
A Learning Experience - One Shot

Jan 18th, 2013
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  1. Day Looking for Inspiration in Equestria.
  3. >You can’t think of any good ideas.
  4. >You’ve been stranded in this rainbowy world of mini-ponies for a while now, and you still can’t think of a good way to get money.
  5. >Of course you’ve tried working, but hard work is for suckers.
  6. >One of these days you’ll come up with an idea that’ll make you rich, but for now you’re just working to stay afloat and make friends.
  7. >And get laid, you could really use that.
  8. >Currently, you’re speaking with your latest employer, Rarity.
  9. >”Well I think that will be all for today, now if you could be a dear and pick up Sweetiebelle for me I’d be ever so grateful, I’m watching over her for the weekend.”
  10. >You carefully finish folding clothes and straighten up.
  11. “Sure thing Rarity, I’ll be back soon.”
  12. >As you turn to leave you find your path blocked by Opal.
  13. >You hate that fucking cat, but you really can’t do anything about it yet.
  14. >It glares at you for a moment before walking off and you watch it carefully, reminiscing about the scratches it gave you the first time you walked into the boutique.
  15. >One of these days you’ll have that thing stuffed.
  16. >Continuing on, you steadily make your way to the school house on the far side of town.
  17. >You’re trying to come up with a good money making scheme, but damn.
  18. >Impossible to think when you’re this damn horny.
  19. >Like seriously, you’ve been sporting a semi-boner non-stop for like the last two weeks.
  20. >You could care less, but you’ve been getting some funny looks because of it.
  22. >Especially from Spike, now that you’ve begun to work for Rarity.
  23. >Fuck that little dragon, he’s a bitch.
  24. >Always giving you attitude.
  25. >Not like the Cutie Mark Kids, you love those fillies.
  26. >Sweet little things, they always entertain you.
  27. >You might do some pretty messed up things to the denizens of p0nyville when no one’s looking, but you can’t even imagine being mean or sneaky to those mares.
  28. >Honestly, they’re probably the only things in this town that could make you behave yourself.
  29. >But today, they won’t be keeping you in check.
  30. >The schoolhouse is in view now, and you can see the trio of p0nies standing in front of two similarly sized figures, one pink, one gray.
  31. >The two new fillies don’t seem to be playing nice, and you aren’t very happy about that.
  32. >As you approach, they walk off laughing.
  33. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders stand together, heads hanging low.
  34. “Hey Sweetiebelle.”
  35. >”Hey Anon,” she replies glumly, not looking you in the eye.
  36. >She’s really down, it’s breaking your tiny, withered heart.
  37. >You should really do something about this.
  38. “Could you wait here for a minute Sweetie? I’m supposed to pick you up from school for your sister, but I need to have a word with your teacher first. You can play with the other crusaders until I get back.”
  39. >She flashes you a small smile and nods, you scan the area for the teacher p0ny and make a beeline towards her.
  40. >Halfway there you almost trip on a squatty, light blue unicorn who’s running around playing with his lanky friend.
  41. >”Hey mister, what’s the big idea?”
  43. >Nevermind the fact that he ran into YOU, this p0ny’s voice is more than enough reason to hate him.
  44. >It’s screechy and loud, and he’s giving you lip for his own lack of care?
  45. >You glance at his rump, seeing a cutie mark of a pair of scissors.
  46. “Sorry kid, I wasn’t paying attention. Say, that’s a pretty neat cutie mark you’ve got. Is your special talent running really fast while carrying scissors?”
  47. >He looks puzzled, “No, actually-”
  48. >You cut him off.
  49. “OH, sorry, ignore me then. As cool as it would be if you could run with scissors, it’s pretty dangerous and you should NEVER do it. Unless your special talent happens to be running with scissors. Who knows, if your special talent has to do with scissors, maybe you COULD do it, but it would most certainly be too dangerous to find out. Yeah, that’d be a pretty badass special talent, laughing in the face of danger... ...anyways I gotta go talk to the teacher. Be safe you two.”
  50. >A red headed filly in glasses is observing you carefully, you ignore her.
  51. >You continue walking to the magenta p0ny that runs the schoolhouse, she seems to be watching you.
  52. >As those big green eyes follow your approach, you feel your pants tighten.
  53. >”Hello, you must be Anon, I’ve heard so much about you.”
  54. “Should I be worried?”
  55. >Your tone is playful, and the teacher p0ny laughs.
  56. >”Oh no, Anon. Some of my students think very highly of you, and I saw you just now speaking with Snips and Snails. You seem to be very good with fillies and colts.”
  57. >Her voice is amazing, she reminds you of Celestia somehow, except more relatable.
  58. >And by relatable, you mean you would totally put your dick in that.
  60. >You answer modestly, as a pair of unicorns slink into the school building behind her.
  61. “I don’t know about that. I’m nothing special, really.”
  62. >”Nonsense, the ‘crusaders’ over there simply adore you, they talk about you all the time. Why, Scootaloo asked me if she could bring you in for show-and-tell.”
  63. >You laugh, as the colts from earlier exit the schoolhouse levitating a basket of scissors before them.
  64. >”Now was there something you needed me for?”
  65. >You adopt a more serious demeanor.
  66. “Yes, actually. Could you tell me about those two little earth p0nies over there, the pink and gray? I saw them speaking with Sweetiebelle and her friends, and I’m not sure they were being entirely kind.”
  67. >”Ah yes, that’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.”
  68. >She gives a sigh before continuing.
  69. >”I’m afraid I’ve been having some problems with those two, they don’t really get along well with others.”
  70. >Pausing briefly, you adopt a thoughtful look.
  71. “Do you mind if I have a word with them?”
  72. >She looks delighted.
  73. >”Of course not Anon, go right ahead. Perhaps you can get through to them, the children seem to like you so maybe they’ll listen to you.”
  74. “Well I certainly hope so. By the way, I never caught your name, Mrs...
  75. >”Cheerilee. MISS Cheerilee.”
  76. >Score.
  77. >She retreats into the schoolhouse with a last smile at you, and you make your way to where the two little bullies are standing, away from the few straggling students who haven’t gone home yet.
  78. >As you walk you look around to make sure no one is watching, and find the red headed filly is still looking at you.
  79. >You make a mental note of that, you’ll need damage control if you don’t pull this off right.
  80. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon grow quiet when you get close, and you squat in front of them so that you can look them in the eyes.
  82. >The pink one, Diamond Tiara if her cutie mark is any indication, speaks first.
  83. >”What do YOU want, monkey?”
  84. >Without a word, you swing your right hand swiftly and slap her friend, hard.
  85. >Stunned, the little pink filly gapes at you, and her friend speaks up.
  86. >”How dare you! You can’t just hi-”
  87. >You swing your left hand this time, hitting Diamond Tiara.
  88. >”OW! STO-”
  89. >Again with the right, you strike Silver Spoon.
  90. >The both of them are silent for a moment, staring at you with disbelief.
  91. >As Silver Spoon opens her mouth to speak again, you ready your hand.
  92. >”WHA-”
  93. >SMACK!
  94. >That was a good one, Tiara reels from the hit.
  95. >You continue to do this, every time Diamond Tiara speaks, you slap Silver Spoon, and every time Spoon talks, you strike Tiara instead.
  96. >Eventually the two of them stop trying to speak, silently fuming as they glare at you.
  97. >Your expression remains serene, you just observe the two of them with curiosity.
  98. >The gray filly opens her mouth, your hand tenses as soon as you hear the intake of air, but before you can even act Diamond has thrust her hoof into Spoony’s mouth.
  99. >She recoils again, this time staring at her friend.
  100. >Tiara attempts to speak again quickly, and gets a few words out before you can ready your hand.
  101. >”Just stop for a sec-”
  102. >She’s silenced by a swing from Silver this time, and now the two are glaring at one another.
  103. >Silver Spoon tries to talk, and Diamond Tiara answers with a swift blow.
  104. >Diamond shouts out and is quickly stopped by Silver.
  105. >The fillies begin to fight in earnest, blows turning to bites, no more words are exchanged between the two.
  107. >All but forgotten by the squabbling little p0nies, you calmly stand and turn back to the school grounds.
  108. >The filly in glasses is gawking at you, you give her a blank look and walk on.
  109. >You collect Sweetiebelle and take her back to her sister’s with a spring in her step, she won’t have a bully problem for a good while now.
  110. >As you say goodbye to Rarity and her sister you feel your boner return in full force.
  111. >You’re really going to have to do something about that.
  112. >And SOON.
  114. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  116. >The next day rolls around and you get up bright and early for work at the boutique.
  117. >You see Sweetiebelle off to school and get on with your duties, stopping occasionally to stare down that damn cat as it slinks around the shop.
  118. >No doubt waiting for an opportunity to use your leg as a scratching post again.
  119. >The day is uneventful, but you work efficiently and soon leave to pick up Sweetiebelle again.
  120. >It’s the start of the weekend today, so Rarity has finished up quickly as well and excuses you earlier than usual.
  121. >In fact, by the time you reach the school house class is still in.
  122. >You sidle in quietly, and stand off to the side while Cheerilee finishes her lesson.
  123. >The Crusaders can’t sit still, Scootaloo is trying to wave at you without attracting too much attention.
  124. >The unicorn from yesterday, Snips, is sitting quietly with his head swathed in bandages, covering his left eye.
  125. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are sitting at opposite ends of the room, keenly focused on their work and both working very hard to avoid looking in the direction of the other.
  127. >As soon as Cheerilee excuses the class p0nies begin to filter out.
  128. >Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are among the first ones out, each rushing to leave as quickly as possible.
  129. >You notice the shadow of a black eye on Silver, and Tiara’s cheeks are slightly swollen and puffy.
  130. >Sweetiebelle is taking her time gathering her things, so you speak to Snips as he walks by.
  131. “Are you okay there, Snips? You didn’t happen to hurt yourself by running with scissors, did you? I mean, I SPECIFICALLY told you yesterday that running with scissors is dangerous.”
  132. >He cowers under your gaze.
  133. >”N-no! I didn’t, I just... ...fell...”
  134. “Alright then Snips. Of course you didn’t run with scissors, I’m worrying myself over nothing. Only a fool would run with scissors after they were specifically told not to. I hope you feel better soon.”
  135. >Sweetiebelle has packed up by now, and Snips slinks away as she catches your attention.
  136. >Before you can leave however, Cheerilee stops you.
  137. >”I’m sorry Sweetiebelle, could I have a quick word with Anonymous before you leave?
  138. >”Sure!” she says, and bounds out the door to wait.
  139. >”Wow Anon, I don’t know what you told those two fillies, but it really worked! I’ve never seen any p0nies so focused on their school work before. We even had a group project today, and both of them went outside of their comfort zones and became partners with students they almost never talk to! You must tell me how you did it.”
  140. >You scratch your head thoughtfully.
  141. “I just tried to show them that when they say mean things, they’re only really hurting each other.”
  143. >Cheerilee nods thoughtfully.
  144. >”You really have a gift with the young Anon.”
  145. “I just like kids, I guess. Children are the same everywhere, so these little guys really remind me of home. That’s probably why I spend so much time playing with Sweetiebelle and her friends. It’s pretty lonely being the only one of my kind.”
  146. >The teacher p0ny gives a sad face.
  147. >”Anonymous, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up such a sensitive topic.”
  148. “It’s alright Cheerilee, really. It feels nice to talk to someone about it. And it isn’t all bad either. I mean, sure the weekends can be pretty hard with no one to spend them with, and I guess I’ll never be able to love again, but everyp0ny is very kind to me and it’s easy to get by.”
  149. >”If you don’t mind me asking Anon, what do you mean you’ll never love again?”
  150. >You give a soft laugh.
  151. “I’m the only human left, and I can’t imagine a p0ny liking a creature like me. You guys are so kind and understanding and relatable, whereas I’m well... ...not as nice.”
  152. >”Well, I certainly don’t agree with that at all. I’m sure plenty of mares would love to be with a stallion like you.”
  153. “Thanks Cheerilee, that means a lot to me. I guess I just have a lot to learn when it comes to interspecies relationships.”
  154. >The mare gives a brief pause, and eyes you appraisingly.
  155. >”If it’s something you need to learn, maybe I can help teach you,” she says with a smirk, “it’s the start of the weekend, so maybe we can spend some time together after you drop off Sweetiebelle?”
  156. “I’d love to.”
  157. >Your boner is practically dancing in your pants, looks like you’re finally going to get what you need.
  159. >As you’re leaving the school building, you manage to catch a glimpse of that red-haired, bespeckled filly.
  160. >Once again she’s staring at you as you walk away with Sweetiebelle.
  161. >Her mouth is agape, incredulity in her expression.
  162. >You flash her a smile, and a wink.
  163. >She’s seen everything, and is probably terrified of you by now.
  164. >As you walk away you think to yourself that no one would ever believe her.
  165. >And from the look on her face, you think she knew it too.
  166. >While you’re thinking this, you almost trip on that second unicorn, snails.
  167. >You hadn’t seen him in the classroom today.
  168. >”Snips, is that you?” he asks in a dopey voice, equally as annoying as that of his friend, “I think I’m lost.”
  169. >He’s sporting twin eye patches, and stumbling about blindly.
  170. “Go on ahead Sweetie, I’ll catch up to you after I’ve helped this guy out.”
  171. >She hurries along, happily humming a little song, and you turn the gangly unicorn around.
  172. “He went over that way, straight in front of you.”
  173. >”Gee, thanks mister!” he says, and quickly trots towards the thorny mass of rose bushes that lay a good twenty feet from where Snips is standing.
  175. Today was an average day.
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