
My story basically

Feb 8th, 2022
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  1. >be me in 2017
  2. >starts watching mha
  3. >really liking deku, shoto, and tenya
  4. >asks myself who is my favorite
  5. >gets dream where tenya approaches and puts his arm around me
  6. >realization
  7. >becomes obsessed with mha and tenya iida
  8. >meets irl tenya iida
  9. >gets first conflict with danganronpa character
  10. >irl tenya helps resolve it
  11. >falls in love with him
  12. >something bad happens to him
  13. >still being the ultimate tenya iida fan
  14. >needing some other game series as well
  15. >"hmmmm maybe i should play ff... naw ill stick with persona"
  16. >fast forward to 2020
  17. >tenya fandom becomes toxic
  18. >meets ff fan, she tells me about the games and which i should i play
  19. >"you know what i'll play ff"
  20. >gets ff game on birthday
  21. >its ffxv
  22. >watches brotherhood
  23. >plays ffxv
  24. >asks myself whos my favorite
  25. >gets a dream with prompto kissing me on the temple
  26. >what? another conflict!
  27. >gets repeated dreams of prompto being similarly affectionate
  28. >takes a break from ffxv
  29. >still a hardcore tenya stan
  30. >watching tenya's upgrade
  31. >continues getting these dreams, even in a way related to the irl tenya
  32. >realization
  33. >gets back into ffxv and prompto
  34. >tenya vs prompto conflict comes back
  35. >plays episode prompto
  36. >"omg prompto is just like tenya, this wasn;t like the dr conflict oh god oh fuck"
  37. >prays to get a resolution to the conflict
  38. >days later, chapter 342 of mha manga drops
  39. >the chapter has a new tenya costume
  40. >new tenya costume is very disappointing
  41. >on the same day, pulls prompto in the discord waifu bot
  42. >realization
  43. >this is more than just a coincidence
  44. >it means prompto beat tenya in the conflict
  45. >what. the. fuck.
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