisper to Mike: Some sort of Pok�mon-Human Hybrid, obviously no longer identifying with Humans or perhaps never did.
  816. Yumi: "There's a town nearby. They could use some help, and the nurse could help you heal up."
  817. * Thirisdes Agardes looks away briefly.
  818. Thirisdes Agardes: "I'll avoid Human settlements. They're"
  819. Yumi: "They don't exactly have a choice right now."
  820. Felix: "Humans..... Pokemon...."
  821. * Felix mumbles to himself
  822. Lonnie: "The town's in poor shape right now. So are you. But... it's your choice. I can't imagine... having to worry about your child like that."
  823. Lonnie: "Do what you need to do. But we hope you get through it safely."
  824. Yumi: "Just... I don't know. Consider trying to speak with them. Typha's pretty alright, even if she's stressed right now. You could get healed and then get out if nothing else, but it's better than walking around injured. You're the only one who can protect your child."
  825. Aishen has connected.
  826. Thirisdes Agardes: "..."
  827. Lonnie: "C'mon, Amee. Everyone. Let's leave her to think about it."
  828. Yumi: "Or maybe you could find some friendly wild Pokemon who can take care of you. I hear Audino are friendly like that."
  829. Amethyst: "Aww..." *waves to the nice sad lady*
  830. Lilea: "Which tunnel guys?"
  831. * Yumi strums out a little lullaby. "Should we take the other eggs, or leave them?"
  832. Lonnie: "...I hadn't thought about that."
  833. Felix: "Hmmmm we could flip a coin..."
  834. You whisper to Mike: The dark tunnel to the right looks like it leads up.
  835. Lonnie: "And... I think this one over here leads upwards."
  836. Lilea: "I think we should leave them. This shadow business must have cost them numbers."
  837. * Yumi looks to the woman. "If we leave them, can you take care of them? Keep them from getting killed before they can take care of themselves?"
  838. Lilea: "We could damage the ecosystem by taking some of the next generation, especially after battering all the ones attacking us.
  839. Thirisdes Agardes: "...I cannot."
  840. * Felix frowns
  841. Yumi: "Can we set up something to keep the shadow pokemon from damaging them, then?
  842. * Lonnie turns around.
  843. Felix: "I'm not exactly sure I can take one back home... I wouldn't want to mess things up."
  844. Yumi: "If that was really a concern, the time stream would've broken by now."
  845. Lonnie: "That... is an extra complication I don't even want to consider."
  846. * Felix looks puzzled
  847. Lonnie: "Either way, the Eggs aren't going anywhere. Let's go up top, sort this out, and figure it out on the way down - when we're less likely to be ambushed."
  848. Lilea: "Time is really really reaaaaaally big. I imagine it ways a ton. Big and heavy things are hard to break. Chances are it just smooshes you if you try and mess with it."
  849. Lilea: *weighs a ton
  850. Felix: "I'm only a smoosh..."
  851. Yumi: "If time works on a things-happen-this-way sort of deal, your being here and doing whatever you do has to be part of it. Or we'd be ended already. If not, then it doesn't matter. So don't focus too much on the time travel details, Felix."
  852. Lilea: "We should probably hurry, we know the name of the bad dood!"
  853. Felix: "I haven't been born technically, I just don't want to stop existing here..."
  854. * Yumi looks back to the woman once more. "Good luck. If you can track me down again, know that I'll be willing to help you find a safe haven. My name's Akino Yumi."
  855. * Lonnie looks up the tunnel, and then starts on her way.
  856. Thirisdes Agardes: Sent Venec_Myles a link to move Lilea to 2 D Atop the tree (23,25)
  857. Sent Venec_Myles, Nick a link to move Olivia to 2 D Atop the tree (24,25)
  858. Sent Nick a link to move Luxio to 2 D Atop the tree (22,25)
  859. Sent Avara a link to move Yumi to 2 D Atop the tree (23,26)
  860. Sent Nick a link to move Felix to 2 D Atop the tree (24,26)
  861. Sent Mike a link to move Lonnie to 2 D Atop the tree (22,26)
  862. Sent Mike a link to move Amethyst to 2 D Atop the tree (23,24)
  863. Click to go to 2 D Atop the tree (23,25)
  864. Avara: and so we went upstairs. hopefully.
  865. Venec_Myles says to the GMs: Moved Token "Lilea" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  866. Avara says to the GMs: Moved Token "Yumi" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  867. Venec_Myles says to the GMs: Moved Token "Olivia" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  868. Nick says to the GMs: Moved Token "Felix" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  869. Mike says to the GMs: Moved Token "Lonnie" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  870. Mike says to the GMs: Moved Token "Amethyst" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  871. Nick says to the GMs: Moved Token "Luxio" to map "2 D Atop the tree".
  872. Avara: oh shit...
  873. Lonnie: (Whelp.)
  874. Lonnie: (We're boned.)
  875. Felix: (So this is a boss battle?)
  876. Avara: ... ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  877. Lilea: (... anyone have knockback? >:3 )
  878. Avara: all i have is a spearow and a tyrogue. the only thing i can do is shout him off the tree
  879. Avara: if you guys can get me to him
  881. Felix: (Unless we don't fight him....)
  882. Lonnie: (We don't really have a plan, do we?)
  883. Lonnie: (Awesome.)
  884. Lilea: "... Olivia use Stockpile!" Lilea says as soon as she gets to the steps and sees the baddies.
  885. Avara: the plan is don't die
  886. Avara: a lot of don't die.
  887. Lonnie: "What's up there?"
  888. Felix: (I like that plan.)
  889. Dusknoir: "..."
  890. Avara: do the grasses act as a wall?
  891. Lilea: "Lotsabiguns!"
  892. Dusknoir: "(Sir...)"
  893. Lonnie: (Yes, "Don't Die" is at the top of my to-do list.)
  894. Aishen: (Hrm...)
  895. Lilea: (I figured the two flights of stairs were a wall enough)
  896. Felix: "Well, my day just got a little more lovely. Any else?"
  897. Isaac King: "(What is it? I'm overlooking the region. Making sure the wench doesn't vacate.)"
  898. Yumi: "... I think I'm going to need more pokemon."
  899. Dusknoir: "(Humans...)"
  900. Isaac King: ?
  901. Olivia: Olivia tries to stockpile in the surprise round.
  902. Lonnie: "Amee - if they're working, we are too. Hone your Claws."
  903. Avara: do a stealthy stockpile to prevent triggering combat yet
  904. Isaac King: "Better not be anymore of those scatterbrained Human horndogs. I've had enough--"
  905. Lonnie: (also buffing if we can do it.)
  906. Avara: i think he's going to monologue
  907. Isaac King: "..."
  908. Isaac King: "Ahem."
  909. Isaac King: (( I'll allow it. ))
  910. Isaac King: "Kill them."
  911. Isaac King: (( COMBAT WHOO! ))
  912. Yumi: "... No monologue?"
  913. Felix: "Wellllllll...... Shall we ladies?"
  914. Yumi: "Come on, this is the perfect chance to tell us why you're doing this nonsense and why it is, in fact, not nonsense."
  915. Lonnie: "Yes, we shall."
  916. Olivia: (( add Lilea to the initative))
  917. Avara: keeping my pokemon in its ball for now.
  918. Avara: need to actually figure out wtf i'm going to do
  919. Isaac King: (( Added. ))
  920. Avara: actually... hm. if i flinch him does he lose his command action?
  921. Isaac King: (( He doesn't. ))
  922. Olivia: (( This many mons out, I don't think he's working on command economy.))
  923. Lonnie: (Not sure how much that matters with this... but yes. Hit the human first.)
  924. Avara: ok
  925. Avara: keeping my pokemon where it is for now
  926. Isaac King: New Encounter Starts: Initiative Sorted, Top of the Order, Round 1
  927. Lonnie: (Maybe not due to the command action - but he's the most unpredictable of the lot. And he likely has a Snagger.)
  928. Lonnie: (Though, upside: None of these guys appear Shadow'd.)
  929. Salamence: "(Yessir!)"
  930. * Salamence flies over and focuses intently. (improved critical hit range)
  931. Isaac King: "The Humans first. Ensure their pests remain in their balls."
  932. Darmanitan: "(Heh...balls...)"
  933. Isaac King: "...Quite."
  934. Olivia: "(... heh, balls.)"
  935. Felix: "You just so charming..."
  936. * Isaac King pulls out a gun and fires at Lilea. 7 vs. Speed Eva.
  937. Lonnie: "Truly, a refined m-" o.o
  938. Lilea: "I..." Lilea can only stare in shock.
  939. Lilea is shot in the leg, paralyzing her.
  940. Aishen: (Don't die!!)
  941. Yumi: "... Lilea, get back."
  942. * Isaac King spends 2 AP.
  943. Lonnie: (...Mustadio?)
  944. Aishen: (Very FFT there)
  945. * Isaac King turns his gun to Yumi behind Lilea and fires at her as well. -1 vs. Speed Eva.
  946. * Isaac King misses and is refunded his AP.
  947. * Yumi catches the bullet.
  948. Isaac King: (( Not the two he spent for the second action though. ))
  949. Isaac King: (( That's still gnoe. ))
  950. Isaac King: (( Gone* ))
  951. * Felix frowns
  952. * Yumi keeps the bullet in-hand. Glaring at Isaac.
  953. Lilea: "M-my leg..." Lilea was struggling not to cry, but the 14 year old girl wasn't used to that kind of pain.
  954. * Darmanitan points at Olivia and grins.
  955. Darmanitan: "(Your mom's a bait worm!)" 1 vs. Speed Evasion (Swagger)
  956. Olivia: (Hit)
  957. Lonnie has received initiative.
  958. Lonnie: (asking a rules question, one moment.)
  959. Olivia: "(... my mother at slugs like you for breakfast!)"
  960. Aishen: (I like that mon)
  961. Aishen: (someone snag it)
  962. Lonnie: (Don't get greedy. >.>)
  963. Avara: if you want something maybe you ought to swoop in and save the day or something.
  964. * Lonnie gets an idea.
  965. Aishen: (I can't. Sorry)
  966. * Lonnie pulls a blue orb from her backpack... and hands it to Amethyst. "This might be crazy... but take this, and shove it in that big meanie's face. Got it?"
  967. Amethyst: "Okay!"
  968. Amethyst: * Amethyst is now holding a Mug Orb.
  969. Darmanitan: (( That was a standard action. ))
  970. Darmanitan: (( Any movement? ))
  971. * Lonnie backs up.
  972. Lonnie: (done)
  973. Luxio has received initiative.
  974. * Luxio dashes up and starts storing electricity ((Can't really reach them this round))
  975. Lilea has received initiative.
  976. Darmanitan: (( Whoops! ))
  977. Felix has received initiative.
  978. Felix has received initiative.
  979. Darmanitan: (( There ya go! ))
  980. * Felix moves in front of Lilea and attempts to channel Dusknoir 17
  981. Darmanitan: (( Ack, failure. ))
  982. Lonnie: (Aww)
  983. Amethyst has received initiative.
  984. Amethyst: *whoosh!*
  985. Felix: (( Don't worry))
  986. Amethyst: "Prezzies!"
  987. * Amethyst shoves the Mug Orb into the meanie's face - and it shatters!
  988. Amethyst: 19 crit check
  989. Darmanitan: (( aaaaaaaalmost ))
  990. Amethyst: (...I don't uppose the +1 Accuracy of Hone Claws is on the die, not the total?)
  991. Amethyst: (>.>)
  992. Darmanitan: (( Aaaaaaaaaaalmost. ))
  993. Avara: i wish.
  994. Lilea: (( Only if you want the -2 AC to subtract from your dice roll ))
  995. Amethyst: 36 Dark-type damage!
  996. Felix: ((what happens????????))
  997. Amethyst: And - Amethyst steals the meanie's Held Item! Presumably, that gun.
  998. Felix: ((Look out a mew with a gun))
  999. Darmanitan: (( Ah, no. Not the Gun. Something else. ))
  1000. Amethyst: (*waits for the GM to figure out WTF.*)
  1001. Amethyst: (?)
  1002. Amethyst: (Curious.)
  1003. Isaac King: Isaac King loses 6 hit points.
  1004. You whisper to Mike: Amethyst steals a Focus Band.
  1005. Amethyst: "Oooh."
  1006. * Bastiodon shimmers with defensive power. (+2 Def)
  1007. Tyranitar: "(Sir?)"
  1008. Isaac King: "(Yes.)"
  1009. * Tyranitar whips up a Sandstorm!
  1010. Aishen: (Fuck sky sparkles)
  1011. Lonnie: *coughs*
  1012. Felix: (Thought something good was happening at least it hits them though)
  1013. * Tyranitar screeams loudly!
  1014. Aishen: (steel, ground immune.)
  1015. Aishen: (>_>)
  1016. Felix: (looks at his party awwwww)
  1017. Tyranitar: 7 vs. Speed Evasion!
  1018. Amethyst: (That'll hit, whatever it is.)
  1019. Tyranitar: * -2 Defense Stages to any hit. Friendly targeting though. Only Amethyst it looks like.
  1020. Yumi has received initiative.
  1021. Amethyst: "Owww. You're loud!"
  1022. Tyranitar: (( Being a bit of a jerk here 'cause OMGWORKINTHEMORNING. ))
  1023. Yumi: (WAIT
  1024. Yumi: (HOLDTHEFUCKUP)
  1025. Yumi: (Was that a sonic attack?)
  1026. Lilea: (yes, think it was screech)
  1027. Tyranitar: (( After this round resolves, gonna save and we can continue next week. This battle doesn't look to be a short one. And Theo can participate! ))
  1028. Amethyst: (Mmhm.)
  1029. Tyranitar: (( And yes, it was Sonic. ))
  1030. Avara: you have to tell me when you use a sonic attack. drown out.
  1031. Tyranitar: (( Did you have a way to counter it? ))
  1032. Tyranitar: (( Apply Drown Out. ))
  1033. Avara: 16 vs the attack's AC
  1034. Avara: ...
  1035. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1036. If you spoke your mind, you'd be speechless.
  1037. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1038. I hear the only place you're ever invited is outside.
  1039. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1040. You're as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
  1041. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1042. You must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen.
  1043. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1044. Shut up, you'll never be the man your mother is.
  1045. Avara: Dammit RNG!
  1046. You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
  1047. Amethyst: (whoa.)
  1048. Avara: bluh... thought that was 17 and not 7 for a second
  1049. Amethyst: (HATESPLOSION)
  1050. Avara: was about ready to strangle the RNG
  1051. Amethyst: (Well yeah, 'cause... a 7 is impossible on a 5d6+3. Minimum 8.)
  1052. Tyranitar: (( So, as I gather. Screech was drowned out by something Yumi does. ))
  1053. Avara: yes. she just starts strumming on her guitar to counter the screech.
  1054. Avara: free action. once per battle.
  1055. Tyranitar: (( And now it's her turn. ))
  1056. Tyranitar: (( And Amethyst doesn't lose DEF stages. ))
  1057. Amethyst: (yay!)
  1058. * Yumi follows it up by dialling up the guitar further, before slamming down on the chords with her pick, letting her guitar do the shoutting for her this time. 16 Hyper Voice 44 normal special damage if it hits.
  1059. Tyranitar: (( Direction? ))
  1060. Avara: friendly, so amee isn't hit
  1061. Avara: northward
  1062. Tyranitar: (( n, w, nw, sw, se, s, ne, e? ))
  1063. Avara: ... lemme see nw
  1064. Avara: didn't know diagonal was an option
  1065. Avara: that'll do
  1066. Isaac King: Isaac King loses 14 hit points.
  1067. Avara: and
  1068. Avara: as my swift action
  1069. Avara: a baallllll
  1070. Darmanitan: Darmanitan loses 36 hit points.
  1071. Tyranitar: Tyranitar loses 15 hit points.
  1072. * Tyranitar resists the attack!
  1073. * Lee joins the fray! With another fake-out! 10 against Isaac!
  1074. Amethyst: "I like your music much better, Yumi!"
  1075. Lee: 19+flinch
  1076. Avara: physical normal damage
  1077. Isaac King: (( Flinch works differently in PTU. ))
  1078. Isaac King: (( As he's already gone, it won't make him skip his turn. ))
  1079. Avara: ... AREYOUFU--
  1080. Isaac King: (( Are you sure that's what you still want to do? ))
  1081. Avara: ...
  1082. Amethyst: (Flinch the Dusknoir?)
  1083. Avara: *deep breath*
  1084. Amethyst: (Because he'll take more damage anyway IIRC.)
  1085. Avara: dusknoir is ghost
  1086. Isaac King: (( Dusknoir is Ghost. ))
  1087. Avara: it would be immune
  1088. Isaac King: (( Immune to Normal. ))
  1089. Amethyst: (wait no I was thinking of a dark-type move)
  1090. Isaac King: (( Aggron you can hit. ))
  1091. Amethyst: (dang it.)
  1092. Avara: flinch the agg-shit.
  1093. Aggron: Aggron loses 0 hit points.
  1094. * Aggron flinches from the hit!
  1095. Avara: that is the end
  1096. * Dusknoir looks at Yumi deeply!
  1097. * Dusknoir extends out a strange wisp of energy! (Confuse Ray. Cannot Miss. Confusion Status)
  1098. Lilea has received initiative.
  1099. Lilea: Paralysis! 9
  1100. Lilea: (looks up Paralysis)
  1101. Aishen: (Paralysis: The Target's Speed Stat is lowered by 4 Combat Stages. At the beginning of each turn you are paralyzed, roll 1d20. On a result of 1 through 5, you cannot Shift or take any Actions.)
  1102. Dusknoir: (( Thanks Aishen! ))
  1103. Lilea: Lilea tries to keep hope, "Olivia? I'm scared Olivia... please stop looking around like that, focus! Please! We have to work through this...!" Cheerleader, Olivia gest +3 to her next status roll.
  1104. Lilea: (done)
  1105. * Aggron flinched.
  1106. Olivia has received initiative.
  1107. Olivia: Olivia tried to fight off confusion, for Lilea's sake! 4
  1108. Aishen: (dies)
  1109. Olivia: 6
  1110. Olivia: Olivia loses 6 hit points.
  1111. Amethyst: (*losing trumpets from The Price is Right*)
  1112. Aggron: (( 1d8+5+ATK then DEF / 2 ))
  1113. Aggron: (( Pretty sure Olivia's attack is way higher than 1. ))
  1114. Aggron: (( Especially after a +2 attack stage boost. ))
  1115. Olivia: It is, subtracts def right?
  1116. Aggron: (( Noooo ))
  1117. Olivia: *sigh*
  1118. Aggron: (( 1d8+5+atk THEN subtract DEF THEN divide by 2. ))
  1119. Olivia: ((Wait, def or no def?))
  1120. Aggron: (( It's an attack Rob. One that you resist. ))
  1121. Aggron: (( Roll damage as per normal. 1d8+5+atk ))
  1122. Olivia: ((And that's what I rolled.))
  1123. Olivia: 5.5
  1124. Aggron: (( What's her attack with 2 stage boost? ))
  1125. Olivia: 20
  1126. Aggron: (( 1d8+5+20 ))
  1127. Aggron: (( ROll it ))
  1128. Olivia: 28
  1129. Aggron: (( Subtract defense from 28 then divide by 2. ))
  1130. Olivia: ... so what I have been doing.
  1131. Olivia: 9
  1132. Aggron: (( Your roll above didn't show that. ))
  1133. Olivia: 4.5
  1134. Aggron: (( Rounddown. 4. ))
  1135. Olivia: Olivia is healed and gains 2 hit points.
  1136. Amethyst: (We good?)
  1137. Aggron: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  1138. Kaorin Sakura: Yup!
  1139. Kaorin Sakura: So, new round, things look to be in order and easy to read when we get back to it.
  1140. Olivia: ((I'll put more parenthesis next time, just seemed like a waste of time))
  1141. Avara: er
  1142. Avara: we're stopping here?
  1143. Amethyst: (Any Trainer XP?)
  1144. Amethyst: (Aaaand yeah it's like half-past midnight and we do have work in the morning.)
  1145. Felix: (if we survive)
  1146. Avara: ... well. i'm probably going to lose.
  1147. Kaorin Sakura: As a partial thing here for a note when Theo returns (assuming he's here next game) he'll get a free go to count for the first round!
  1148. Kaorin Sakura: 3 Trainer XP!
  1149. Kaorin Sakura: (( checks. ))
  1150. Amethyst: (Now at Lv. 11, XP 4)
  1151. Kaorin Sakura: Lee and Olivia CAN evolve sometime during Round 2.
  1152. Amethyst: (Nice.)
  1154. Avara: lee would need to actually be a high enough level
  1155. Felix: (Man I am excited for next week, I doubt I'll sleep tonight!)
  1156. Kaorin Sakura: Hmm, nope.
  1157. Kaorin Sakura: Pretty sure I just declared the voice of God here.
  1158. Kaorin Sakura: They can evolve in Round 2 if they desire.
  1159. Avara: 'k
  1160. Amethyst: (And on the last hour of the fourth day of the week, lo, Arceus said: Let loose and have some fun, for Ye are my Faithful.)
  1161. Kaorin Sakura: Anyways, saving campaign and log!
  1162. Mike is disconnected.
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