
Angels and Angel Accessories

Nov 5th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #449
  2. ---
  5. Angels are fucking spooky
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  7. >angels are only thrones
  8. i fucking hate normies
  9. teaching you retards about angels was a mistake
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  11. then teach us about angels, anon.
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  13. The hierarchy of Angels are known as choirs.
  14. Seraphim are the highest angelic class and they serve as the caretakers of God's throne and continuously shout praises: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!" Seraphim are enormous and the most radiant; they're the 'set everything on fire by being here' angel class.
  15. The traditional human angels are generally illustrations of 'Cherubs', Virtues or the Archangels.
  16. Though often mistaken for cherubim, or cherubs, the 'baby angels' are actually an Italian creation called Putti (the singular example being Putto).
  17. Cherubim are the thing closest to your illustration, and they support the 'throne' of God.
  18. They are often allegorical, as a connection between man, beasts and God.
  19. They are also the 'blinding light' kind of Angel, along with---
  20. Thrones, who are like extensions of God's 'eyes' and are symbolic of God's justice and authority. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape.
  21. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God. When you think of Thrones, think of Ramiel.
  22. Dominions control the stars and planets. The name “dominion” comes from the Latin dominatio (or princapitus) and the Greek kyriotetes for “lordship,” which shows their role in supervising angels below them. Dominions are represented in art as wearing crowns of power and sometimes with stars or planets.
  23. Virtues are what we'd consider guardian angels today, and are the closest things to what we think of when we think of 'gods'.
  24. These would grant you favor, luck, etc. They're traditionally female in appearance which is stand-out among angels.
  25. Archangels are the 'handsome' angels, the ones with anime tier OP power. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Lucifer, etc.
  26. Powers are below them, and would lead the rest of the angels in combat against demonic forces and such.
  27. The powers are also incredibly OP 'cut moon in half' ridiculous shit.
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  29. got more?
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  31. I suppose, though I have to say.
  32. Angels on a general scale are so unimaginably OP, and we've only seen 'CHERUB' so far, which are the Putti, being called 'cherub' [Goddamn it, Viv, they're not fucking Cherubim].
  34. I feel like they're going to butcher them, as everyone does angels. They'll either make them all Powers or Thrones/Seraphim.
  35. The Exterminators seem like generic angels, for their power level, though, so I hope not.
  37. Anyway. Lucifer should/would be the most powerful thing in Hell, there's no contest.
  38. Archangels can cut the galaxy, parting the stars with their blade [yes, you read that right].
  40. I wonder what he'll even do in the series.
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  42. >Archangels can cut the galaxy, parting the stars with their blade [yes, you read that right].
  44. holy shit
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  46. If I recall, that's the Biblical reason for this 'scar' on the milky way.
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  48. >If I recall, that's the Biblical reason for this 'scar' on the milky way.
  50. ...tell me why are we suppose to be scared of the demons?... these guys sound way more terrifying than any demon I know.
  51. -
  52. That's sort of the point.
  53. The divine is superior inherently.
  54. It's man's own vices and evil that fuels and strengthens demonic forces.
  56. If Hazbin follows semi-Biblical logic, than the culling of Hell is to prevent the whole
  57. “When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”
  58. [Yes I know it's Romero, but Bible DLC basically asserts the same shit, lmao]
  60. So it might be a vain attempt to stop the end of days, also.
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  62. >So it might be a vain attempt to stop the end of days, also.
  64. I can see that and I guess they are trying to stop abaddon the destroyer as well because nobody want that.
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  66. Abaddon is also an Archangel, lol
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  68. >Abaddon is also an Archangel, lol
  70. ...I forgot about that... shit.
  72. well, good thing he is in the abyss, crying to himself 24/7.
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