
Comedy is HARD

Aug 25th, 2016
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  1. >Liam loved comedy and he wanted Lincoln to love it too, but Lincoln always just rolled his eyes at Liam's jokes
  2. >"There's gotta be something I can do" Said Liam, deep in thought "Maybe we can watch a funny movie or......I'VE GOT IT!"
  3. >Liam rushed to Lisa's room
  4. >"LISA!" shouted Liam "I need you to make something for me.
  5. >"*Sigh* What is it this time Liam?" Asked Lisa "Another pneumatic squirt flower?"
  6. >"No no no" Replied Liam "I need you to make me a pill"
  7. >"A pill?" questioned Lisa "you mean like medicine?
  8. >"I mean a mechanical pill" explained Luan "one that vibrates"
  9. >"Vibrating huh..." said Lisa "How big do you want it?"
  10. >"About the same size as a vitamin" Replied Liam
  11. >"I see...and what do you plan on doing with this pill? asked Lisa
  12. >"I'm gonna make Lincoln Love comedy!" Replied Liam
  14. >Fast forward 3 days
  15. >"Hey Linc!" exclaimed Luan "You want some soda?" He asked holding a glass of soda
  16. >"Sure I- wait" said Lincoln "Is that a dribble glass?"
  17. >"Nope, Just a normal glass of soda" replied Liam
  18. >"No inc?"
  19. >"Nope"
  20. >"No hotsauce?"
  21. >"Lincoln" started Liam "I can't believe you would trust me so little" said Liam, looking saddened
  22. >"Sorry, sorry" apologized Lincoln "Thanks for the soda"
  23. >"No problem" Said Liam as he exited the room
  24. >"*Gulp* *Gulp* aaah, that hit the s...... that hit the *Yaaaaawwn* Tha.......zzzzzzzzzzz"
  25. >Lincoln fell asleep
  26. >"HMMHMMMHMMM, Sorry Linc" Liam Quietly laughed "But you didn't ask if there were sleeping pills in it"
  27. >"Now then, Let's get started" Liam said to himself as he took Lincoln's pants off and lubed up the pill
  29. >Liam grabbed Lincoln's dick and pulled back his foreskin
  30. >"Don't worry Lincoln" Said Liam "Big bro's gonna make you feel MUCH better"
  31. >Liam put the pill at the opening of Lincoln's urethra and pushed it in
  32. >He watched as the pill slid down further into His brother's dick and Disappeared into his crotch
  33. >After the pill could no longer be seen Liam tucked Lincoln in and went to bed
  34. >The next morning Liam went downstairs and found Lincoln watching TV
  35. >"Hey Linc! Wanna hear some jokes?" Asked Liam
  36. >"*sigh* Not now Liam" Lincoln replied
  37. >"Awww C'mon" Said Liam as he took a small remote out of his pocket "I'm sure you'll Love these"
  38. >"all right" Said Lincoln "Let's get this over with"
  39. >"Why don't people believe cats when they want to go outside" asked Liam
  40. >Lincoln thought for a moment before giving up
  41. >"I dunno" Replied Lincoln "Why?"
  42. >"Because cats always Fe-Lien" Finished Liam as he turned the knob on the remote to 1
  43. >"Ha ha, Very funNNNGGGH!"
  44. >Lincoln was interrupted as the pill started to vibrate
  45. >"What's the matter Linc?" Liam asked "Did that one CAT-ch you off-guard?"
  46. >"aaaah, aahhhh,mmmnnnn!" Lincoln moaned as the pill vibrated deep within his urethra
  47. >"Here, I got another one" Said Liam
  48. >"What kind of finish do dogs give woodworking projects?" Liam asked
  49. >"Nnnggh, I...I don-"
  50. >"They give it a RUFF finish" Shouted Liam as he turned the knob to 2
  51. >Lincoln doubled over
  52. >"AAAAAH, OOOOH GOD!" Shouted Lincoln, his dick hard and twitching from the vibration
  53. >"one more should do it" Thought Liam
  55. >Liam grabbed Lincoln's dick and pulled back his foreskin
  56. >"Don't worry Lincoln" Said Liam "Big bro's gonna make you feel MUCH better"
  57. >Liam put the pill at the opening of Lincoln's urethra and pushed it in
  58. >He watched as the pill slid down further into His brother's dick and Disappeared into his crotch
  59. >After the pill could no longer be seen Liam tucked Lincoln in and went to bed
  60. >The next morning Liam went downstairs and found Lincoln watching TV
  61. >"Hey Linc! Wanna hear some jokes?" Asked Liam
  62. >"*sigh* Not now Liam" Lincoln replied
  63. >"Awww C'mon" Said Liam as he took a small remote out of his pocket "I'm sure you'll Love these"
  64. >"all right" Said Lincoln "Let's get this over with"
  65. >"Why don't people believe cats when they want to go outside" asked Liam
  66. >Lincoln thought for a moment before giving up
  67. >"I dunno" Replied Lincoln "Why?"
  68. >"Because cats always Fe-Lien" Finished Liam as he turned the knob on the remote to 1
  69. >"Ha ha, Very funNNNGGGH!"
  70. >Lincoln was interrupted as the pill started to vibrate
  71. >"What's the matter Linc?" Liam asked "Did that one CAT-ch you off-guard?"
  72. >"aaaah, aahhhh,mmmnnnn!" Lincoln moaned as the pill vibrated deep within his urethra
  73. >"Here, I got another one" Said Liam
  74. >"What kind of finish do dogs give woodworking projects?" Liam asked
  75. >"Nnnggh, I...I don-"
  76. >"They give it a RUFF finish" Shouted Liam as he turned the knob to 2
  77. >Lincoln doubled over
  78. >"AAAAAH, OOOOH GOD!" Shouted Lincoln, his dick hard and twitching from the vibration
  79. >"one more should do it" Thought Liam
  81. >"Hey Linc?" Liam started "Did you hear about the baker that couldn't make cakes?
  82. >"NNNGGHH, Guhh" Moaned Lincoln
  83. >"THE OTHER BAKERS THOUGHT HE WAS PIETIFUL!" yelled Liam as he turned the knob to 3
  84. >"AH, AAAAAH, OH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Screamed Lincoln as he came
  85. >Liam turned the know back to 0
  86. >"Gee Linc" exclaimed Liam "I thought you didn't Like my jokes, but it looks like you really CAME around, I guess you could say that we found your FUNNY BONE, Get it?"
  87. >Lincoln just laid there on the floor, trying to catch his breath
  88. >"Well, I'll catch you later bro" Said Liam as he headed for the stairs "I gotta go think up some new material"
  89. >As Liam went to his room he saw Lola
  90. >"Hey Lola!" exclaimed Liam "Wanna hear some jokes?"
  91. >"ugh, Not now Liam" Replied Lola as he fixed his hair
  92. >"Hmm" said Liam to himself "Better go ask Lisa to make more Pills"
  93. End
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