
Batch File Project

Mar 12th, 2016
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  1. @echo off
  2. color 09
  3. Title Oryx OS
  4. :Head
  5. color 09
  6. Title Oryx Os
  7. Echo Welcome To Oryx OS
  8. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. echo ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  10. echo ]]] ]]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  11. echo ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  12. echo ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  13. echo ]] ]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]] ]] ]]
  14. echo ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  15. echo ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  16. echo ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  17. echo ]]] ]]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  18. echo ]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]
  19. echo Copyright 2015 UZiami
  20. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. pause
  22. cls
  23. Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. echo Loading Oryx Kernal Ver: 1.4...
  25. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  26. cls
  27. Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. echo Loading Oryx Kernal Ver: 1.4...
  29. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  30. Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. cls
  32. Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. echo Oryx Kernal 1.4 Ver: 1.4 Loaded Succesfully...
  34. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  35. Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. echo Press Any Button to proceed.
  37. pause >nul
  38. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. echo loading all necessary files now, for OS...
  40. echo This may take up to Twenty seconds to load fully.
  41. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  42. cls
  43. echo All Files loaded, Loading login screen.
  44. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. :Login
  46. cls
  47. color %color%
  48. echo Welcome User!
  49. echo.
  50. cls
  51. set /p USER=Username
  52. if %USER% == Admin goto PASSWORD
  53. goto Login
  54. exit
  55. echo.
  57. cls
  58. set /p PASS=Password
  59. if %PASS% == Itunes goto Home
  60. :Logout
  61. cls
  62. goto Login
  63. :Home
  64. cls
  65. color %Color%
  66. echo Welcome Back!
  67. echo.
  68. Echo Today's date is below and the current time too!
  69. echo %DATE%
  70. echo %TIME%
  71. set datetimef=%date:~-4%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~0,2%__%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,2%
  72. Echo Here is a list of Pre-installed Programs
  73. echo.
  74. echo 1 = Calculator
  75. echo 2 = Text editor
  76. echo 3 = Restart
  77. echo 4 = Shutdown
  78. echo 5 = Help
  79. echo 6 = logout
  80. echo 7 = Screen_Saver (Work-In-progress)
  81. echo 8 = Web
  82. echo 9 = Theme Changer
  83. echo.
  84. set /p Choice=Command
  85. if %Choice% == 1 goto CALC
  86. if %Choice% == 2 goto TEXT
  87. if %Choice% == 3 goto Restart
  88. if %Choice% == 4 goto Shutdown
  89. if %Choice% == 5 goto HELP
  90. if %Choice% == 6 goto LOGIN
  91. if %Choice% == 7 goto Screen_Saver
  92. if %Choice% == 8 goto Web
  93. If %choice% == 9 goto Theme
  94. If %choice% == Logout goto Logout
  95. if %choice% == Debug goto Debug
  97. pause
  98. goto Home
  99. :Web
  100. cls
  101. echo Here you can access Websites, More coming soon! Enjoy!
  102. echo.
  103. Echo Today's date is below and the current time too!
  104. echo %DATE%
  105. echo %TIME%
  106. set datetimef=%date:~-4%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~0,2%__%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,2%
  107. echo ____________________________________________________________________
  108. echo 1 = Youtube
  109. echo 2 = Google
  110. echo 3 = Twitter
  111. echo 4 = Facebook
  112. echo 5 = Tumblr
  113. echo 6 = Pinterest
  114. echo Home = Home screen
  115. echo Commands are case sensitive
  116. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  117. set /p Choice=Command
  118. if %Choice% == 1 goto Youtube
  119. if %Choice% == 2 goto Google
  120. if %Choice% == 3 goto Twitter
  121. if %Choice% == 4 goto Facebook
  122. if %Choice% == 5 goto Tumblr
  123. if %Choice% == 6 goto Pinterest
  124. if %choice% == Home goto Home
  126. pause
  127. goto Web
  128. :Theme
  129. cls
  130. echo Here you can change your theme
  131. echo.
  132. Echo Today's date is below and the current time too!
  133. echo %DATE%
  134. echo %TIME%
  135. set datetimef=%date:~-4%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~0,2%__%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,2%
  136. echo ____________________________________________________________________
  137. echo Green = Green Theme
  138. echo Red = Red Theme
  139. echo Purple = Purple Theme
  140. echo Aqua = Aqua Theme
  141. echo Gray = Gray Theme
  142. echo White = White Theme
  143. echo Pink = Pink Theme
  144. echo Normal = Normal Theme
  145. echo Home = Home screen
  146. echo Commands are case sensitive
  147. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  148. set /p Choice=Command
  149. If %choice% == Green goto Green
  150. If %choice% == Red goto Red
  151. If %choice% == Purple goto Purple
  152. If %choice% == Aqua goto Aqua
  153. If %choice% == Gray goto Gray
  154. If %choice% == White goto White
  155. if %choice% == Pink goto Pink
  156. If %choice% == Normal goto Normal
  157. if %Choice% == Home goto Home
  159. pause
  160. Goto Theme
  161. :CALC
  162. cls
  163. color 0a
  164. title CALCULATOR
  165. ECHO Calculator Version 1.2
  166. ECHO * = MULTIPLY
  167. ECHO + = ADD
  168. ECHO _ = SUBTRACT
  169. ECHO / = DIVIDE
  170. SET /p UDefine=
  171. SET /a UDefine=%UDefine%
  172. ECHO =
  173. ECHO %UDefine%
  174. ECHO.
  175. pause
  176. goto Home
  177. :TEXT
  178. cls
  179. echo Oryx text Editor Version 1.0
  180. echo Enter name of the .txt file you want to make
  181. echo.
  182. set /p N=Name
  183. cls
  184. set /p WRITE=Write Your Document
  185. echo %WRITE% > %N%.txt
  186. goto Home
  187. :Youtube
  188. cls
  189. Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. Echo This option will start up youtube.
  191. Echo starting Youtube...
  192. timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
  193. start
  194. pause
  195. goto Home
  196. :Screen_Saver
  197. cls
  198. echo.
  199. pause
  200. goto Home
  201. :Google
  202. cls
  203. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. echo Opening Google Web Browser
  205. timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
  206. start
  207. pause
  208. goto Home
  209. :Twitter
  210. cls
  211. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. echo Opening Twitter Login Screen
  213. timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
  214. start
  215. pause
  216. goto Home
  217. :Facebook
  218. cls
  219. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. echo Opening Facebook Login Screen
  221. timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
  222. start
  223. pause
  224. goto Home
  225. :Tumblr
  226. cls
  227. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. echo Opening Tumblr Login Screen
  229. timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
  230. start
  231. pause
  232. goto Home
  233. :pinterest
  234. cls
  235. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. echo Opening Pinterest Login screen
  237. timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
  238. start
  239. pause
  240. Goto Home
  241. :Green
  242. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  243. color 0a
  244. cls
  245. Goto Theme
  246. :Red
  247. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  248. color 04
  249. cls
  250. goto Theme
  251. :Purple
  252. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  253. color 05
  254. cls
  255. goto Theme
  256. :Aqua
  257. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  258. color 0b
  259. cls
  260. goto Theme
  261. :Gray
  262. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  263. color 08
  264. cls
  265. goto Theme
  266. :White
  267. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  268. color 0F
  269. cls
  270. goto Theme
  271. :Pink
  272. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  273. color 0d
  274. cls
  275. goto Theme
  276. :Normal
  277. echo _____________________________________________________________________
  278. color 09
  279. cls
  280. goto Theme
  281. :Help
  282. cls
  283. echo ________________________________________________________________________________
  284. echo Text editor is a programe made for creating text documents
  285. echo Calculator lets you process math problems
  286. echo Restart Reboots the OS
  287. echo Shutdown Turns of the OS (Work-In-Progress)
  288. echo Logout returns you to the login screen
  289. echo Screen_Saver will turn on a pre-selected Screen saver (Not Working At The Moment!)
  290. echo Selecting Web Will Open A Menu Containg Links To Popular Websites
  291. echo Selecting Theme Will Open A Menu That Allows You To Change Your Theme
  292. echo ________________________________________________________________________________
  293. pause
  294. goto Home
  295. :Shutdown
  296. cls
  297. color 0c
  298. Title Oryx Os
  299. echo Shutting Down Peach OS in 10 seconds...
  300. echo
  301. :Restart
  302. cls
  303. color 0c
  304. Title Oryx OS
  305. Echo Closing all Files Open on Oryx OS in 5 seconds...
  306. timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul
  307. cls
  308. goto Head
  309. :Debug
  310. cls
  311. Echo Welcome to debug option of the Project
  312. echo Type "glitch" to see if the project file is having any glitches.
  313. echo to get back to the home screen type "Home"
  314. set /p Choice=Command
  315. if %Choice% == Glitch goto Glitch
  316. if %Choice% == Home goto Home
  319. :Glitch
  320. echo Error detected With project.........
  321. echo Shutting Down!
  322. echo Failure to Shutdown..... ERROR..... GUI Error cant load registry.......
  323. cls
  324. goto Glitch
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