

Nov 20th, 2013
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  1. Doomfullord, formerly Ythaar Mejtokxil.
  3. At the age of 16, Doom now known as Ythaar left his homeland a powerful independent town set deep in the deserts of Malibur. The city named Tokhaar was safe from banditries and of the such by use of fierce magics only known to it's people, military might of it's swordsman, and the sandstorms that surround it for unknown reasons. The People that inhabit this city are humans said to have mixes of elf ancestry in the lower and middle classes with the highest family, the Mejtokxil clan, to whom Ythaar was the fourth leading son, to have traces of Aasimar as Sylvannas blessed the original travelers and founders of the cities thousands of years ago as they searched for refuge in the sands of the deserts. Ythaar was formally trained in his people's magic and swordsmanship and took apprentice under a master necromancer, very few of which ever coming from his people, very briefly before leaving to search for knowledge he could not learn here.
  5. As Ythaar searched for knowledge he came across libraries detailing the knowledge of the lands outside the deserts not known by his people and looked for knowledge in swordsmanship before passing through towards Eris to seek for knowledge in magic. From there he learned of ancient necromancy and other dark magics from ancient libaries and deals with unsavory folk and learned of the Manastream, a mere myth to him before.
  7. As ythaar learned more on the manastream through the years he took voyage to it directly to learn more on the natures of life itself and how he could manipulate it through the necromantic arts. From there he experimented as deeply as he could probe and tried to study as deeply into the manakin and manatouched as possibly while not breaking his sanity, a feat he barely or possibly didn't accomplish. He studied for 8 years abroad, traveling back and forth from the manastream and various places comparing notes of the gods and the abyss to their relations of the manastream and even of a mad god known only by "The Orange".
  9. At the age of 24 Ythaar returned home to bring back the wealth and knowledge he had accrued during the years to his people and family. Upon his return the city was in a drastic state of affairs, the sands that normally safeguarded them now turned savage within their own city walls and bandit attacks began taking tolls as a plague spread through the population splitting focus. Ythaar used knowledge he gained in his travels to assist where he could, but his help would matter not as deep below the Earth a powerful Balor escaped it's chains beneath the earth and erupted from below the capital building. The bandits taking a siege on the earth gates and the sands splitting the military in half as they split themselves to search the bandit's camp and found themselves lost, meant no hope of survival. Ythaar in a fit of desperation sank his soul into a pendent, which has been prepared earlier, he had worn since childhood in hopes of giving himself the power to overcome the balor, but instead went into a short coma from the hasty tearing of his soul that would kill anyone else.
  11. A thousand years later: Ythaar finally awoke to find his once mighty state sunken under the sands as if it were a city dead a thousand years ago with no wish of survival and he found his own body decaying from the sands stripping the flesh off his bones. He traveled through the sunken city, gathering what little supplies were left and preparing for his journey outwards as he studied in it's libraries one last time. He prepared his body with a few modifications and left out...
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