Guest User


a guest
Mar 11th, 2018
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  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Xero Storm</title>
  4. </head>
  5. <body bgcolor="#121212">
  6. <table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" style="font-family: tahoma, verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #FFFFFF;">
  7. <tr><td align="center" valign="middle">
  8. <a href="index.php"><img src="images/smoothgreybb/logo_hover.png" border="0" width="330" height="80"></a><br />
  9. <?php
  10. // ------------------------- //
  11. // Config //
  13. $shop_mysql_host = "localhost";
  14. $shop_mysql_user = "xerostor_db";
  15. $shop_mysql_pass = "lolboll(nejjagdriver)";
  16. $shop_mysql_db = "xerostor_db";
  18. // Styles //
  20. $shop_s['item'] = "text-align: center;";
  21. $shop_s['description'] = "text-align: left;";
  22. $shop_s['table'] = "font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #1a1a1a;";
  23. $shop_s['price'] = "color: #FF0000;";
  24. $shop_s['buynow'] = "color: #FFFF00";
  27. // ----------------------------
  29. // MySQL connect
  30. $shop_con = mysql_connect($shop_mysql_host, $shop_mysql_user, $shop_mysql_pass);
  31. mysql_select_db($shop_mysql_db, $shop_con);
  33. // ----------------------------
  35. $shop_mybbuser = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['mybbuser']);
  36. $shop_mybbuser = explode("_", $shop_mybbuser);
  37. $shop_uid = $shop_mybbuser[0];
  38. $shop_loginkey = $shop_mybbuser[1];
  39. mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '".$shop_uid."' AND loginkey = '".$shop_loginkey."'");
  40. if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1) {
  41. exit("You have to be logged in to use the shop.<br />\n<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>");
  42. }
  44. function sendPM($toid, $fromid, $subject, $message) { // Send PM function
  45. $mybbpms = 'mybb_privatemessages';
  46. $mybbpmusers = 'mybb_users';
  47. $recipients = serialize(array("to" => array($toid)));
  48. $time = time();
  49. mysql_query("INSERT into $mybbpms(uid,toid,fromid,recipients,folder,subject,message,dateline,status) VALUES('$fromid','$toid','$fromid','$recipients','2','$subject','$message','$time','1')");
  50. mysql_query("INSERT into $mybbpms(uid,toid,fromid,recipients,folder,subject,message,dateline,receipt) VALUES('$toid','$toid','$fromid','$recipients','1','$subject','$message','$time','1')");
  51. mysql_query("UPDATE $mybbpmusers SET `pmnotice` = 2 WHERE uid = '$toid'"); //update the pm notify! finally fuck!
  52. mysql_query("UPDATE $mybbpmusers SET `unreadpms` = `unreadpms` +1 WHERE uid = '$toid'"); //update the pm notify! finally fuck!
  53. }
  55. if (!isset($_GET['action'])) $_GET['action'] = "items";
  57. function genRandString() {
  58. $chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
  59. $string = "";
  60. for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
  61. for($ii=0; $ii<4; $ii++) {
  62. $string .= $chars[rand(0,strlen($chars)-1)];
  63. }
  64. if ($i !== 4) $string .= "-";
  65. }
  66. return $string;
  67. }
  69. $shop_q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '".$shop_uid."'"); // MySQL query
  70. $shop_row = mysql_fetch_array($shop_q); // Fetch array
  72. $shop_users_points = $shop_row['newpoints'];
  73. $shop_key = md5($shop_uid."s5vkmG6ZwaJyyCav5h".$shop_row['my_post_key']);
  75. echo "You currently have <b>".$shop_users_points."</b> on your account.<br /><br />\n\n";
  77. switch($_GET['action']) {
  78. case "items": // The items table
  79. echo "<table border=\"1\" style=\"".$shop_s['table']."\" style=\"font-family: tahoma, verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #FFFFFF;\">\n";
  80. echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td width=\"500\"><b>Item name</b></td><td width=\"75\"><b>Price</b></td><td width=\"75\"><b>Stock</b><td width=\"75\"><b>Buy now</b></td></td>\n";
  81. echo "<tr style=\"".$shop_s['item']."\"><td><img src=\"images/newpoints/default.png\"></td><td style=\"".$shop_s['description']."\"><b>Professional Upgrade</b><br />Use this item to upgrade yourself or another member to professional.</td><td style=\"".$shop_s['price']."\"><b>5000 P</b></td><td><b>Infinite</b><td><b><a href=\"shop.php?action=buy&item=professional_upgrade&shop_key=".$shop_key."\" style=\"".$shop_s['buynow']."\">Buy now</a></b></td></td></tr>\n";
  82. echo "<tr style=\"".$shop_s['item']."\"><td><img src=\"images/newpoints/default.png\"></td><td style=\"".$shop_s['description']."\"><b>Group Creation Badge</b><br />Use this item to to create your own offical group.</td><td style=\"".$shop_s['price']."\"><b>10000 P</b></td><td><b>15</b><td><b><a href=\"shop.php?action=buy&item=group_creation_Badge&shop_key=".$shop_key."\" style=\"".$shop_s['buynow']."\">Buy now</a></b></td></td></tr>\n";
  83. echo "<tr style=\"".$shop_s['item']."\"><td><img src=\"images/newpoints/default.png\"></td><td style=\"".$shop_s['description']."\"><b>Video Badge</b><br />With this item you can choose video of the day.</td><td style=\"".$shop_s['price']."\"><b>1000 P</b></td><td><b>15</b><td><b><a href=\"shop.php?action=buy&item=video_Badge&shop_key=".$shop_key."\" style=\"".$shop_s['buynow']."\">Buy now</a></b></td></td></tr>\n";
  84. echo "</table>";
  85. break;
  86. case "buy":
  87. if ($_GET['shop_key'] == $shop_key) { // Check if the shop key is valid
  88. switch($_GET['item']) {
  89. case "professional_upgrade": // ITEM: Professional Upgrade
  90. if ($shop_users_points >= 5000) {
  91. // Change usergroup and remove points from account
  92. mysql_query("UPDATE mybb_users SET usergroup = 9, newpoints = newpoints - 5000 WHERE uid = ".$shop_uid);
  93. // PM to eXore
  94. sendPM(1, 373, "Purchase from point store", "User ID: ".$shop_uid." just purchased the item [b]Professional Upgrade[/b]!");
  95. // PM to buyer
  96. sendPM($shop_uid, 373, "Purchase from point store", "Hello!\nYou just purchased a Professional Upgrade from the pointstore.\nYou have already been upgraded as you read this.\nContact eXore if you have any questions about the purchase.");
  97. // Add 1500 credits to account
  98. mysql_query("UPDATE mybb_users SET newpoints = newpoints + 1500 WHERE uid = ".$shop_uid);
  99. // Echo thanks
  100. echo "You are now upgraded!<br />Enjoy your new benefits of being a Professional member.<br /><br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  101. } else {
  102. echo "Sorry, you do not have enough points to buy this item.<br /><br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  103. }
  104. break;
  105. case "group_creation_Badge": // ITEM: Group Creation Badge
  106. if ($shop_users_points >= 10000) {
  107. // Generate code
  108. $store_Badge_code = genRandString();
  109. // PM to eXore
  110. sendPM(1, 373, "Purchase from point store", "User ID: ".$shop_uid." just purchased the item [b]Group Creation Badge[/b]!\nBadge code: ".$store_Badge_code);
  111. // PM to buyer
  112. sendPM($shop_uid, 373, "Purchase from point store", "Hello!\nYou just purchased a Group Creation Badge from the pointstore.\n\nYour Badge code is: ".$store_Badge_code."\n\nThis PM is just a notification that everything went good.\nContact eXore if you have any questions about the purchase.");
  113. // Remove points from buyers account
  114. mysql_query("UPDATE mybb_users SET newpoints = newpoints - 10000 WHERE uid = ".$shop_uid);
  115. // Echo thanks
  116. echo "Your purchase is completed!<br />You have been PMd your code.<br />When you want to create your group, just shout a PM to eXore with the<br />name of the group and your Badge code.<br /><br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  117. } else {
  118. echo "Sorry, you do not have enough points to buy this item.<br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  119. }
  120. break;
  121. case "video_Badge": // ITEM: Video Badge
  122. if ($shop_users_points >= 1000) {
  123. // Generate code
  124. $store_video_code = genRandString();
  125. // PM to eXore
  126. sendPM(1, 373, "Purchase from point store", "User ID: ".$shop_uid." just purchased the item [b]Video Badge[/b]!\nBadge code: ".$store_video_code);
  127. // PM to buyer
  128. sendPM($shop_uid, 373, "Purchase from point store", "Hello!\nYou just purchased a Video Badge from the pointstore.\n\nYour Badge code is: ".$store_video_code."\n\nThis PM is just a notification that everything went good.\nContact eXore if you have any questions about the purchase.");
  129. // Remove points from buyers account
  130. mysql_query("UPDATE mybb_users SET newpoints = newpoints - 1000 WHERE uid = ".$shop_uid); // Remove points from account
  131. // Echo thanks
  132. echo "Your purchase is completed!<br />You have been PMd your code.<br />When you want your video to be video of the day, just shout a PM to eXore with the<br />link to the video and your Badge code.<br /><br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  133. } else {
  134. echo "Sorry, you do not have enough points to buy this item.<br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  135. }
  136. break;
  137. }
  138. } else {
  139. echo "Your shop-key is invalid.<br />If you really wanted to buy this item, please contact an admin.<br /><br /><a href=\"shop.php\"><< Back to the shop</a>";
  140. }
  141. break;
  142. }
  144. mysql_close($shop_con);
  145. ?>
  146. </td></tr>
  147. </body>
  148. </html>
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