
A little twist and grind (MaMU/Olivia)

Sep 25th, 2014
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  1. Despite her words to the contrary, she hadn't changed a bit over the years. Sure, if one looked really, really close in the mirror they could see some faint lines of worry from the campaigns, but unless you were her and spent hours staring into the mirror and complaining, she was as beautiful as the day Robin had met her. Her dancing had improved though, and that was no mean feat given that she was already considered one of the best entertainers in the country. If anything, all that had changed in Olivia was for the better; she wasn't confident, not yet, but she had gotten better over the years. And here she was, showing him another dance (he'd forgotten the name of this one within ten seconds of being told it) in the privacy of his office. While he wasn't much of a dancer Robin had watched enough of her dance in his time to appreciate the fluidity of movement and the wide range of motions she put herself through, contorting and twisting in the small space she had confined her dance to, and above all he appreciated the way it made her body move, showing off the curves she kept with every movement and taut skin where she hadn't. The sheerness of her clothes and how little they actually covered made her beauty even more apparent, despite her sweat and heavy breathing.
  2. It was no secret why Olivia had decided to show this particular dance to him, and in private. The subtext would be screaming at him if it could, and he wasn't so thick that her desire wasn't as obvious as day. Still, he enjoyed watching her dance, so he leaned back in his chair, brushed aside the paperwork on his desk into a somewhat tidy pile and watched her writhe and gyrate for him. The dance ended eventually and she blushed at his applause. "It wasn't that good. I'm sorry." "No, no, it was great! I don't think I could get tired of watching you dance, love. Look, come here." Olivia dithered for a moment, but to her credit she did eventually walk over to her husband, standing near (but not too near) him in his chair. Robin nearly rolled his eyes but suppressed the urge, reaching out from his chair to pull her by the arm into his lap, prompting a soft squeak from her and causing her to adjust her seating. She wanted Robin to lead her, but that was okay. He was plenty happy to direct her, and Olivia was happy to be directed. Not looking at him from their position was impossible, but she did a pretty good job of having her eyes look everywhere but at his own, blush so heavy on her face he was surprised she didn't faint.
  3. The tent in his pants was pressing into one of her legs, true, so that could have explained some of the blush, but the way she wrung her hands instead of holding onto him was almost maddening. So he brought his lips to hers, easy enough with her short height and closeness, kissing her with all the. passion from watching her dance and teasing her tongue with his own. She didn't engage much in the struggle, true, but the way she reluctantly put her arms around his back and leaned into him, chest pressing against his was more than worth having to take the lead. The kiss broke and he spoke first. "Are you ready, then?" "W-what?" Olivia probably would have said more if Robin hadn't taken that moment to seize the initiative and grab at the curve of her chest. The wraps barely contained her breasts, so close to spilling out from their cloth prison when his hands lightly squeezed and kneaded at them. She would have hidden her face if his own wasn't buried in her neck, gently kissing and whispering nothings into her flawless skin. She had to settle for turning away from him and trying to hide her little gasps when he teased at her hardened nipples with his thumbs or nibbled at her throat.
  4. The top of her clothing had mostly come off by now, although it wasn't much fabric altogether to be honest. Wrapped around her stomach still was the wraps that formerly hid her breasts from his hands, and the bangles on her arms had fallen to the ground along with the coverings. Robin stopped his assault on Olivia to lift her off of his lap, pushing her into an awkward standing position before guiding her onto her knees in front of him. The look on her face and the way she bit her lip while she stared into Robin's eyes gave him all the answers he needed. The buckle of his belt could have been undone a bit faster, but watching Olivia twist on her knees while she waited for him to finish anxiously was too enticing for a rush job, and best of all was the little sound of surprise she always gave when he pulled his cock out, a sharp intake of breath through the nose and a squeak that never failed to endear Olivia to him, an effect compounded when she pressed forward as expected, kissing the tip gently and leaning into him, hands on his thighs. She tried to grab him, but he stopped her and gestured to her, then his length again to get the point across. She flushed even deeper somehow before nodding and beginning her services.
  5. Olivia was skilled, perhaps too skilled at this particular line of work for his peace of mind. It didn't take long for her to batter that thought down again when she swirled the tip of his cock with her eager tongue in between long, deep bobs. The absolute passion in her work was undeniable, her warm mouth on his member and eyes on his own, leaning further and further onto him and teasing him with all of her might. The way she sucked at him and her obvious desire, amplified by the hand that had found it's way between her legs and the moans that almost made it out of her currently busy mouth were too much for him, and he pushed her off of him suddenly, a groan of despair from Robin's mouth replaced by gritted teeth and sharp demands. "Up. On the table." Despite her questioning gaze she obeyed, standing and moving the few feet to his relatively clear desk and sitting before he pushed Olivia onto her back, sliding the panties she called clothing down her legs with reckless speed. Robin stood back and admired his work for one moment, Olivia gazing at him with equal parts 'fear' and love. Still, he had no desire to wait any longer, and Robin positioned himself before her.
  6. She had already prepared herself for him mere moments ago but he checked her entrance again, fingers teasing her lower lips for a few moments, lining himself up with her afterwards. His hand on her stomach and the other on his cock, he slowly pressed himself into her despite the pounding desire in his blood. Olivia was unimaginably tight and Robin took great care not to injure her, slowly spreading her on his length rather than rushing into her like his lust demanded. The small gasps had changed into whimpers from her, arms pulling futilely on his own, guiding her hips with a steady grip. She had been sensitive since their wedding night, and normally he would make sure to attend specifically to that but in the here and now he craved -- no, demanded satisfaction. The rhythm he found while pounding into her wasn't quite fast enough, but when he sped up again it needed to be faster, and faster still. She was slick and willing beneath him and he took her for all she was worth, eventually giving up on the concept of regularity and just sticking to whatever speed he could possibly obtain in the moment.
  7. When she came it was a surprise to him, and he struggled to remember exactly what caused it in his lust-addled haze. Still, the clench of Olivia's depths and her legs stretching to their full extent, light scream from her lips and the way she clawed at his chest with eyes screwed shut attested to the fact that at least Robin had done his job as a husband properly while he slavered over her like a beast. Her eyes had rolled back into her head and the words coming out of her mouth had changed from chants of encouragement or his own name to nonsensical mumbling, and she no longer tried to hide her face from him so he could savor every moment of her incredibly lewd expression while he took her, her grip on him almost too-tight. Even now he could feel the end approaching, iron coils in his stomach cold as ice and constantly tightening, ready to mark her core and insides with his seed. What little remained of his mental processes stopped him, and he thrust only once more before pulling out, length throbbing and pulsing before discharging on his wife once, twice, thrice, four times spattering her stomach and chest with his mark.
  8. It took five minutes for her to come round again, and Robin had finished putting his clothes back on and piling Olivia's next to her on the table. She twisted and grumbled on her return to the land of the wakeful, pulling herself into a sitting position before covering herself with a yelp, eyes darting around the room and relaxing upon seeing only him. "O-oh, you didn't..." She said, picking up his mark upon her with her fingers, an almost sad voice. "Yep. Sorry, but we already have two children, and I didn't think you'd want to take care of more." Robin said, apologetically almost as he helped Olivia back into her clothes. She blushed and took the opportunity for fixing her top to speak. "Well, I wouldn't really... Maybe later tonight?" He could almost feel the smile in her voice and couldn't contain the one on his face properly. "We'll see."
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