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guilty looking list

a guest
Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. tip: bookmark the media tab to only see personal uploads
  2. to get full res for old twitter layout, right click-> view image, then append ":orig" to image url
  3. if you have the new twitter layout, replace 'small' with 'orig' then hit enter.
  4. OR if you don't want to spend your entire day doing that, It is highly recommended to use extension Twitter Media Downloader to quickly and painlessly obtain files.
  5. Note that using the archive option (rather than 'open all in tabs') on this plugin keeps original upload dates in the file metadata, so they may get lost in your folder if it's sorted by recency. Twitter Media Downloader only works with classic Twitter at the moment, you can spoof that by using the extension GoodTwitter OR setting your browser user agent to an old version of Opera (while either are active, you cannot use copy/paste function on the site - annoying)
  7. ・accounts marked with {X} are those I would not advise 'following' to keep your feed clean, due to frequent non-wrestling/WWE retweets, or gacha screenshots. However, following is necessary to keep tabs on anyone that changes their account name.
  8. ・if a photographer has a favorite girl, she's in [[ ]] brackets.
  9. ・this list is a fucking mess, I don't know how to better organize it without creating a document somewhere.
  11. Primarily Stardom:
  12. koizumo1 ‏
  13. msstrdm ‏- unique ringside photos [[Shiki]]
  14. sho_poohchin ‏
  15. Orichannext ‏
  16. 1976aurora
  17. FunStdm
  18. dgnjpw0203
  19. ecochanpapa
  20. tatsu_star_21
  21. E5y0Fj4 - [[Tam]]
  22. 0511masaton
  23. resuner - bulk uploads to google photos
  24. nabe0135
  25. I_am_NoSuKe
  26. tsuru1981 - might be wrong, but i believe this is an official stardom photographer - as such, nothing posted is different than what might make it to we_are_stardom
  27. 708M420 - [[Tam]] {X}
  28. asheBD
  29. ueyasu0208
  30. ichi3264
  31. marikina31 - always uploads in batches separated by wrestler, quality is inconsistent
  33. mojyaoman
  34. tsubasa00917
  35. yuuichi___1 - (that's three underscores) [[Natsuko]]
  36. slade_hidebou - cheki/merch table shots of natsuko, momo, and hazuki
  37. roaddogg15 - stardom/ddt
  38. mugasamurai
  39. yu_ya5277 - [[Hanan]]
  40. KToshi37 - sometimes posts non-wrestling idol content
  42. Others:
  44. mandhelingjapan - our guy, member (leader?) of mysterious joshi fan cult "DD会" alongside koizumo1, tsubasa00917, and akirossdayo1225
  45. kozilock3 - agz/wave/stardom/pure-j
  46. yuzunet - [[Sareee]]
  47. AISITEMASU531 - [[Tam]]
  48. dg_Yuna_ - stardom/dragon gate fujo
  49. loos893 - stardom/gtmv {X}
  50. sanadamusi112 - stardom/pure-j
  51. kent2000masu - stardom/njpw [[Nao]]
  52. luke_the_3 - wave/ice ribbon {X} [[Sumire]]
  53. 2828n2828n - ice ribbon
  54. lin_jongnam84 - ice ribbon (fka lijohnhon12148)
  55. hiroaki007 - stardom/njpw/small indies
  56. MASA_5104 - sames
  57. beerbearbeat - stardom, agz, seadlinng, ddt/tjpw - live recordings at small shows
  58. gaI1lODlIc027nD - live recordings at small shows
  59. studio_kaeru - ice ribbon, agz
  60. sobata0224 - njpw/agz/stardom
  61. SuperLight977 - agz,wave {X}
  62. IceKumas - ice ribbon
  63. norihon - misc, does a bit of everything {X}
  64. en1040 - ice ribbon, usually takes promotional photos from in the ring
  65. hidekitogashi8 - agz, small indies
  66. HawK1026 - ice ribbon
  67. uk08534204 - ice ribbon, agz
  68. hiroyukikai1 - ice ribbon
  69. sakayaki_SZK - tjpw/ddt
  70. nampei1983 - tjpw [[Unagi]]
  71. gatoken0806 - tjpw/gatoh
  72. bye__bye__2 - tjpw
  73. kenttyKOBE - tjpw/stardom (new account)
  74. nonboymilk - agz/stardom/noah/dragon gate/njpw (nevermind, seems to have deleted almost all their tweets)
  75. oka577 - stardom/tjpw/agz/ice ribbon
  76. shore_1959 - agz/stage performances - very small res
  77. totsu_you_lei - stardom/misc, posts live photos and merch table
  78. maachikurin0613 - stardom/tjpw, reliable for posting good photos *during* live events
  79. Hachijojimakyon - misc
  80. Kr7M2lOSgiy6huY - njpw/misc joshi
  81. lion_destino - tjpw/gatoh move
  82. yamadaudonco - tjpw (new account)
  83. purazumax - wave/agz/pure-j/sendai
  84. kazuma03032 (new account)
  85. _SWEETMILKSHAKE - tjpw/ddt - [[Saki Akai]]
  86. TAGU_PHOTO or TAGU_AOIRO - tjpw (also an artist) [[Hikari Noa]]
  87. minu_2 - tjpw
  88. shogoishikura - agz
  89. yamayama516 - agz/marvelous
  90. NoArakawa - agz
  91. kentaaLIJ - agz, wave
  92. kk12190113 - agz/stardom/stardom idols - hasnt really been to wrestling in a while
  93. whatever_spicy - tjpw/gatoh move (fka whatever_exa)
  94. U1_EastBalcony - tjpw/gatoh move/pure j/stardom - bulk uploads to google photos [[Riho]]
  95. XJ60711G - gatoh move/tjpw/heat up
  96. sasuraiphoto2 - stardom/marvelous/oz/marvelous/etc
  97. noukyou_26 - ddt/misc {X}
  98. extremeparty - ddt/tjpw/mens puro {X}
  99. hahaaaanmax - ddt/misc
  100. youji4876 - ice ribbon/seadlinnng/tjpw
  101. kmaxjapan - agz/wave/marvelous/mens puro
  102. nabe_navi - tjpw/misc
  103. keisuke226 - marvelous
  104. noripi196810 - pure-j/marvelous
  105. up_norinori - sendai/marvelous
  106. shige5767 - agz/wave
  107. kiyochance1 - agz, but lots of idol stuff {X}
  108. rythem00359 - wave/agz/tjpw/mens puro
  109. dabe_39na - wave/sendai/ice ribbon
  110. Koujiman22 - sendai, older posts are stardom
  111. dkdk_bk stardom/mens puro
  112. maaaxxx2 - mens puro/ice ribbon (she cute)
  113. __10000yen - ryukyu pw
  114. Sakura51247 - mens puro
  115. jotaro_tomi - misc
  116. RntsY4nAqZ5HpO5 - njpw/stardom, new account
  117. egaop - bjw
  118. seekyourturn - njpw fujoshi, but started attending stardom july 24 2019
  119. ice_0702 - useful for live show photos as they happen
  120. Lost_new_world - njpw account that rarely goes to stardom/tjpw shows
  121. KurogoMinamoto - sometimes stardom, usually kgb/idolstuff
  122. terusan4603 - tons of idol shit but also stardom/small indies/misc photos (low res) {X}
  123. zztsumit_23 - (high quality photos) usually idols, sometimes stardom/noah {X}
  124. Takashi0508 (aka domdomTKS) - slow account, rare stardom images
  125. chiyusho - stardom, slow and infrequent pictures and only attends Nagoya shows
  126. sasukezaemon - he gives signs to stardom/tjpw girls and posts his cats... a lot
  127. soms_melon2106 - rare stardom posts, often just unrelated sports
  128. KuboboChan - misc
  129. take_pegas - doodles/comics
  130. Dynamic_F - misc, slow to update
  131. DanggoDaisuki - doodles
  132. junichitai - puroresu doodles
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