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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. This is the first meeting I attended after coming back, hopefully it’s not too late.
  2. Detorid has been a region with the greatest number of players logins for 4 consecutive months with O3- being the most active system. This is not something I would like to see because I am trying to get out of the grasp of war. During the blackout, there is a rapid decline in numbers for our enemies although we are losing significant numbers too. However, since the blackout, goons started to assist our enemies during every timer. This, in effect, has turned the situation into us against three major alliances. AOM is the cheerleader with an average fighting ability but the loudest mouths. Our enemies are maintaining the war fatigue better than we are doing.
  3. That is one aspect we have not done as well as our foes during the entire war. TEST itself was not affected much by the war because they can keep up the offensive and use their pets to tank our attacks. Although Immensea and XIX are on the verge of collapse, TEST can still keep their numbers up during major fleets meanwhile ratting in Esoteria. We cannot fight alone against them during EUTZ and this showed especially after we had some conflicts with panfam. As you see, their Astrahaus in O3- was onlined on 26th of May and it still has not been killed. That astrahaus may not dock dreads; but it can bully our newbie members and kill our morale, all with very few people operating and defending it. That explains the entire objective of TEST during this war- to use as little as possible to kill us slowly; this is the advantage of the attacker.
  4. We are not against going after them but 46DP is an impenetrable natural barrier. Immensea was once full of our citadels, but these citadels’ effect was limited once they moved their allies to Impass and effectively made the Immensea and east Tenerifis a wasteland.
  5. We kept up our perfect ADM and iHub defense for about 4 months until things got sloppy in West Detorid. This was unavoidable. As I’ve said last time, we are in the longest entosis war. For us, this is a deathtrap as defenders. Did you know although it’s hard to keep ADM above 3.0 but to keep it only requires 120 rats to be killed each day? That equals to about 6 sites. With strategic levels the entire system can be kept above 3.2 -that is the dividing point for entosis warfare.
  6. From Monday onwards, we are maintaining the rest of West Detorid as well as O3- constellation in this method. Defend with minimum effort and use our most energy to attack. Of course, we are responding to entosis alerts as usual. However, we will neglect already reinforced ihub timers if they are bringing the goons+test combo. Panfam is eating potatoes in Dronelands even they gave up Tribute and Tenal without fighting. We are facing enemies with greater numbers than they did so there is no point wasting time in West Detorid. For Omist which is more interesting to fight within the same tz; I ask you to use your creativity and seek my help to create pressure for them every hour. AOM has yet to experience interceptor fleets, spy-cynos, entosis bugs or being whaled 4 times a day.
  7. At the same time because our greenlight situation is not looking good – as any alliance dies when it stops ratting- I have asked the English departments of WC to move to Cache; for the Chinese parts we will set our staging back to QRFJ. O3- will become a Titan projection platform and will project onto our wasteland-ized west detorid. Most of the stuff on O3- market will be moved back to QRFJ. We will start to deal the hostile citadels around QRFJ. During this time the English corps will deal with their osmosis from Insmother. They have endured the most pressure during this war in the same timezone speaking the same language and always facing fleets triple their numbers. Therefore, we are protecting them to carry on their maximum defense. Meanwhile ENG has very close timers with Omist so they will carry on with the majority of entosis. Regardless, if we cannot finish those 120 rats daily we will soon lose most of the system north of O3-. Any of our offense originating from 77S8 will be the result of maintaining those system with the least effort.
  8. wind is always telling me it’s the weakest kid who gets bullied in EVE. I did some reflection on the current situation this year and it seems any Chinese powers is the weakest in their war just in different ways. Snuff attacks Deklein for big kills; init sees the low skill players in Cobalt Edge and use that to improve their kb – these are village fights. We are the weakest alliance in the rest of the group- no.1 no.2 no.3 then there is WC. AOM attacks us because we stood out the most in this war against legacy- therefore I choose to spend time attacking them. After yesterday there has been an increase in conversations from those major alliances to me. Using a friends’ words: WC has entered adulthood; we outlived those time under the shadow of Supers from goons and panfam. If I think about it carefully, we can already form more titans in a single timezone than NC; we don’t need to use PL super fleet moving footage in our videos anymore. Goons didn’t realize they have that many titans before X47 and similarly I did not expect to form one full fleet before O3-. (Of course, many TEST friends are very bitter and suggest we are all bots, disregarding the fact that FRT has been around for 6 years). That being said, our newfound power has not yet been refined and remain unorganized; titan pilots do you even know what your fittings should be, where to form or whether you can receive formup notifications? The responsibility lies partially on me and we will continue to work on that.
  9. After yesterday, we did not change the general situation of the war. Although I am thoroughly reminded of the fact that WC is an entity which I built; I should have created it to achieve something higher- that thought made me both sad but excited.
  10. QRFJ will carry on with the greenlight in the next few months. Elo Knight’s and the other FCs’ top priority is to protect those greenlights and maintain frontline ADM, attack Omist and protect lotus fleet. Those will be the four missions I’ve assigned them. In a few months, I will learn from the major alliances and move our production to safer places. Detorid, as always will be the content center where we deliver our attacks.
  11. The reason TEST wants to fight us for over a year is that they believe in the future ‘ultimate war’ we will form a pincer with goons to attack them. Therefore, they want to block 77S8. Our flight from O3- to QRFJ starts Tuesday, before that O3- is still the assembly point. Tomorrow night, Corp CEOs will receive handling instructions for our frontline buildings. Meanwhile all manufacturing near O3- should be brought to a slow stop. Manufacturing and materials will gather near QRFJ and production (ratting and mining) will be north of 5C to KZ9T.
  12. After discovering our newfound strength yesterday, many alliances are re-examining us. there will be a lot of diplomatic conversations to do in the future which will bring changes to the war. I will share them once they are declassified.
  13. If you have any complaints with your corp or alliance, please message your management immediately; if the management is unreachable contact me personally on QQ. We need to ensure that most of our members enjoy being a part of WC, regardless of how many enemies we face or where we live.
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