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  43. <meta name="twitter:description" content="For Casey Neistat, life is all about motion. With his signature Ray-Bans and mop of unruly hair, the 34-year-old filmmaker and 3:01 marathoner treats the world (especially New York City) as his athletic and artistic playground. Almost everything he touches turns into an adventure, or at least usable content."/>
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  554. <h1 class="title" id="title-node-188131">Casey Neistat Is the (Photo) Bomb</h1>
  556. <h2 class='field-dek'>The NYC filmmaker treats the world as his athletic and artistic playground.</h2>
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  558. <span class="byline-wrapper"><span class="byline-role">By </span><span class="field-author"><a href="/person/caleb-daniloff" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">Caleb Daniloff</a></span></span>
  559. <span class="date"><span property="dc:date dc:created" content="2015-10-05T10:50:44-04:00" datatype="xsd:dateTime">Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 9:07 am</span></span>
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  565. <div class='main-image'><div class='image-inner'><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="1574" height="1050" alt="" /><div class="photo-caption">Neistat in his studio office. <span class='photo-credit'>Ben Rayner</span></div></div><figcaption class="photo-caption"></figcaption></div> <div class="sharebar-wrapper">
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  570. <section class='field-body'><p>For Casey Neistat, life is all about motion. With his signature Ray-Bans and mop of unruly hair, the 34-year-old filmmaker and 3:01 marathoner treats the world (especially New York City) as his athletic and artistic playground. Almost everything he touches turns into an adventure, or at least usable content.</p>
  571. <p>Neistat’s slice-of-life <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube vlogs</a> (about crashing his bike into cars parked in bike lanes, snowboarding down the middle of a city street, or running the NYC Marathon) get hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, of views. His Instagram and Twitter accounts throb with hearts and stars, and his irreverent Nike ads are among the brand’s most popular. Fans wait outside his Tribeca studio office to snap selfies with him. This past July, he launched Beme, an app that lets users send short uneditable videos that then disappear. Within eight days, more than a million Beme videos had been shared.</p></section> </div>
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  626. <p>In 2002, three years before YouTube even existed, Neistat and his brother Van made a name for themselves with their video “iPod’s Dirty Secret” (they stenciled “iPod’s unreplaceable battery lasts only 18 months” around the city). It garnered 6 million views in a month and led to Apple policy changes.</p>
  627. <p>But back to that motion thing. Neistat has knocked off 22 marathons and three Ironmans—despite a titanium rod where his right femur should be, the result of a nasty Vespa accident when he was 25.</p>
  628. <p>The father of a 17-year-old son and an 11-month-old daughter says the freedom of running combined with the city’s energy is responsible for his most significant ideas. “Running is where I get most of my work done,” says Neistat, who will run his fifth <a href="/nyc-marathon">NYC Marathon</a> on November 1. “I plot out the day, figure out the movie, write scripts. I came up with the plan to marry my wife on a run. I decided to start a tech company on my run. Every major decision I’ve made in the last eight years has been prefaced by a run. Where else do you get those uninterrupted hours to do nothing but think?”</p>
  629. <p>Here is RW's full interview with the filmmaker marathoner.</p>
  630. <p><strong>Can you tell the story of your accident and how that led to your running career?</strong></p>
  631. <p>“Sure. So I ran cross-country in middle school and I used to jog when I could before the accident, meaning, I vaguely remember running across the Williamsburg Bridge when I had a boring night. But I would not, by any definition, call myself a runner. In fact, I used to party a lot, and physical fitness was not part of my life. Then the accident happened, which was crashing my girlfriend’s Vespa. A guy ran a red light, ran me over and I broke my right femur in 27 places. When a break like that happens they call it fragmented, which means there wasn’t a bone left in there, just pieces of a bone. They had to cut me open and remove all those pieces and replace the femur in its entirety with a titanium rod that goes into my hip. It's screwed into my hip and then it goes down and is bolted into what was left of my knee. There’s no hardware that’s connected to any joint. Hip and knee are real bones, but the femur itself is titanium. I was 25."</p>
  632. <p><strong>The doctors told you that was it for your fitness future?</strong></p>
  633. <p>“Yeah, well, even though I never considered myself a fitness-focused guy, I’ve been able to do a standing back flip since I was 12 years old. I was always the guy who jumped off the roof of the garage, who could climb up the façade of a building. I’ve always been an incredibly physically capable human being. I’ve always had good control of my body, walk a hundred feet on my hands, jump off rock wall and do a back flip into the sand. That’s always been who I am. My friends would describe me as such. My girlfriend would describe me as such. I can jump really high. So I was there in the hospital, now made of metal. They put rings above my bed so I could be moved to a cot. I would do pull-ups on them because I was so bored in the hospital room.</p>
  634. <p>“But when I asked the doctor how long it would be until I was back to normal, he hesitated and said, ‘You will never be like you were.’ I said, ‘Well what does that mean? How long till I run again?’ He said, ‘Well, you’ll be able run after your kids and you’ll be able to chase down a taxi, but you’ll never be able to run-run.’ I remember hearing that and that was probably the first time in my life when I became conscious of my own mortality and it was really shocking. It scared the shit out of me. I did 18 months of rehab. And in less than a year I did my first standing back flip. I remember I primarily jumped off one foot and landed on the other, but I did it.”</p>
  635. <p><strong>Was part of it a strong reaction to being told “never again?”</strong></p>
  636. <p>“Well, look, it wasn’t just to defy the doctor. It was much more about the fact someone explained to me my physical limitations and me being asked—and this is all existential, this is me questioning me, all internal—being forced to consider the idea that I might not be 100 percent physically capable, and that was incredibly scary for me. That’s why I did that back flip on one foot, and that’s why as soon as I could, I started walking. And as soon I started walking, I started walking briskly. And as soon as I could walk briskly, I started jogging lightly. And as soon as I could jog lightly, I started jogging more quickly and eventually it turned into running. I ran my first full marathon two and half years later and did absolutely terrible and had my ass handed to me on a plate.”</p>
  637. <p><div class="media media-element-container media-default"><div class='main-image'><div class='image-inner'><img class="media-element file-default" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="900" height="600" alt="" /><div class="photo-caption"> <span class='photo-credit'>Ben Rayner</span></div></div><figcaption class="photo-caption"></figcaption></div></div></p>
  638. <p><strong>What was your time?</strong></p>
  639. <p>“I’m a little embarrassed to mention my time, because most people would say that’s a terrific time. I try to be as humble as I can. I ran a 4:15, but the goal was a 3:30. I couldn’t walk for days after. My girlfriend had to help me down the stairs. I ran the first seven miles at a seven-minute pace and last 5 miles at a 15-minute pace. I didn’t hit the wall. The wall hit me in a way that knocked me onto my back.”</p>
  640. <p><strong>Was this New York City?</strong></p>
  641. <p>“This was in Richmond, Virgina. That really spooked me. I really always felt top of the heap when it comes to physicality and nothing makes you feel more humble than running your first marathon. Immediately after that, I was like okay, my body can handle it, I can’t use my leg as an excuse, and that’s when I really committed myself to running. Quite literally and figuratively, I have not looked back since. I have run 21 marathons to date. My PR is 3:01. My last five or six marathons have all been under 3:05. I’ve run New York City four times. Boston once. My New York City PR: 3:03.17. That was 2013. Last year, it was 3:03.34. But you have to give me those 17 seconds because there was a bit of vicious headwind.”</p>
  642. <p><strong>Do you have a time goal for this year?</strong></p>
  643. <p>“My time goal for last 36 months of marathoning has been the same, and that’s 2:59.59.59. I just can’t seem to break it. But I’ll get there.</p>
  644. <p>“I’ve also done a lot of tris. This is the first year I’m taking off from racing with the exception of New York City, which I just have to after launching my company and having a baby. If I had committed to racing this year—I’m an obsessive person and I don’t believe in just limping into something, it would have meant sacrificing one of two. It’s like that triangle, the virtuous triangle. Work, family, and racing—pick two. For 2015, it was work and family. But I still get out there every day. I did nine miles this morning.</p>
  645. <p>“It’s tough, but I really do believe in cutting my sleep short an hour and using that hour to run. And I do feel better throughout the day because of it. But removing the pressure that was racing and holding myself to standard that allows me to think of training not as a necessity but more of a leisure. It makes me enjoy it more. I don’t beat myself up when I’m unable to get out there for five minutes.”</p>
  646. <p><strong>In one of your videos you talk about how you don’t like to run in groups, so I’m curious why it’s important for you to run New York City?</strong></p>
  647. <p>“Well there’s a very significant gradation to make there. I don’t like to run, train, in groups. But racing, it’s the groups that are most inspiring to me. I love racing with 52,000 people. I don’t like training with any more than one person. Ever.”</p>
  648. <p><strong>Talk about the value of that community that you find on race day.</strong></p>
  649. <p>“Well, looking around and seeing all the people who are enduring the same challenge you are is something that’s tremendously inspiring. You're tired. You look to the left, you know that person is tired. But they’re still doing it so I’ll keep going.</p>
  650. <p>“New York City, which to me is my favorite marathon not by a small margin; to me, there is New York City and then there’s every other race in the world. Part of the reason I’m so emphatic about New York City is you have hundred of thousands, maybe millions of cheering fans, every step of the way, and that is endlessly motivating. And the ultimate virtue of it all, the longer the day goes by, the louder they cheer. If you’re running a 4.5, 5-hour marathon, you’re going to hear it louder than Meb coming in at 2:10. That’s such a wonder.</p>
  651. <p>“For all the marathons I’ve run, including the Ironmans that I’ve run, immediately after the race, I clean myself up, do whatever I need to do to make sure I’m okay, and I get right back out there and I cheer people on. Because it’s the people who come in late in the race I find most inspiring. A pro I get, I comprehend that they’re the greatest. But that women running her first race after whatever trials she’s faced... this is the biggest personal challenge she’s taken on in a while. You can see it in her eyes, there such inspiration in that and I love it.</p>
  652. <p>“Every marathon I’ve run, I hang around the finish line. The New York City Ironman, I finished in 11 hours something and went home, showered, changed and went back to the race which was all the way on the other side of the city. I remember I stayed until the last person crossed the finish line in 17 hours and cheering that last person on. It’s incredible. Seeing someone busting their ass for 17 hours to me is way more an inspiration than these pros just burning across the finish line at 8 hours and doing another one a couple months later.”</p>
  653. <p><strong>I read somewhere that you get a tat after every marathon. Is that correct?</strong></p>
  654. <p>“I have a line line line line hash. What do you call that?”</p>
  655. <p><strong>Like marking time on a prison wall?</strong></p>
  656. <p>“Exactly. On my left leg, I have that. I only add a line if I break my PR. It looks like someone’s sketchbook. But I haven’t broken a PR in my last dozen marathons, so it’s in desperate need of an update. I only get it when I earn that update.”</p>
  657. <p><div class="media media-element-container media-default"><div class='main-image'><div class='image-inner'><img class="media-element file-default" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="970" height="647" alt="" /><div class="photo-caption">"I have a line-line-hash tattoo with my marathon PRs on my left leg," Neistat says. <span class='photo-credit'>Ben Rayner</span></div></div><figcaption class="photo-caption"></figcaption></div></div></p>
  658. <p><strong>What’s your favorite tattoo parlor in the city?</strong></p>
  659. <p>“Scott Campbell is a tattoo artist and also my running partner. He’s at Saved Tattoo, which is hands down the best tattoo parlor in the world. He’s the only person who I run with and happens to be one of the greatest tattoo artists in the world. We’ve started the New York City Marathon together the last three or four years in a row.”</p>
  660. <p><strong>Take us through one of your typical training runs.</strong></p>
  661. <p>“I am absolutely horrible at training. I’m the least considered and impractical person there is when it comes to training. I give almost no thought to it. There’s almost no structure. It’s however much time I have in a day. This morning, I had enough for nine miles. So I did nine miles, came home showered and then went straight out the door. On a Sunday afternoon, the baby’s asleep and the wife says they’re going to stay inside for the day, I run out and do 22 miles. If I have 25 minutes, I’ll do a quick 3-mile sprint. But I don’t keep track. I’m really bad about it. It’s probably why I’ve never broken 3 hours. I want to be better at it. My training, as my little brother puts it, is reckless and irresponsible.”</p>
  662. <p><strong>What are some of your favorite routes in the city?</strong></p>
  663. <p>“I like repetition when it comes to running environments. I like to run the same route every single day, and I’ve been doing that for last six or seven years. The reason why is you can dismiss yourself from where you have to run, how long you’ve been out, how far it is, getting lost, directions, etc. Running becomes a much less cerebral process and becomes purely physical. And in that physicality, it frees up your brain almost in its entirety to think of other things. Crazy as it sounds, running is where I get most of my work done. I plot out the day, figure out the movie, write scripts. I stop a lot and take notes on my phone. But finding time in anyone’s busy schedule and having time just to think is incredibly elusive, especially finding time to think without myriad distractions. That’s probably the second most valuable thing for me about running; the first most valuable is what it does for me physically—keeps me in shape, keeps my heart running well.”</p>
  664. <p><div class="media media-element-container media-default"><div class='main-image'><div class='image-inner'><img class="media-element file-default" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="900" height="600" alt="" /><div class="photo-caption">Neistat running in lower Manhattan. <span class='photo-credit'>Ben Rayner</span></div></div><figcaption class="photo-caption"></figcaption></div></div></p>
  665. <p><strong>What is the route that you repeat all the time?</strong></p>
  666. <p>“It&rsrsquo;s the West Side Highway bike path. I go up and I come back down. It also happens to be one of the most beautiful urban runs in the world.”</p>
  667. <p><strong>Coming back to ideas, plotting out work in your head, to what extent was Beme shaped during your runs?</strong></p>
  668. <p>“So much of it. What I've learned is that when it comes to shaping products that people interact with—it has so much to do with user behavior and user behavior is a challenging thing to define. And so when running, I’m thinking about how to address the ideas around that. A lot of Beme was considered and ultimately birthed from my runs.”</p><div id='zeus_inhouse_ad_container'><div id="block-dfp-in-content-article-520x150" class="block block-dfp first odd">
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  683. <p><strong>What other cool ideas were born during a run?</strong></p>
  684. <p>“I came up with the idea and the plan to marry my wife on a run. I decided to start a company on my run. Every major decision I’ve made in the last eight years have been prefaced by a run. A run where I really think about and indulge in what it is I’m up to, and the implications of that are. Where else do you get those uninterrupted hours to do nothing but think? That’s what the running is for me.”</p>
  685. <p><strong>The Nike “Make It Count” ad? </strong></p>
  686. <p>“A lot of that was. There was a Nike movie I made called Mind Games, which is about the metal challenges that are committing to a run.”</p>
  687. <p><strong>Any good anecdotes about running into the creatures of New York City?</strong></p>
  688. <p>“It’s more about interactions with cars and trying not to get run over.”</p>
  689. <p><strong>Obviously, everybody has bad runs from time to time. How do you bounce back from a bad run?</strong></p>
  690. <p>“For me, what I find compelling about a bad run is that there's always a reason for it. For example, Monday morning I had a terrible run, and I didn’t have to look that far to realize that terrible run was because I’d eaten nothing but In 'N' Out double cheeseburgers the day before. That’s okay, stop eating double cheeseburgers, that makes sense. When it comes to bad runs, I’m like, okay, why did this happen? It encourages me to skip whatever bad behavior predicated that bad run. Honestly, and when I eat really healthy and get some sleep I have great runs. It encourages me to eat healthy.”</p>
  691. <p><strong>Speaking of which, what’s your diet like?</strong></p>
  692. <p>“Terrible. I eat nothing but candy. My wife describes it that I am one of two extremes: I eat entirely raw vegan, which is what I’m literally eating right now. Or I eat nothing but candy and cheeseburgers. I wish I was more disciplined with diet, but mostly my diet is beholden to my being so busy that I lack the opportunity to pay attention what I’m putting into my body, and there’s no excuse for that. Then the first thing I do is overcorrect to where I’m eating nothing but raw vegan.”</p>
  693. <p><strong>What is your favorite burger joint in the city?</strong></p>
  694. <p>“When I’m in New York City, it’s non-stop pizza. Pizza is my favorite food. If someone said your going to be stranded on desert island for rest of life and eat only pizza for the rest of life, I’d be like: awesome.”</p>
  695. <p><strong>Where’s your go-to pizza joint?</strong></p>
  696. <p>“Joe’s Pizza in the West Village.”</p>
  697. <p><strong>What about the other extreme, vegan stuff?</strong></p>
  698. <p>“Juice Press is my go-to. They’re all over the city, 10 or 20 outlets.”</p>
  699. <p><strong>What about after a long run, what’s your appetite and where do you satisfy it?</strong></p>
  700. <p>“I’m usually not hungry postrun and almost never eat prerun. The morning of race I might eat a cup of fruit and now five hours later, I’m eating a smoothie. I’m really irresponsible. Running does not make me hungry at all. Lifting weight makes me starving, but not running.”</p>
  701. <p><strong>What kind of technology do use on a run?</strong></p>
  702. <p>“I use my phone. I have a baby at home and get nervous about being absolutely out of communication with my wife. But I’m not a big gear guy with anything that I do.</p>
  703. <p>“Outdoor Voices, a New York City based company, makes pretty much the only shorts that I will wear. They have a fantastic product. Running shorts are a finicky thing and their shorts are the only ones I wear year round. I’m not hot in the summer, don’t freeze in the winter. None of those nasty, uninteresting things that happen with your shorts and your body when you run. I have three pairs. One that is dirty, one that’s in the wash and one that’s clean. That is the virtuous cycle of running clothing.”</p>
  704. <p><strong>Do you run with music?</strong></p>
  705. <p>“I listen mostly Spotify and its entirely mood based. I don’t have go-to run songs. I listen to hip hop mostly when I run and its based on cadence and beats per second when I run, that kind of thing. I’m pretty open. I usually get so trapped within my own head thinking about things that I usually just want music that supports that.”</p>
  706. <p><strong>What routes would you recommend to runners visiting the city?</strong></p>
  707. <p>“Stick to the water. You can avoid the traffic and the noise that is NYC and still be shadowed by the skyline. Without any of the negatives.”</p>
  708. <p><strong>Do you ever run with your son (Owen, 17)?</strong></p>
  709. <p>“I don’t, but he is a very serious runner, a competitive runner. We don’t run together. We used to race a lot together, which meant we’d show up together, high five, wish each other luck, and then see each other at the finish line, but not side by side.”</p>
  710. <p><strong>Is he faster?</strong></p>
  711. <p>“He’s getting there. I’m really not looking forward to the day when that happens, but I know it’s coming.”</p>
  712. <p><strong>That must fill you with a certain amount of pride to see your kid running in your footsteps so to speak.</strong></p>
  713. <p>“It does, and his relationship with running is similar to mine. We both tried a lot of sports, but the thing that we liked the most is the running part, so we skipped everything else and focused on that. You’re sharing something that is a mutual experience, anything like that, whether its climbing mountains, running a few miles, that asks a lot of a person and wherever you do that with some else, there’s a unique bond.”</p>
  714. <p><strong>For the New York City Marathon, is there a section that means the most to you?</strong></p>
  715. <p>“Coming down the 59<sup>th</sup> Street Bridge. It’s the only part of the race that is silent and when you get to the other side of the bridge, it’s a singular, screaming noise. There’s something about that that really puts things into context. You’re hearing screaming the entire race so it almost become ambient noise. But when you hit that bridge, it almost becomes silent, and then it becomes louder and louder and louder until it becomes this incredibly powerful motivating force that is the collection of so many people cheering you on, so excited for what you’re doing. That’s amazing. It’s a wonderful thing.”</p>
  716. <p><strong>How much of running is about redemption or enduring and fighting through pain?</strong></p>
  717. <p>“I don’t know. I don’t romanticize pain. If I could run without pain, I would. To me, it’s much more about the mental aspects of not being sure about doing something and doing it, than it is about confronting pain.”</p>
  718. <p><div class="media media-element-container media-default"><div class='main-image'><div class='image-inner'><img class="media-element file-default" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="900" height="600" alt="" /><div class="photo-caption"> <span class='photo-credit'>Ben Rayner</span></div></div><figcaption class="photo-caption"></figcaption></div></div></p>
  719. <p><strong>What other parts of the city come to mind when you think about running?</strong></p>
  720. <p>“The one part that’s really underrated is the Manhattan Bridge. You have to wear ear plugs to do it because it’s so loud, and that keeps many people off it. When you run across the Manhattan Bridge, the whole bridge is yours, and that's a really amazing experience. It really feels like that you’re conquering the city in a way. Then on the other side of that, you’re in one of the most beautiful parts of Brooklyn, and you can run right along the water. Instead of looking across and seeing the outer boroughs, you can look across and see these stemming, towering skyscrapers that are lower Manhattan. So that’s a special experience.”</p>
  721. <p><strong>Have you done the baby jogger thing?</strong></p>
  722. <p>“We did one run together and it was tough. She wants to hang out after 10 minutes. If I was better at shorter runs maybe. But for now, we’ve had to shelve our daddy-daughter run ambitions until she matures.”</p>
  723. <p><strong>Any other New York City Marathon thoughts?</strong></p>
  724. <p>“I feel like maybe I didn’t praise the New York City Marathon enough and what an event that is. The magic of the New York City marathon is it takes place in New York City , but it feels like the world’s race. You’re racing with people from all around the planet, and they’re all speaking different languages, and they’re all there to celebrate this race, not just running. When you’re around that kind of energy and ethos, it’s absolutely contagious. And when you multiply it by 52,000, it becomes all-encompassing. Of all the marathons I’ve run, that is something that is unique to New York City.”</p>
  725. <p><strong>How does it compare to Boston for you?</strong></p>
  726. <p>“Boston’s incredible. It’s a marathoner’s marathon, and that’s what makes it so precious. But New York City is the people’s marathon. I phrase that carefully. I don’t want sound like I’m saying anything disparaging about the Boston Marathon. Boston was a dream of mine my entire life, and the main reason 3:05 had been my target for my first marathon was in order to fulfill the dream of running Boston.”</p>
  727. <p><strong>How has your experience of running the New York City Marathon evolved over the four years that you’ve run it?</strong></p>
  728. <p>“A lot of the security, which I absolutely respect the need for it (I was in lower Manhattan during 9/11) has affected it, especially last year. They didn’t allow people to cheer when you turn into Central Park, where you used to have people cheering you into the home stretch. Instead, last year, you turned into your home stretch, and it was silent and lonely. That was kind of heartbreaking. The inverse of that, particularly with Boston [bombings], is that the unity and unifying effects of the marathon has only been amplified. And with something as high profile as New York City, the appreciation of what a marathon is and what it is to people has only grown, and that I love.”</p>
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  758. </div>
  759. </div>
  760. <div id="block-zeus-janrain-widgets-janrain-widget-signin" class="block block-zeus-janrain-widgets last even">
  763. <!--
  764. ============================================================================
  766. The following screens are part of the sign in user workflow. For a
  767. complete out-of-the-box sign in experience, these screens must be
  768. included on the page where you are implementing sign in and registration.
  769. ============================================================================
  770. -->
  772. <!-- signIn:
  773. This is the starting point for sign in and registration. This screen is
  774. rendered by default. In order to change this behavior, the Flow must be
  775. edited.
  776. -->
  777. <div style="display:none;" id="signIn">
  778. <div class="capture_header">
  779. <p class="h1">Sign Up / Sign In</p>
  780. </div>
  781. <div class="capture_signin">
  782. <p class="h2">With your existing account from...</p>
  783. {* loginWidget *} <br />
  784. </div>
  785. <div class="capture_backgroundColor">
  786. <div class="capture_signin">
  787. <p class="h2">With a traditional account...</p>
  788. {* #signInForm *}
  789. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  790. {* currentPassword *}
  791. <div class="capture_form_item">
  792. <a href="#" data-capturescreen="forgotPassword">Forgot your password?</a>
  793. </div>
  794. <div class="capture_rightText">
  795. <button class="capture_secondary capture_btn capture_primary" type="submit"><span class="janrain-icon-16 janrain-icon-key"></span> Sign In</button>
  796. <a href="#" id="capture_signIn_createAccountButton" data-capturescreen="traditionalRegistration" class="capture_secondary capture_createAccountButton capture_btn capture_primary">Create Account</a>
  797. </div>
  798. {* /signInForm *}
  799. By logging in, you confirm that you accept our <a target="_blank" href="">terms of service</a> and have read and understand <a target="_blank" href="">privacy policy</a>.
  800. </div>
  801. </div>
  802. </div>
  803. <!-- returnSocial:
  804. This is the screen the user sees in place of the signIn screen if they've
  805. already signed in with a social account on this site. Rendering of this
  806. screen is defined in the Flow only when the 'janrainLastAuthMethod' cookie
  807. is set to'socialSignin'.
  808. -->
  809. <div style="display:none;" id="returnSocial">
  810. <div class="capture_header">
  811. <p class="h1">Sign In</p>
  812. </div>
  813. <div class="capture_signin">
  814. <p class="h2">Welcome back, {* welcomeName *}!</p>
  815. {* loginWidget *}
  816. <div class="capture_centerText switchLink"><a href="#" data-cancelcapturereturnexperience="true">Use another account</a></div>
  817. </div>
  818. </div>
  819. <!-- returnTraditional:
  820. This is the screen the user sees in place of the signIn screen if they've
  821. already signed in with a traditional account on this site. Rendering of this
  822. screen is defined in the Flow only when the 'janrainLastAuthMethod' cookie
  823. is set to'traditionalSignin'.
  824. -->
  825. <div style="display:none;" id="returnTraditional">
  826. <div class="capture_header">
  827. <p class="h1">Sign In</p>
  828. </div>
  829. <p class="capture_centerText"><span id="traditionalWelcomeName">Welcome back!</span></p>
  830. <div class="capture_backgroundColor">
  831. {* #signInForm *}
  832. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  833. {* currentPassword *}
  834. <div class="capture_form_item capture_rightText">
  835. <button class="capture_secondary capture_btn capture_primary" type="submit"><span class="janrain-icon-16 janrain-icon-key"></span> Sign In</button>
  836. </div>
  837. {* /signInForm *}
  838. <div class="capture_centerText switchLink"><a href="#" data-cancelcapturereturnexperience="true">Use another account</a></div>
  839. </div>
  840. </div>
  841. <!-- accountDeactivated:
  842. This screen is rendered if the user's account is deactivated. Screen
  843. rendering is handled in janrain-init.js.
  844. -->
  845. <div style="display:none;" id="accountDeactivated">
  846. <div class="capture_header">
  847. <p class="h1">Deactivated Account </p>
  848. </div>
  849. <div class="content_wrapper">
  850. <p>Your account has been deactivated.</p>
  851. </div>
  852. </div>
  853. <!--
  854. ============================================================================
  856. The following screens are part of the registration user workflow. For a
  857. complete out-of-the-box registration experience, these screens must be
  858. included on the page where you are implementing sign in and
  859. registration.
  860. ============================================================================
  861. -->
  863. <!-- socialRegistration:
  864. When a user clicks an IDP and does not already have an account in your
  865. capture application, this screen is rendered. This behavior is defined
  866. in the Flow.
  867. -->
  868. <div style="display:none;" id="socialRegistration">
  869. <div class="capture_header">
  870. <p class="h1">Almost Done!</p>
  871. </div>
  872. <p class="h2">Please confirm the information below before signing in.</p>
  873. {* #socialRegistrationForm *}
  874. {* emailAddress *}
  875. {* displayName *}
  876. By clicking "Sign in", you confirm that you accept our <a target="_blank" href="">terms of service</a> and have read and understand <a target="_blank" href="">privacy policy</a>.
  877. <div class="capture_footer">
  878. <div class="capture_left">
  879. {* backButton *}
  880. </div>
  881. <div class="capture_right">
  882. <input value="Create Account" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  883. </div>
  884. </div>
  885. {* /socialRegistrationForm *}
  886. </div>
  887. <!-- traditionalRegistration:
  888. When a user clicks the 'Create Account' button this screen is rendered.
  889. -->
  890. <div style="display:none;" id="traditionalRegistration">
  891. <div class="capture_header">
  892. <p class="h1">Almost Done!</p>
  893. </div>
  894. <p>Please confirm the information below before signing in. Already have an account? <a id="capture_traditionalRegistration_navSignIn" href="#" data-capturescreen="signIn">Sign In.</a></p>
  895. {* #registrationForm *}
  896. {* emailAddress *}
  897. {* displayName *}
  898. {* newPassword *}
  899. {* newPasswordConfirm *}
  900. <div class="prm-modal__disclaimer">By clicking "Create Account", you confirm that you accept our <a target="_blank" href="">terms of service</a> and have read and understand <a target="_blank" href="">privacy policy</a>.</div>
  901. <div class="capture_footer">
  902. <div class="capture_left">
  903. {* backButton *}
  904. </div>
  905. <div class="capture_right">
  906. <input value="Create Account" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  907. </div>
  908. </div>
  909. {* /registrationForm *}
  910. </div>
  911. <!-- emailVerificationNotification:
  912. This screen is rendered after a user has registered. In the case of
  913. traditional registration, this screen is always rendered after the user
  914. completes registration on the traditionalRegistration screen. In the
  915. case of social registration, this screen is only rendered if the data
  916. returned from the IDP does not contain a verified email address.
  917. Twitter is an example of an IDP that does not return a verified email.
  918. -->
  919. <div style="display:none;" id="emailVerificationNotification">
  920. <div class="capture_header">
  921. <p class="h1">Thank you for registering!</p>
  922. </div>
  923. <p>We have sent a confirmation email to {* emailAddressData *}. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account.</p>
  924. <div class="capture_footer">
  925. <a href="#" onclick="janrain.capture.ui.modal.close()" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Close</a>
  926. </div>
  927. </div>
  928. <!--
  929. ============================================================================
  931. The following screens are part of the forgot password user workflow. For
  932. a complete out-of-the-box registration experience, these screens must be
  933. included on the page where you are implementing forgot password
  934. functionality.
  935. ============================================================================
  936. -->
  938. <!-- forgotPassword:
  939. Entry point into the forgot password user workflow. This screen is
  940. rendered when the user clicks on the 'Forgot your password?' link on the
  941. signIn screen.
  942. -->
  943. <div style="display:none;" id="forgotPassword">
  944. <div class="capture_header">
  945. <p class="h1">Create a new password</p>
  946. </div>
  947. <p class="h2">We'll send you a link to create a new password.</p>
  948. {* #forgotPasswordForm *}
  949. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  950. <div class="capture_footer">
  951. <div class="capture_left">
  952. {* backButton *}
  953. </div>
  954. <div class="capture_right">
  955. <input value="Send" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  956. </div>
  957. </div>
  958. {* /forgotPasswordForm *}
  959. </div>
  960. <!-- forgotPasswordSuccess:
  961. When the user submits an email address on the forgotPassword screen,
  962. this screen is rendered.
  963. -->
  964. <div style="display:none;" id="forgotPasswordSuccess">
  965. <div class="capture_header">
  966. <p class="h1">Create a new password</p>
  967. </div>
  968. <p>We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed.</p>
  969. <div class="capture_footer">
  970. <a href="#" onclick="janrain.capture.ui.modal.close()" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Close</a>
  971. </div>
  972. </div>
  973. <!--
  974. ============================================================================
  976. The following screens are part of the account merging user workflow. For
  977. a complete out-of-the-box account merging experience, these screens must
  978. be included on the page where you are implementing account merging
  979. functionality.
  980. ============================================================================
  981. -->
  983. <!-- mergeAccounts:
  984. This screen is rendered if the user created their account through
  985. traditional registration and then tries to sign in with an IDP that
  986. shares the same email address that exists in their user record.
  988. NOTE! You will notice special tags you see on this screen. These tags,
  989. such as '{| current_displayName |}' are rendered by the Janrain Capture
  990. Widget in a way similar to JTL tags, but are more limited. We currently
  991. only support modifying the text in this screen through the Flow. You
  992. can, however, add your own markup and text throughout this screen as you
  993. see fit.
  994. -->
  995. <div style="display:none;" id="mergeAccounts">
  996. {* mergeAccounts {"custom": true} *}
  997. <div id="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeAccounts_mergeOptionsContainer" class="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeOptionsContainer">
  998. <div class="capture_header">
  999. <div class="capture_icon_col">
  1000. {| rendered_current_photo |}
  1001. </div>
  1002. <div class="capture_displayName_col">
  1003. {| current_displayName |}<br />
  1004. {| current_emailAddress |}
  1005. </div>
  1006. <span class="capture_mergeProvider janrain-provider-icon-24 janrain-provider-icon-{| current_provider_lowerCase |}"></span>
  1007. </div>
  1008. <div class="capture_dashed">
  1009. <div class="capture_mergeCol capture_centerText capture_left">
  1010. <p class="capture_bigText">{| foundExistingAccountText |} <b>{| current_emailAddress |}</b>.</p>
  1011. <div class="capture_hover">
  1012. <div class="capture_popup_container">
  1013. <span class="capture_popup-arrow"></span>{| moreInfoHoverText |}<br />
  1014. {| existing_displayName |} - {| existing_provider |} : {| existing_siteName |} {| existing_createdDate |}
  1015. </div>
  1016. {| moreInfoText |}
  1017. </div>
  1018. </div>
  1019. <div class="capture_mergeCol capture_mergeExisting_col capture_right">
  1020. <div class="capture_shadow capture_backgroundColor capture_border">
  1021. {| rendered_existing_provider_photo |}
  1022. <div class="capture_displayName_col">
  1023. {| existing_displayName |}<br />
  1024. {| existing_provider_emailAddress |}
  1025. </div>
  1026. <span class="capture_mergeProvider janrain-provider-icon-16 janrain-provider-icon-{| existing_provider_lowerCase |} "></span>
  1027. <div class="capture_centerText capture_smallText">Created {| existing_createdDate |} at {| existing_siteName |}</div>
  1028. </div>
  1029. </div>
  1030. </div>
  1031. <div id="capture_mergeAccounts_form_collection_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio" class="capture_form_collection_merge_radioButtonCollection capture_form_collection capture_elementCollection capture_form_collection_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio" data-capturefield="undefined">
  1032. <div id="capture_mergeAccounts_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_1_0" class="capture_form_item capture_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio capture_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_1_0 capture_toggled" data-capturefield="undefined">
  1033. <label for="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_1_0">
  1034. <input id="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_1_0" data-capturefield="undefined" data-capturecollection="true" value="1" type="radio" class="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_1_0 capture_input_radio" checked="checked" name="mergeAccounts_mergeRadio">
  1035. {| connectLegacyRadioText |}
  1036. </label>
  1037. </div>
  1038. <div id="capture_mergeAccounts_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_2_1" class="capture_form_item capture_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio capture_form_item_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_2_1" data-capturefield="undefined">
  1039. <label for="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_2_1">
  1040. <input id="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_2_1" data-capturefield="undefined" data-capturecollection="true" value="2" type="radio" class="capture_mergeAccounts_mergeRadio_2_1 capture_input_radio" name="mergeAccounts_mergeRadio">
  1041. {| createRadioText |} {| current_provider |}
  1042. </label>
  1043. </div>
  1044. <div class="capture_tip" style="display:none;">
  1045. </div>
  1046. <div class="capture_tip_validating" data-elementname="mergeAccounts_mergeRadio">Validating</div>
  1047. <div class="capture_tip_error" data-elementname="mergeAccounts_mergeRadio"></div>
  1048. </div>
  1049. <div class="capture_footer">
  1050. {| connect_button |}
  1051. {| create_button |}
  1052. </div>
  1053. </div>
  1054. </div>
  1055. <!-- traditionalAuthenticateMerge:
  1056. When the user elects to merge their traditional and social account, the
  1057. user will see this screen. They will then enter their current sign in
  1058. credentials and, upon successful authorization, the accounts will be
  1059. merged.
  1060. -->
  1061. <div style="display:none;" id="traditionalAuthenticateMerge">
  1062. <div class="capture_header">
  1063. <p class="h1">Sign in to complete account merge</p>
  1064. </div>
  1065. <div class="capture_signin">
  1066. {* #signInForm *}
  1067. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  1068. {* currentPassword *}
  1069. <div class="capture_footer">
  1070. <div class="capture_left">
  1071. {* backButton *}
  1072. </div>
  1073. <div class="capture_right">
  1074. <button class="capture_secondary capture_btn capture_primary" type="submit"><span class="janrain-icon-16 janrain-icon-key"></span> Sign In</button>
  1075. </div>
  1076. </div>
  1077. {* /signInForm *}
  1078. </div>
  1079. </div>
  1080. <!--
  1081. ============================================================================
  1083. The following screens are part of the email verification user workflow.
  1084. For a complete out-of-the-box email verification experience, these
  1085. screens must be included on page where you are implementing email
  1086. verification.
  1087. ============================================================================
  1088. -->
  1090. <!-- verifyEmail:
  1091. This is the landing screen after a user clicks on the link in the
  1092. verification email sent to the user when they've registered with a
  1093. non-verified email address.
  1095. HOW IT WORKS: The code that is generated by Capture and included in the
  1096. link sent in the verification email is sent to the server and, if valid,
  1097. the user's email will be marked as valid and the verifyEmailSuccess
  1098. screen will be rendered. If the code is not accepted for any reason,
  1099. the verifyEmail screen is shown and the user has another opportunity
  1100. to have the verification email sent to them.
  1102. NOTE: The links generated in the emails sent to users are based on
  1103. Capture settings found in Janrain's Capture Dashboard. In addition to
  1104. entering the URL of your email verification page, you will need to add
  1105. 'screenToRender' as a parameter in the URL with a value of 'verifyEmail'
  1106. which is this screen.
  1107. -->
  1108. <div style="display:none;" id="verifyEmail">
  1109. <div class="capture_header">
  1110. <p class="h1">Resend Email Verification</p>
  1111. </div>
  1112. <p>Sorry we could not verify that email address. Enter your email below and we'll send you another email.</p>
  1113. {* #resendVerificationForm *}
  1114. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  1115. <div class="capture_footer">
  1116. <input value="Submit" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1117. </div>
  1118. {* /resendVerificationForm *}
  1119. </div>
  1120. <!-- resendVerificationSuccess:
  1121. This screen is rendered when a user enters an email address from the
  1122. verifyEmail screen.
  1123. -->
  1124. <div style="display:none;" id="resendVerificationSuccess">
  1125. <div class="capture_header">
  1126. <p class="h1">Your Verification Email Has Been Sent</p>
  1127. </div>
  1128. <div class="hr"></div>
  1129. <p>Check your email for a link to reset your password.</p>
  1130. <div class="capture_footer">
  1131. <a href="/" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Sign in</a>
  1132. </div>
  1133. </div>
  1134. <!-- verifyEmailSuccess:
  1135. This screen is rendered if the verification code provided in the link
  1136. sent to the user in the verification email is accepted and the user's
  1137. email address has been verified.
  1138. -->
  1139. <div style="display:none;" id="verifyEmailSuccess">
  1140. <div class="capture_header">
  1141. <p class="h1">You did it!</p>
  1142. </div>
  1143. <p>Thank you for verifiying your email address.
  1144. <div class="capture_footer">
  1145. <a href="/" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Sign in</a>
  1146. </div>
  1147. </div>
  1148. <!--
  1149. ============================================================================
  1151. The following screens are part of the password reset user workflow.
  1152. For a complete out-of-the-box password reset experience, these screens
  1153. must be included on the page where you are implementing password reset
  1154. functionality.
  1156. NOTE: The order in which these screens are rendered is as follows:
  1157. resetPasswordRequestCode
  1158. resetPasswordRequestCodeSuccess
  1159. resetPassword
  1160. resetPasswordSuccess
  1161. ============================================================================
  1162. -->
  1164. <!-- resetPassword:
  1165. This screen is rendered when the user clicks the link in provided in the
  1166. password reset email and the code in the link is valid.
  1167. -->
  1168. <div style="display:none;" id="resetPassword">
  1169. <div class="capture_header">
  1170. <p class="h1">Change password</p>
  1171. </div>
  1172. {* #changePasswordFormNoAuth *}
  1173. {* newPassword *}
  1174. {* newPasswordConfirm *}
  1175. <div class="capture_footer">
  1176. <input value="Submit" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1177. </div>
  1178. {* /changePasswordFormNoAuth *}
  1179. </div>
  1180. <!-- resetPasswordSuccess:
  1181. This screen is rendered when the user successfully changes their
  1182. password from the resetPassword screen.
  1183. -->
  1184. <div style="display:none;" id="resetPasswordSuccess">
  1185. <div class="capture_header">
  1186. <p class="h1">Your password has been changed</p>
  1187. </div>
  1188. <p>Password has been successfully updated.</p>
  1189. <div class="capture_footer">
  1190. <a href="/" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Sign in</a>
  1191. </div>
  1192. </div>
  1193. <!-- resetPasswordRequestCode:
  1194. This is the landing screen for the password reset workflow. When the
  1195. user clicks the link provided in the reset password email, a code is
  1196. supplied and is passed to Capture for verification. If the code is valid
  1197. the resetPassword screen is rendered immediately and the content of
  1198. this screen is not presented. If the code is not accepted for any reason
  1199. this screen is then presented, allowing the user to re-enter their
  1200. email address.
  1201. -->
  1202. <div style="display:none;" id="resetPasswordRequestCode">
  1203. <div class="capture_header">
  1204. <p class="h1">Create a new password</p>
  1205. </div>
  1206. <p>We didn't recognize that password reset code. Enter your email address to get a new one.</p>
  1207. {* #resetPasswordForm *}
  1208. {* signInEmailAddress *}
  1209. <div class="capture_footer">
  1210. <input value="Send" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1211. </div>
  1212. {* /resetPasswordForm *}
  1213. </div>
  1214. <!-- resetPasswordRequestCodeSuccess:
  1215. This screen is rendered if the user submitted an email address on the
  1216. resetPasswordRequestCode screen.
  1217. -->
  1218. <div style="display:none;" id="resetPasswordRequestCodeSuccess">
  1219. <div class="capture_header">
  1220. <p class="h1">Create a new password</p>
  1221. </div>
  1222. <p>We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed.</p>
  1223. <div class="capture_footer">
  1224. <a href="#" onclick="janrain.capture.ui.modal.close()" class="capture_btn capture_primary">Close</a>
  1225. </div>
  1226. </div>
  1227. <!--
  1228. ============================================================================
  1230. The following screens are part of the profile editing user workflow.
  1231. For a complete out-of-the-box profile editing experience, these screens
  1232. must be included on the page where you are implementing profile editing
  1233. functionality.
  1234. ============================================================================
  1235. -->
  1237. <!-- editProfile
  1238. This screen is where the user can edit their profile data. It can be
  1239. rendered in whatever way works best for your implementation, be it
  1240. using the data-capturescreen attribute, janrain.capture.ui.renderScreen
  1241. or passing in 'screenToRender' in the URL linking to the page where
  1242. you have implemented edit profile.
  1243. -->
  1244. <div style="display:none;" id="editProfile">
  1245. <p class="h1">Edit Your Account</p>
  1246. <div class="capture_grid_block">
  1247. <div class="capture_col_4">
  1248. <p class="h3">Profile Photo</p>
  1249. <div class="contentBoxWhiteShadow">
  1250. {* photoManager *}
  1251. </div>
  1252. <p class="h3">Linked Accounts</p>
  1253. <div class="contentBoxWhiteShadow">
  1254. {* linkedAccounts *}
  1255. {* #linkAccountContainer *}
  1256. <div class="capture_header">
  1257. <p class="h1">Link your accounts</p>
  1258. </div>
  1259. <p class="h2">Allows you to sign in to your account using that provider in the future.</p>
  1260. <div class="capture_signin">
  1261. {* loginWidget *}
  1262. </div>
  1263. {* /linkAccountContainer *}
  1264. </div>
  1265. <!-- Only show this if it was from a traditional login !-->
  1266. <p class="janrain_traditional_account_only">Password</p>
  1267. <div class="janrain_traditional_account_only contentBoxWhiteShadow">
  1268. <a href="#" data-capturescreen="changePassword">Change Password</a>
  1269. </div>
  1270. <p class="janrain_traditional_account_only">Deactivate Account</p>
  1271. <div class="capture_deactivate_section contentBoxWhiteShadow clearfix">
  1272. <a href="#" data-capturescreen="confirmAccountDeactivation">Deactivate Account</a>
  1273. </div>
  1274. </div>
  1275. <div class="capture_col_8">
  1276. <p class="h3">Account Info</p>
  1277. <div class="contentBoxWhiteShadow">
  1278. <div class="capture_grid_block">
  1279. <div class="capture_center_col capture_col_8">
  1280. <div class="capture_editCol">
  1281. {* #editProfileForm *}
  1282. {* firstName *}
  1283. {* lastName *}
  1284. {* gender *}
  1285. {* birthdate *}
  1286. {* displayName *}
  1287. {* emailAddress *}
  1288. {* resendLink *}
  1289. {* phone *}
  1290. {* addressStreetAddress1 *}
  1291. {* addressStreetAddress2 *}
  1292. {* addressCity *}
  1293. {* addressPostalCode *}
  1294. {* addressState *}
  1295. {* addressCountry *}
  1296. <div class="capture_form_item">
  1297. <input value="Save" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1298. {* savedProfileMessage *}
  1299. </div>
  1300. {* /editProfileForm *}
  1301. </div>
  1302. </div>
  1303. </div>
  1304. </div>
  1305. </div>
  1306. </div>
  1307. </div>
  1308. <!-- changePassword:
  1309. This screen is rendered when the user clicks the 'Change Password' link
  1310. on the edit profile page. After the user enters their new password,
  1311. the edit profile screen is refreshed and displayed.
  1312. -->
  1313. <div style="display:none;" id="changePassword">
  1314. <div class="capture_header">
  1315. <p class="h1">Change password</p>
  1316. </div>
  1317. {* #changePasswordForm *}
  1318. {* currentPassword *}
  1319. {* newPassword *}
  1320. {* newPasswordConfirm *}
  1321. <div class="capture_footer">
  1322. <input value="Save" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1323. </div>
  1324. {* /changePasswordForm *}
  1325. </div>
  1326. <!-- confirmAccountDeactivation:
  1327. If the user clicks the 'Deactivate Account' link on the edit profile
  1328. page, this screen is rendered. From here, the user can deactivate their
  1329. account.
  1330. -->
  1331. <div style="display:none;" id="confirmAccountDeactivation">
  1332. <div class="capture_header">
  1333. <p class="h1">Deactivate your Account</p>
  1334. </div>
  1335. <div class="content_wrapper">
  1336. <p>Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? You will no longer have access to your profile.</p>
  1337. {* deactivateAccountForm *}
  1338. <div class="capture_footer">
  1339. <input value="Yes" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1340. <a href="#" id="capture_confirmAccountDeactivation_noButton" onclick="janrain.capture.ui.modal.close()" class="capture_btn capture_primary">No</a>
  1341. </div>
  1342. </div>
  1343. {* /deactivateAccountForm *}
  1344. </div>
  1345. </div>
  1346. <!--
  1347. ============================================================================
  1349. The following screen is part of the post-login workflow.
  1350. ============================================================================
  1351. -->
  1353. <!-- requiredFields:
  1354. When a user signs in and is missing a required value, this screen is rendered.
  1355. This behavior is defined in the Flow.
  1356. -->
  1357. <div style="display:none;" id="requiredFields">
  1358. <div class="capture_header">
  1359. <p class="h1">Almost Done!</p>
  1360. </div>
  1361. <p class="h2">Please provide the information below before signing in.</p>
  1362. {* #requiredFieldsForm *}
  1363. {* displayName *}
  1364. <div class="capture_footer">
  1365. <div class="capture_left">
  1366. {* backButton *}
  1367. </div>
  1368. <div class="capture_right">
  1369. <input value="Sign In" type="submit" class="capture_btn capture_primary">
  1370. </div>
  1371. </div>
  1372. {* /requiredFieldsForm *}
  1373. </div>
  1374. <form action="" style="display:none;" method="post" id="user_login"><input name="form_id" value="user_login"/></form>
  1375. </div>
  1376. </div>
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