
A Grey Knight in Tartarus, part 3 (The Hunt Begins)

Apr 8th, 2012
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  2. >You spend the night skinning mutants.
  3. >Horse hide from the centaur creatures, that you carefully clean and tie together.
  4. >You gather up a portion of the remaining tribute food while Eris sleeps.
  5. >You should be able to keep the both of you fed while she figures out which way you're going to take out of here.
  6. >Eris purrs and twitches in her sleep, and you spare her a glance.
  7. >She'd overeaten, curled up around a melon, and passed out last night.
  8. >You got the feeling she did not eat meals like this often.
  9. >The thought makes you sad, and you chastise yourself for it.
  10. >Thoughts like that were part of the problem, part of the doubt.
  11. >Were a Chaplain present, you would have submitted yourself for mind-cleansing immediately.
  12. >But you were alone, now. You had no brothers with which to share your fate. No humans to protect from the terrors of the Warp.
  13. >Only an irritating, friendly alien.
  14. >Damn her mismatched hide.
  15. >You finish loading food into your hastily constructed hide-pouch, and nudge her with your foot.
  16. >She paws at the air, yawning.
  17. >"Three more hours, Dad."
  18. >You have conditioned response, no training, for dealing with this.
  19. >So you settle for nudging her again.
  22. "Eris."
  23. >"I don't wanna watch the cotton cand-"
  24. "ERIS."
  25. >Her eyes open, and she glares up at you.
  26. >"Oh, it's you. Morning, mister I'm-going-to-kill-your-entire-planet-and-you-too."
  27. >You still felt bad for that.
  28. >Damn her xenos hide.
  29. >But that is what you were supposed to do, wasn't it? To keep mankind safe.
  30. >But how did brightly-colored equines have that could threaten Man. For that manner, what did Eris have? She could do many things, but-
  31. >"Heeelloooo?"
  32. >You look back down at her.
  33. >"You did that spacing out thing again, dude."
  34. "Yes..well. Get up. We need to get moving."
  35. >She starts to lean up, still giving you a less than happy look. She then falls back onto her back.
  36. >"Bluh. I ate too much. Help me up."
  37. "Are you serious?"
  38. >She holds up her paw and eagle claw, her face still aloof.
  39. >You grunt and pull her onto her mismatched feet.
  42. >Normally, she'd start doing a victory loop and needling you, but today she just accepts your aid, floats into the air, and starts off.
  43. >You follow her, perplexed at her cold attitude.
  44. "So, have you decided on which one of those beings we're going to steal a portal form, Eris?"
  45. >She snorts in irritation.
  46. >"No, Justicar, I have not. Definitely not Tirek. He's going to be in a rage when he finds that caravan."
  47. >Justicar
  48. >She hadn't called you that in a WHILE.
  49. >She must really be upset.
  50. >What in the Emperor's name is HER problem?
  51. >And why do you care?
  52. >You decide that you don't.
  53. >A more practical Eris is an Eris you can get behind.
  56. >Okay, you were wrong.
  57. >Serious Eris is terrible Eris.
  58. >The both of you had been marching (and floating) in no direction you could fathom, for the better part of two hours.
  59. >She hasn't said a word.
  60. >Hasn't played a prank.
  61. >Just drifted and stared ahead.
  62. >It's killing you, and you know it shouldn't be.
  63. >You should be fine with it. A xenos' feelings were no concern of yours.
  64. >But you weren't fine with it. Her pranks, while annoying, were amusing. Her laughter was infectious.
  65. >You held the faith of the Emperor in your heart. You were determined to Purge the Sorcerer and kill his daemonic allies.
  66. >Surely, that balanced out, did it not?
  67. >You think in silence for another ten minutes.
  68. >Even if it didn't balance, you had already been tossed into damnation.
  69. >If you returned to the Imperium, you would face full censure then.
  70. >For now, Eris being quiet was more irritating than a playful Eris.
  71. "Eris."
  72. >Her ear flicks, and she glances at you briefly, before turning back ahead.
  73. "I seem to recall one of us saying that it was unwise to keep something that bothered us to ourselves."
  76. >She whirls on you, scowling.
  77. "Speak up, Eris. What's wrong?"
  78. >She seems shocked.
  79. >"You really don't know? Dude, are you that dense?"
  80. >You lift your hand to reply, but she cuts you off.
  81. >"You told me last night that you wanted to kill MY ENTIRE WORLD. The place I havn't seen in two thousand years. The place I came from to this hellhole. And then, when I asked if you would do that knowing I'd be one of the things you'd be killing, you went silent."
  82. "I-"
  83. >"For the whole night. Silent! Didn't say a word!"
  84. "I was med-"
  85. >"If you say 'meditating about it,' I swear I'll turn your helmet into coconut."
  86. >She turns around, grumbling and growling to herself.
  87. >She wasn't even sure if she COULD do that, considering what happened last time she'd tried something on him, but she'd make good on her threat if he said the word.
  88. "I'm sorry."
  89. >She turns her head, jaw dropped in shock.
  90. >"Dude. What?"
  91. "I apologize."
  94. >She's still staring at you, and it's not making you feel any more comfortable.
  95. >This is the mental equivalent of swallowing razorblades for you.
  96. >But you do it anyway, because you mean it.
  97. >You were sorry for what you said, because you felt she didn't deserve it. She wasn't a devious Eldar, or a monstrous Ork, or a corrupt Daemon.
  98. >She was just Eris.
  99. >Playful, funny, trustworthy, helpful, mischievous.
  100. >Eris.
  101. "You are a...trusted ally, Eris. I should not have said what I sa-"
  102. >She interrupts your apology by forcefully hugging your face.
  103. >"Oh, c'mere ya big lug! You're too dumb to stay mad at."
  104. >You come to a complete stop.
  105. "Eris, I can't see."
  106. >She doesn't let go of your face.
  107. >"I know."
  108. "Are you going to let go of my face?"
  109. >"Nope, friend, I sure won't."
  110. >You sigh, and keep walking.
  111. >Friend.
  112. >God Emperor willing, you could live with that.
  115. >On a nearby ridge of grey rock, two creatures watch the big metal monster stumble on the sand dunes, a draconequus attatched to his face.
  116. >"What tha hell am I watchin, Spot?"
  117. >"Dunnow Mac, but that's them."
  118. >"The one's the Boss wanted?"
  119. >"Yep, Eris and 'er big metal monster."
  120. >"So what's tha plan then?"
  121. >The other creature smiles, flashing sharp canines in the shadow of the ridge.
  122. >"That's where it gets real simple. That thing there, tore through five of Tirek's centaurs like they was tissue paper."
  123. >The other creature whistles in surprise.
  124. >"The Dog Father's thinkin' he could be a real useful weapon, and the Boss agrees."
  125. >"But how-"
  126. >"Lemme finish, ya mutt. We're gonna get 'im the old fashioned way.We take what's precious to 'im."
  127. >The creature points one stubby paw at Eris, and both of the Crime Dogs grow wide grins on their muzzles
  130. Elsewhere, in Tartarus. In an obsidian citadel at the heart of the Waste.
  131. >You were furious.
  132. >Furious that some creature dared steal from you.
  133. >Tirek.
  134. >The Dark Centaur.
  135. >Griffinfather.
  136. >The Corruptor.
  137. >In your own territory, no less.
  138. >You brood on your throne as servants lash together your armor.
  139. >Your tribute had been defiled and stolen. Your sons lay slain on the sands.
  140. >There was no other choice. Honor demanded that you act.
  141. >You rise, roaring for the horn to be blown.
  142. >You would ride out yourself, and put an end to this arrogant disrespect.
  143. >The Hunt was on.
  146. >Okay, this was funny the first time, but you really can't see.
  147. "Eris, let go."
  148. >You reach up and try to pull her off, but her arms are stuck to your helm like gum.
  149. >"Nope! There's no way I'm letting my new best friend g-"
  150. >The furious sound of a horn blowing splits the dry Waste air.
  151. >The horn blows, long and low, and then a great, howling shriek blows over the Waste winds.
  152. >Eris shivers all over, like a cat sensing an oncoming storm, and falls of your face, before immediately rising into the air.
  153. >"Justy, we've gotta go."
  154. >Nickname re-acquired.
  155. "Why? What in His name was that?"
  156. >"Not enough time, we HAVE to get out of here!"
  157. "Eris, calm down and explain."
  158. >She rounds on you, looking more terrified than you've ever seen her.
  159. >"That was TIREK, Justy! He's called a Wild Hunt! He's coming for us, and he's not going to stop until we're dead. Until everything near us is dead, and everything in between us and him."
  160. >The idea of running is more than distasteful to you, but you've swallowed enough heretical ideas today.
  161. >You could stomach a few more until you were free.
  162. >She's shivering, she's so scared. You can't have that.
  163. "Eris, if you're so sure he's a danger, let's just move out of this creature's path."
  164. >"It doesn't matter, Justy! He'll catch us! He always catches his quarry."
  165. "Not if I catch him first."
  166. >"Justy, you don't get it, he can't be stopped. Cerberus can't even keep him down for long. Magic's what keeps him trapped. He's never met anything he can't outfight!"
  167. "He's never met a Grey Knight."
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