
Dragon Stance App

Dec 5th, 2019
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  1. Prince Celerus || The variation of Celerus' stance had been more of his take on the stance unlike Michael's. In a way, it could almost be handled with the same philosophy of chi blocking but that was way more advanced than what Celerus was doing. "A Demonstration." He would send a heavy punch toward Kallabash. It would go through the wringer of external force that Kallabash could feel but could shrug off but it would affect the area around them based on his natural physical power.
  3. "But when you take that excess energy of the strike and utilize that energy into ki."
  5. His posture would change as it was looser, his breathing became subtle to non-existent, and a blue aura would form through the second nature of his control. "Take that same energy and draw it around you into your posture, your breathing, and let it guide into your attack." In a sharp breath, he would his brother again but the force was different as it had the same feeling upon contact, but in mere moments he would feel a heavier crushing force inward, without any changes in the environment [Part One of Azure Dragon Stance Lesson]
  7. King Kallabash || The world had slowed down while he watched his brother moved forward with the teaching as his breath came out. It warmed the air making it visible to himself and his brother. He did not expect his brother to suddenly hit him in the armor while he stumbled back watching him. Celerus was strong, but no idea why he punched him. Maybe this was apart of the demonstration and he did not say anything to his brother while he attacked him.
  9. "So punch and then meditate or loosen up and bring in ki."
  11. Kallabash had forgotten the basics of exerting his ki. He was going to take that out on him with his punch to launch him. The male would get stuck in the chest again moving back with a different pain. He held on to it spitting out saliva before holding himself and letting out a growl. "Alright, dick head. That one was free."
  13. He started to take in ki while looking at his brother while relaxing his always tense muscles. He liked the feeling of being able to relax and he took in a breath and threw a punch forward. It did not have the oomph his brother put on it but it was a punch all the same.
  15. Prince Celerus says: Gch! Ouch.
  16. Prince Celerus says: That was close, but that's not quite it.
  17. Prince Celerus says: In your case, it would be correct too loosen up and bring the ki in.
  18. Prince Celerus says: That demonstration earlier was so you know the difference
  19. Prince Celerus says: Sure you pushed me back but you didn't crumble me.
  20. Prince Celerus says: Hm..what's the best way to put this.
  21. Prince Celerus says: Don't take this as gay but...
  22. Prince Celerus says: Instead of trying to push your hand through me, push within me and let your ki do the rest.
  24. King Kallabash says:...
  25. King Kallabash says: Man it is always getting weird with you.
  27. Prince Celerus says: Shut up and stop being close-minded.
  28. Prince Celerus says: That's why it isn't working
  29. King Kallabash says: So you want me to be open to your gayness?
  30. King Kallabash says: I mean if you like women and men I will still love you.
  31. King Kallabash says: As a brother though.
  32. Prince Celerus says: I've only been attracted to women
  33. Prince Celerus says: now focus.
  35. Prince Celerus || It was easy for Celerus to say because he had years of experience within it and controlling his ki. The way his mind work was if he could get his brother to learn how to harness his ki to a point in a single body part, the arm, and fist, then he'd understand the feeling once he dropped him into the pool.
  37. "Take that ki you're using to make your physical attack stronger, and use it to enhance your ki."
  39. He'd demonstrate once again. He knew his brother could pick up fast as he saw it by the way he relaxed and became less tense. It had the essence of what Celerus was trying to get across but it lacked the ki and force. Once again Celerus would demonstrate with a punch. He'd instinctively relax his muscles, steady his breathing, and generate his ki into a single point of his fist before striking forward. It'd create a short burst of wind but it felt sharp practically in the way Celer would strike.
  41. Prince Celerus says: Give it another shot Kallabash.
  43. King Kallabash || The momentum of the punch was great and he hated to admit it, this shit was not that easy to master and his brother was better than him for it. He would take off his scouter and drop it into the snow and looked at his brother. Kallabash used ki sense while he was standing there looking at him seeing his ki flowing and flowing to one point of his body.
  45. "Why did you not tell me to focus it all to my arm and attack. Relax, flow ki into a point, and throw a punch before letting it all flow out."
  47. Kallabash would bring up his hands relaxing his body and his arms. He started to charge up but the ki that surrounded him started to shrink. The aura disappeared slowly before going into his body. His power was raising and was spiking before he pulled back and hit his brother in the chest trying to make him move back further from the hit.
  49. Prince Celerus says: OOF!
  50. Prince Celerus says: Fuck yes! That's what I'm talking about!
  51. Prince Celerus says: Now you're getting the hang of it!
  52. Prince Celerus says: I want you to try that a few times so that it feels natural, almost second nature.
  54. Prince Celerus shows a bit of excitement after being hit by his brother and the force behind the attack. Perhaps teaching had its perks and he could find it in a moment like this. With his brother, he would take the time out to practice the feeling of just starting with the striking motion. He'd relax his muscles, steady his breathing, and control his ki force to increase his power. This combination is what results in the aura that forms around them briefly. Celerus would casually send jabs with a single arm.
  56. "A single-arm becomes like breathing and your instincts take over. If you can when you strike..begin to transfer that same energy into the opposite arm to chain into another combo."
  58. Celerus continued his demonstration as he sent out the jabs and would finish his combination with a hook, but all the while his aura maintained through that period.
  60. King Kallabash looked at his brother and just had to replicate what he felt. He started to power up and his body began to glow just slightly though he was a red color and he looked at his brother. His body already relaxed and the ki in his arms as he started to pull back. His fist smashed into his brother's armor, but he did not do the push back. Celerus would feel his body feeling crushed as he threw another punch looking at his brother with complete and utter malice for him. Not because he hated him, but because he pushed himself so far to become stronger and he let himself fall behind.
  62. "Easy then. I will hit you with force and make you understand that I am still KING! Kallabash."
  64. Kallabash swung again his fight echoing off his brother's chest and making the crushing pain come back again. Then again, and again, he pushed his brother back through the dirt stepping forward with every strike
  66. Prince Celerus says: Mmf! I see I see..now that you've got that.
  67. Prince Celerus says: The last stage should be much easier.
  68. Prince Celerus says: The Stance itself is your core so that you never drop the power.
  69. Prince Celerus says: While it can be used for Offensive maneuvers the stance acts as your shield, your guard.
  71. Prince Celerus || The Saiyan took the hits from his brothers at first feeling them and the malice that came with them, but what Kallabash would also see is a Prince who was simply waiting for the King to wake up and that he didn't have to watch after his older brother. He saw the pride in the Saiyan and the King had truly returned. The rivalry he missed from his brother was back but at the top of the mountain was still Cryotic for him.
  73. Celerus would take his stance which had been similar to the one Vegeta took in his first fight against Goku, the best way to describe it. During this breathing remained steady and his muscles lose but he remained in control of the power to keep a steady defense/endurance against Kallabash's attacks. From there would now start to exchange blows with him to help him learn to guard against his attacks,
  75. King Kallabash || The male was going to match his speed and he had to push himself further than before. He did not show his brother that form but he let out a small sigh and then moved forward. Kallabash smashed his hand into him pushing him back further and further until his red aura wrapped him. Kallabash pushed him back further until he took up his stance and looked at his brother from a distance.
  77. Kallabash would cross his arms in an X and then force them to the side. His power would rise as steam like breath shot out his nose and mouth. Kallabash was prepared to fight his brother as he slides his left hand to his side making an open palm. His right hand outstretched further near his chest level with the same open palm as he exuded red aura on his body.
  79. "Let us begin."
  81. Prince Celerus says: Good! Good! Now you've got the hang of it!
  82. Prince Celerus says: As long as you're able to keep your posture, ki flow, and focus you'll master this stance in no time.
  83. Prince Celerus says: Incorporating your own arrange of techniques will also change the game as well.
  85. *Prince Celerus || Unlike before Celerus had turned up the pace continuing his open strikes. Mentally he was looking at the body while studying himself. His brother was the perfect test subject to learn anatomy as he used the training flow of their stance to pinpoint his targets. He had more or less been preparing himself for the next encounter with Cryotic. Celerus had also failed to talk about his attempts in achieving that Super form again. It hadn't come up again, but he figured that if he could use that instead of the Oozaru state, he could challenge the likes of Cassava and Cryotic using that higher power.
  87. "So, you and Plum a thing?" *
  89. King Kallabash || The male was not going to watch him grow better anymore but he was throwing hands with him perfectly at the time. He stood back and punched his brother in the chest to make him slide back. Kallabash started to fix his hands to prepare to try out to prepare his brother before he heard him. He slowed down training the stance enough letting out a sigh.
  91. "I do not know. I think so. Why did she say something? By the way, let's head back."
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