

Sep 11th, 2019
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  1. <center> <div style="background:#fff;width:540px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-top:20px;margin-top:-25px;margin-bottom:-20px;margin-left:-0px;">
  2. <br /><br /><br /><div style="line-height:14px;font-size:17px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:georgia;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:right;padding-right:15px;"><b>NATASJA DRÄGUTA, the dead one</b><br /><span style="font-size:10px;letter-spacing:0px;text-transform:uppercase;">The <b>c(raft)oven</b> member. Spirit / element. <i><b>Promissed to Alistair.</b></i> <br /><b>Witch</b>: necromancer ++ shaman queen. // <b>lady of the death</b>.
  3. </span></div>
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  5. <table style="width:560px;padding:3px;margin-top:10px;"><tr><td style="width:555px;vertical-align:middle;"><div style="padding:2px;font-family:georgia;font-size:12.5px;line-height:14px;color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:justify;">
  6. <span style="font-family:georgia;font-size:30px;text-transform:uppercase;"><b>C</b></span>AÍ NO VÃO DO INFINITO — Minhas preces se tornaram tormento, e eu me afundei num mar de incertezas delirantes pelo tempo que me agarrei ao que me restava de uma inconsolável dor. Fui forçada a soltar, de meus dedos escapavam a esperança, e eu me vi no abismo, a queda livre quase inevitável, mas me joguei antes de ter a noção do que me aguardava lá embaixo. Não importava. Era como voar. O vento gélido anunciava a minha morte, mas controlei a ansiedade de fechar os olhos antes de alcançar o fim iminente de minha vida.</div>
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  8. <td style="width:555px;vertical-align:middle;"><div style="padding:2px;font-family:georgia;font-size:12.5px;line-height:14px;color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:justify;">
  9. Alucinante dor, foi a primeira coisa que senti. Amaldiçoei a quem quer que fosse por ter me trazido à vida. Não queria viver. Tinha me afogado num mar de decepções muito antes de sentir arder os pulmões que buscavam por ar, mas que foram inundados por uma única certeza: não havia nada. Quis gritar, mas tudo o que saiu de minha boca fora um grunhido de desgosto. O amargo de meu âmago se tornando ódio, e eu abri os olhos para ver o nada. Não havia ninguém ali. Entretanto a presença do animal me causou curiosidade, e seus olhos eram a própria morte.</div>
  10. </td>
  11. <td style="width:555px;vertical-align:middle;"><div style="padding:2px;font-family:georgia;font-size:12.5px;line-height:14px;color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:justify;">
  12. O misto de serenidade e rancor, dor e tristeza naquele que a deusa havia enviado para mim. A criatura que seria meu portador de bons e maus presságios. Tão meu quanto poderia ser, o bicho se curvou, oferecendo os chifre para me erguer, e eu aceitei sua submissão como uma promessa. Montei. Como selvagens que cavalgam ao anoitecer, adentramos a floresta, o desconhecido do universo nos beijou a pele na fria brisa, e eu me senti viva, completa. A morte havia me resgatado, a deusa me abençoado, e mesmo amaldiçoada, ainda era rainha da morte.</div>
  13. </td>
  14. </tr></table><table style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:10px;"><tr><td style="width:30%;padding:0px;">
  15. <div style="padding:2px;color:rgb(0,0,0);border-bottom:3px solid rgb(0,0,0);margin-top:5px;"><div style="font-size:10.5px;line-height:14px;text-align:center;font-family:georgia;"><div style="padding:6px;">when I sleep my spirit slips away from my body
  16. </div></div></div>
  17. <div style="font-size:12px;line-height:14px;text-align:center;font-family:georgia;"><div style="margin-top:5px;color:rgb(0,0,0);"> <span style="font-family:georgia;font-size:10px;text-transform:uppercase;">and dances naked with <b>the devil</b></span><br /><img src="//" alt="tumblr_ooy29eEGyO1uf4b45o1_250.gif" style="border:3px solid rgb(0,0,0);width:90px;padding:3px;margin-top:8px;" /> 
  18. <img src="//" alt="tumblr_ooy29eEGyO1uf4b45o1_250.gif" style="border:3px solid rgb(0,0,0);width:90px;padding:3px;margin-top:8px;" /> 
  19. <div style="line-height:14px;font-size:12.5px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:georgia;text-align:justify;padding:3px;"><span style="letter-spacing:2px;text-transform:uppercase;"><b>THE WICKED W(B)ITCH </b></span> —;
  20. Bulgarian, the Queen of the Damned. <b>Satan is a Woman</b>. Devoted to the <i>Mother Goddess</i> Forever young. Sadistic. Has a Goat called "<b>Black Phillip</b>" as a way to contact the dead. // PROMISSED.</div>
  21. </div></div></td>
  22. <td style="width:38%;vertical-align:middle;">
  23. <div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:12.5px;line-height:14px;color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:justify;"><span style="font-family:georgia;font-size:30px;text-transform:uppercase;"><b>P</b></span>HILLIP MURRAY; THE <b>B L A C K G O A T</b> — <i>(...)</i> He was indeed beautiful. What a fantastic and wonderful man. He had dark eyes, and a long raven-hair. The Mother Goddess loved him, he was her only son. The only man she gave birth, and raised to be a warrior. Obviously Phillip didn't wanted to fight, to sacrifice himself to his sisters, the witches. And for that, for his betrail, the Mother Goddess cursed Phillip to the limbo, until Natasja was born. Astrid's child was fierce and powerful, and for that the Goddess presented her with Phillip in a form of a black goat. Natasja called him then Black Phillip, and to serve her and her family, she said that the goat was a chanel to their most powerful spells. And to Natasja, Black Phillip could be her demons, and the death himself under her command.</div>
  24. </td></tr></table><center>
  25. <table style="width:560px;margin-top:8px;"><tr><td style="width:47%;"><div style="line-height:14px;font-size:15px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:georgia;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:right;"><i>Black Phillip, <br />Black Phillip</i><br /><span style="font-size:13px;letter-spacing:0px;">
  26. A crown grows out his head,<br />
  27. Black Phillip, Black Phillip <br />
  28. To nanny queen is wed.<br />
  29. Jump to the fence post,<br />
  30. Running in the stall.<br />
  31. Black Phillip, Black Phillip <br />
  32. King of all.
  33. </span></div></td>
  34. <td style="width:8%;padding-right:5px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"><div style="font-size:15px;line-height:15px;text-align:center;font-family:georgia;padding:3px;color:rgb(0,0,0);"><div style="margin:1px;padding:5px;text-transform:uppercase;">i<br />m<br />m<br />o<br />r<br />t<br />a<br />l
  35. </div></div></div></td>
  36. <td style="width:45%;"><div style="line-height:14px;font-size:15px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:georgia;letter-spacing:2px;"><i>Black Phillip, <br />Black Phillip</i><br /><span style="font-size:12.5px;letter-spacing:0px;">
  37. King of sky and land,<br />
  38. Black Phillip, Black Phillip<br />
  39. King of sea and sand.<br />
  40. We are ye servants,<br />
  41. We are ye men.<br />
  42. Black Phillip eats the lions<br />
  43. From the lions' den.
  44. </span></div></td>
  45. </tr></table><table style="width:100%;text-align:center;padding:3px;margin-top:10px;"><tr><td style="width:23%;padding:4px;">
  46. <div style="line-height:14px;font-size:17px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:georgia;text-align:right;margin-top:8px;">It's possible I CAN'T DIE. Same could be said ABOUT YOU? Let's put it on a TEST.</div><img src="//" alt="tumblr_ooy29eEGyO1uf4b45o1_250.gif" style="border:3px solid rgb(0,0,0);width:110px;padding:3px;margin-top:2px;" /></td>
  47. <td style="width:510px;vertical-align:middle;"><div style="margin-top:5px;font-family:georgia;font-size:12.5px;line-height:14px;color:rgb(0,0,0);text-align:justify;"><span style="font-family:georgia;font-size:30px;text-transform:uppercase;"><b>N</b></span>ATASJA WAS BORN IN;
  48. 2 NOV — <i>(...)</i> The day of the dead. One of the last childs of the Dragon, she was the most impulsive and obscure of them all, even when only a child. Ginger hair, blue eyes, beautiful lips curved in a malicious smile, Natasja is the queen of death, the only who can talk and control the dead-ones. As a Shaman Queen, Natasja can conjure and use the Death itself by Black Phillip. The girl tryed to kill herself when she was twelve, but the Mother Goddess brought her back to rule beside <b>Alistair</b>, her promissed King.
  49. </div></td>
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  51. <img src="//" style="border:3px solid rgb(0,0,0);width:110px;padding:3px;margin-top:-5px;" alt="tumblr_pjhos2IYx91xjq6z8o7_r1_250.gif" /></td>
  52. </tr></table></center></center></div></center>
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