
Stranger things season2 PLOT

Jul 28th, 2018
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  1. Season 2 (2017)
  2. No.
  3. overall No. in
  4. season Title Directed by Written by Original release date
  5. 9 1 "Chapter One: MADMAX" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017
  6. On October 28, 1984 in Chicago, a girl named Kali and her gang use her psychic powers to escape the police. Her wrist tattoo marks her as "008." At the Hawkins arcade, Will has a vision of the Upside Down. Reporter Murray Bauman describes an elaborate conspiracy theory to Hopper. Hopper investigates a blight on Bob Merril's pumpkin patch. Mr. Clarke introduces a new girl named Maxine ("Max") to his class. At Hawkins Lab, Dr. Owens, Brenner's replacement, examines Will and tells Joyce that Will is experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder. Nancy and Steve have dinner with Barb's parents, who are selling their house to pay for Bauman's investigation into Barb's disappearance. Mike tries to contact Eleven, still believing she is alive even 352 days after her disappearance. Dustin hears a noise from the trashcan outside his home, and Will has a vision of an enormous spider-like creature in the Upside Down. Hopper goes home to a cabin in the woods, where Eleven, revealed to be alive, accuses him of being late.
  7. 10 2 "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017
  8. In a flashback, Eleven awakens in the Upside Down middle school, having just destroyed the monster at the end of the first season. After escaping the Upside Down, she goes to Mike's house. To avoid government agents, she hides in the woods. In the present, Eleven asks to go trick-or-treating, but Hopper says it's too risky. Hopper learns the blight has spread to pumpkin patches all over town. Nancy wants to tell Barb's parents about her death, but Steve insists it's too dangerous. At a Halloween party that evening, Nancy gets drunk and tells Steve she does not love him. Angered, Steve leaves, and asks Jonathan to take her home. Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max go trick-or-treating. Will has a vision of a shadowy monster from the Upside Down trying to catch him. Mike admits to Will that he is still trying to contact Eleven. Eleven tries to contact Mike through the void but fails. Dustin finds a creature in his trash can.
  9. 11 3 "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" Shawn Levy Justin Doble October 27, 2017
  10. Dustin feeds the creature a 3 Musketeers chocolate bar and names it d'Artagnan ("Dart"). In a flashback, Hopper leaves food in the woods for Eleven. She approaches him and moves into his grandfather's hunting cabin. In the present, Hopper refuses to allow Eleven outside. Angry, she escapes and looks for Mike. Joyce's new boyfriend Bob Newby recounts a childhood nightmare to Will and encourages him to stand up to his fears. Nancy persuades Jonathan to help her tell Barb's parents the truth. Hopper confronts Owens with evidence that the pumpkin blight comes from the lab. Dustin brings Dart to school and shows it to Will, Mike, Lucas, and Max. Will realizes Dart is from the Upside Down. Dart molts and escapes. Eleven sees Mike and Max arguing and mistakes it for flirting. Jealous, she telekinetically makes Max fall off her skateboard. On a videotape Will made while trick-or-treating, Joyce discovers an image of the monster. Will finds Dart, triggering a vision of the Upside Down. Dustin recovers Dart. Following Bob's advice, Will confronts the monster, but it invades his body.
  11. 12 4 "Chapter Four: Will the Wise" Shawn Levy Paul Dichter October 27, 2017
  12. Joyce takes Will home. His temperature is strangely low, but he refuses a warm bath. Eleven returns to the cabin. She and Hopper fight, and Hopper grounds her. Will tells Joyce and Hopper that he is connected to the Shadow Monster. Unable to explain in words, he makes a vast number of scribbles. Joyce and Hopper piece them together into a map. Nancy and Jonathan are caught by lab agents. Owens shows them the gate to the Upside Down. He says it can be contained but not destroyed, admits Barb died, and allows Nancy and Jonathan to go free. Secretly, Nancy records his confession. Max's abusive older brother Billy warns her to stay away from Lucas. Eleven finds Hopper's notes on Hawkins Lab. Using her psychic powers, she contacts Terry Ives, who calls her "Jane." Dustin discovers Dart devouring his cat and realizes Dart is a young Demogorgon. Following Will's map, Hopper digs in Merril's field and finds a tunnel corrupted by the Upside Down.
  13. 13 5 "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" Andrew Stanton Jessie Nickson-Lopez October 27, 2017
  14. Vines trap Hopper in the infected tunnels. Will realizes Hopper is in danger. Lucas tells Max the truth about Will's disappearance last year, but she does not believe him. Jonathan and Nancy play Owens' confession to Bauman. The three agree to publicize a watered-down and more believable story about Barb dying from toxins released by the lab. Dustin traps Dart in his root cellar and recruits Steve to fight it. Owens and the lab scientists realize the soil from the infected pumpkin patches is part of a hive mind. Eleven hitchhikes to Terry's house. She telepathically communicates with Terry, seeing images of another child kept in Hawkins Lab and of Terry being crippled by forced shock therapy. Bob figures out Hopper's location, and he and Joyce enter the tunnels to rescue him. They are joined by scientists from Hawkins Lab. As the scientists burn the vines filling the tunnels, Will screams in agony and collapses.
  15. 14 6 "Chapter Six: The Spy" Andrew Stanton Kate Trefry October 27, 2017
  16. Will is rushed to the lab, where he cannot recognize Bob, Hopper, or Owens. Owens deduces that Will's mind is linked to the Upside Down, and speculates that burning the tunnels would be lethal to Will. He shows Hopper the lab basement, where an enormous gate to the Upside Down has been discovered under the floor. Dart escapes the root cellar. Nancy and Jonathan spend the night at Bauman's and admit their feelings for each other. Lucas offers to prove to Max that his story is true and sneaks her out of her house. Steve, Dustin, Lucas and Max set a trap for Dart at the junkyard. Max opens up to Lucas about Billy's anger over his father's remarriage to Max's mother. Dart, now the size of a large dog, arrives with a pack of adolescent Demogorgons ("Demodogs") and traps the four in a bus. Will announces he knows how to stop the Shadow Monster. Owens sends a team of soldiers into the tunnels, and the Demodogs leave the junkyard. Will apologizes, saying the Shadow Monster "made him do it." The Demodogs ambush the soldiers, slaughter them, and climb into the lab.
  17. 15 7 "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" Rebecca Thomas Justin Doble October 27, 2017
  18. In Chicago, Eleven locates Kali, who is the girl from Terry's memories. Kali can create illusions, and she leads a gang of outcasts who exact revenge on those who have hurt them. She teaches Eleven to channel her anger towards stronger powers. Eleven uses her powers to find Ray, the lab technician who performed shock therapy on Terry, and the gang breaks into his apartment. Ray claims Brenner is still alive, and he offers to lead Kali and Eleven to Brenner. They disbelieve him, and Kali tries to coax Eleven into killing Ray. When Eleven learns he has two daughters, she stops and prevents Kali from killing him. Back at their hideout, Kali conjures a vision of Brenner and demands that Eleven avenge their mother. Eleven visualizes Mike and Hopper and realizes they are in trouble. While Kali and her gang escape the police, Eleven returns to Hawkins.
  19. 16 8 "Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017
  20. The Demodogs overwhelm the lab. Mike convinces Joyce to sedate Will so that the Shadow Monster cannot track them. Mike, Will, Joyce, Hopper, Bob, and Owens shelter in the lab's security room. Dustin, Steve, Lucas, and Max track the Demodogs to the lab, where they regroup with Nancy and Jonathan. When the power goes out, Bob resets the circuit breakers so they can escape. Owens stays behind and uses the security cameras to guide the others out. Mike, Will, Joyce, and Hopper escape, but Bob is killed by the Demodogs. The group retreat to the Byers' house, where Dustin suggests that the Shadow Monster is a Mind Flayer. After disguising their location, they interrogate Will. Using Morse code, he taps out, "CLOSE GATE." The house phone rings, and Will realizes where he is. The Mind Flayer sends a Demodog to the house, but, to everyone's surprise, Eleven arrives and kills it.
  21. 17 9 "Chapter Nine: The Gate" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017
  22. After finally reuniting with Mike, Eleven and Hopper head for the lab, where they find the gate guarded by Demodogs. Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce take Will to Hopper's cabin and overheat him, forcing the Mind Flayer out. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max want to draw the Demodogs away from the gate, but Steve keeps them at the house for their own safety. Billy, forced by his abusive father to look for Max, arrives at the Byers house. He overpowers Steve in a fistfight, but Max sedates him, and the group leaves in Billy's car. They start a fire in the tunnels, but Dart blocks their return. Dustin feeds Dart a 3 Musketeers bar, and Dart allows them to pass. Eleven channels her anger into closing the gate, and as the gate closes, the remaining monsters in Hawkins die. One month later, Hawkins Lab has shut down. Barb is given a funeral, and Owens provides Hopper a birth certificate for Eleven, listing him as her father. The students, including Eleven, attend the school's winter dance, the Snow Ball. Max and Lucas kiss, as do Mike and Eleven. Nancy pities Dustin and dances with him. In the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer towers over the school.
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