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- [2013-09-22 20:35:31] <Gamesmaster> It is 15:15 hours, 4th October, 3067. Below what remains of the Communications Facility, the Cadets have successfully destroyed all remaining mech opposition and the facility lies in a smouldering ruin. The cadets can see no signs of alive personnel, amongst the burnt out wreckage and strewn rubble. Even the air in the cavern now reeks of burning, oily smoke spreading out to add even further to the already foggy internal atmosphere. What little lighting failed minutes ago, plunging the cave into total dark
- [2013-09-22 20:36:32] <Gamesmaster> ness. Both claws now are arrayed on the parade ground area, with both the stricken locust and urbanmech collected with the help of Diersons heavy Thunderbolt C and Brans Centurion.
- [2013-09-22 20:41:45] <^Stephan^> 2-1 this is 3-2. After running a damage shech I have found several exposures in my armour
- [2013-09-22 20:42:06] * ^Vane^ Vane walks over to the downed Urbie to see if the damage is something he could at all do something about.
- [2013-09-22 20:42:40] <Dierson_Pyre> aff, 3-2 expect it and see if its something we can manage down here
- [2013-09-22 20:42:45] <^Stephan^> My mech is no longer airthight and I cannot leave the atmosphere of the compound
- [2013-09-22 20:42:56] <Dierson_Pyre> inspect
- [2013-09-22 20:43:33] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. I'm checking Remus' damage, I might be able to do some jury rig there.**
- [2013-09-22 20:43:44] <^Stephan^> **aff**
- [2013-09-22 20:43:44] <Gamesmaster> *Vane strides over to both down mechs, which are lain out in a careful prone position to avoid further damage. Upon getting close, he realises that the Urbanmech has taken severe damage. Its legs are burnt beyond recognition, armour plate and myomer fused together by extreme heat. It would take hours, at the very best, to get the Urbanmech back in fighting action even with the required parts*
- [2013-09-22 20:43:50] <Gamesmaster> *ed
- [2013-09-22 20:45:04] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn...did you bring along your welding kit?
- [2013-09-22 20:45:04] * Ridian lays back in the his cockpit, as teh stims wear off
- [2013-09-22 20:45:08] * Jacob_Dorn serveys the battle field
- [2013-09-22 20:45:11] <Ridian> Fucccccccccck
- [2013-09-22 20:45:34] <_Bjorn> Aff lead
- [2013-09-22 20:45:39] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. This is beyond my ability, unless we have a fully functioning bay here. And even then, it would take hours..**
- [2013-09-22 20:45:50] * ^Stephan^ locks his mech's hegs in place and exits the cockpit to inspect the damage first hand
- [2013-09-22 20:45:53] <Jacob_Dorn> **See now this is where It would be real handy for Deathwish to have jazz hands**
- [2013-09-22 20:46:05] <_Bjorn> Unfornately, I have sustained serious damage myself.
- [2013-09-22 20:46:19] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff 2-2, 3-1 inspect the urban and see if you can do anything with it confirm 2-2's estimate**
- [2013-09-22 20:46:32] <_Bjorn> Aff
- [2013-09-22 20:47:40] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan sees that the Vixen is battered beyond belief. Inwardly, he realises that he got lucky in avoiding any more fire. The entire front of the mech is cratered with pot marks, and the torso area internals can be seen poking out of several side torso sections*
- [2013-09-22 20:48:33] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Anything I can do to help there?
- [2013-09-22 20:48:48] <^Stephan^> \\ this is when a GM realises that we are playin a _CLAN_ RP and and therefore stephan+s mech is named Incobus and _NOZ_ Vixen
- [2013-09-22 20:51:42] <^Stephan^> ** 2-1 this is 3-2. My mechs armor is severely battered, my right torso is exposed intirely and there are huge holes in my center torso.
- [2013-09-22 20:52:37] <^Stephan^> **due to XL engine I belive we are looking at a lengthy repair
- [2013-09-22 20:55:54] * Jacob_Dorn turns off his spotlight on his mech and walks around the facility examining each building
- [2013-09-22 20:56:03] * ^Stephan^ retirns to his mech cockpit
- [2013-09-22 20:57:44] <Dierson_Pyre> **...looking at mech readouts, Claw 3 is virtually destroyed, we will need repair facilities to get it operational in an acceptable amount of time**
- [2013-09-22 20:58:12] * Jacob_Dorn he also sets up a sub-routine in his Mech computer or tries to at least for the Active Probe to scan for anomalys
- [2013-09-22 20:58:22] <Dierson_Pyre> **....Claw 2 , spread out and begin searching for Repair bays or any facilities that could improve the time needed to bring Claw 3 back online**
- [2013-09-22 20:58:39] <^Vane^> **2-2 here, that's an aff.**
- [2013-09-22 20:58:56] * ^Vane^ scuttles off to search for repair facilities.
- [2013-09-22 20:59:19] <Dierson_Pyre> **...Claw 3, begin working on the best methods of repairing your machines**
- [2013-09-22 21:00:09] * _Bjorn begins analysising the damage in order to try and determine if any parts can be salvaged
- [2013-09-22 21:00:28] <Gamesmaster> *Vane searches around the facility, but is unable to find any operational repair facilities. He finds out, that MAY have been a repair / facility, but it has been destroyed by a large laser blast*
- [2013-09-22 21:01:13] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. Seems this repair facility was melted by lasers.**
- [2013-09-22 21:01:52] <Gamesmaster> *Diersons search around the facility, desperately flicking switches, and putting on his most difficult thinking face, he is unable to find any sign of a remaining operational facility. It appears the majority of equipment has been incinerated or trampled in the assault*
- [2013-09-22 21:02:39] * ^Stephan^ also starts looking around for a repair facility
- [2013-09-22 21:03:31] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan is lucky not to trip up over the piles of rubble and wrecked facility vehicles.*
- [2013-09-22 21:04:11] * ^Stephan^ Uses his intuition, turns and walks in that direction to find a facility
- [2013-09-22 21:04:51] *** Remus ( joined
- [2013-09-22 21:05:26] <Remus> \\me tits m8. geoffem\\
- [2013-09-22 21:05:45] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Oh come on! **
- [2013-09-22 21:06:03] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan narrowly avoids tripping over a fuel truck, and stumbles his mech into a half wrecked, three stroy high building. With a crunch, the damaged face of the building slides away, revealing a dark hangar. Peering in, Stephan can see the dim form of what looks like a semi automated repair bay.
- [2013-09-22 21:06:15] <Gamesmaster> The door had been melted in the assault, hiding the interior*
- [2013-09-22 21:06:55] <Remus> \\me rolls around on the floor in his one-leg'd wonder
- [2013-09-22 21:07:29] <^Stephan^> ** I have foubnd the repair bay that was not destroyed **
- [2013-09-22 21:08:03] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Guys... I ahh..... I STRONGLY suggest we do what it is we need to to to get everyone mobile and GO **
- [2013-09-22 21:08:17] <Dierson_Pyre> **Aff 3-2 good work**
- [2013-09-22 21:08:54] <Remus> **Mobile is a matter of perspective Dorn, I could just rocket through the roof, that /would/ be mobile, but I cannot walk right now**
- [2013-09-22 21:09:00] * Remus considers something.
- [2013-09-22 21:09:02] * ^Vane^ scuttles over to Stephan's position.
- [2013-09-22 21:09:05] <Dierson_Pyre> **all points with hand actuators assist me in dragging downed mechs to 3-2's location**
- [2013-09-22 21:09:14] <Remus> **Funny, first I cannot walk, now my 'mech cannot**
- [2013-09-22 21:09:35] <Remus> \\me masturbates FURIOUSLY\\
- [2013-09-22 21:10:07] <Gamesmaster> Bran: *I do, lead. I can assist you*
- [2013-09-22 21:10:10] * Jacob_Dorn cautiously aproaches the fuel tanks in his mech and scans each one with his mechs Active Probe for anything odd
- [2013-09-22 21:10:14] <^Stephan^> ** aff lead **
- [2013-09-22 21:10:35] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff, the Urban mech first**
- [2013-09-22 21:10:49] <Dierson_Pyre> **then we come back for the Locust**
- [2013-09-22 21:11:08] * ^Stephan^ sets a navpoint at the repair bay and heds for the legged urbie
- [2013-09-22 21:11:26] <Dierson_Pyre> **then the Jenner IIc**
- [2013-09-22 21:11:57] <Dierson_Pyre> **then functioning mechs**
- [2013-09-22 21:12:19] <Remus> **I have this warm feeling, like you care**
- [2013-09-22 21:12:30] * Remus says that in an obviously sarcastic tone.
- [2013-09-22 21:12:49] <Dierson_Pyre> **I do care 2-5**
- [2013-09-22 21:12:58] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. What is the time window for extraction?**
- [2013-09-22 21:13:07] * Dierson_Pyre as the urbanmech is rougly dragged along the ground
- [2013-09-22 21:13:42] <Gamesmaster> *Scanning furiously with his Beagle Active Probe, Dorn is unable to find any suspicious devices. The tanks appear to also be empty*
- [2013-09-22 21:13:52] * Remus chuckles over the radio, "Yeah, you want to be the one to put me six feet under personally"
- [2013-09-22 21:14:04] <Dierson_Pyre> **neg**
- [2013-09-22 21:14:09] * Dierson_Pyre answered flatly
- [2013-09-22 21:14:24] <Jacob_Dorn> **Thats odd....**
- [2013-09-22 21:15:12] <Jacob_Dorn> **The Fuel tanks are empty**
- [2013-09-22 21:15:37] <Remus> **So be on the lookout for wheeled vehicles?**
- [2013-09-22 21:15:53] <^Stephan^> ** There might be vehicles outside on longrange patrols**
- [2013-09-22 21:16:00] <Gamesmaster> *Clearing the way with an angry fist, the Thunderbolt C drags the Urbanmech IIC into the hangar.*
- [2013-09-22 21:16:04] <Dierson_Pyre> ** 2-2, eta 4 hours on extraction**
- [2013-09-22 21:16:26] <^Vane^> **Aff 2-1**
- [2013-09-22 21:16:34] <Dierson_Pyre> ** 7:15pm shipboard time**
- [2013-09-22 21:17:38] <Jacob_Dorn> **Possible but there are four tanks all empty.. judgeing by how many tanks and buggys that we slagged where did all the fuel go?**
- [2013-09-22 21:18:00] *** Ridian quit (Quit: Page closed)
- [2013-09-22 21:18:10] <Dierson_Pyre> **all points, any unit currently functioning and not assisting with either moving damaged mechs to the repair bay or being repaired themselves should be actively scanning for hostiles**
- [2013-09-22 21:20:15] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. Would you like me to assist repairs, or be on point scanning?**
- [2013-09-22 21:21:38] <Dierson_Pyre> **if your mech able to withstand vacuum?**
- [2013-09-22 21:21:42] <Jacob_Dorn> **Lead.. Just noticed that this facility still has power though its hard to say how long for, There are funtioniong terminals if we are to pull any intel NOW is the time **
- [2013-09-22 21:22:23] <Dierson_Pyre> **Aff, have 20 min to secure intel**
- [2013-09-22 21:22:53] <Dierson_Pyre> **2-2, proceed with active scans for hostiles or unknowns**
- [2013-09-22 21:23:34] <^Vane^> **2-1, Aff. Mech integrity is 100%. Going topside**
- [2013-09-22 21:23:52] * ^Vane^ heads for the elevator.
- [2013-09-22 21:24:12] <Jacob_Dorn> **Confirmed I will.... UNKOWN SIESMIC CONTACT! 180. from Current position Very far range**
- [2013-09-22 21:24:33] <Dierson_Pyre> **after 20 proceed to Vane's position**
- [2013-09-22 21:24:45] <Dierson_Pyre> **....2-4**
- [2013-09-22 21:25:01] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Can you get a lock on its vector, Dorn? Is it moving? **
- [2013-09-22 21:25:24] * ^Vane^ stops and faces 180.
- [2013-09-22 21:25:38] <Dierson_Pyre> **Belay all previous orders, all active units...investigate siesmic contact bearing 180 from current position...confirm orders**
- [2013-09-22 21:25:51] <Jacob_Dorn> ** its gone? **
- [2013-09-22 21:25:54] <^Vane^> **2-2, Aff**
- [2013-09-22 21:26:08] <Dierson_Pyre> **do you have the location of previous contact**
- [2013-09-22 21:26:18] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Aff. An explosion, then? **
- [2013-09-22 21:26:25] <Dierson_Pyre> **investigate**
- [2013-09-22 21:28:36] * Jacob_Dorn tries setup his computer and sensors to try a Ultra soind ping to try and get a response from the unkown "blip"
- [2013-09-22 21:28:42] <Remus> **Try for magscans, this doesn't seem to be a ferous planetoid**
- [2013-09-22 21:28:56] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Good point. **
- [2013-09-22 21:29:28] <Dierson_Pyre> **Vane, you are in command of points going to investigate**
- [2013-09-22 21:29:36] * ^Vane^ continues on to the elevator.
- [2013-09-22 21:29:43] <^Vane^> **Aff 2-1.**
- [2013-09-22 21:30:26] * Remus waggles his LPL arm in the air, uselessly
- [2013-09-22 21:30:32] <^Vane^> **All points with complete hull integrity, on me**
- [2013-09-22 21:30:40] <Remus> **Lemme at 'em**
- [2013-09-22 21:31:25] <^Stephan^> ** 2-1 I cannot exit the atmosphere. I will defend the entrance lift.
- [2013-09-22 21:31:36] <^Stephan^> ** Quiaff?
- [2013-09-22 21:31:44] <^Vane^> **Aff 3-2**
- [2013-09-22 21:32:08] * Linus_Svenssen moves over to join Vane
- [2013-09-22 21:32:14] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Aff. **
- [2013-09-22 21:32:25] <^Vane^> **All points, conserve radio protocol**
- [2013-09-22 21:32:27] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff, proceed with repairs Stephan**
- [2013-09-22 21:33:18] *** ^Vane^ changed nick to Vanetowork
- [2013-09-22 21:33:34] * _Bjorn now in the remains of the repair bay, pops the hatch to the Locust and disembarks to begin assessing the mechs for repair, starting with the Urban
- [2013-09-22 21:33:53] <Jacob_Dorn> **aahhhh shit! I cannot get a fix! *mutters obcenities in german* that conctat may just be nothing but with the frilly feeling ive had since we secured this shit hole I really dont like this. **
- [2013-09-22 21:35:05] <Gamesmaster> *Vane reaches the elevator and activates the call button remotely using his mechs wireless software interface. The elevator begins to descend, slowly, its motors working on reserve power that is slowly failing*
- [2013-09-22 21:35:30] <^Stephan^> \\ Du schwein prasizen po moji koruzi laufen, pa gtosse škodo machen \\
- [2013-09-22 21:36:29] <Jacob_Dorn> **Still free to gather any intel?**
- [2013-09-22 21:36:58] <Dierson_Pyre> **3-1 (bjorn) oversee emergency repairs of the Urbanmech IIc, Jenner IIc, Locust, and Incubus...get them repaired to the point to move them to the surface**
- [2013-09-22 21:37:19] <^Stephan^> ** 2-1 while you repair the mechs I will look for a terminal and try to acces and download the archives. confirm. **
- [2013-09-22 21:37:32] <_Bjorn> ** Aff **
- [2013-09-22 21:37:45] <Dierson_Pyre> **confirmed**
- [2013-09-22 21:37:55] * _Bjorn begins inspeciting the repair bay facilities
- [2013-09-22 21:38:22] * ^Stephan^ looks for a functioning terminal
- [2013-09-22 21:38:38] <Dierson_Pyre> **neg Dorn, you follow Vane to the surface, Stephan will gather intel on facility**
- [2013-09-22 21:39:09] <Dierson_Pyre> **Remus can assist Stephan with gathering intel**
- [2013-09-22 21:39:26] <Gamesmaster> *Biorn sees that the hangar is is near pitch blackness upon exiting the Locust IIC, illuminated only by emergency lighting. Strolling up the access ladder to the above walkway, you enter the jutting out control position of the current mech bay the Locust IIC has been dragged to and placed within by the Thunderbolt C.
- [2013-09-22 21:39:38] <Jacob_Dorn> **enroute**
- [2013-09-22 21:40:47] <Gamesmaster> You note that the mech bay is semi automated with helper programs, and from a cursory glance, you can see that the mechbay has several crates of parts, ammunition and other supplies already supplied into the loading areas. It will be a great help assisting any repairs. Its large holding arms and claws lay dormant, awaiting control input*
- [2013-09-22 21:40:50] <Remus> **Roger, helping the living circuit breaker, anything in particular we're looking for?**
- [2013-09-22 21:40:57] <Gamesmaster> *You guess that the other 5 units are the same*
- [2013-09-22 21:40:59] * Jacob_Dorn heads off to link up with Vane heading up the the surface
- [2013-09-22 21:41:03] <Gamesmaster> *Biorn guesses that is*
- [2013-09-22 21:41:09] * Remus struggles and hops out of the legged Urbie.
- [2013-09-22 21:41:49] * Remus searches around for Stephan
- [2013-09-22 21:41:57] <Dierson_Pyre> **2-3 (bran) move with 2-4(dorn) and 2-2 (vane) to the surface**
- [2013-09-22 21:42:18] <Remus> **Sparky? Where are you?**
- [2013-09-22 21:42:26] <Gamesmaster> *After a prolonged search on foot, his Incubus stored away in one of the mech bays, Stephan finally finds a console amidst a layer of debris and soot, its console still apparently operation*
- [2013-09-22 21:42:29] <Gamesmaster> al*
- [2013-09-22 21:42:49] * _Bjorn begins initiallising the repair station systems, looking for any information on the the inventory available and activating the claws to manouver the Urban Mech into position
- [2013-09-22 21:42:57] * ^Stephan^ tries to acces the archives
- [2013-09-22 21:43:12] <Gamesmaster> *The monitor and its holographic keyboard flickers briefly and wildly but basic input appears to work*
- [2013-09-22 21:43:37] <Dierson_Pyre> **3-5 (linus) up to the surface as well**
- [2013-09-22 21:43:50] * Jacob_Dorn gives a quick scan of the airwaves to see if any comm chatter is going on in the vicinity of the base
- [2013-09-22 21:43:55] <Remus> **Stephan? Where did you go?**
- [2013-09-22 21:44:19] * Dierson_Pyre moves mech inside to repair bay to exit and assist Bjorn in repairs
- [2013-09-22 21:45:39] <Dierson_Pyre> BJORN! what mech did you assess as first to repair?
- [2013-09-22 21:45:48] * Dierson_Pyre yells across the repair bay
- [2013-09-22 21:46:32] * ^Stephan^ looks for any data concerning: the purpase, active patorls, active dropships and active ansory if any.
- [2013-09-22 21:46:34] <_Bjorn> ** 2-1, Urban Mech appears to be the most critical. Repair bay seems functional. All we need to confirm whether we have adequate supplies for the number of repairs required **
- [2013-09-22 21:47:04] <Gamesmaster> *Bjorn notices that the Urbanmech IIC on the display has shown significant leg damage. Searching the inventory, Biorn notices with surprise they have an Urbanmech leg part already in stock. It will take time to be transported from its holding area on the automated supply line, on reserve power, but it will then be able to be fitted relatively quickly.*
- [2013-09-22 21:47:15] <^Stephan^> ** I have found a functioning terminal, Remus, your skills in computers may be of use here.
- [2013-09-22 21:47:30] * ^Stephan^ tells the Remus where he is
- [2013-09-22 21:47:46] <Dierson_Pyre> **Priority goes to the quickest repairs, then doing what we can to get the remainder functional enough to exit into vacuum**
- [2013-09-22 21:47:51] * Remus makes his way over, giving an "Aff, en route" over the hand radio.
- [2013-09-22 21:48:07] <Jacob_Dorn> *plays some sootheing mucis in his Cockpit to help calm his nerves*
- [2013-09-22 21:48:11] <Gamesmaster> *The machine relates to Biorn that the proposed solution will take 10 minutes for part supply, and 40 minutes for complete leg replacement*
- [2013-09-22 21:49:01] <_Bjorn> ** It will take 10 to supply a replacement leg for the Urban and approximately 40 minutes to install **
- [2013-09-22 21:49:22] <Dierson_Pyre> **do it**
- [2013-09-22 21:49:41] * Dierson_Pyre walks quickly over to Bjorn
- [2013-09-22 21:50:16] * Remus finds Stephan and nods, looking over the computer terminal, "What do we have here?"
- [2013-09-22 21:50:20] * _Bjorn begins the repair sequence
- [2013-09-22 21:51:47] * ^Stephan^ first looks for purpase and any files related to the function of the facility
- [2013-09-22 21:51:48] * _Bjorn begins fine tuning the repair stations operational parametres
- [2013-09-22 21:52:08] <_Bjorn> ** Sc, for what it's worth, I think I can shave 5 minutes of the Urban repair **
- [2013-09-22 21:52:18] <Gamesmaster> *The mechbay springs into life, and the claws descend with Biorn overseeing the sequence. The claws move a box out the way of the delivery chute, and the repair conveyor belt sign reads DANGER: OPERATION UNDERWAY *
- [2013-09-22 21:52:38] <Dierson_Pyre> I am right here Bjorn
- [2013-09-22 21:52:43] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff
- [2013-09-22 21:53:36] <_Bjorn> Sir, do you see that. *Points to the conveyor belt*
- [2013-09-22 21:53:48] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff
- [2013-09-22 21:53:54] *** ^Vane^ (~IceVamp@ joined
- [2013-09-22 21:54:36] * _Bjorn begins checking the repair station logs to ascertain what the previous operation was
- [2013-09-22 21:54:45] <^Stephan^> I ma accesing the facilities files.. would oyu like ot take over?
- [2013-09-22 21:55:13] <_Bjorn> The one that say danger in large letters...
- [2013-09-22 21:55:35] <Dierson_Pyre> aaaafff?
- [2013-09-22 21:56:00] <Dierson_Pyre> what is your point?
- [2013-09-22 21:56:05] <_Bjorn> Forgive me if but in the inner sphere, we take the word danger to mean that it might be dangerous.
- [2013-09-22 21:56:28] <^Stephan^> Interesting.
- [2013-09-22 21:56:42] * ^Stephan^ starts downloading the data he found
- [2013-09-22 21:57:02] * Dierson_Pyre glares at Bjorn, not really quite understanding what his obtuse innersphere ramblings are about
- [2013-09-22 21:57:10] <^Stephan^> remus I belive ther is more to this but I cannot acces it. You take a look
- [2013-09-22 21:57:16] <Gamesmaster> *it doesnt take long for Stephan to download the basic information files onto his noteputer.*
- [2013-09-22 21:57:35] * Remus nods.
- [2013-09-22 21:57:37] <Gamesmaster> *It doesnt appear to be much, or complicated information being unencrypted*
- [2013-09-22 21:58:26] * ^Stephan^ before he hands computer contol over to Remus he sets the computer to autodwonload everything that is accsesd
- [2013-09-22 21:58:53] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn, does this facility have more than 1 repair terminal?
- [2013-09-22 21:58:57] * Dierson_Pyre begins looking around
- [2013-09-22 21:58:59] * Remus does a query on communication records, searching for any files or tags that indicate who they work for.
- [2013-09-22 22:00:09] * _Bjorn looks to see if there is an indecation of another repair bay
- [2013-09-22 22:02:55] <_Bjorn> It would appear that each mech bay is self contained with its own repair terminal.
- [2013-09-22 22:03:54] <_Bjorn> There are 5 in total
- [2013-09-22 22:04:40] <Dierson_Pyre> here? in where we are standing?
- [2013-09-22 22:05:12] <_Bjorn> Aff
- [2013-09-22 22:05:43] <^Stephan^> ** 2-1 this is 3-2. we have found a terminal and are accessing and downloadind any data. Requesting new orders
- [2013-09-22 22:05:55] * Dierson_Pyre nods, begins looking for another repair terminal to move the locust into position
- [2013-09-22 22:06:29] * Dierson_Pyre finding the terminal for the bay containing the locust
- [2013-09-22 22:06:29] * Remus does a second search, digging deeper into the files, looking for inventory logs, or any sort of outside communication that may have co-ordinate pairs or names of planets or re-occuring names.
- [2013-09-22 22:07:58] * Dierson_Pyre begins moving the locust into position for repairs
- [2013-09-22 22:08:21] <^Vane^> \\\work just came in god damn
- [2013-09-22 22:08:30] <^Vane^> \\just getting ready to do things
- [2013-09-22 22:08:35] <Remus> \\god damnit bobby\\
- [2013-09-22 22:08:45] <Dierson_Pyre> \\ :(
- [2013-09-22 22:09:14] <Gamesmaster> *Dierson finds the locust already seated near the bay thanks to Brans Centurion. A repair arm gingergly grabs the mechs torso and drags it slowly backwards. Several winches descend and connect to its back, hoisting it into position*
- [2013-09-22 22:12:05] <Gamesmaster> *Dierson quickly examines the damage with the console. Although unfamiliar with the OS, it doesnt take long for Dierson to realise the extent of the damage. The legs are twisted. One is repairable, but the other needs to be replaced. The logs do indicate that a replacement is available for the model, matching a default Locust pattern*
- [2013-09-22 22:12:24] <Gamesmaster> *The machine estimates 65 minutes for total repair, and 10 minutes for part deliver*
- [2013-09-22 22:12:27] <Gamesmaster> delivery*
- [2013-09-22 22:13:12] <Gamesmaster> *Due to the assistance of the machinery, Dierson believes he can shave 10 minutes off the repair time*
- [2013-09-22 22:16:32] * Dierson_Pyre moves over to the bay containing the incubus to see what can be done
- [2013-09-22 22:16:46] * Dierson_Pyre while the Locust part is being delivered
- [2013-09-22 22:17:23] * ^Stephan^ rests while Remus is doing his stuff
- [2013-09-22 22:17:45] <Remus> **Heads up, they may have re-enforcements on the way, this wasn't just a communications array. From what I see...this may be a full posting**
- [2013-09-22 22:18:15] <Dierson_Pyre> **...repeat that Remus?..**
- [2013-09-22 22:18:19] <Remus> **Better yet, anyone able to read any of the oriental languages?**
- [2013-09-22 22:18:41] <Remus> **I've managed to pull up what I think is a rotation schedule.**
- [2013-09-22 22:19:03] <Remus> **This place is bigger than just a pirate outpost, they're large, and organized.**
- [2013-09-22 22:19:29] <Remus> **Well staffed...**
- [2013-09-22 22:19:35] <Dierson_Pyre> **...well, if Shinzi was here, no current personnel has language specailties **
- [2013-09-22 22:19:48] * ^Stephan^ returns to mech and tries to mend his scorched arm.
- [2013-09-22 22:20:13] <Jacob_Dorn> **these are no Pirates or Bandits **
- [2013-09-22 22:20:17] * ^Stephan^ strike that
- [2013-09-22 22:20:22] <Remus> **As in this list has over 100 names on the central list, and more on others, support personnel maybe.**
- [2013-09-22 22:20:37] * ^Stephan^ mends his wounds
- [2013-09-22 22:20:43] <Jacob_Dorn> **IS there a money trail?**
- [2013-09-22 22:21:10] <^Stephan^> Remus - chech any sensor station linked to this base for any mech patorls.
- [2013-09-22 22:21:12] <Dierson_Pyre> **I am sure you scorched quite a few of those names from the list Remus**
- [2013-09-22 22:21:26] <Remus> **Not that I could understand, there is a lot of comm scatter, but I cannot make out much of it.**
- [2013-09-22 22:22:06] <Dierson_Pyre> **how much time to you estimate we have to finish repairs on damaged mechs?**
- [2013-09-22 22:22:06] <Remus> **True, but if the point is it's a rotation schedule, that means, sooner or later, someone is going to come looking.**
- [2013-09-22 22:22:07] <Jacob_Dorn> **Search the name Richter Mansfield**
- [2013-09-22 22:22:14] <^Stephan^> alo check for any imbound dropships and relay your doundingd to lead
- [2013-09-22 22:22:43] <Remus> I'll do what I can, but I can't read it, I am going off of number values and guesses.
- [2013-09-22 22:23:20] <Jacob_Dorn> *do you know what language it is in? **
- [2013-09-22 22:23:29] * Remus turns to the side to give Stephan a better look at the screen, it dully glowing, displaying a character font looking suspiciously asian.
- [2013-09-22 22:23:40] <Remus> **Japanese I think?**
- [2013-09-22 22:23:59] <Dierson_Pyre> **your best guess will do**
- [2013-09-22 22:24:12] <Dierson_Pyre> **avg the numbers you deem are rotation times**
- [2013-09-22 22:24:27] <^Vane^> **2-4, 2-1. Cover the back of the elevator, while I cover the front. We move out when the rest arrive.**
- [2013-09-22 22:24:47] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan stares blankly at the screen*
- [2013-09-22 22:24:51] * ^Stephan^ tries ot guess what is going on in the files
- [2013-09-22 22:24:52] <Gamesmaster> *He feels a bit ill*
- [2013-09-22 22:25:19] <Gamesmaster> *The strange alphabet stirs feelings of hatred deep within his small, shrivelled, muty heart*
- [2013-09-22 22:25:42] * ^Stephan^ realises he has no idea what the pretty psctires in the file mean so he remains quiet.
- [2013-09-22 22:25:55] <^Stephan^> pretty pictures**
- [2013-09-22 22:25:59] <^Vane^> **2-4, do you copy?**
- [2013-09-22 22:26:24] <Gamesmaster> *Vane and the cadets sent out to recon have finally reached the top of the elevator shaft.*
- [2013-09-22 22:26:36] <Jacob_Dorn> *msusic fades in teh back ground ** Yes sorry **
- [2013-09-22 22:26:41] <Gamesmaster> *The elevator, griding under strain, has finally reached the top of the shaft*
- [2013-09-22 22:27:29] <^Vane^> **All right, topside points, fan out and approach the contact at 180.**
- [2013-09-22 22:28:03] * Dierson_Pyre monitors topside patrol comms, everything sounds nominal
- [2013-09-22 22:28:09] * Remus does one last query, looking for the name that Dorn specified, and for timetables of any kind.
- [2013-09-22 22:28:28] <Gamesmaster> *With a hiss, the elevator locks airtight and the outer airlock begins to cycle
- [2013-09-22 22:28:31] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. Starting recon of contact. QUIAFF.**
- [2013-09-22 22:29:03] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff**
- [2013-09-22 22:30:58] * Jacob_Dorn performs a quick scan of comm chatter
- [2013-09-22 22:31:24] <Gamesmaster> *Dierson moves on tot he Incubus and begins the evaluation program. The program quickly evalutes the damage. The incubus has only one internal problem - a jammed, damaged shoulder joint. The armour is more worrying. he right torso armour is entirely gone, and only a sliver remains on the centre torso. Leg and arm armour are in several states of fucked. The repair program indicates that armour replacement, to full, will take 40 minutes. The shoulder
- [2013-09-22 22:31:45] <Gamesmaster> cannot be repaired, as no replacement parts exist and the part would require manual, dexterous work*
- [2013-09-22 22:33:36] * Dierson_Pyre moves on to the Jenner mechbay to evaluate repair
- [2013-09-22 22:35:24] * ^Vane^ sets the pace for his depleted topside star at 60kph.
- [2013-09-22 22:35:52] <^Vane^> **This is 2-1. Scan your sectors. No fuckups**
- [2013-09-22 22:36:39] <Jacob_Dorn> **Contacts! 5km south of position! varied Weight Magnetic signals confirmed! **
- [2013-09-22 22:37:25] <^Vane^> **How many 2-4?**
- [2013-09-22 22:37:33] <Jacob_Dorn> **They are heading this way at high speed what ever we need to do i suggest we do it NOW! **
- [2013-09-22 22:37:35] <Dierson_Pyre> **handle them 2-2, if they are moving fast they probably are not heavily armed**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:03] <Remus> **Is the Urbie back in action yet?**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:15] <Remus> **I've gotten all I can, out of it**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:17] <Dierson_Pyre> **Neg**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:28] <Remus> **We can translate later**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:31] <Gamesmaster> *Dierson moves the Jenner IIC onto its pad in the same manner. With experience in operating the panels, Dierson quickly notes the jenner IIC will take around 40 minutes to unbreach and reset the missile launchers, and do a cursory, quick armour repair on emergency settings. This is without loading ammo, which would add another ten minutes for a total of 50 minutes*
- [2013-09-22 22:38:41] <Remus> **At the moment, I can't make anything else out**
- [2013-09-22 22:38:45] <^Vane^> **Stay calm people. Fan further out, ready for combat.**
- [2013-09-22 22:39:25] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Aff. **
- [2013-09-22 22:40:28] <^Vane^> **2-4 - I want more information on contacts. Numbers? Classes? Weapons? Work that scanner.**
- [2013-09-22 22:40:34] <Gamesmaster> *Outside the sensor signals get stronger. There seem to be intervening terrain however*
- [2013-09-22 22:41:40] * ^Vane^ fires his jump jets in an attempt to get a visual.
- [2013-09-22 22:43:21] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn...time on the Urbanmech?
- [2013-09-22 22:43:29] * Dierson_Pyre moving back over the Bjorn
- [2013-09-22 22:43:41] * _Bjorn checks the console for the time left on the console
- [2013-09-22 22:44:35] <_Bjorn> Approximatley 30 minutes remaining 2-1
- [2013-09-22 22:44:44] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff
- [2013-09-22 22:45:00] <Dierson_Pyre> **Remus, approximatley 30 minutes to repair
- [2013-09-22 22:45:26] <Remus> **Aff, shall I get in and start doing secondary checks, to insure only the leg was damaged?**
- [2013-09-22 22:45:47] * Dierson_Pyre moves over to speed up repair time on the Locust
- [2013-09-22 22:46:02] <Dierson_Pyre> **neg, it would have to be lowered for you to enter**
- [2013-09-22 22:46:09] <Gamesmaster> *Rocketing into the air, Vane get higher than the obscuring hill n front of him. He can see several blakc dots in the distance closing fast. Vane can see one of the profiles is considerably bulky, compared to the others, and is leading the formation. He can spot 4 in total*
- [2013-09-22 22:46:37] <Dierson_Pyre> **any systems damaged not required to move the Mech will have to be handled**
- [2013-09-22 22:47:00] <Gamesmaster> *Linus's seismic sensors beginning picking up profiles as Dorn encounters a small glitch that turns his momentarily down in accuracy. One signal is significantly larger than the others, and is registering as a heavy class mech*
- [2013-09-22 22:47:33] <^Vane^> **2-2 spotting four contacts closing fast. Possibly three lights, one medium.**
- [2013-09-22 22:49:32] <Jacob_Dorn> **and one Heavy?**
- [2013-09-22 22:49:41] <Linus_Svenssen> ** 3-5 here; sensors are indicating that the heaviest among the targets is... yeah, that can't be anything less than a 70-tonner.**
- [2013-09-22 22:50:20] <^Vane^> **Aff, 3-5. Correction, three lights or mediums, and one heavy mech incoming.**
- [2013-09-22 22:50:23] <Dierson_Pyre> **do you need assistance**
- [2013-09-22 22:51:04] <^Vane^> **2-1, I would prefer it, since we do not yet know what we are facing.**
- [2013-09-22 22:51:22] <Dierson_Pyre> **Aff, coming**
- [2013-09-22 22:51:33] * Dierson_Pyre moves over to BJorn
- [2013-09-22 22:51:49] <Gamesmaster> **Mech Computers: Warning: Proximity Alert: Heat signatures of unpattern contacts within 1200 metres**
- [2013-09-22 22:51:55] <Remus> I knew this would happen...
- [2013-09-22 22:52:16] <Dierson_Pyre> your going to have to oversee the repairs of all the mechs here, automate what you can, the Incubus is lowest is the most heavily damaged
- [2013-09-22 22:52:23] * Remus checks on the download, making sure all the files have been copied to whatever device they were copying the files onto.
- [2013-09-22 22:52:33] <Dierson_Pyre> will be written off if we run out of time
- [2013-09-22 22:52:48] <^Stephan^> \\ I hate you all for not fixing my mech \\
- [2013-09-22 22:54:33] <Remus> **Dorn, your IS scum. Does Midnight Star mean anything to you?**
- [2013-09-22 22:54:49] <Remus> \\you're*\\
- [2013-09-22 22:55:06] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Was hoping that we would all be dusted and would have dust off by now but shit, gi guess things are about to get real serious.... again.... **
- [2013-09-22 22:55:53] <Jacob_Dorn> ** No bells are rigging Remus **
- [2013-09-22 22:56:45] * Dierson_Pyre re-examining the readouts on the incubus it appears to be able to be rigged to function partially in vacuum in 30 minutes
- [2013-09-22 22:57:00] <^Vane^> **Topside units, we will rendezvous with 2-1 at the elevator. Keep fanned formation.**
- [2013-09-22 22:58:05] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn, oversee the repairs here best you can...use Remus and Stephan as you see fit to get the work done
- [2013-09-22 22:58:25] <Dierson_Pyre> if you have to walk them through the repairs while they complete them and you complete you own, do it
- [2013-09-22 22:58:44] * Dierson_Pyre moves quickly off to enter his Thunderbolt
- [2013-09-22 22:59:07] <_Bjorn> Aff
- [2013-09-22 22:59:19] *** MikeNovember (webchat@ joined
- [2013-09-22 22:59:38] <Linus_Svenssen> ** 3-5. Sensors showing one heavy, one medium, just over the hill. They're pissed off and coming right for us. **
- [2013-09-22 23:00:03] * Dierson_Pyre enters Thunderbolt and begins startup sequence
- [2013-09-22 23:00:26] <^Vane^> **Ready for contact.**
- [2013-09-22 23:01:21] <Gamesmaster> Outside, suddenly, the enemy mechs cross the ridge of the hill.The first across is a heavy mech, the glistening gun metal grey of a vicious looking Warhammer coming into view
- [2013-09-22 23:02:08] <^Stephan^> \\ PREPARE YOUR ANUS \\
- [2013-09-22 23:02:16] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Ready to light 'em up? **
- [2013-09-22 23:02:19] * Jacob_Dorn checks to confirm IFF
- [2013-09-22 23:02:41] <^Vane^> **Engage enemy units. No quarter for this scum. They are not worthy of Zellbrigen**
- [2013-09-22 23:02:48] <Gamesmaster> the mechs telltale searchlighta ctive and its wide gun barrels searching for targets. Behind it, A crab, a hermes, and a urbanmech flank it on both sides.
- [2013-09-22 23:02:53] <Gamesmaster> A communication channel opens up
- [2013-09-22 23:03:25] <Jacob_Dorn> **oh they have another Crab with them...**
- [2013-09-22 23:03:47] <Gamesmaster> "In the name of the Rising Midnight Star, all hostile units, power down your mechs and prepare to surrender. Refusal will result in your death." A womans voice cuts across, with a distinct accent that Dorn places as Kuritan
- [2013-09-22 23:03:48] <_Bjorn> ** Remus, Stephan, get up here and monitor the Urban and Locust repairs.
- [2013-09-22 23:04:23] <^Stephan^> ** Aff **
- [2013-09-22 23:04:40] <^Vane^> **2-1, 2-2. They want us to surrender. I will deny this order, quiaff.**
- [2013-09-22 23:04:57] <Gamesmaster> *Diersons mech is now started up and has reached the elevator*
- [2013-09-22 23:05:07] <Jacob_Dorn> **oh great they sound like some kin dof Drac nutt job fanatics**
- [2013-09-22 23:05:11] <Gamesmaster> "You are trepassing on sovereign territory. This is an act of war"
- [2013-09-22 23:05:31] <Gamesmaster> "You will be detained and taken to the planetary governor for personal questioning*
- [2013-09-22 23:05:41] * _Bjorn moves to the console for the incubus bay and begins repairs to seal the cockpit
- [2013-09-22 23:06:18] * Remus finds a way and clambers up onto the platform, overlooking the repair of his own 'mech.
- [2013-09-22 23:06:30] <Gamesmaster> "Identify yourselves!"
- [2013-09-22 23:06:44] <Dierson_Pyre> **This is Star Commander of Clan Jade Wolf, we refuse your informal batchall**
- [2013-09-22 23:06:59] * ^Stephan^ folloes remus, but sets behind the locusts concole
- [2013-09-22 23:07:24] <Gamesmaster> "Clanner scum? Here?" another voice cuts across the comms, followed by an angry reply in Japanese
- [2013-09-22 23:07:42] <Remus> \\Omae wa mo, SSSSHHHINDEIRU!\\
- [2013-09-22 23:08:14] <Gamesmaster> "Refusal is not an option. Surrender or die here. You have shown great dishonour attacking my men whilst they lay asleep in their beds"
- [2013-09-22 23:08:14] <^Vane^> **I am Vane of Clan Jade Wolf. You will find only death here.**
- [2013-09-22 23:08:31] * Jacob_Dorn blairs the Lyran National Anthem over the Comms
- [2013-09-22 23:08:37] <Remus> \\B-b-but clanner-sama, you know I cannot let you leave\\
- [2013-09-22 23:08:56] * Linus_Svenssen laughs over the comms
- [2013-09-22 23:09:32] <Gamesmaster> *dierson has begun his ascent on the elevator, albeit at an agonisingly slow speed*
- [2013-09-22 23:09:45] <Remus> \\I bet you're wondering, with a name like Rapehorse, is he really going to rape me? I'll let you in on a little secret....\\
- [2013-09-22 23:09:48] <Remus> \\Yes.\\
- [2013-09-22 23:11:03] <^Vane^> **This facility is dust. As will be all that is left of your bones, Rising Midnight scum. You can not hope to stand against the Clan**
- [2013-09-22 23:11:11] <Remus> **I wager they bickering about if they should retreat, or fight**
- [2013-09-22 23:11:36] <Linus_Svenssen> (over secure channel) ** Permision to open fire? **
- [2013-09-22 23:11:40] <^Vane^> \\stalling for time to let Dierson come up
- [2013-09-22 23:12:00] <^Stephan^> ** It matters not. They will die. We are Clan Jade Wolf **
- [2013-09-22 23:12:05] <^Vane^> **Hold as long as possible. We want 2-1 to be in the fight.**
- [2013-09-22 23:12:15] <Dierson_Pyre> **Freebirth commander, Identify yourself, I am Star Commander Dierson Pyre of Clan Jade Wolf, you will make fine additions to the Laborer caste**
- [2013-09-22 23:12:34] <Linus_Svenssen> ** Aff. All this waiting makes me itch though **
- [2013-09-22 23:13:11] <^Vane^> **Aff. Keep cool, and keep scanning.**
- [2013-09-22 23:13:40] <Gamesmaster> "An upstart and a lyran? A lyran with the clan? How preposterous. I am Tai-I Tsukiko Saito, Daughter of governer Tai-I Toshio Saito of the Stars Military Arm. This charade is over, you have no intentions of surrendering. You will die here, so my men may be avenged"
- [2013-09-22 23:14:21] <Gamesmaster> "The lyran is mine, the rest of you, kill them at your leisure"
- [2013-09-22 23:14:32] <Gamesmaster> *with that the line cuts out, and the mechs begin their advance, their weapons levelled*
- [2013-09-22 23:14:37] <Jacob_Dorn> **YES!**
- [2013-09-22 23:14:52] <^Vane^> **That was clear from the start. Your spheroid scum had no honor, so there is none to avenge.**
- [2013-09-22 23:15:03] <^Vane^> **All units, engage!**
- [2013-09-22 23:15:07] <Jacob_Dorn> ** YES! THIS IS DELICIOUS!**
- [2013-09-22 23:15:09] <Remus> **Can I scoop her eyes out and add it to the collection?**
- [2013-09-22 23:15:21] * Remus chuckles.
- [2013-09-22 23:15:29] * Remus chuckles over the comms.
- [2013-09-22 23:16:32] <Dierson_Pyre> **This is the test we were sent here for, prove yourselves worthy of the Clan...pick your targets and eliminate them**
- [2013-09-22 23:16:41] <Gamesmaster> \\*meanwhile over the comms and in dorns cockpit
- [2013-09-22 23:17:13] <Remus> **The Lyran is ours, scum he may be, but he is useful scum.**
- [2013-09-22 23:17:29] <^Vane^> **Aff 2-1**
- [2013-09-22 23:17:34] <Gamesmaster> *A dual ppc blast fires out from the warhammer, narrowly passing over the top of Dorns cockpit as the enemy mechs begin weapons fire*
- [2013-09-22 23:17:51] <^Vane^> \\firin ma lazer!
- [2013-09-22 23:17:52] <Jacob_Dorn> **Been called worse.**
- [2013-09-22 23:19:51] <Remus> (gotta run early, be back in a while, was fun, next time, giant robot games for the pew)
- [2013-09-22 23:20:17] *** MikeNovember quit (Quit: Page closed)
- [2013-09-22 23:20:24] <Gamesmaster> <--------END OF SESSION 16 ---------->
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