
Indecent Imbibery

Sep 19th, 2016
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  1. >"Stupid Lincoln, moving out of the way like that" Grumbled Lola as she stomped into the house covered in garbage
  2. >"Says he wants an injury, but moves RIGHT OUT OF THE WAY!"
  3. >"I'll show him..."
  4. >She sat down
  5. >"I bet he's gonna be thirsty after football practice" Said Lola under her breath
  6. >"Maybe I should get him something to drink"
  8. >Fast forward a week
  10. >Lincoln stumbles into the house, tired and in pain from football practice
  11. >"Welcome back Lincy" Cooed Lola in a sickeningly sweet tone
  12. >"I thought you might be thirsty, So I made you some Lemonade"
  13. >As she handed Lincoln the cold glass of lemonade a Devious Grin grew on her face
  14. >"Thanks Lola" Said Lincoln, taking the glass "I could use a drink"
  15. >Lola was practically shaking in her dress from excitement
  16. >"Anything for you Lincy" She replied, trying to contain herself as Lincoln took a Gulp from the cup
  17. >"Lola...." Said Lincoln, his eyes open wide
  18. >"Yeeesssss!" She replied, getting ready for the reaction
  19. >"This Great!" exclaimed Lincoln, guzzling down the rest of the glass
  20. >"WHAT? I mean, Glad you Like it." Exclaimed Lola, quickly correcting herself and playing it cool
  21. >"Is there any more?" Asked Lincoln Thirstily
  22. >"uh.... Well I only made the glass, But wait just a moment, and I'll go make more" Said Lola, dashing into the kitchen
  24. >Lola quickly rifled through the cabinets, grabbing the Lemon juice and sugar
  25. >After pouring the Lemon juice and Sugar into the Pitcher, She picked up the pitcher and ran to the closet
  26. >"one last ingredient, and we'll be done" Said Lola as he closed the closet door and pulled off her panties
  27. >Lola squatted over the pitcher, Filling it with her "Secret ingredient"
  28. >"There we go" Said Lola as she put her panties back on "Now for some ice to cool it down"
  29. >As she brought the pitcher upstairs to Lincoln's room, she passed by Luan
  30. >"Hey Lola, What's with the pitcher? You trying out for baseball?" Joked Luan with a giggle
  31. >"eheheh..Just bringing Lincoln some lemonade" Replied Lola nervously
  32. >"Alright then" Said Luan "Just Lem-monknow if you need any help"
  33. >"Will uh, Will do" Replied Lola, Rushing up the stairs to Lincoln's room
  34. >"Lincyyyyyy" Exclaimed Lola opening the door "I got you some more Lemonade"
  35. >She refilled his glass
  36. >"Thanks Lola" Replied Lincoln taking a sip "Man that's good. What's your secret?"
  37. >"Uh, well.. I can't tell you" Replied Lola, blushing at the idea of Lincoln Enjoying her pee "I-uh, it wouldn't be a secret if I told you"
  38. >"Well whatever it is, it's amazing" Said Lincoln as he poured himself another Glass
  39. >"If you like it so much, I'll just have to make more" Giggled Lola as she left the room
  40. >"I'll just have to make more..."
  42. >Fast forward a few days
  44. >Lola was waiting for Lincoln to get home from school, and had been holder her bladder for a few hours
  45. >"C'mon Lincy" Said Lola, trying to hold it in "hurry uuuuuuuuup"
  46. >*click, click* "I'm hooome!" shouted Lincoln as he came through the front door
  47. >"Finally!" Exclaimed Lola, grabbing the pitcher and heading to the closet
  48. >As she poured in the Lemon juice, she noticed that they were rather short on sugar
  49. >"uh oh" thought Lola "he might find out this time"
  50. >Running short on time, She poured in what little sugar there was and let out the urine she had been holding in
  51. >As she ran out of the closet, she ran into Lincoln
  52. >"What were you doing in there?" Asked Lincoln, pointing at the closet
  53. >"j-just getting the secret ingredient for your lemonade" Replied Lola, scared that Lincoln would find out what she was doing
  54. >"oh, ok" Said Lincoln, looking thirsty "Is it done?"
  55. >"Uh, sure" Said Lola, pouring him a glass "Enjoy"
  56. >As Lincoln took a sip, he Looked at the glass in thought
  57. >"is something wrong?" Asked Lola with a nervous smile
  58. >"No, actually it's better than last time" Replied Lincoln "It tastes much better without all that sugar"
  59. >Lola's face had gone red
  60. >"G-Glad you like it" She stuttered, trying to contain her excitement
  61. >"Well, I gotta go!" Exclaimed Lola as she made a hasty retreat from the room "Pageant's on in 5 minutes"
  62. >As she sat in front of the tv watching the pageant, She kept thinking about Lincoln
  63. >"I wonder what else I can remove from it" She thought, pretending to watch her show
  65. >Lola had been experimenting with her Lemonade for a few weeks now
  66. >adding more urine and Less Lemon, She had even taken out all of the sugar
  67. >And every time she brought it to Lincoln, he would try to guess the secret ingredient
  68. >Lola thought it was about time that she let Lincoln know
  69. >"Great as always" Commented Lincoln as he gulped down another Glass of Lemonade
  70. >"Thanks" Replied Lola "Say Lincoln...You know how you've been trying to guess the secret to my lemonade?"
  71. >"Yeah" Said Lincoln, wiping his mouth "What about it?"
  72. >"Well, I thought it was about time I let you know what it is" Said Lola, rubbing the pitcher
  73. >"Really? What is it!?" Asked Lincoln, excited to know what it was
  74. >"Ah ah aaah." Said Lola, wagging a finger "not yet. Meet me in my room tonight, and I'll show you"
  75. >Lincoln was a bit disappointed, but anxious to find out
  76. >"alright, What time" Asked Lincoln
  77. >"Don't worry about that" Replied Lola as she walked out of the room "I'll call you when it's time"
  78. >After closing the door, Lola ran downstairs and drank glass after glass of water, preparing for tonight
  80. >it was 7:35, and Lola's bladder felt like it was ready to burst
  81. >*knock knock knock*
  82. >"Lincyyy" She called "Would you come into my room for a moment?"
  83. >"Be right there!" Replied Lincoln as he jumped up and put on his pants
  84. >Upon entering Lola's room, he saw that he had a pillow and a blindfold
  85. >"What's that for?" He asked confusedly
  86. >"You want to know the ingredient right?" Asked Lola, receiving a nod from Lincoln
  87. >"Then put this on and lie down" She instructed, Tossing him the blindfold
  88. >As Lincoln put on the blindfold and laid down, he heard a rustling sound
  89. >"What are you doing?" He asked, trying to make out the sound
  90. >"Just getting ready" Replied Lola, pulling off her dress and Panties
  91. >As she stepped over Lincoln's head, she gave him a smile
  92. >"Ready?" she asked, positioning herself over Lincoln's mouth
  93. >"Ready." replied Lincoln, wondering what was about to happen
  94. >As Lincoln opened his mouth, Lola sat down on his face and let loose
  95. >"MMPH!?" Grunted Lincoln as his mouth was filled with urine
  96. >"Drink up Lincy" Giggled Lola as she let more out into his mouth
  97. >as Lincoln struggled under her weight, he noticed something about the urine
  98. >"That flavor" He thought to himself, His struggle subsiding "That's the flavor from the lemonade!"
  99. >He ceased his struggle, and began to gulp down the sweet yellow liquid
  100. >"There you go Lincy" Said Lola, rubbing his cheek "it's much better when it's fresh, Isn't it?"
  101. >As Lola's bladder began to run empty, she got up off of Lincoln
  102. >"So, what do you think?" Asked Lola, feeling rather satisfied
  103. >As Lincoln finished Swallowing, he got up and took off the blindfold
  104. >"That was...That....well" Lincoln couldn't find the right words
  105. >"Shhhhh" Said Lola, putting a finger on Lincolns lips "Don't worry Lincy, I understand"
  107. >Later that week, the Louds were preparing for movie night
  108. >This time, Mr. Loud chose a horror movie
  109. >"Day of the dying living"
  110. >as the family sat there watching the movie, Lola began to feel a tightness in her bladder
  111. >"I gotta go to the bathroom" Whispered Lola, tugging on Lincoln's shirt "Could you come with me, I'm too scared to go alone"
  112. >"I can go with you if you like" Whispered Lucy
  113. >"No no, it's fine" Said Lincoln, Picking Lola up "I got it"
  114. >As they entered the bathroom, Lola began to undress
  115. >"Ready for a drink Lincy?" She asked giving him bedroom eyes
  116. >Lincoln nodded and kneeled down in front of the toilet, cupping Lola's thighs and pulling her close
  117. >"Here you go" Grunted Lola as she let out a stream of golden liquid
  118. >As Lincoln drank greedily, he gave Lola's crotch a slight kiss, causing her to moan
  119. >"Heh, Keep that up and we'll be doing this much more often" She said, enjoying the feeling
  120. >Hearing this, Lincoln gave her another Little Kiss, hoping she would keep her word
  123. END
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