

Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. label day1:
  2. title "Day 43" "The end of an ordinary day"
  3. body john yui
  4. scene bg school hallway dusk
  5. show john a_9 at centerright, faceleft
  6. show phila a_1 at centerleft
  7. with dissolve
  8. think "Urgh. What a hassle."
  10. show john a_3
  11. voice "voice/lines/Yui 1.opus"
  12. john "Yes, I understand that you are worried. And I will be on the lookout for your sister."
  14. show john a_11
  15. voice "voice/lines/Yui 2.opus"
  16. john "But I don't think you need to be this worried. You were separated just twenty minutes ago and she's probably still at school."
  18. show phila a_6
  19. "I held up my hand to cut off Phila's protest."
  21. show john a_12
  22. voice "voice/lines/Yui 3.opus"
  23. john "Look. The more we argue about this, the less time both of us are looking for her. So let's go try and find her now, okay?"
  25. show phila a_7 at centerleft, faceleft
  26. "Phila seemed like she wanted to say more, but grimly nodded and took off to search the next floor."
  27. hide phila with moveoutleft
  29. show john a_10
  30. voice "voice/lines/Yui 4.opus"
  31. john "...jeez, she's so overprotective. Well... have fun looking for Mina, Yui."
  33. exspirit john a_0
  34. hide johnGhost with moveoutright
  36. scene bg school classroom hallway dusk
  37. show johnGhost a_0 at center
  38. with dissolve
  39. "Yui was a tricky person to possess."
  41. "No, not because of how she sometimes stayed awake while I did it... that had an easy enough solution."
  43. "Rather, it's what she {i}didn't{/i} do while I was joyriding her: Paying attention in class and taking immaculate notes."
  45. think "You'd think of all people, she could take a few hours off the most."
  47. "The last time I possessed her I felt the sting of hand cramps and uncharacteristic exhaustion, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty when a memory dive revealed them to be due to a late night catch-up session."
  49. think "I'm an aspiring sorcerer though! I want to spend my time crafting new spells, not paying attention to Ms. Clark's provably wrong physics class!"
  51. think "Luckily, I found the solution."
  52. hide johnGhost a_0 with easeoutright
  53. body circe john
  55. #fade into door
  56. scene bg school clubroom dusk
  57. show circe a_0 at centerleft
  58. with dissolve
  59. show johnGhost a_0 at centerright, faceleft with easeinright
  61. "The only sound inside the room was one of methodical scribbling of pencil on paper. My own body was hunched over a desk and filling out a notebook without pause."
  63. "The puppet spell was so much more than an on-demand imposter for myself. It knew everything I knew when making it, and it would execute commands as best as it could. It was basically a full blown artificial intelligence!"
  65. think "And that means I can have it pay attention and write notes for me! With the memory samples I have of how Yui normally writes every day, I can get it to mimic her handwriting and style as well."
  67. think "I do wonder why it's still writing though..."
  69. "Curious, I re-entered my body. And instantly regretted it."
  70. possess john circe a_0
  72. show john a_4
  73. john "Argh! My hand!" with hpunch
  75. "A shooting pain was all that I felt from my right hand, cramping up fiercely the second I regained control."
  77. show john a_7
  78. think "You were meant to deliver me from hand cramps, traitor! Not give them to me!"
  80. show john a_9
  81. "As I wrung my hand out, I tried to page through the puppet's notes and figure out what went wrong."
  83. think "Okay, first few pages are mine, good. Next few pages are in Yui's handwriting, so that worked."
  85. think "Maybe I should get notes as detailed as hers for myself? Something for later."
  87. show john a_15
  88. think "Oh, after the notes are... fan fiction?"
  90. think "I mean I guess Yui {i}does{/i} write fanfiction, now that I think about it. Huh. Memory dumps are weird."
  92. "Taking stock of the rest of the notebook, I was surprised to see how much was filled out. I {i}did{/i} have some time left until I needed to return the notebook."
  94. show john a_0
  95. "My mild interest as to what the artificial intelligence of the puppet had written struggled valiantly against the fact that my hand still had an annoying sting."
  97. think "This is a pretty mundane problem, which clearly means I should throw more magic at the situation."
  99. menu:
  101. "I ignored the pain and began reading what the artificial mind of the puppet had come up with.":
  102. #scene 1
  103. call scene_0
  104. body john john
  105. scene bg school clubroom dusk
  106. show john a_15 at centerleft
  107. with cubeclouds
  108. think "...what? What on earth is any of this? Did it start writing fiction about myself and the people I know?"
  110. "Morbid curiosity pushed me onwards."
  112. #rest of the text
  113. call scene_1
  114. scene bg school clubroom dusk
  115. show john a_14 at centerleft
  116. with cubeclouds
  117. think "Why. Why did I read all of this."
  118. gameover "If you read this without skipping... why?"
  119. return
  121. "I decided to morph into someone whose hand wasn't cramping. Maybe even test my new spell.":
  122. jump AF_custommorph
  124. "I figured I'd let my hand recover normally and possess another body in the meantime.":
  125. jump AF_thevoicesjohnthevoices
  128. label AF_custommorph:
  129. show john a_5
  130. "Putting the book aside for now, I dug through Yui's things for a small compact mirror I knew she had."
  131. #john hunched over
  132. #sfx_rustle
  134. "The new spell I had created was an offshoot of the transformation spell, and I was eager to try it out again."
  135. #sfx_rustle
  137. "In exchange for not targeting a single image or affecting my clothing, I could manually control what I looked like, altering my features as I pleased for the ultimate disguise."
  139. show john a_6
  140. john "Ah, there you are."
  142. "The first drawback was that I needed a mirror while casting it. My features tended to... wander, for lack of a better term, if I wasn't paying attention."
  144. show john a_0 at left:
  145. ease 1.0 xpos 0.15
  146. john "Let's move back a little bit, hold this in my left hand..."
  148. "The second was the fact that it had a strong tendency to leave me as a woman even with my adjustments."
  150. show john a_0 at left
  151. "Something about the sampling from the area I cast it in, and Tina Koya was lopsided towards the fairer sex. The situation at home wasn't any better, either."
  153. show john a_1
  154. john "Aaaaaaand, ready."
  156. "Still, the fact that I had {i}created{/i} a magical spell that noone had done before was pretty good for my ego."
  158. show pentagram at Position(pos=(placement_of(john).xpos, 0.5)) behind john as pentagram
  159. play sound sfx_spell
  160. play music bgm_mirage
  161. show john a_3
  162. john "{spell}Stahlge ayantu!{/spell}"
  164. "The moment the last syllable left my lips a wave of changes hit me all at once. My hair shifted hues and grew long enough to frame my face, cheekbones rose to give me a natural resting smile. As my clothes grew constricting I focused on the mirror in the palm of my hand."
  165. hide pentagram
  167. # $ renpy.movie_cutscene("images/mirror_morph.webm", loops=-1)
  168. show mirror_morph with dissolve
  170. $ renpy.pause(55, hard=True)
  171. voice "voice/lines/Morphed 1.opus"
  172. john "Always weird to watch, but not bad, not bad at all."
  174. gameover "Still working on full body sprites."
  175. return
  178. label AF_thevoicesjohnthevoices:
  179. show pentagram at Position(pos=(placement_of(john).xpos, 0.5)) behind john as pentagram
  180. play sound sfx_spell
  181. play music bgm_mirage
  182. john "{spell}Anima a carne dimittat!{/spell}"
  184. "Once again the familiar weightlessness overtook me, all other physical sensations fading away. Including my hand cramp."
  186. exspirit john a_0
  187. hide pentagram with dissolve
  189. show johnGhost a_1
  190. think "Oh wizard powers. You are truly the solution to every problem."
  192. show johnGhost a_0
  193. think "Now, who can I kill some time as?"
  195. hide johnGhost withmoveoutright
  196. scene bg school classroom hallway dusk
  197. show mina a_7 at centerleft
  198. show johnGhost a_0 at centerright, faceleft
  199. with fade
  201. "The answer to my rhetorical question happened to be right outside of the door, as a matter of fact."
  203. voice "voice/lines/Mina 1.opus"
  204. mina "S-Sister? Phila?"
  206. "It seemed I had kept my promise to her sister, Mina was darting around like a spooked lamb."
  208. show johnGhost a_3
  209. think "And in this scenario, I'm the wolf!"
  211. possess john mina b_2
  213. mina "Eep!"
  215. "A squeak of fright escaped her lips as I took her over, and as I settled in more signs of panic made themselves apparent. Quick breathes and shivers did interesting things to my borrowed chest, but couldn't disguise how wound up she was."
  217. show john b_6
  218. voice "voice/lines/Mina 3.opus"
  219. john "Wow, you're this scared only half an hour apart? I take it back, Phila was right to be worried!"
  221. "I took a moment to calm her body down and enjoy some deep breathes."
  223. show john b_1
  224. voice "voice/lines/Mina 4.opus"
  225. john "Well, this can be my good deed of today. I'll bring Mina to her sister and then head back."
  227. voice "voice/lines/Mina 5.opus"
  228. john "In and out, easy ten minute possession."
  230. gameover "It wasn't."
  231. return
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