
eastern cooking t1+t2

Jul 10th, 2020
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  1. Marcus Astraea decided that enough was enough and that he could actually do something with his time. And so, he decided to start learning how make eastern food. He didn't know why, but the Astraea supposed that if he was going to be the best at something, he might as well make it the culinary world. He disliked it that people knew him only for his cooking and he really, really tried his best to change that but his lack of social contact with the rest wasn't helping him. [1]
  3. At the same time however, he needed to be patient. While the rest of those that he knew were gathering fame and fortune, he just needed to be patient. The turtle wins the race in the end as the professor had stated. And perhaps, he could cook something up for the Hyojun as a thank you as well? Perhaps...But he needed to be good first. No, he needed to be the best at it- even better than the rest. For now and in the future, he was sure there would be people better than him. [2]
  5. But he instead simply needed to make sure that he was the best at everything. Whether it was Arcadia' way, or Chuugoku's or Manilla', it didn't matter. All that he needed to do was become the best- no, as perfect as he could be when it came to cooking. A master of all four directions. An avatar of cooking, persay. It wasn't like he honestly had better things to do either than study, train and maybe once in a while see if someone needed something for him. Because that's just how it was- people only really needed things from him nowadays. [3]
  7. Regardless, he prepared himself to learn the basics for now. And from the looks of it, much of Eastern cooked was based around using rice as the medium. Of course, there was plenty use of fish and the like but for now, he was going to stick with rice. He actually worked with it before in certain Arcadian' dishes so he knew how to make rice at the very least. But, he wasn't going to underestimate the culinary tradition and history of an entire other nation. Even if they were Orientals. [4]
  9. Hmm? Oni...giri? Wow, even the name was weird. Still, this seemed to be something traditional to the Chuugokans. Or at least, the Tenkans apparently. It was almost like their toast or something along those lines? Well, he wasn't going to learn by just reading this book. It was a great source of basic knowledge to be sure, but as cooking was something practical, he also needed to get out there and practice. And that was what he was going to do. [5]
  11. First, according to this book, he needed to cook the rice. It shouldn't be too big of a problem- he did do it before. He also needed to make sure that he cooked just slightly. They needed to be warm/hot to the touch when he was making these balls. The next part was to prepare a bowl of water. He needed to prevent the rice from sticking to his hands and wetting his hands whenever needed was important lest he make something misshapen. [6]
  13. Then, he prepared another bowl filled with salt. According to the book, this would give flavor to the balls and make sure to keep them fresh for a longer time. He understood how, but he still didn't understand who and or what came up with this recipe.
  14. It was simple, he wasn't going to say that it was hard but...Well, it was just balls of rice. It would be filling no doubt- rice was amazing but to make them into balls and or triangles? Well, he guessed that the Tenkan' really liked their boxed lunches. [7]
  16. The next part would be a bit trickier however. He needed to shape the balls- whether they be actual balls or not. He was going to go with the traditional triangle shape, but he needed to make sure not to apply too much pressure. Too much would cause the rice to burst but too little would not make it stick. He needed to find a balance much the same as he needed to do so in all things. Whether it was ones life, work and or otherwise, balance was important. [8]
  18. And thankfully, something that Marcus had- at least when it came to cooking. These techniques and or recipes may be foreign to him, but if he applied what he knew and learned when he taught himself how to cook the Arcadian way, he was certain he could make up for his shortcomings here. And speaking of cooking- he finished the set of rice balls, shaped as a triangle. Though, much to his frustrations, there were some parts of them misshapen and he simply grabbed another batch of warm rice and got to work again. [9]
  20. He wasn't going to stop until he perfect the art of making Onigiri. Although it was a basic recipe, the basics were the foundation of everything. They way one filleted fish, the way one cooked pasta and the way how one swung a sword. The basics were the most important thing to master first and foremost. Flashy techniques were great and all but until one learned how to properly dice and or make dough? Then could they truly call themselves a chef? Even though he hated that title, Marcus couldn't help but feel proud of it at the same time. [10]
  22. Marcus strove for perfection- or as close as a mortal could get to be perfect. That meant thoroughly mastering every aspect. From how he held his knife, to how he formed these balls with his bare hands. Marcus was a perfectionist, even if most people didn't know that.
  23. They'd assume correctly since he was an Astraea but Marcus pushed himself not only because he was a member of that illustrious family but because not giving his all when he did something was disrespectful to the utmost degree. [11]
  25. Marcus Astraea hummed slowly to himself as he kept flipping through the pages in his new cookbook. Well, they weren't wrong- this was a great read even if it took a while for him to find a more advanced version of his previous book but in Arcadian. Honestly, they were in Dawn and that meant that they were in Arcadia and while he knew this was the Eastern style of cooking, they could have at least made these translated books a bit more accessible. [12]
  27. He idly entertained the idea of asking that one Shikki for assistance but..well, that'd just be pitiful for him. While most wouldn't see it as such, Marcus couldn't stand to ask anyone but a teacher for help. Save, maybe another member of his family that wasn't Arthur. Arthur was a third year and as such, stronger than all of them and there was no shame in asking ones seniors for assistance in their training- whether it was of the sword or the pen. Or in his cake, cooking. But he just couldn't feel it in him to ask one of these infidels for assistance. [13]
  29. Putting aside such thoughts, he focused on his studying his book further. He was right- a lot of Eastern styled cooking did involve a lot of rice and fish. On both sides, actually. Though, more so for the Tenkans. The Shugokian' consumed just...about everything really. Though they really liked their buns as well. If he remembered correctly, Shamine talked about them in class, didn't she? He may have not been able to attend any of them, but these notes that he found were a great help. And, they belonged to another Shikki, one that he actually didn't know. Who was Kori, anyways? [14]
  31. Regardless, he may as well practice on how to make more types of onigiri. His first attempt at making them went good but he didn't fill them with anything. He did think that they were far too plain for his liking and he was right. While there was nothing wrong with simple onigiri, they often got filled with something. Whether it was bits and pieces of fish or with things such as some sort of sweet paste, the Tenkans really enjoyed playing a roulette with them, huh? No matter, he needed to master the art of making onigiri before he moved on with bigger recipes. [15]
  33. Marcus Astraea cracked his knuckles as he prepared himself to continue his studies in the art of the Eastern cooking. Honestly, so far it's been a breath of fresh air. He wasn't a complete newbie making a mess out of his dorm room when he tried to cook now, having some actual previous experience as a cook due to his current level of skill but he never made this way. Or fish, actually. Hell, he never even heard about this sweet bean paste or whatever it was that the Tenkans called it. [16]
  35. But for now, he was going to focus a bit on what the Shokokan ate. Honestly, he just believed they ate the very same thing since they used to be one nation but he supposed that a lot of time had passe for them to branch out in their own ways. Case in point, certain dishes. Right now, he couldn't really see the difference between that ramen thing and what fried noodles. Other than the way that they were made of course. In the end though, they were noddles weren't they? [17]
  37. Well, regardless. He picked out a recipe; cashew chicken and decided that he was going to make that today. Honestly, it seemed to be similar to any other stir fry he had made so far so he could give this a go. Just for this, he bought a wok- that one weirdly shaped pan that they used. He wasn't going to lie, it seemed good at what it was supposed to do from what little he already made with it. Rice was versatile and was as easily fried as it was cooked. [18]
  39. In any case, to start himself off, he'd put the chicken in a bowl with an egg white, sesame oil, cornflour and one tablespoon of salt and then mix well. He needed to let it relax for twenty minutes or so and while he did that, he'd take a bit of time to read up on some more recipes and see what he could make. There so many varieties of the same dish or type of ingredients that Marcus honestly didn't know if it really felt like a different recipe- but at this point, he figured that was how cooking worked. Adding one or two different ingredients or using a different method to make something changed a lot. [19]
  41. Now, he'd velvet the chicken with oil, heating the wok until it was very hot and then add in some more oil. When it reached the needed temperature, he'd remove the wok from the heat and add in the chicken, stirring vigorously to prevent it from sticking. After two or so minutes, when the chicken turns white, he'd drain it and all of the oil into a stainless steel colander over a bowl, discarding the oil after it was used. Now, he'd prepare himself for the next step. [20]
  43. First, he'd wipe the wok clean and then reheat it until it was very hot again. Then, he'd add in two tablespoons of groundnut oil, adding the cashew nuts and then beginning to stir fry them for a minute. Next, he'd pour in some rice wine and soy sauce and return the chicken to the wok, stir-frying for another two or so minutes. To finish it off, he'd scatter over the spring onions and then simply stare at his creation for a minute. It smelled good and it looked good and when he tasted it? It was good. Though, as with all things, it could be better. [21]
  45. He'd finish the cashew chicken off before returning his attention to the recipe book. There was something else he wanted to make and he figured that he could feed this to one of the many lycanus around the school. They'd eat just about everything, right? Though, treating them like trash cans wasn't fair but he honestly didn't know what their kind liked to eat. Sina, as a wolf just liked to eat everything that was made out of meat apparently. Though, she liked the usual snacks one could find in those vending machines so he wondered here and there. [22]
  47. Though, nonetheless he took pride in his cooking and he wouldn't try and feed anyone anything but his very best. Even if that very best wasn't all that good at the moment. He was working on it, but it'd take time much the same as it did when he first learned how to cook on his own. If not for his previous experience, he'd probably be having a much tougher time. Speaking of time, he may very well need to learn how to spend his better. From the looks of it, the finals may be approaching soon. [23]
  49. Marcus Astraea rolled around the rice in his hands, slowly molding it into another triangle shaped onigiri. Honestly, he didn't know why but making these rice balls was really therapeutic in a way. He supposed that making anything with his two hands was just going to give that sort of feeling but this was...different. Was it due to how warm the rice was? Or just because of something else? Marcus couldn't explain it but he had fun testing out the various fillings he could give to the onigiri. [24]
  51. From mayo to that sweet bean paste to fried fish pieces. The possibilities were really endless but he didn't like to fiddle too much with them lest he anger some of those orientals. Normally, he wouldn't care but at the moment he put himself in their shoes and he sure as hell wouldn't feel all that great if someone messed with their bread. Sometimes, when it doubt, even having a loaf of bread would make a difference between starving and surviving another day for those of the lower class. [25]
  53. It was one of the reasons why it was so loved by just about everything in Arcadia. Wheat in general was great but he didn't know if he could compare it to rice. Rice could be eaten as it was-albeit, it had to be cooked first but having a small pot, water and if they knew how to make a campfire at least? They were set. Bread required an oven of some kind to be made. Or at the very least, that's what Marcus knew. [26]
  55. Though, the sheer versatility of the rice was seemingly endless as well. It's why he liked it and why he could see why several of Chuukan recipes, both Tenkan and Shokokan involved a lot of it. A lot of fish and chicken as well. He supposed that fish was simply plentiful in their region. Though, he wasn't looking forward to learning some of the other Shokokan recipes. What the hell was a bat soup anyways and who in the Lords name would eat bats? [27]
  57. Well, he didn't want to find out as he said. He was going to stick to recipes he felt that wouldn't kill someone upon consumption. Like these various noddle recipes. The fact that they also had fifty different kind of recipes or so for noddle was also astounding to the young Astrea. though, he figured it was like pasta in a way that it could be cooked and made into various different shapes and with various different techniques. [28]
  59. Marcus Astraea got more and more puzzled as he read and practice through these Chuukan recipes. It wasn't that they confused him or anything- not in the usual way. But that the Chuukans really liked to set their meals in a specific way. While in Arcadia, most breakfast meals involved bread- usually toast and eggs of some kind and bacon. In the other two empires? It was vastly different. As he mentioned, rice was used heavily as well as fish but he honestly didn't think anyone could eat rice and fish for breakfast. [29]
  61. The mere thought of it was foreign to him. Which is what strove him to try out when he wasn't on one of his fasts. He needed to build more muscle mass and he couldn't honestly do that without enough protein in his body. As well as the carbs. So, while he was training here, he'd sadly have to but his religious habits when it came to eating to a halt. At the very least, until he got to the needed mass. Then he needed to make sure that he could be able to keep it. [30]
  63. Soup dumplings? He idly remembered reading through these notes that professor Hyojun mentioned them a few times. Huh, maybe he could make some for her when had the the time? It could serve as a nice gift all things considered. Food was great and everyone liked to eat a delicious meal at the end of a long day. Especially those that had to burn off a large amount of calories in a day and he was sure as a Hyojun, she had to keep her training up as well. [31]
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