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a guest
Feb 24th, 2018
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text 57.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Crash Report - DESKTOP-BT2GVOB - 02/24/18 13:54:56
  3. - Error Line
  4. -------------------------
  5. Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646: cannot resume dead coroutine
  7. - Game Version
  8. -------------------------
  9. 9.0.2
  11. - Traceback
  12. -------------------------
  13. Engine/CustomError.lua:311: in function 'handler'
  14. main.lua:128: in function <main.lua:126>
  15. [C]: in function 'script'
  16. Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646: in function <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5644>
  17. [C]: in function 'updateRendering'
  18. Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:249: in function 'update'
  19. Src/States/PartyMode.lua:174: in function 'update'
  20. Engine/GameSetup.lua:698: in function 'Update'
  21. main.lua:156: in function 'update'
  22. main.lua:370: in function <main.lua:258>
  23. [C]: in function 'xpcall'
  26. - Memory Usage
  27. -------------------------
  28. RAM: 72.73MB
  29. VRAM: 598.11MB
  31. - Graphics Stats
  32. -------------------------
  33. Images: 398
  34. Canvases: 8
  35. Fonts: 68
  37. - Local Variables
  38. -------------------------
  39. main.lua:128:
  40. msg = (string) "Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646: cannot resume dead coroutine"
  42. [C]:-1 (upvalue script):
  43. (*temporary) = (number) 0.016666667535901
  45. Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646:
  46. self = (table) table: 0x2924c968
  47. layer = (number) 5
  48. render = (function) <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:4714>
  49. skipResize = (boolean) true
  50. visible = (boolean) true
  51. onDestroy = (function) <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5640>
  52. depth = (number) 0
  53. Destroy = (function) <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:195>
  54. alpha = (number) 1
  55. update = (function) <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5644>
  56. dt = (number) 0.016666667535901
  58. [C]:-1 (field updateRendering):
  59. (*temporary) = (number) 0.016666666666667
  60. (*temporary) = (number) 1
  61. (*temporary) = (boolean) false
  62. (*temporary) = (number) 0.91851851851852
  63. (*temporary) = (number) 0.60049995756799
  64. (*temporary) = (number) -0.006865924483069
  65. (*temporary) = (number) 1771.774368986
  66. (*temporary) = (number) 0
  67. (*temporary) = (table) table: 0x2924c968
  69. Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:249 (method update):
  70. self = (table) table: 0x19dd8ab8
  71. reset = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:207>
  72. render = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:613>
  73. SetLights = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:191>
  74. setTargetBlur = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:203>
  75. drawRainbowBuffer = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:601>
  76. GetOtherScreen = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:178>
  77. RefreshBuffer = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:164>
  78. initBatching = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:527>
  79. SetDrawUI = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:183>
  80. processDestroyedObjects = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:217>
  81. GetDrawUI = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:187>
  82. GetLights = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:195>
  83. update = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:221>
  84. GetSpotBuffer = (function) <Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:199>
  85. dt = (number) 0.016666666666667
  86. pauseNonUI = (boolean) false
  88. Src/States/PartyMode.lua:174 (method update):
  89. self = (table) table: 0x1c3d3768
  90. reserveJoe = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4254>
  91. SuddenDeath = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2982>
  92. timeInMatch = (number) 1.2166666666667
  93. initMutator = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:462>
  94. OnKick = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4456>
  95. canCreateNewJoe = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4243>
  96. currentLevel = (string) "HeavyBullets-Portals.level"
  97. DanceDestroy = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4581>
  98. CheckWinState = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4808>
  99. startMatchAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5069>
  100. TimeUpdate = (function) <Engine/GameLoop.lua:91>
  101. ReplaceWithAI = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2973>
  102. DestroyJoe = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2951>
  103. UpdateHealthBars = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4407>
  104. ReturnToMenu = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2299>
  105. updateNetworkStatus = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4624>
  106. onfinish = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:512>
  107. currentMutatorPlayer = (number) 1
  108. clearAISlots = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:865>
  109. oncount = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:575>
  110. currentEffect = (table) table: 0x28c6c808
  111. OnUpcomingSet = (function) <Src/Server/NetworkPlay.lua:77>
  112. stopVibration = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3020>
  113. scoreArray = (table) table: 0x12f463b8
  114. upcomingLevel = (string) "Hoops-Slam.level"
  115. maxScore = (number) 100
  116. getRankArray = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4875>
  117. inWinnerScreen = (boolean) false
  118. SetGame = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1671>
  119. setConfusion = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5118>
  120. OnGameSet = (function) <Src/Server/NetworkPlay.lua:83>
  121. init = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:91>
  122. cleanup = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:101>
  123. deathOrderWithTies = (table) table: 0x1fe893a0
  124. totalMatchTime = (number) 1.2166666666667
  125. OnRoundEndDraw = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3344>
  126. stopRoundAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5091>
  127. OnGameFinished = (function) <Src/Server/NetworkPlay.lua:109>
  128. playerRounds = (table) table: 0x1fd5ddb0
  129. updateMutatorVotingPanel = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1607>
  130. partyStarted = (boolean) true
  131. startPause = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3820>
  132. MainInit = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1364>
  133. InterpolateMasterStatesForNonLocalPlayers = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4606>
  134. showPlayerJoinedNotification = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4165>
  135. FindKonamiTarget = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4055>
  136. updateLeadingMarker = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4941>
  137. deathOrder = (table) table: 0x1fe893c8
  138. OnGameInit = (function) <Src/Server/NetworkPlay.lua:55>
  139. endPause = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3828>
  140. initData = (table) table: 0x26bf21e8
  141. selectMutators = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:324>
  142. updateDeathOrder = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4793>
  143. requestTrail = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5158>
  144. currentGame = (string) "HeavyBullets"
  145. intensityTimer = (number) 0
  146. upcomingIntensity = (boolean) false
  147. MainUpdate = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4692>
  148. upcomingGame = (string) "Hoops"
  149. setSkin = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5143>
  150. OnMajor = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4449>
  151. getIntroMode = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1325>
  152. fillSlotsWithAI = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:837>
  153. getMutatorVotingData = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1618>
  154. forceDeathVignette = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:143>
  155. remoteMutatorControl = (table) table: 0x1fd5dd88
  156. assignNewTeam = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:816>
  157. upcomingModes = (table) table: 0x2924cac8
  158. twitchMutator = (boolean) false
  159. onJoeKilledBy = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3357>
  160. GetEndRoundData = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3026>
  161. MainRender = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4995>
  162. JoeArray = (table) table: 0x1c3d37c8
  163. AddRemoveJoes = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3935>
  164. OnRoundEndTimeUp = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3338>
  165. ToggleFreezeJoes = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1631>
  166. IntegrateJoe = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1646>
  167. highIntensity = (boolean) true
  168. UpdatePlayerRanks = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4383>
  169. setTrail = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5174>
  170. render = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:695>
  171. checkAbandon = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3837>
  172. stopMatchAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5073>
  173. OnRoundEnd = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3350>
  174. ResetKonami = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4025>
  175. update = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:148>
  176. IsKonamiTarget = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4043>
  177. ConfigureControl = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:771>
  178. requestSkin = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5126>
  179. CreateCommonAssets = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:901>
  180. timeInRound = (number) 1.2166666666667
  181. updateMigrationData = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1351>
  182. HideHealthBars = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4374>
  183. getThreeMutators = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:257>
  184. upcomingSpawnPermutation = (table) table: 0x1fe89228
  185. OnQuarterKick = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4478>
  186. SetUpcoming = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2292>
  187. quitDialog = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3890>
  188. createNewJoe = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4291>
  189. NetworkWinState = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3051>
  190. updateAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5108>
  191. onhide = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:572>
  192. updateFlicker = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4647>
  193. ConfigureAI = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:877>
  194. scoreMultiplier = (number) 1
  195. updateAssignedJoes = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4978>
  196. startRoundAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5080>
  197. OnBetween = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4483>
  198. TriggerScoreScreen = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2509>
  199. OnWinState = (function) <Src/Server/NetworkPlay.lua:121>
  200. DanceInit = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4487>
  201. timePlayed = (number) 0
  202. Misc = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3370>
  203. roundsThisMatch = (number) 1
  204. createTitleScreen = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:608>
  205. getTeamScores = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4844>
  206. DestroyEverything = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5002>
  207. rankTimer = (number) 1.2166666666667
  208. ClientStart = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1590>
  209. logMatchForAnalytics = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:2843>
  210. currentSpawnPermutation = (table) table: 0x1fd5dd60
  211. mutatorEvent = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:492>
  212. onRemoteTwitchWhisper = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:1625>
  213. name = (string) "Party"
  214. setFastMode = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5122>
  215. getFreeSlot = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:5052>
  216. UpdateKonami = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4068>
  217. ApplyMasterStateForNonLocalPlayers = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:4591>
  218. networkBad = (boolean) false
  219. networkStatusChangeTimer = (number) 0
  220. WinState = (function) <Src/States/PartyMode.lua:3064>
  221. lastMutatorPlayer = (number) 1
  222. dt = (number) 0.016666666666667
  223. realFPS = (number) 27.159023029196
  225. Engine/GameSetup.lua:698 (method Update):
  226. self = (table) table: 0x06324808
  227. Render = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:394>
  228. fadeTime = (number) 0.51666666666667
  229. getCurrentMode = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:288>
  230. loadMode = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:293>
  231. init = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:167>
  232. ResizeEvent = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:876>
  233. fadeFromColor = (table) table: 0x28104f90
  234. restart = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:283>
  235. ChangeResolution = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:829>
  236. fadeDuration = (number) 0.5
  237. ReadMessages = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:795>
  238. fadeToColor = (table) table: 0x28104fb8
  239. startFade = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:355>
  240. updateDebugRenderMode = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:305>
  241. Update = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:478>
  242. destroyMode = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:300>
  243. lateInit = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:219>
  244. calcFadeColor = (function) <Engine/GameSetup.lua:380>
  245. dt = (number) 0.016666666666667
  246. realFPS = (number) 27.159023029196
  248. main.lua:156 (field update):
  249. dt = (number) 0.036820175708272
  250. loops = (number) 0
  252. main.lua:370:
  253. dt = (number) 0.036820175708272
  255. [C]:-1 (global xpcall):
  256. (*temporary) = (function) <[string "boot.lua"]:1662>
  258. [string "boot.lua"]:1677:
  259. result = (boolean) true
  260. result = (boolean) true
  264. - PC Configuration
  265. -------------------------
  266. OS : Windows
  267. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  268. RAM: 7.95Gb
  269. Res: x
  271. - GPU
  272. -------------------------
  273. Name: OpenGL
  274. Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.77
  275. Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  276. Device: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
  277. Canvas Support: true
  278. DXT Support: true
  280. - Game Config
  281. -------------------------
  282. Res: w=1768 h=992
  283. Wmode: 2
  284. Anti-aliasing: 16
  285. VSync: false
  286. Shaders enabled: true
  287. Match Type: Local
  289. - Game Log
  290. ------------------------
  291. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  292. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  293. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  294. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  295. 15.811 PROCESS WUDFHost.exe
  296. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  297. 15.811 PROCESS NVDisplay.Container.exe
  298. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  299. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  300. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  301. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  302. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  303. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  304. 15.811 PROCESS Memory Compression
  305. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  306. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  307. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  308. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  309. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  310. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  311. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  312. 15.811 PROCESS WTabletServiceCon.exe
  313. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  314. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  315. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  316. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  317. 15.811 PROCESS spoolsv.exe
  318. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  319. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  320. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  321. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  322. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  323. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  324. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  325. 15.811 PROCESS Htc.Identity.Service.exe
  326. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  327. 15.811 PROCESS armsvc.exe
  328. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  329. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  330. 15.811 PROCESS nvcontainer.exe
  331. 15.811 PROCESS VirtualDesktop.Service.exe
  332. 15.811 PROCESS NvTelemetryContainer.exe
  333. 15.811 PROCESS MsMpEng.exe
  334. 15.811 PROCESS OfficeClickToRun.exe
  335. 15.811 PROCESS AGSService.exe
  336. 15.811 PROCESS AdobeUpdateService.exe
  337. 15.811 PROCESS SecurityHealthService.exe
  338. 15.811 PROCESS DisplayFusionService.exe
  339. 15.811 PROCESS OriginWebHelperService.exe
  340. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  341. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  342. 15.811 PROCESS TeamViewer_Service.exe
  343. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  344. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  345. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  346. 15.811 PROCESS WmiPrvSE.exe
  347. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  348. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  349. 15.811 PROCESS NisSrv.exe
  350. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  351. 15.811 PROCESS SearchIndexer.exe
  352. 15.811 PROCESS GoogleCrashHandler.exe
  353. 15.811 PROCESS GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
  354. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  355. 15.811 PROCESS audiodg.exe
  356. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  357. 15.811 PROCESS DiscSoftBusServiceLite.exe
  358. 15.811 PROCESS ViveportDesktopService.exe
  359. 15.811 PROCESS dllhost.exe
  360. 15.811 PROCESS msdtc.exe
  361. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  362. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  363. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  364. 15.811 PROCESS csrss.exe
  365. 15.811 PROCESS winlogon.exe
  366. 15.811 PROCESS dwm.exe
  367. 15.811 PROCESS fontdrvhost.exe
  368. 15.811 PROCESS NVDisplay.Container.exe
  369. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  370. 15.811 PROCESS nvcontainer.exe
  371. 15.811 PROCESS nvcontainer.exe
  372. 15.811 PROCESS sihost.exe
  373. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  374. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  375. 15.811 PROCESS taskhostw.exe
  376. 15.811 PROCESS explorer.exe
  377. 15.811 PROCESS ShellExperienceHost.exe
  378. 15.811 PROCESS SearchUI.exe
  379. 15.811 PROCESS RuntimeBroker.exe
  380. 15.811 PROCESS RuntimeBroker.exe
  381. 15.811 PROCESS Pen_TabletUser.exe
  382. 15.811 PROCESS SkypeHost.exe
  383. 15.811 PROCESS WacomHost.exe
  384. 15.811 PROCESS ctfmon.exe
  385. 15.811 PROCESS Pen_Tablet.exe
  386. 15.811 PROCESS Pen_TouchUser.exe
  387. 15.811 PROCESS SettingSyncHost.exe
  388. 15.811 PROCESS NVIDIA Web Helper.exe
  389. 15.811 PROCESS conhost.exe
  390. 15.811 PROCESS RuntimeBroker.exe
  391. 15.811 PROCESS RuntimeBroker.exe
  392. 15.811 PROCESS LWEMon.exe
  393. 15.811 PROCESS RtkNGUI64.exe
  394. 15.811 PROCESS DTAgent.exe
  395. 15.811 PROCESS nvsphelper64.exe
  396. 15.811 PROCESS NVIDIA Share.exe
  397. 15.811 PROCESS NVIDIA Share.exe
  398. 15.811 PROCESS DisplayFusion.exe
  399. 15.811 PROCESS SpotifyWebHelper.exe
  400. 15.811 PROCESS DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe
  401. 15.811 PROCESS DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe
  402. 15.811 PROCESS googledrivesync.exe
  403. 15.811 PROCESS googledrivesync.exe
  404. 15.811 PROCESS Vive.exe
  405. 15.811 PROCESS ViveportDesktopHelper.exe
  406. 15.811 PROCESS ViveportDesktopHelper.exe
  407. 15.811 PROCESS SpotifyWebHelper.exe
  408. 15.811 PROCESS Lightshot.exe
  409. 15.811 PROCESS jusched.exe
  410. 15.811 PROCESS AdobeARM.exe
  411. 15.811 PROCESS acrotray.exe
  412. 15.811 PROCESS svchost.exe
  413. 15.812 PROCESS Discord.exe
  414. 15.812 PROCESS Discord.exe
  415. 15.812 PROCESS Discord.exe
  416. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  417. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  418. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  419. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  420. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  421. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  422. 15.812 PROCESS Skype.exe
  423. 15.812 PROCESS Steam.exe
  424. 15.812 PROCESS SkypeBrowserHost.exe
  425. 15.812 PROCESS steamwebhelper.exe
  426. 15.812 PROCESS steamwebhelper.exe
  427. 15.812 PROCESS SteamService.exe
  428. 15.812 PROCESS steamwebhelper.exe
  429. 15.812 PROCESS jucheck.exe
  430. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  431. 15.812 PROCESS dllhost.exe
  432. 15.812 PROCESS SourceTree.exe
  433. 15.812 PROCESS pageant.exe
  434. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  435. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  436. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  437. 15.812 PROCESS chrome.exe
  438. 15.812 PROCESS smartscreen.exe
  439. 15.812 PROCESS MoveOrDie.exe
  440. 15.812 PROCESS love.exe
  441. 15.812 PROCESS GameOverlayUI.exe
  442. 15.812 PROCESS svchost.exe
  443. 15.812 PROCESS MoveOrDie.exe
  444. 15.812 PROCESS love.exe
  445. 15.812 PROCESS GameOverlayUI.exe
  446. 15.812 Texture memory: 496.05 M, 159 images, 4 canvases, 59 fonts (after initMenu)
  447. 15.813 got banner data
  448. 16.094 got banner image
  449. 21.476 Discord: Sent presence update!
  450. 37.739 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  451. 37.739 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  452. 38.819 Discord: Sent presence update!
  453. Monitor is now set to 1
  454. 46.166 Setting Heart to mipmap 0
  455. 46.166 Setting ChatRepresentative to mipmap 0
  456. 46.166 Setting Square to mipmap 0
  457. 46.166 Setting Bulb to mipmap 0
  458. 46.166 Setting CarmichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  459. 46.166 Setting BasicallyIDoWrkSheet to mipmap 0
  460. 46.166 Setting KappaSheet to mipmap 0
  461. 46.166 Setting JakeSheet to mipmap 0
  462. 46.166 Setting DefaultAvatar to mipmap 0
  463. 46.166 Setting Joe to mipmap 0
  464. 46.166 Setting NoTexture to mipmap 0
  465. 46.166 Setting RawrSnacksSheet to mipmap 0
  466. 46.166 Setting PapaFrankuSheet to mipmap 0
  467. 46.166 Setting FarrisSheet to mipmap 0
  468. 46.166 Setting RickSheet to mipmap 0
  469. 46.166 Setting DefaultFire@FireSheet to mipmap 0
  470. 46.166 Setting JoePinkSheet to mipmap 0
  471. 46.166 Setting CoinFlipSheet to mipmap 0
  472. 46.166 Setting XeluSheet to mipmap 0
  473. 46.166 Setting Particle to mipmap 0
  474. 46.166 Setting LirikSheet to mipmap 0
  475. 46.166 Setting DaithiDeNoglaSheet to mipmap 0
  476. 46.166 Setting SamSheet to mipmap 0
  477. 46.166 Setting MrHappySheet to mipmap 0
  478. 46.166 Setting JacobLinckeSheet to mipmap 0
  479. 46.166 Setting NoTile to mipmap 0
  480. 46.166 Setting ShineSheet to mipmap 0
  481. 46.166 Setting CarnageSheet to mipmap 0
  482. 46.167 Setting RyanSheet to mipmap 0
  483. 46.167 Setting D20Sheet to mipmap 0
  484. 46.167 Setting ReneeSheet to mipmap 0
  485. 46.167 Setting JoeOutline to mipmap 0
  486. 46.167 Setting JackSheet to mipmap 0
  487. 46.167 Setting NicoSheet to mipmap 0
  488. 46.167 Setting DRKendoSheet to mipmap 0
  489. 46.167 Setting WrenSheet to mipmap 0
  490. 46.167 Setting Bubble to mipmap 0
  491. 46.167 Setting UgandanKnucklesSheet to mipmap 0
  492. 46.167 Setting ApollozSheet to mipmap 0
  493. 46.167 Setting SideArmsSheet to mipmap 0
  494. 46.167 Setting JeremySheet to mipmap 0
  495. 46.167 Setting D4Sheet to mipmap 0
  496. 46.167 Setting H2ODeliriousSheet to mipmap 0
  497. 46.167 Setting JoeBlueSheet to mipmap 0
  498. 46.167 Setting BrainsSheet to mipmap 0
  499. 46.167 Setting MortySheet to mipmap 0
  500. 46.167 Setting JoeYellowSheet to mipmap 0
  501. 46.167 Setting BlueknuxSheet to mipmap 0
  502. 46.167 Setting MichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  503. 46.167 Setting JimmySheet to mipmap 0
  504. 46.167 Setting GavinSheet to mipmap 0
  505. 46.167 Setting JoeGreenSheet to mipmap 0
  506. Disabled Mipmapping
  507. 46.362 processing message ChangeResolution
  508. 46.362 ChangeResolution 0 0 nil
  509. 46.671 BlurTransition reset
  510. 46.677 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  511. 46.677 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  512. 53.82 Discord: Sent presence update!
  513. Monitor is now set to 1
  514. 55.638 Setting Heart to mipmap 0
  515. 55.638 Setting ChatRepresentative to mipmap 0
  516. 55.639 Setting Square to mipmap 0
  517. 55.639 Setting Bulb to mipmap 0
  518. 55.639 Setting CarmichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  519. 55.639 Setting BasicallyIDoWrkSheet to mipmap 0
  520. 55.639 Setting KappaSheet to mipmap 0
  521. 55.639 Setting JakeSheet to mipmap 0
  522. 55.639 Setting DefaultAvatar to mipmap 0
  523. 55.639 Setting Joe to mipmap 0
  524. 55.639 Setting NoTexture to mipmap 0
  525. 55.639 Setting RawrSnacksSheet to mipmap 0
  526. 55.639 Setting PapaFrankuSheet to mipmap 0
  527. 55.639 Setting FarrisSheet to mipmap 0
  528. 55.639 Setting RickSheet to mipmap 0
  529. 55.64 Setting DefaultFire@FireSheet to mipmap 0
  530. 55.64 Setting JoePinkSheet to mipmap 0
  531. 55.64 Setting CoinFlipSheet to mipmap 0
  532. 55.64 Setting XeluSheet to mipmap 0
  533. 55.64 Setting Particle to mipmap 0
  534. 55.64 Setting LirikSheet to mipmap 0
  535. 55.64 Setting DaithiDeNoglaSheet to mipmap 0
  536. 55.64 Setting SamSheet to mipmap 0
  537. 55.64 Setting MrHappySheet to mipmap 0
  538. 55.64 Setting JacobLinckeSheet to mipmap 0
  539. 55.64 Setting NoTile to mipmap 0
  540. 55.64 Setting ShineSheet to mipmap 0
  541. 55.64 Setting CarnageSheet to mipmap 0
  542. 55.64 Setting RyanSheet to mipmap 0
  543. 55.64 Setting D20Sheet to mipmap 0
  544. 55.64 Setting ReneeSheet to mipmap 0
  545. 55.64 Setting JoeOutline to mipmap 0
  546. 55.641 Setting JackSheet to mipmap 0
  547. 55.641 Setting NicoSheet to mipmap 0
  548. 55.641 Setting DRKendoSheet to mipmap 0
  549. 55.641 Setting WrenSheet to mipmap 0
  550. 55.641 Setting Bubble to mipmap 0
  551. 55.641 Setting UgandanKnucklesSheet to mipmap 0
  552. 55.641 Setting ApollozSheet to mipmap 0
  553. 55.641 Setting SideArmsSheet to mipmap 0
  554. 55.641 Setting JeremySheet to mipmap 0
  555. 55.641 Setting D4Sheet to mipmap 0
  556. 55.641 Setting H2ODeliriousSheet to mipmap 0
  557. 55.641 Setting JoeBlueSheet to mipmap 0
  558. 55.641 Setting BrainsSheet to mipmap 0
  559. 55.641 Setting MortySheet to mipmap 0
  560. 55.641 Setting JoeYellowSheet to mipmap 0
  561. 55.642 Setting BlueknuxSheet to mipmap 0
  562. 55.642 Setting MichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  563. 55.642 Setting JimmySheet to mipmap 0
  564. 55.642 Setting GavinSheet to mipmap 0
  565. 55.642 Setting JoeGreenSheet to mipmap 0
  566. Disabled Mipmapping
  567. 55.644 processing message ChangeResolution
  568. 55.644 ChangeResolution 1280 960 nil
  569. 57.017 BlurTransition reset
  570. 57.026 BlurTransition reset
  571. 57.03 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  572. 57.03 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  573. Monitor is now set to 1
  574. 67.534 Setting Heart to mipmap 0
  575. 67.534 Setting ChatRepresentative to mipmap 0
  576. 67.534 Setting Square to mipmap 0
  577. 67.534 Setting Bulb to mipmap 0
  578. 67.534 Setting CarmichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  579. 67.534 Setting BasicallyIDoWrkSheet to mipmap 0
  580. 67.534 Setting KappaSheet to mipmap 0
  581. 67.534 Setting JakeSheet to mipmap 0
  582. 67.534 Setting DefaultAvatar to mipmap 0
  583. 67.534 Setting Joe to mipmap 0
  584. 67.534 Setting NoTexture to mipmap 0
  585. 67.534 Setting RawrSnacksSheet to mipmap 0
  586. 67.534 Setting PapaFrankuSheet to mipmap 0
  587. 67.534 Setting FarrisSheet to mipmap 0
  588. 67.534 Setting RickSheet to mipmap 0
  589. 67.534 Setting DefaultFire@FireSheet to mipmap 0
  590. 67.534 Setting JoePinkSheet to mipmap 0
  591. 67.534 Setting CoinFlipSheet to mipmap 0
  592. 67.534 Setting XeluSheet to mipmap 0
  593. 67.535 Setting Particle to mipmap 0
  594. 67.535 Setting LirikSheet to mipmap 0
  595. 67.535 Setting DaithiDeNoglaSheet to mipmap 0
  596. 67.535 Setting SamSheet to mipmap 0
  597. 67.535 Setting MrHappySheet to mipmap 0
  598. 67.535 Setting JacobLinckeSheet to mipmap 0
  599. 67.535 Setting NoTile to mipmap 0
  600. 67.535 Setting ShineSheet to mipmap 0
  601. 67.535 Setting CarnageSheet to mipmap 0
  602. 67.535 Setting RyanSheet to mipmap 0
  603. 67.535 Setting D20Sheet to mipmap 0
  604. 67.535 Setting ReneeSheet to mipmap 0
  605. 67.536 Setting JoeOutline to mipmap 0
  606. 67.536 Setting JackSheet to mipmap 0
  607. 67.536 Setting NicoSheet to mipmap 0
  608. 67.536 Setting DRKendoSheet to mipmap 0
  609. 67.536 Setting WrenSheet to mipmap 0
  610. 67.536 Setting Bubble to mipmap 0
  611. 67.536 Setting UgandanKnucklesSheet to mipmap 0
  612. 67.537 Setting ApollozSheet to mipmap 0
  613. 67.537 Setting SideArmsSheet to mipmap 0
  614. 67.537 Setting JeremySheet to mipmap 0
  615. 67.537 Setting D4Sheet to mipmap 0
  616. 67.537 Setting H2ODeliriousSheet to mipmap 0
  617. 67.537 Setting JoeBlueSheet to mipmap 0
  618. 67.537 Setting BrainsSheet to mipmap 0
  619. 67.537 Setting MortySheet to mipmap 0
  620. 67.537 Setting JoeYellowSheet to mipmap 0
  621. 67.537 Setting BlueknuxSheet to mipmap 0
  622. 67.537 Setting MichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  623. 67.537 Setting JimmySheet to mipmap 0
  624. 67.537 Setting GavinSheet to mipmap 0
  625. 67.537 Setting JoeGreenSheet to mipmap 0
  626. Disabled Mipmapping
  627. 67.563 processing message ChangeResolution
  628. 67.563 ChangeResolution 0 0 nil
  629. 67.937 BlurTransition reset
  630. 67.94 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  631. 67.94 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  632. 67.959 BlurTransition reset
  633. 67.961 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  634. 67.961 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  635. 68.82 Discord: Sent presence update!
  636. 79.245 Global invite: 76561198192828962
  637. 121.732 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  638. 121.732 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  639. 122.683 Discord: Sent presence update!
  640. 124.746 Invalid mutator directory found: None.png
  641. 124.77 creating chat thread
  642. 124.771 sending chat user data
  643. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198331024529|A|6048|7|ImYourGOD
  644. 124.943 received: [C] 76561200162804941|A|50|0|Админ
  645. 124.943 received: [C] 76561202241609803|A|25|0|IGGGAMES
  646. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198217460336|A|119|2|Чувачок
  647. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198380778659|A|25|0|_Weeen_
  648. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198231129696|A|7870|21|KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  649. 124.943 received: [C] 76561200895088193|A|0|0|EVGENIYA
  650. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198347687348|A|0|0|heh2
  651. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198817301272|A|101|1|oCMz
  652. 124.943 received: [C] 76561199197683903|P|25|0|Светлана
  653. 124.943 received: [C] 76561198268646380|P|711|1|Vol4onok
  654. 124.944 received: [C] 76561198073492383|P|433|0|ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  655. 124.944 received: [C] 76561198440163712|P|354|0|MassiveRetardation
  656. 124.944 received: [C] 76561198368873214|P|4070|5|ronaldcrim80
  657. 124.944 received: [C] 76561198285515104|P|3436|0|Zeus
  658. 124.944 received: [C] 76561199548222237|P|0|0|Елизавета
  659. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198217460336|F
  660. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198217460336|A
  661. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198217460336|C
  662. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198217460336|K
  663. 124.944 received: [M] 76561200162804941|KTO ByDET IGRAT
  664. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198817301272|hi'
  665. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198347687348|kto igrat
  666. 124.944 received: [M] 76561200162804941|ya
  667. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198231129696|YEEEEEEEEEEES
  668. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198231129696|i have silver badge !!!!
  669. 124.944 received: [M] 76561200895088193|davaite igrat
  670. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198817301272|im YT
  671. 124.944 received: [M] 76561202241609803|hey
  672. 124.944 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YT?
  673. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198331024529|WTFISTHAT
  674. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YOUTUBE
  675. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I CANT LOG IN
  676. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I'VE GOT NO VPN
  677. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198331024529|FK
  678. 124.945 received: [M] 76561198380778659|hey
  679. 124.945 new chat user 76561198331024529 A ImYourGOD
  680. 124.945 new chat user 76561200162804941 A Админ
  681. 124.945 new chat user 76561202241609803 A IGGGAMES
  682. 124.945 new chat user 76561198217460336 A Чувачок
  683. 124.946 new chat user 76561198380778659 A _Weeen_
  684. 124.946 new chat user 76561198231129696 A KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  685. 124.946 new chat user 76561200895088193 A EVGENIYA
  686. 124.946 new chat user 76561198347687348 A heh2
  687. 124.946 new chat user 76561198817301272 A oCMz
  688. 124.946 new chat user 76561199197683903 P Светлана
  689. 124.947 new chat user 76561198268646380 P Vol4onok
  690. 124.948 new chat user 76561198073492383 P ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  691. 124.95 new chat user 76561198440163712 P MassiveRetardation
  692. 124.951 new chat user 76561198368873214 P ronaldcrim80
  693. 124.951 new chat user 76561198285515104 P Zeus
  694. 124.952 new chat user 76561199548222237 P Елизавета
  695. 128.131 got shop inventory from the server
  696. 128.3 got player stats from the server
  698. 128.445 got DC leaderboard data
  699. 137.681 Discord: Sent presence update!
  700. 139.244 Global invite: 76561198380778659
  701. 145.73 -- Steam: failed to send P2P message to user 76561198043453075, error code is 4
  702. 146.712 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  703. 146.712 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  704. Monitor is now set to 1
  705. 153.302 Setting Heart to mipmap 0
  706. 153.302 Setting ChatRepresentative to mipmap 0
  707. 153.302 Setting Square to mipmap 0
  708. 153.303 Setting Bulb to mipmap 0
  709. 153.303 Setting CarmichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  710. 153.303 Setting BasicallyIDoWrkSheet to mipmap 0
  711. 153.303 Setting KappaSheet to mipmap 0
  712. 153.303 Setting JakeSheet to mipmap 0
  713. 153.303 Setting DefaultAvatar to mipmap 0
  714. 153.303 Setting Joe to mipmap 0
  715. 153.303 Setting NoTexture to mipmap 0
  716. 153.303 Setting RawrSnacksSheet to mipmap 0
  717. 153.303 Setting PapaFrankuSheet to mipmap 0
  718. 153.303 Setting FarrisSheet to mipmap 0
  719. 153.303 Setting RickSheet to mipmap 0
  720. 153.303 Setting DefaultFire@FireSheet to mipmap 0
  721. 153.303 Setting JoePinkSheet to mipmap 0
  722. 153.303 Setting CoinFlipSheet to mipmap 0
  723. 153.304 Setting XeluSheet to mipmap 0
  724. 153.304 Setting Particle to mipmap 0
  725. 153.304 Setting LirikSheet to mipmap 0
  726. 153.304 Setting DaithiDeNoglaSheet to mipmap 0
  727. 153.304 Setting SamSheet to mipmap 0
  728. 153.304 Setting MrHappySheet to mipmap 0
  729. 153.304 Setting JacobLinckeSheet to mipmap 0
  730. 153.304 Setting NoTile to mipmap 0
  731. 153.304 Setting ShineSheet to mipmap 0
  732. 153.304 Setting CarnageSheet to mipmap 0
  733. 153.304 Setting RyanSheet to mipmap 0
  734. 153.304 Setting D20Sheet to mipmap 0
  735. 153.304 Setting ReneeSheet to mipmap 0
  736. 153.304 Setting JoeOutline to mipmap 0
  737. 153.304 Setting JackSheet to mipmap 0
  738. 153.304 Setting NicoSheet to mipmap 0
  739. 153.304 Setting DRKendoSheet to mipmap 0
  740. 153.304 Setting WrenSheet to mipmap 0
  741. 153.304 Setting Bubble to mipmap 0
  742. 153.304 Setting UgandanKnucklesSheet to mipmap 0
  743. 153.304 Setting ApollozSheet to mipmap 0
  744. 153.304 Setting SideArmsSheet to mipmap 0
  745. 153.304 Setting JeremySheet to mipmap 0
  746. 153.304 Setting D4Sheet to mipmap 0
  747. 153.304 Setting H2ODeliriousSheet to mipmap 0
  748. 153.304 Setting JoeBlueSheet to mipmap 0
  749. 153.304 Setting BrainsSheet to mipmap 0
  750. 153.304 Setting MortySheet to mipmap 0
  751. 153.304 Setting JoeYellowSheet to mipmap 0
  752. 153.304 Setting BlueknuxSheet to mipmap 0
  753. 153.304 Setting MichaelSheet to mipmap 0
  754. 153.304 Setting JimmySheet to mipmap 0
  755. 153.304 Setting GavinSheet to mipmap 0
  756. 153.304 Setting JoeGreenSheet to mipmap 0
  757. Disabled Mipmapping
  758. 153.32 processing message ChangeResolution
  759. 153.32 ChangeResolution 1768 992 nil
  760. 153.708 BlurTransition reset
  761. 153.897 -- Steam: got 5 inventory items
  762. 153.898 Inventory: 55 56 57 58 58
  763. 153.996 Discord: Sent presence update!
  764. 154.244 Global invite: 76561198806957087
  765. 163.83 chat thread finished
  766. 163.843 creating chat thread
  767. 163.845 sending chat user data
  768. 164.01 received: [C] 76561198331024529|A|6048|7|ImYourGOD
  769. 164.011 received: [C] 76561200162804941|A|50|0|Админ
  770. 164.011 received: [C] 76561202241609803|A|25|0|IGGGAMES
  771. 164.011 received: [C] 76561198217460336|A|119|2|Чувачок
  772. 164.011 received: [C] 76561198380778659|A|25|0|_Weeen_
  773. 164.011 received: [C] 76561198231129696|A|7870|21|KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  774. 164.011 received: [C] 76561200895088193|A|0|0|EVGENIYA
  775. 164.011 received: [C] 76561198347687348|A|0|0|heh2
  776. 164.011 received: [C] 76561198817301272|A|101|1|oCMz
  777. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198141893689|P|2751|7|The Cool Scientist
  778. 164.012 received: [C] 76561199548222237|P|0|0|Елизавета
  779. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198268646380|P|711|1|Vol4onok
  780. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198073492383|P|433|0|ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  781. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198440163712|P|354|0|MassiveRetardation
  782. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198368873214|P|4070|5|ronaldcrim80
  783. 164.012 received: [C] 76561198285515104|P|3436|0|Zeus
  784. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198217460336|F
  785. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198217460336|A
  786. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198217460336|C
  787. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198217460336|K
  788. 164.013 received: [M] 76561200162804941|KTO ByDET IGRAT
  789. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198817301272|hi'
  790. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198347687348|kto igrat
  791. 164.013 received: [M] 76561200162804941|ya
  792. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198231129696|YEEEEEEEEEEES
  793. 164.013 received: [M] 76561198231129696|i have silver badge !!!!
  794. 164.013 received: [M] 76561200895088193|davaite igrat
  795. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198817301272|im YT
  796. 164.014 received: [M] 76561202241609803|hey
  797. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YT?
  798. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|WTFISTHAT
  799. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YOUTUBE
  800. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I CANT LOG IN
  801. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I'VE GOT NO VPN
  802. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198331024529|FK
  803. 164.014 received: [M] 76561198380778659|hey
  804. 164.014 new chat user 76561198331024529 A ImYourGOD
  805. 164.014 new chat user 76561200162804941 A Админ
  806. 164.014 new chat user 76561202241609803 A IGGGAMES
  807. 164.014 new chat user 76561198217460336 A Чувачок
  808. 164.014 new chat user 76561198380778659 A _Weeen_
  809. 164.014 new chat user 76561198231129696 A KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  810. 164.014 new chat user 76561200895088193 A EVGENIYA
  811. 164.014 new chat user 76561198347687348 A heh2
  812. 164.014 new chat user 76561198817301272 A oCMz
  813. 164.014 new chat user 76561198141893689 P The Cool Scientist
  814. 164.014 new chat user 76561199548222237 P Елизавета
  815. 164.015 new chat user 76561198268646380 P Vol4onok
  816. 164.015 new chat user 76561198073492383 P ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  817. 164.016 new chat user 76561198440163712 P MassiveRetardation
  818. 164.016 new chat user 76561198368873214 P ronaldcrim80
  819. 164.016 new chat user 76561198285515104 P Zeus
  820. 166.235 modManager:disableMods true
  821. 166.243 restarting game, shutdown
  822. 166.243 Texture memory: 492.91 M, 161 images, 4 canvases, 61 fonts (before restart)
  823. 166.243 LoadingMode:onRestart
  824. 166.252 Networking:Disconnect
  825. 166.291 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/576372922
  826. 166.291 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/758991717
  827. 166.291 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/611464849
  828. 166.292 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/608958956
  829. 166.292 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/620492343
  830. 166.292 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/611036868
  831. 166.293 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/725370986
  832. 166.293 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/722773762
  833. 166.293 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/897102163
  834. 166.293 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/1136556899
  835. 166.294 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/897837626
  836. 166.294 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/906541472
  837. 166.294 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/963487304
  838. 166.295 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/887511376
  839. 166.295 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/735386157
  840. 166.295 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/483639276
  841. 166.296 ERROR: failed to unmount /content/323850/451518398
  842. 166.31 restarting game, init
  843. 166.31 Texture memory: 313.54 M, 89 images, 4 canvases, 61 fonts (after shutdown)
  844. 166.31 Loading localization CSV from Lib/UI/Localization - All Lang.csv
  845. 166.426 Loaded localization CSV
  846. 166.428 Networking:Disconnect
  847. 166.43 Disabled
  848. 167.155 restart done
  849. 167.155 Texture memory: 316.01 M, 91 images, 4 canvases, 61 fonts (after restart)
  850. 167.358 Failed to get bugs leaderboard from the server: Bugs leaderboard is disabled for performance reasons.
  851. 170.165 -- Networking: starting server. Create steam server = true. Create steam lobby = true
  852. 170.165 Networking:Disconnect
  853. 170.165 Can't start server. Port already in use?
  854. 170.426 Invalid mutator directory found: None.png
  855. 170.446 Texture memory: 467.27 M, 182 images, 4 canvases, 62 fonts (after initMenu)
  856. 170.447 got banner data
  857. 170.451 chat thread finished
  858. 170.454 Discord: Sent presence update!
  859. 170.47 creating chat thread
  860. 170.471 sending chat user data
  861. 170.578 Global invite: 76561198174358255
  862. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198331024529|A|6048|7|ImYourGOD
  863. 170.65 received: [C] 76561200162804941|A|50|0|Админ
  864. 170.65 received: [C] 76561202241609803|A|25|0|IGGGAMES
  865. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198217460336|A|119|2|Чувачок
  866. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198231129696|A|7870|21|KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  867. 170.65 received: [C] 76561200895088193|A|0|0|EVGENIYA
  868. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198347687348|A|0|0|heh2
  869. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198817301272|A|101|1|oCMz
  870. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198141893689|P|2751|7|The Cool Scientist
  871. 170.65 received: [C] 76561201366939722|P|0|0|Artur
  872. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198268646380|P|711|1|Vol4onok
  873. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198380778659|P|25|0|_Weeen_
  874. 170.65 received: [C] 76561198073492383|P|433|0|ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  875. 170.651 received: [C] 76561198440163712|P|354|0|MassiveRetardation
  876. 170.651 received: [C] 76561198368873214|P|4070|5|ronaldcrim80
  877. 170.651 received: [C] 76561198285515104|P|3436|0|Zeus
  878. 170.651 received: [C] 76561198224907360|P|1538|1|Werewolf
  879. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198217460336|F
  880. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198217460336|A
  881. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198217460336|C
  882. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198217460336|K
  883. 170.651 received: [M] 76561200162804941|KTO ByDET IGRAT
  884. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198817301272|hi'
  885. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198347687348|kto igrat
  886. 170.651 received: [M] 76561200162804941|ya
  887. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198231129696|YEEEEEEEEEEES
  888. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198231129696|i have silver badge !!!!
  889. 170.651 received: [M] 76561200895088193|davaite igrat
  890. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198817301272|im YT
  891. 170.651 received: [M] 76561202241609803|hey
  892. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YT?
  893. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|WTFISTHAT
  894. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YOUTUBE
  895. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I CANT LOG IN
  896. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I'VE GOT NO VPN
  897. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198331024529|FK
  898. 170.651 received: [M] 76561198380778659|hey
  899. 170.651 new chat user 76561198331024529 A ImYourGOD
  900. 170.651 new chat user 76561200162804941 A Админ
  901. 170.651 new chat user 76561202241609803 A IGGGAMES
  902. 170.651 new chat user 76561198217460336 A Чувачок
  903. 170.651 new chat user 76561198231129696 A KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  904. 170.651 new chat user 76561200895088193 A EVGENIYA
  905. 170.651 new chat user 76561198347687348 A heh2
  906. 170.652 new chat user 76561198817301272 A oCMz
  907. 170.652 new chat user 76561198141893689 P The Cool Scientist
  908. 170.652 new chat user 76561201366939722 P Artur
  909. 170.653 new chat user 76561198268646380 P Vol4onok
  910. 170.653 new chat user 76561198380778659 P _Weeen_
  911. 170.653 new chat user 76561198073492383 P ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  912. 170.654 new chat user 76561198440163712 P MassiveRetardation
  913. 170.654 new chat user 76561198368873214 P ronaldcrim80
  914. 170.655 new chat user 76561198285515104 P Zeus
  915. 170.655 new chat user 76561198224907360 P Werewolf
  916. 170.721 got banner image
  917. 171.719 received: [L] 76561198224907360
  918. 171.719 removing chat user 76561198224907360
  919. 171.799 received: [C] 76561199548222237|P|0|0|Елизавета
  920. 171.8 new chat user 76561199548222237 P Елизавета
  921. 173.8 received: [L] 76561199548222237
  922. 173.8 removing chat user 76561199548222237
  923. 176.249 received: [C] 76561198601769810|P|0|0|Joker
  924. 176.249 new chat user 76561198601769810 P Joker
  925. 176.971 received: [C] 76561199548222237|P|0|0|Елизавета
  926. 176.971 new chat user 76561199548222237 P Елизавета
  927. 178.149 received: [L] 76561198601769810
  928. 178.149 removing chat user 76561198601769810
  929. 183.142 modManager:disableMods true
  930. 183.142 -- Networking: starting server. Create steam server = true. Create steam lobby = true
  931. 183.142 Networking:Disconnect
  932. 183.142 Can't start server. Port already in use?
  933. 185.455 Discord: Sent presence update!
  934. 186.219 chat thread finished
  935. 186.236 creating chat thread
  936. 186.237 sending chat user data
  937. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198331024529|A|6048|7|ImYourGOD
  938. 186.419 received: [C] 76561200162804941|A|50|0|Админ
  939. 186.419 received: [C] 76561202241609803|A|25|0|IGGGAMES
  940. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198217460336|A|119|2|Чувачок
  941. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198231129696|A|7870|21|KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  942. 186.419 received: [C] 76561200895088193|A|0|0|EVGENIYA
  943. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198347687348|A|0|0|heh2
  944. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198817301272|A|101|1|oCMz
  945. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198141893689|P|2751|7|The Cool Scientist
  946. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198268646380|P|711|1|Vol4onok
  947. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198380778659|P|25|0|_Weeen_
  948. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198073492383|P|433|0|ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  949. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198440163712|P|354|0|MassiveRetardation
  950. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198368873214|P|4070|5|ronaldcrim80
  951. 186.419 received: [C] 76561198285515104|P|3436|0|Zeus
  952. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198217460336|F
  953. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198217460336|A
  954. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198217460336|C
  955. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198217460336|K
  956. 186.419 received: [M] 76561200162804941|KTO ByDET IGRAT
  957. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198817301272|hi'
  958. 186.419 received: [M] 76561198347687348|kto igrat
  959. 186.419 received: [M] 76561200162804941|ya
  960. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198231129696|YEEEEEEEEEEES
  961. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198231129696|i have silver badge !!!!
  962. 186.42 received: [M] 76561200895088193|davaite igrat
  963. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198817301272|im YT
  964. 186.42 received: [M] 76561202241609803|hey
  965. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YT?
  966. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|WTFISTHAT
  967. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YOUTUBE
  968. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I CANT LOG IN
  969. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I'VE GOT NO VPN
  970. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198331024529|FK
  971. 186.42 received: [M] 76561198380778659|hey
  972. 186.42 new chat user 76561198331024529 A ImYourGOD
  973. 186.42 new chat user 76561200162804941 A Админ
  974. 186.42 new chat user 76561202241609803 A IGGGAMES
  975. 186.42 new chat user 76561198217460336 A Чувачок
  976. 186.42 new chat user 76561198231129696 A KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  977. 186.42 new chat user 76561200895088193 A EVGENIYA
  978. 186.42 new chat user 76561198347687348 A heh2
  979. 186.42 new chat user 76561198817301272 A oCMz
  980. 186.42 new chat user 76561198141893689 P The Cool Scientist
  981. 186.421 new chat user 76561198268646380 P Vol4onok
  982. 186.421 new chat user 76561198380778659 P _Weeen_
  983. 186.421 new chat user 76561198073492383 P ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  984. 186.422 new chat user 76561198440163712 P MassiveRetardation
  985. 186.423 new chat user 76561198368873214 P ronaldcrim80
  986. 186.423 new chat user 76561198285515104 P Zeus
  987. 190.469 chat thread finished
  988. 190.483 creating chat thread
  989. 190.484 sending chat user data
  990. 190.652 received: [C] 76561198331024529|A|6048|7|ImYourGOD
  991. 190.652 received: [C] 76561200162804941|A|50|0|Админ
  992. 190.652 received: [C] 76561202241609803|A|25|0|IGGGAMES
  993. 190.652 received: [C] 76561198217460336|A|119|2|Чувачок
  994. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198231129696|A|7870|21|KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  995. 190.653 received: [C] 76561200895088193|A|0|0|EVGENIYA
  996. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198347687348|A|0|0|heh2
  997. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198817301272|A|101|1|oCMz
  998. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198141893689|P|2751|7|The Cool Scientist
  999. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198268646380|P|711|1|Vol4onok
  1000. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198380778659|P|25|0|_Weeen_
  1001. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198073492383|P|433|0|ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  1002. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198440163712|P|354|0|MassiveRetardation
  1003. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198368873214|P|4070|5|ronaldcrim80
  1004. 190.653 received: [C] 76561198285515104|P|3436|0|Zeus
  1005. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198217460336|F
  1006. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198217460336|A
  1007. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198217460336|C
  1008. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198217460336|K
  1009. 190.653 received: [M] 76561200162804941|KTO ByDET IGRAT
  1010. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198817301272|hi'
  1011. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198347687348|kto igrat
  1012. 190.653 received: [M] 76561200162804941|ya
  1013. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198231129696|YEEEEEEEEEEES
  1014. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198231129696|i have silver badge !!!!
  1015. 190.653 received: [M] 76561200895088193|davaite igrat
  1016. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198817301272|im YT
  1017. 190.653 received: [M] 76561202241609803|hey
  1018. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YT?
  1019. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|WTFISTHAT
  1020. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|YOUTUBE
  1021. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I CANT LOG IN
  1022. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|I'VE GOT NO VPN
  1023. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198331024529|FK
  1024. 190.653 received: [M] 76561198380778659|hey
  1025. 190.653 new chat user 76561198331024529 A ImYourGOD
  1026. 190.653 new chat user 76561200162804941 A Админ
  1027. 190.653 new chat user 76561202241609803 A IGGGAMES
  1028. 190.653 new chat user 76561198217460336 A Чувачок
  1029. 190.653 new chat user 76561198231129696 A KulaDajeFula OPENSKINS.COM
  1030. 190.653 new chat user 76561200895088193 A EVGENIYA
  1031. 190.654 new chat user 76561198347687348 A heh2
  1032. 190.654 new chat user 76561198817301272 A oCMz
  1033. 190.654 new chat user 76561198141893689 P The Cool Scientist
  1034. 190.654 new chat user 76561198268646380 P Vol4onok
  1035. 190.654 new chat user 76561198380778659 P _Weeen_
  1036. 190.655 new chat user 76561198073492383 P ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК
  1037. 190.655 new chat user 76561198440163712 P MassiveRetardation
  1038. 190.656 new chat user 76561198368873214 P ronaldcrim80
  1039. 190.656 new chat user 76561198285515104 P Zeus
  1040. 190.733 received: [C] 76561201735663747|P|0|0|KNMR
  1041. 190.733 new chat user 76561201735663747 P KNMR
  1042. 193.232 restarting game, shutdown
  1043. 193.232 Texture memory: 467.33 M, 184 images, 4 canvases, 62 fonts (before restart)
  1044. 193.232 LoadingMode:onRestart
  1045. 193.249 Networking:Disconnect
  1046. 193.309 restarting game, init
  1047. 193.309 Texture memory: 324.63 M, 114 images, 4 canvases, 62 fonts (after shutdown)
  1048. 193.309 Loading localization CSV from Lib/UI/Localization - All Lang.csv
  1049. 193.413 Loaded localization CSV
  1050. 194.142 Networking:Disconnect
  1051. 194.144 Disabled
  1052. 195.115 restart done
  1053. 195.115 Texture memory: 327.10 M, 116 images, 4 canvases, 62 fonts (after restart)
  1054. 195.177 got donation leaderboard from the server
  1055. 195.354 Failed to get bugs leaderboard from the server: Bugs leaderboard is disabled for performance reasons.
  1056. 198.898 Preloading MawSheet
  1057. 198.909 Texture memory: 490.76 M, 227 images, 4 canvases, 62 fonts (after initMenu)
  1058. 198.933 got banner data
  1059. 199.051 got donation leaderboard from the server
  1060. 199.233 got banner image
  1061. 202.179 Announcer: Playing menu@select_character
  1062. 202.338 Discord: Sent presence update!
  1063. 202.996 Preloading StashySheet
  1064. 204.133 Preloading DerpyChickenSheet
  1065. 207.893 Starting mode voting, 20 modes to pick
  1066. 207.893 Announcer: Playing menu@vote_start
  1067. 207.912 Voting player number: 1
  1068. 209.183 selected mode ChainsawBackstab
  1069. 209.35 selected mode HeavyBullets
  1070. 209.535 selected mode RocketRun
  1071. 209.698 selected mode SpikeBall
  1072. 209.864 selected mode ExplosiveBarrels
  1073. 210.097 selected mode MindControl
  1074. 210.398 selected mode Boomerangs
  1075. 210.551 selected mode SuperHot
  1076. 210.697 selected mode Hoops
  1077. 210.851 selected mode BossFight
  1078. 210.984 selected mode Souls
  1079. 211.096 selected mode GhostScare
  1080. 211.249 selected mode CleanupCrew
  1081. 211.262 Announcer: Playing menu@vote_done
  1082. 212.263 LoadAll: loaded=false
  1083. 216.58 PushMessage: SwitchMode Party
  1084. 216.581 table(22) "table: 0x26bf21e8"
  1085. 216.581 {
  1086. 216.581 [string(6) "isUsed"] =>
  1087. 216.581 table(4) "table: 0x20be9210"
  1088. 216.581 {
  1089. 216.581 [number "1"] => boolean "true"
  1090. 216.581 [number "2"] => boolean "true"
  1091. 216.581 [number "3"] => boolean "true"
  1092. 216.581 [number "4"] => boolean "true"
  1093. 216.581 }
  1094. 216.581 [string(8) "skinData"] =>
  1095. 216.581 table(4) "table: 0x26bf2300"
  1096. 216.581 {
  1097. 216.581 [number "1"] => string(3) "Maw"
  1098. 216.581 [number "2"] => string(6) "Stashy"
  1099. 216.581 [number "3"] => string(7) "JoePink"
  1100. 216.581 [number "4"] => string(12) "DerpyChicken"
  1101. 216.581 }
  1102. 216.582 [string(14) "keyboardOffset"] => number "0"
  1103. 216.582 [string(11) "controlType"] => string(12) "All Keyboard"
  1104. 216.582 [string(11) "teamIndices"] =>
  1105. 216.582 table(4) "table: 0x20be9260"
  1106. 216.582 {
  1107. 216.582 [number "1"] => number "1"
  1108. 216.582 [number "2"] => number "2"
  1109. 216.582 [number "3"] => number "3"
  1110. 216.582 [number "4"] => number "4"
  1111. 216.582 }
  1112. 216.582 [string(10) "serverName"] => string(4) "TEST"
  1113. 216.582 [string(14) "serverMaxScore"] => number "20"
  1114. 216.582 [string(13) "isNetworkGame"] => boolean "false"
  1115. 216.582 [string(9) "trailData"] =>
  1116. 216.582 table(4) "table: 0x20be9288"
  1117. 216.582 {
  1118. 216.582 [number "1"] => string(0) ""
  1119. 216.582 [number "2"] => string(0) ""
  1120. 216.582 [number "3"] => string(0) ""
  1121. 216.582 [number "4"] => string(0) ""
  1122. 216.582 }
  1123. 216.582 [string(6) "levels"] => table(0) "table: 0x26bf22d8"
  1124. 216.582 [string(8) "modeList"] =>
  1125. 216.583 table(13) "table: 0x2f0312a0"
  1126. 216.583 {
  1127. 216.583 [number "1"] => string(9) "BossFight"
  1128. 216.583 [number "2"] => string(8) "SuperHot"
  1129. 216.583 [number "3"] => string(10) "Boomerangs"
  1130. 216.583 [number "4"] => string(9) "SpikeBall"
  1131. 216.583 [number "5"] => string(9) "RocketRun"
  1132. 216.583 [number "6"] => string(11) "CleanupCrew"
  1133. 216.583 [number "7"] => string(5) "Hoops"
  1134. 216.583 [number "8"] => string(10) "GhostScare"
  1135. 216.583 [number "9"] => string(5) "Souls"
  1136. 216.583 [number "10"] => string(16) "ChainsawBackstab"
  1137. 216.583 [number "11"] => string(12) "HeavyBullets"
  1138. 216.583 [number "12"] => string(11) "MindControl"
  1139. 216.583 [number "13"] => string(16) "ExplosiveBarrels"
  1140. 216.583 }
  1141. 216.583 [string(11) "modesToPick"] => number "20"
  1142. 216.583 [string(14) "twitchNickname"] => boolean "false"
  1143. 216.583 [string(13) "twitchChannel"] => boolean "false"
  1144. 216.583 [string(6) "AIData"] =>
  1145. 216.583 table(3) "table: 0x26bf2328"
  1146. 216.583 {
  1147. 216.583 [number "2"] =>
  1148. 216.583 table(2) "table: 0x20be9310"
  1149. 216.584 {
  1150. 216.584 [number "1"] => boolean "true"
  1151. 216.584 [number "2"] => number "1"
  1152. 216.584 }
  1153. 216.584 [number "3"] =>
  1154. 216.584 table(2) "table: 0x20be9410"
  1155. 216.584 {
  1156. 216.584 [number "1"] => boolean "true"
  1157. 216.584 [number "2"] => number "1"
  1158. 216.584 }
  1159. 216.584 [number "4"] =>
  1160. 216.584 table(2) "table: 0x20be9480"
  1161. 216.584 {
  1162. 216.584 [number "1"] => boolean "true"
  1163. 216.584 [number "2"] => number "1"
  1164. 216.584 }
  1165. 216.584 }
  1166. 216.584 [string(8) "maxScore"] => number "20"
  1167. 216.584 [string(10) "noMutators"] => boolean "false"
  1168. 216.584 [string(16) "serverNoMutators"] => boolean "false"
  1169. 216.584 [string(9) "colorData"] =>
  1170. 216.584 table(4) "table: 0x26bf2350"
  1171. 216.584 {
  1172. 216.584 [number "1"] => string(7) "JoeBlue"
  1173. 216.584 [number "2"] => string(9) "JoeYellow"
  1174. 216.584 [number "3"] => string(7) "JoePink"
  1175. 216.584 [number "4"] => string(8) "JoeGreen"
  1176. 216.584 }
  1177. 216.585 [string(13) "assignedInput"] =>
  1178. 216.585 table(1) "table: 0x20be9238"
  1179. 216.585 {
  1180. 216.585 [number "1"] => number "-2"
  1181. 216.585 }
  1182. 216.585 [string(8) "playlist"] => string(6) "Custom"
  1183. 216.585 [string(17) "serverFriendsOnly"] => boolean "false"
  1184. 216.585 }
  1185. 216.586 processing message SwitchMode
  1186. 216.586 SwitchMode from Loading to Party
  1187. 216.597 Unloading skin ApollozSheet
  1188. 216.597 Unloading skin BasicallyIDoWrkSheet
  1189. 216.597 Unloading skin BlueknuxSheet
  1190. 216.597 Unloading skin CarmichaelSheet
  1191. 216.597 Unloading skin CarnageSheet
  1192. 216.597 Unloading skin D20Sheet
  1193. 216.597 Unloading skin D4Sheet
  1194. 216.597 Unloading skin DRKendoSheet
  1195. 216.597 Unloading skin DaithiDeNoglaSheet
  1196. 216.597 Unloading skin FarrisSheet
  1197. 216.597 Unloading skin GavinSheet
  1198. 216.597 Unloading skin H2ODeliriousSheet
  1199. 216.597 Unloading skin JackSheet
  1200. 216.597 Unloading skin JacobLinckeSheet
  1201. 216.597 Unloading skin JakeSheet
  1202. 216.597 Unloading skin JeremySheet
  1203. 216.597 Unloading skin KappaSheet
  1204. 216.598 Unloading skin LirikSheet
  1205. 216.598 Unloading skin MichaelSheet
  1206. 216.598 Unloading skin MrHappySheet
  1207. 216.598 Unloading skin NicoSheet
  1208. 216.598 Unloading skin PapaFrankuSheet
  1209. 216.598 Unloading skin RawrSnacksSheet
  1210. 216.598 Unloading skin ReneeSheet
  1211. 216.598 Unloading skin RyanSheet
  1212. 216.598 Unloading skin SamSheet
  1213. 216.598 Unloading skin SideArmsSheet
  1214. 216.598 Unloading skin UgandanKnucklesSheet
  1215. 216.598 Unloading skin WrenSheet
  1216. 216.598 Unloading skin XeluSheet
  1217. 216.775 caching level Levels/Boomerangs-SidePanels.level
  1218. 216.787 caching level Levels/Boomerangs-Spacey.level
  1219. 216.813 caching level Levels/BossFight-Maze.level
  1220. 216.834 caching level Levels/BossFight-Stairway.level
  1221. 216.844 caching level Levels/ChainsawBackstab-Bzzz.level
  1222. 216.853 caching level Levels/ChainsawBackstab-Parts.level
  1223. 216.866 caching level Levels/CleanupCrew-BigClean.level
  1224. 216.877 caching level Levels/CleanupCrew-Invisible.level
  1225. 216.886 caching level Levels/CleanupCrew-Splats.level
  1226. 216.9 caching level Levels/ExplosiveBarrels-BigAssMap.level
  1227. 216.91 caching level Levels/ExplosiveBarrels-SidePanels.level
  1228. 216.923 caching level Levels/ExplosiveBarrels-TotallyNotR.level
  1229. 216.935 caching level Levels/GhostScare-Plats.level
  1230. 216.948 caching level Levels/GhostScare-Yell.level
  1231. 216.958 caching level Levels/HeavyBullets-Bubbles.level
  1232. 216.968 caching level Levels/HeavyBullets-Portals.level
  1233. 216.977 caching level Levels/Hoops-Loadsofjumping.level
  1234. 216.986 caching level Levels/Hoops-SideTemp.level
  1235. 217 caching level Levels/Hoops-Slam.level
  1236. 217.016 caching level Levels/MindControl-DeathTrap.level
  1237. 217.031 caching level Levels/RocketRun-Mayhem.level
  1238. 217.047 caching level Levels/RocketRun-Trail.level
  1239. 217.06 caching level Levels/Souls-Biggie.level
  1240. 217.071 caching level Levels/Souls-Bzzz.level
  1241. 217.08 caching level Levels/Souls-Goggles.level
  1242. 217.094 caching level Levels/SpikeBall-Goggles.level
  1243. 217.108 caching level Levels/SpikeBall-Length.level
  1244. 217.121 caching level Levels/SuperHot-Closeup.level
  1245. 217.139 caching level Levels/SuperHot-HotIndeed.level
  1246. 217.144 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1247. 217.144 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1248. 217.145 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1250. 1-3 1
  1252. 7-8 3
  1254. 9-12 4
  1255. 217.145 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1257. 1-3 1
  1259. 7-8 3
  1261. 9-12 4
  1262. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1263. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1264. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1265. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1266. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1267. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1268. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1269. 217.146 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 2
  1270. 217.147 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1271. 217.147 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1272. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1273. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1274. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1275. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1276. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1277. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1278. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1279. 217.148 JSON decode error: Engine/JSON.lua:240: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: default 4
  1280. 217.195 Invalid mutator directory found: None.png
  1281. 217.215 Mutator category: fun
  1282. 217.215 Texture memory: 566.61 M, 365 images, 4 canvases, 66 fonts (before SetGame)
  1283. 217.254 active consumables #1: table(0) "table: 0x261edba8"
  1284. 217.254 active consumables #2: table(0) "table: 0x261f8ef0"
  1285. 217.254 active consumables #3: table(0) "table: 0x261f9188"
  1286. 217.254 active consumables #4: table(0) "table: 0x261f93d0"
  1287. 217.267 Creating level HeavyBullets-Portals.level
  1288. 217.268 Level Levels/HeavyBullets-Portals.level loaded from cache
  1289. 217.271 loadLevel 3734
  1290. 217.341 packed 21/21 images to 2048x512 texture
  1291. 217.392 BuildAll 121339
  1292. 217.393 packed 10/10 images to 1024x128 texture
  1293. 217.401 StartEntities 5272
  1294. 217.528 playing music InGame2Loop
  1295. 217.573 Announcer: Attempted to play game@mutator
  1296. 217.573 Announcer: Playing other@mystery
  1297. 217.595 SetGame 379294
  1298. 217.635 Texture memory: 596.58 M, 395 images, 8 canvases, 67 fonts (after SetGame)
  1299. 217.688 Discord: Sent presence update!
  1300. 218.865 Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646: cannot resume dead coroutine
  1301. 218.865 Engine/CustomError.lua:311: in function 'handler'
  1302. main.lua:128: in function <main.lua:126>
  1303. [C]: in function 'script'
  1304. Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5646: in function <Src/ScoreScreen.lua:5644>
  1305. [C]: in function 'updateRendering'
  1306. Engine/RenderingSystem.lua:249: in function 'update'
  1307. Src/States/PartyMode.lua:174: in function 'update'
  1308. Engine/GameSetup.lua:698: in function 'Update'
  1309. main.lua:156: in function 'update'
  1310. main.lua:370: in function <main.lua:258>
  1311. [C]: in function 'xpcall'
  1313. 219.256 Networking:Disconnect
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