
LAB Quirks

Feb 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Name: Alou Agneau
  2. Age: 32
  3. Gender: M
  4. Height: 6'5"
  5. Villain Name: Lark
  6. Quirk: Cocoon Stasis
  7. Alou can create silk threads which place individuals into a complete stasis on touch. This locks them into an unalterable state, frozen in time. They cannot be damaged or moved by any outside source except for Alou. They do not experience any effects from damage over time (poison, burning, etc) though this itself doesn't cure those effects.
  9. -Alou cannot shoot the threads, only place them using his fingers. He must place traps or apply them by touch.
  10. -They can be easily destroyed by outside forces.
  11. -The person is still aware of things said and done around them, so this doesn't work to disorient individuals.
  12. -Threads which are active will disintegrate on their own after a minute if he doesn't consistently continue to apply them.
  14. unknown
  16. =======================================================
  18. Name: Elisha Lunasen
  19. Age: 32
  20. Gender: M
  21. Height: 5'9"
  22. Villain Name: Pestilence
  23. *Quirk: Epigenesis
  24. His body is a host to pathogens which continuously evolve, learn, and grow. To adapt properties, he needs to digest materials which have those properties (drugs, flesh of quirk users, etc). He can release these pathogens (ideally onto other people) upon which they spread like a real disease.
  26. -needs to digest the materials whose properties he's adapting
  27. -he can pick and choose what properties he incorporates from said materials, whether pros or cons
  28. -by default he can incorporate the properties of common microbes (which cause fever, chills, coughs, etc)
  29. -no limit to how many symptoms he can add to pathogens, but the more complex they are, the more fragile the pathogen tends to be
  30. -pathogens that are too good at killing tend not to be good at spreading
  31. -it takes a day to incorporate properties after digesting them. during this incubation phase, elisha experiences said symptoms for a day
  32. -symptoms can never kill elisha, even if they may kill victims. they can put him in a near-death state however.
  33. -once he releases a disease, he has to start over from ground zero for incubating the next strain
  34. *Effects may be boosted or altered due to Scylla or the incorporation of other quirks.
  36. unknown
  38. =======================================================
  40. Name: Keppit Morrow
  41. Age: 26
  42. Gender: M
  43. Height: 6'0"
  44. Alias: Ouros
  45. Quirk: Infinite Serpent
  46. The user can grow a strong snake tail to indeterminate length. Damage to the tail does not seem to affect the user in any way- they can feel through it, but not feel pain inflicted on it.
  48. The user can branch their tail into multiple limbs.
  50. =======================================================
  52. Name: Arcturus Rigel Antares
  53. Age: 25
  54. Gender: M
  55. Height: 5'2"
  56. Alias: n/a - the subject insists on always going by their full name.
  57. Quirk: Celestial Body
  58. Depending on which constellations are overhead in the sky, Arcturus is able to transform into a starry form based off of the constellation, earning different powers for each form.
  60. -He can only take the shape and gain powers of a handful of major constellations.
  61. -The constellation has to be located over the horizon line for him to be able to use it, day or night.
  62. -He can only remain in each form for 10 minutes maximum before he reverts back, and he can only change 3 times consecutively before he has to rest a full 8 hours without transforming.
  63. -Each constellation's form has it's own unique thought process, and some of them more intelligent than others. Some of them are even less willing to give up their shape to allow Arcturus to change back before time is up. It's still Arcturus's consciousness, but with each form it is shaped slightly different, which can sometimes warp his perspective of things while in that form.
  64. ALL YEAR
  65. Cassiopeia - heightened seductive aura
  66. Draco - dragon physiology
  67. Ursa Major - cold immunity
  68. WINTER
  69. Canis Major - canine physiology
  70. Eridanus - water manipulation
  71. Orion - hunting intuition
  72. SPRING (March 20th)
  73. Bootes - animal manipulation
  74. Hydra - hypnosis
  75. SUMMER (June 20th)
  76. Aquila - telescopic vision
  77. Cygnus - waterfowl physiology
  78. Lyra - sound manipulation
  79. FALL (September 22nd)
  80. Andromeda - quirk negation
  82. unknown
  84. =======================================================
  86. Name: Fife Dorry
  87. Age: 17
  88. Gender: M
  89. Height: 5'4"
  90. Villain Name: Pied Piper
  91. Quirk: Compelling Word
  92. The user can speak simple one-word commands and compel others to follow them, such as "stop" and "run". The user must be able to speak and be heard, and also be understood.
  94. -The user can string together up to 3 words in a command max
  95. -The listener must be able to comply to the demand
  96. -The more a listener resists, the more strain it puts on Fife's voice
  97. -His rough limit is 10 commands in 12 hours.
  99. Fife can command full sentences.
  101. =======================================================
  103. Name: Shiloh Hvitkaldsen
  104. Age: 20
  105. Gender: M
  106. Height: 5'6"
  107. Alias: Pariah - this is what local news calls the subject, due to their attitude towards Les Agneaus Blancs
  108. Quirk: Tyrfing's Hold
  109. The user can release and surround themselves with an icy aura, allowing them to create and manipulate ice in their environment. Upon drawing blood from another person, the user enters an altered state of consciousness which amplifies their attack power and makes them exceedingly bitter, violent, and bloodthirsty. This state persists until the user has killed someone, at which time both the aura and blood-lust will fade.
  111. unknown
  113. =======================================================
  115. Name: Cristobal Clerk
  116. Age: 46
  117. Gender: M
  118. Height: 5'9"
  119. Villain Name: Talon
  120. Quirk: Raptor Physiology
  121. User can assume the form of a raptor-like creature, with claws, enhanced speed, endurance, and strength. There is no time limit on transformations, though all injuries endured in this form translate to human form and vice versa. User is large and strong enough to carry 2-3 individuals, with a jaw strength strong enough to crush stone.
  123. unknown
  125. =======================================================
  127. Name: Emory Fallenbloom
  128. Age: 28
  129. Gender: M
  130. Height: 6'0"
  131. Villain Name: Camellia
  132. Quirk: Voidbloom
  133. User grows black flowers from their blood which, when crushed, implodes into a small portal. The user can then close them on will. If they do not, they close automatically after half a minute. Anything caught between portals can be sliced up to 1/2 depth, varying on material (less on hard surfaces or through protective material, more on soft surfaces) but remains mostly in tact otherwise.
  134. Anyone who eats a flower also gets 1 portal to use on command.
  136. -a flower must be grown and placed-- the user cannot go anywhere where a flower isn't already present
  137. -the user will be trapped if they cannot relocate their flowers outside of their cage
  138. -the user cannot trigger a flower if someone else has it or has eaten it- they must wait for that person to trigger the flower
  139. -the user is limited by their blood volume
  141. Unknown
  143. =======================================================
  145. Name: Lorelie Grimm
  146. Age: 38
  147. Gender: F
  148. Height: 6'2"
  149. Villain Name: Maw
  150. Quirk: Shadow in the Water
  151. User can send out up to 3 rippling shadows at a time out on any surface, undisturbed by light or dark (but better hidden in the darkness). When these meet the feet of individuals, they can manifest into various sea creatures-- tentacles to bind, a great shark's maw to bite, a swordfish to stab, etc. The damage they inflict is less than the real thing, causing seeping coldness and bruising, as they're made up of shadow rather than real flesh and bone. The user herself can sink into one of her three shadows before sending it out, in which case the animal it manifests becomes her-- it is solid and can slice, pierce, or bludgeon with its full force.
  153. -She can be hurt in turn when manifested as a creature, and if seized and held in the air, will be stuck above land until she can touch her shadow again and sink/transform back.
  154. -Her shadows must remain within a 10 ft radius of herself, though they can all move together if she's inside of one.
  155. -The shadow she is currently inside of can be attacked/stabbed/etc with a chance of hitting her (like shooting into the water).
  157. The size of her shadows is larger, and people can fall into them like deep water. They can't drown inside of them, and can climb back out.
  159. =======================================================
  161. Name: Noelle Lapineau
  162. Age: 22
  163. Gender: F
  164. Height: 5'3"
  165. Villain Name: Bodysnatcher
  166. Quirk: Musical Chairs
  167. Noelle can place hash marks on individuals through touch. After placing at least 2 hashes, (the first numbered I, the second II, the third III, and so on), she can trigger a body swap up the entire chain. She can include herself in the line of displacement by placing a hash on herself. Everyone gets stuck with the quirk of their new body, and the effect lasts for 24 hours. Whoever is stuck in Noelle's body ends up essentially quirkless for that period. Once triggering a swap, Noelle can begin marking new people and the count resets.
  169. -The effect's duration is reduced by 4 hours per person she adds above 2 (20 hours for 3 people, 16 hours for 4 people, 12 hours for 5 people, etc).
  170. -Hashes fade after 3 days, or after she triggers a swap when the time runs out.
  171. -She can only control who goes where based on the order she's marked them.
  173. Noelle can jump freely between any body she's marked with a hash during the 24 hour (or less depending on how many people) period, including her own. When she swaps with someone, they change places with her into whatever body she was previously inhabiting.
  175. =======================================================
  177. Name: Venn Lunasen
  178. Age: 27
  179. Gender: M
  180. Height: 5'7"
  181. Quirk: Hyperimmunity
  182. The subject's entire immune system is replaced with a pathogen that 'devours' (dismembers, destroys, etc) all other diseases. The subject is in a state of consistent minor fever and fatigue as a result. Their hyperimmunity can spread to others through direct contact with the subject, though does not transfer past secondhand vectors. Those who are 'infected' likewise are cured of any other diseases for a few days, though the subject experiences (nonfatally) the symptoms of the diseases being erased.
  184. unknown
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