
Gym shit

Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam did the rowing machine thingy, his feet planted firmly on the pedals as he gripped the plastic handle and pushed off, extending his back completely and holding the motion before bending his knees and bringing it back down. He exhaled deeply as he came back in, working up quite a sweat.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley was moreso hanging out because Adam was there than actually working out. She leaned on the wall with her book in hand. She looked up at Adam periodically then slid down the wall to sit on the floor. "You can do itt." She said in an attempt of being encouraging.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Releasing the handle, he breathed heavily and twisted to look at her, raising his brows. "Oh yeah?' He asked with a bit of a laugh, looking at her book. "What are you reading?"-
  4. Tsaaq: "Go Ask Alice." Hayley replied as she showed him the front cover of the book. "But yeah, you are. You're working on your hot bod and such. Don't stop on my account."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, moving his arm to wipe at his forehead since hard work yo. "I think I read that in high school. It was a little weird. Didn't it come out that it wasnt actually a memoir or something like that?" He asked, trying to remember the conversations he'd had about it.-
  6. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders as she looked over to him. "I saw it in the bookstore the other day. I was bored so I bought it." Hayley said with a shrug. "I don't know much about it. I'll probably look that stuff up though."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that's what I heard. That initially when it came out, it was being sold off as a memoir and a true story and it really drove sales. And it eventually came out that it's entirely fiction. Which I don't think really takes away from the story at all, but a lot of people made a big deal out of it for some reason." He shrugged, climbing off the machine and stretching his arms over his head.-
  8. Tsaaq: "Shit." Hayley rose her eyebrows. "Well... People hate that stuff. Like that guy who was in Orpah's book club thing and then they found out his story wasn't true at all. People were pissed. Especially Oprah I think." She pursed her lips as she watched him. "I don't know. People don't like being lied to."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I don't really follow Oprah's book club, but that kind of sounds like 'A Child Called It', which was a really disturbing book to read so when that came out that it was all made up, it was kind of hard to swallow."-
  10. Tsaaq: Hayley bit her lip as she opened her book once more. "I only know because South Park did like, a parody episode with Towlie about it. I'm not all that knowledgable in Oprah either." She told him. "I feel like I've heard of that book before though,"
  11. Alexithymiaa: "It was..." He paused for a long minute, trying to pick his words carefully. "Hard to read. It was really graphic and jarring. It's about child abuse. I can look back now and see how overdramatized it was, but at the time it was just sickening."-
  12. Tsaaq: "Hmm." Hayley hummed while listening to him. "I might pick it up. I've got a pretty strong stomach for the most part. I read the book based off the movie Precious anyways. I'm pretty sure if you can read through that you can read through anything."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, I've never read that. Did you like it?" He asked, shifting to lean against the wall, his eyes set down on her.-
  14. Tsaaq: She frowned as she lowered her book and put it in her lap. While thinking her frown began wider. "It was a very sad book. But I guess I liked it." Hayley said before shrugging. "Very shitty life that character had." She sighed.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Do you still have it? Maybe I could read it and we could talk about it." He smiled to her, dropping his hand down onto her head to pet her hair all nice like.-
  16. Tsaaq: "Yeah it's somewhere under my bed." Hayley answered him. "You don't want to read it... Do you?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow. Hayley looked up at him once she felt his hand on her hair. "It's pretty fucking depressing." She smiled in return.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but that doesnt discredit the book. I'm sure it's still a great story. I'd like to read it." He leaned down to pick up his water bottle, squirting some water into his mouth before easing off the wall and turning to face her. "C'mon, we'll go home and I'll help you look for it."-
  18. Tsaaq: She kept her grin on her face and shrugged. "Oh, okay. Cool." Hayley said as she grabbed up her things and waited for him so they could head out the door. "We're gonna be up for a while. I keep A LOT of stuff under my bed." She warned.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe we should get you some under bed organizers so you can find things easier?" He asked as he walked with her through the gym to the exit. "They sell them everywhere. And that way it won't take forever to find things when you go looking for them." He smiled, leading her out of the gym and to his truck so they could go home.-
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