Guest User


a guest
Sep 7th, 2016
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  1. "zh-CN":
  2. will_paginate:
  3. next_label: "下一页 →"
  4. previous_label: "← 上一页"
  5. page_gap: "…"
  6. mongoid:
  7. models:
  8. user: "用户"
  9. attributes:
  10. user:
  11. login: "用户名"
  12. name: "昵称"
  13. email: "Email"
  14. avatar: "头像"
  15. bio: "个人介绍"
  16. password: "密码"
  17. password_confirmation: "确认密码"
  18. website: "个人主页"
  19. remember_me: 记住登陆状态
  20. current_password: 旧密码
  21. errors:
  22. messages:
  23. inclusion: "不包含于列表中"
  24. exclusion: "是保留关键字"
  25. invalid: "是无效的"
  26. confirmation: "与确认值不匹配"
  27. accepted: "必须是可被接受的"
  28. empty: "不能留空"
  29. blank: "不能为空字符"
  30. too_long: "过长(最长为 %{count} 个字符)"
  31. too_short: "过短(最短为 %{count} 个字符)"
  32. wrong_length: "长度非法(必须为 %{count} 个字符)"
  33. taken: "已经被使用"
  34. not_a_number: "不是数字"
  35. not_an_integer: "必须是整数"
  36. greater_than: "必须大于 %{count}"
  37. greater_than_or_equal_to: "必须大于或等于 %{count}"
  38. equal_to: "必须等于 %{count}"
  39. less_than: "必须小于 %{count}"
  40. less_than_or_equal_to: "必须小于或等于 %{count}"
  41. odd: "必须为单数"
  42. even: "必须为双数"
  43. record_invalid: "校验失败: %{errors}"
  44. taken:
  45. 已占用
  46. document_not_found:
  47. 没有发现类是 %{klass} ID 是 %{identifiers} 的文档
  48. invalid_database:
  49. 数据库应该是Mongo::DB,而不是%{name}.
  50. invalid_type:
  51. 在类%{klass}中定义了字段,实际值是%{value}的%{other}.
  52. unsupported_version:
  53. MongoDB %{version} 版本已过期,请升级到 %{mongo_version}.
  54. validations:
  55. 校验失败 - %{errors}.
  56. invalid_collection:
  57. 不允许直接访问嵌入式的集合%{klass} , 请从文档的根访问集合.
  58. invalid_field:
  59. 字段的名字不允许为 %{name}. 你不应该定义跟Mongoid内部属性或者方法相同的名字,详细请看Use Document#instance_methods.
  60. too_many_nested_attribute_records:
  61. 被关联的%{association} 嵌入式属性不能超过 %{limit}.
  62. embedded_in_must_have_inverse_of:
  63. embedded_in的关联属性必须包含inverse_of.
  64. dependent_only_references_one_or_many:
  65. dependent => destroy|delete 选项只有在references_one或者references_many时候有效.
  66. association_cant_have_inverse_of:
  67. 在当前的关联中,不允许定义inverse_of去,其只有在embedded_in或者references_many是数组的情况下使用
  68. unsaved_document:
  69. You cannot call create or create! through a relational association
  70. relation (%{document}) who's parent (%{base}) is not already saved.
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