
Battle with the wild flames

Jul 15th, 2019
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  1. [18:05] Ichida begin rubbing his arms it was rather warm more so than he expected it to be that's what he gets for messing with fire...…He'd look over at Epona who seemed clueless to the fact.
  3. He'd take a deep breath struggling to stand up he'd fall back down on the bench as more sweat drops dribbled down his head. This was all his fault and now he was stuck with this forever...….why?
  5. "Gah……… why did I do this?!?"
  7. He'd sigh trying to compose himself on the bench.
  8. (Ichida Rikiya)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [18:32] She was now more confused than before she never really experienced someone going through what Ichida was. His attention shifting to Epona before he'd make an attempt at standing but end up falling right back down on the bench.
  13. He was perspiring at an alarming rate by this point but she was just chalking it up to him being tired, until he screeched out in somewhat agony from what she perceived to be pain.
  15. Unsure of what to do she just sort of walks over to him while he's fidgeting, and presumably still rubbing his arms.
  17. "I-Is everything alright?"
  18. (Epona Maple)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [18:39] Ichida is warm to the touch and doesn't quite know what caused this sudden change, but he had an idea though he didn't want to believe it. He was doing some training though was it a blessing or a cure? at this point he wasn't sure anymore.
  23. "I don't know...….I'm just hot and my arms hurt really bad...….it burns really, really bad."
  25. Feeling lonely couldn't have caused, right? Why was his body doing this to him after he did so much to avoid feeling like this. Ichida needed to get himself together or he might really faint...….
  27. He'd wobble on the bench trying his hardest to stand up, but he feel back down quickly.
  29. "This isn't right...…., I'm sorry Epona I didn't mean to worry you...…."
  31. Ichida needed to overcome this pain.
  32. (Ichida Rikiya)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [18:44] She'd be there floating overtop of the edge right there, looking below the both of Epona and Ichida. From the seems, it didn't take long to observate that Ichida was under some sort of distress or pain; but couldn't tell what!
  37. Levitating further down, N'Danna got closer to the both of them as soon as she noticed Ichida nearly want to faint. She wasn't any sort of doctor, nor did she have any experience in providing a remedy to whatever he was feeling, but.. she'd advise this.
  39. "You're better off relaxing somewhere or taking a visit up to the Clinic here, or up in Levenguard if it get's any worse. I'm not a trained medic or anything like that at all, but it might be your best bet. Are you physically injured anywhere?"
  40. (N'Dànna)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [18:57] She inched her way closer to him as he laid out on the bench, stretching an arm out over him but without even touching him she could feel the heat permeating off of him.
  45. "Yeah damn you're warm... Like incredibly so I can feel it from here" It was probably in this moment she wish she knew a bit of water magic to just douse on him. She locked eyes with the fountain and then back at Ichida.
  47. "I have an idea~, just hold on" Through the use of her lightning magic she manifested a relatively large bucket, dipping the bucket into the water and yes, electrocuting herself in the process each time she dipped it in. She'd scoop up the water once and then throw it all over Ichida, then a second time to hopefully help.
  49. "Do you feel any better now?" she had a slightly worried expression on her face, then she overheard N'Danna behind her, while she was caught up in this situation providing some sound advice and a good question,she'd only wait to hear what was said. Holding her electric bucket waiting to douse him more if need be.
  50. (Epona Maple)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [19:04] While Ichida was laying on the bench he noticed her getting some water on him and within that instant he blocked his face, a normal reaction right? Though this time the heat burst from his body and a blast of wind was used to push the excess water back away from him.
  55. The water that did land would fall on him turned into steam, taking a deep breath they'd notice a claw on running up his arm though it soon fades away.
  57. His eyes feel on Epona and he slowly shook his head.
  59. "No, that won't help I doubt they will even get close to me right now...…thank you for the attempt though"
  61. He offer them both a smile finally standing on his feet in a weakened though he didn't fall not this time. Fire continued to flare around his body from time to time, but it's his fault for not training properly.
  63. (Ichida Rikiya)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [19:11] Katsuki Takamura says, "There we are."
  67. [19:12] Katsuki would silently take a seat. Looking towards the group in an calm and settled smile.
  68. (Katsuki Takamura)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [19:13] Diligently she'd watch as Epona would make the attempt to make Ichida feel better, and rid himself of whatever illness he was feeling. The buckets of water gathered through the use of lightning; in all honesty N'Danna couldn't help but chuckle a bit as the young Maple was zapping herself at every dip. Then the part of when the water was splashed on him only ever added to the laughter.
  73. Her levitating frame placed against the lightpole with an audible tink of her armor. Arms folded over one another atop of the chest hovering at a slant. "Well it seems that it didn't help too much. You oughta find a way to calm yourself there Ichida, or be more cautious in the way you use your magic. That also has an effect on things.."
  75. To the new comer, a wave was taken to the Takamura that joined them. "Heya there."
  76. (N'Dànna)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [19:13] Katsuki Takamura says, "Likewise."
  80. [19:20] With the water not having the desired effect she goes to dissipate her magic allowing the bucket to become nothing but remnant mana. Though when she realised what it was that had been plaguing Ichida she couldn't help but giggle at the situation ever so slightly.
  82. "See this is why you should keep up with your meditation~" He'd finally go to stand to his feet albeit a bit worse for wear than he usually looked but at least he didn't fall right back onto the bench like the times before.
  84. Bits of embers clung to his form, fading in and out though never completely going away. She heard N'Danna address someone else, once she shifted her head to the side she noticed it to be Katsuki.
  86. "Hello miss~, you... uhm wouldn't happen to know anything about fire magic would you, our friend here seems to have done something wrong when trying to learn it" That was as best as she could explain it, given she'd never seen anyone react like this when developing their abilities.
  87. (Epona Maple)
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  90. [19:38] Katsuki would raise out her hand. As She would perform a small demonstration. She would becon her eyes to close, As she would slowly allow her hand to produce flickering flames. Amber coloured flames would flicker, as wisps would dance around it teaming with life.
  92. She would look towards the man. With her demonstration complete, She would instruct the woman on how to manipulate this magical element of destruction. With that said however, She allows the flame to slowly die out of existence, no longer pumping mana to get results they were looking for.
  94. Her sienna hues fixated upon the woman. And would look calmly as she had began to speak.
  96. "Fire, is an overpowering force to wield when it is used in the right hands. It requires the user to be Unflinching, And focused on their goals. And those that can wield its abilities to its fullest potential? Can send areas burning to the ground."
  98. Katsuki would then look towards the woman judging her silently.Though not to a superficial degree.
  100. "You must focus on allowing your resolve to manifest into your abilities. Only then will the Flames follow afterwards. Temper yourself, and allow your will to direct the flow of combat."
  102. The Drakkaness would say. Silently sitting upon the bench expecting a reply very soon after
  105. (Katsuki Takamura)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [19:41] Ichida Rikiya says, "That's a lot to take in...."
  109. [19:42] Cassandra Invidia says, "Hello Ichida!! ~"
  110. [19:46] The woman wasn't wrong though they all seem to misunderstand what was happening with Ichida at this very moment he was in pain, but for a good reason in the end. He was trying to get the best of both worlds at the cost of having his mana and body become unbalanced in the process.
  112. He'd gaze over towards Epona as an idea formed in his head, but would she agree to such an crazy idea?
  114. "H-hey..Epona, how about we have a spar and maybe this will sorts itself out in the end." He nods. "Yeah I just need to burn off some of these energy...."
  115. (Ichida Rikiya)
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  118. [19:58] While the demonstration went on she watched, impressed at the magical display. With Katsuki now turning her attention to Epona she'd been a little confused, while she wasn't going to stop her from her explanation, truthfully she enjoyed hearing about the different ways with which people went about using their magic, but it wasn't like she was going to be putting it to any real use.
  120. "Thank you Miss Katsuki~ I think that should help Ichida out, hopefully he doesn't end up like he was moments ago again"
  122. She turns her attention to Ichida at the mention of a spar. "Maybe... What you should do is you know, take it easy and not push yourself too hard?"
  124. With another voice coming into the fray she looks around to see a kitsune girl around her height with black hair. "Ohh~ Hello you must be Cassandrea" That was her hope at the very least.
  125. (Epona Maple)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [19:59] Cassandra Invidia says, "Mhm ~"
  129. [20:02] He'd blink looking at all the people that came over towards the square though he answer doesn't make him feel any better.
  131. "No I need to burn this energy out..."
  133. He'd look over at the woman sitting across from him. "Would you spar me?"
  134. (Ichida Rikiya)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [20:06] Katsuki would look upon her blade and give a small sigh. She often wanted to take a seat and relax, however. This seems more of a request on the man to face her, and she often doesn't refuse challenges.
  139. "Lets get to sparring then. Lead the way."
  141. She would say. Grabbing her sheathe and following the boy.
  143. (Katsuki Takamura)
  144. [20:22] The shenlongs Chosen would slowly walk towards the stage before her. Breathing as calmly as ever. Her Sienna hues would face her opponent, her body language speaking in grace, presence, and most importantly upholding her valor. In both the skywarden, and herself.
  146. "I was born a warrior. You wish to test me?"
  148. Lightning would strike towards her. As if the lightning would be rushing towards the target, it would crash into the woman. Causing dust to fly within the air violently. Causing a cloud of smoke and debris to surround her.
  150. The shenlong would slice away at the air before her. Causing the clouds of dust and debris to dissipate immediately. As her horns, and tail would reveal her shenlong decent. Beconing her star Nezha, she would glow intently invigorated by its energy.
  152. The Takamura clan royal would point her blade towards her opponent smiling intently. Though completely focused, maintaining her ifrit stance to mimic her emotion-based fighting style.
  154. "Then bring it."
  156. She would say, the dragon would beckon forth, ready to take on the opponent that was before her.
  157. (Katsuki Takamura)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [20:22] Ichida was hot, there were still sweat dripping from his head towards the dojo mat, but why? he'd try his hardest to keep his composure before falling due to the extreme heat that was building up within his body. He wouldn't allow this to hold him back anymore even if it was destroying his body from the inside out.
  162. Wind formed around his body, but the people could notice a red arm that seemed to be emitting a lot of heat on his body. The wind aura seemed to ignite and flame formed around the aura of wind.
  164. Ichida didn't look to well, but this was all new to him and though that he'd regain his composure once again. He'd grip his blade causing flames to form around the steel black blade and fiery eyes looked at the woman.
  166. The samurai took flight and a struggle could be heard in his tone as he tired to speak over towards the woman.
  168. "B-bare with me this is still new to me....."
  170. He'd caused forth even more wind magic making the flames to grow brighter and hotter this was something Ichida didn't expect to achieve in his life, but he was reaching his goals slowly.
  172. He'd chuckles a little bit. "T-this feels like I've made a deal with the devil..."
  174. he'd crack his neck, Finally feeling a little better than he did before it was about time to release all this built up energy in his body. It wouldn't be difficult with the strain already on his body, but he was now curious how power this made him at this age and could he make it stronger.
  176. Ichida didn't commit fully to the beast know as Ifrit, however, this claw that was know a part of him was part of their pact to make Ichida stronger.
  178. Learning fire magic wasn't easy, but it was well worth the wait and pain that came with it so long as Ichida would use this power for the guild. It seems things were slowly falling into place, but how long would that last?
  181. (Ichida Rikiya)
  182. --------------
  183. [20:43] The Drakkan would admittedly be overwhelmed. However, She was highly aware of what she was doing. As she would swing her sword as controlled yet just as wildly as she thought, She would push her abilities even further. The swordsman had slipped a lot of strikes on her.
  185. Though enough was enough. Katsuki would flip her blade with control. Forcing her draconic senses, and drawing power from her star, as well as removing her limits, She would swing her blade with upmost speed and precision.
  187. CRASH!
  189. The sound would make, as she had sent her opponent flying due to the sheer impact of the blow. However, this was not the end of the technique. She would draw her blade, And used her her teleport ability to catch up to the boy, slinging multiple strikes his way, She would sheathe her sword as she finished the exhausted boy. As he rolled into the ground in defeat.
  191. "Not bad, but not enough. Keep going boy, You have something going."
  192. (Katsuki Takamura)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [20:52] The aura faded this was just what he wanted to burn out all of his energy and she manage to help him with that. He'd fall to the ground taking some long paints taking in the fact that this arm was nothing less than that of a beast...., but with enough practice he'd master it.
  197. However, her blade crashed into him causing a bit of pain and overall giving her the win. He attempt to set of his smoke bomb, but do to his heat he manage to destroy a few of them which caused his tactic to die before it began.
  199. he'd cough a little while nodding at the woman's advice she was right and he needed to train more for many different reason. He'd push himself to break these limits and again he'd break them again.
  201. "You're right...., but I know what my goals are and as long as I do this to achieve them I'll continue to grow. I'll give you a better match next time that's a promise."
  202. (Ichida Rikiya)
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