
Kingdom AF

Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. Warrior
  3. Full Name: Jung KyungHwan
  4. Nickname/s: Hwanie, Kyungkyung
  5. Age : 21
  6. Birthday: 1996.01.01
  7. Nationality: Korean
  8. Ethnicity: Korean
  9. Height: 176 cm
  10. Weight: 58 kg
  11. Birthplace + Hometown: Jeju, South Korean
  13. Badman
  15. Slot: Poguk
  16. Personality: A very introverted individualist. He wants to talk to others but he never has the confidence to speak. People thinks he's there just for his looks, but he's actually really talented. He's always quiet and never really stands out of the group or does anything to stand out. He generally doesn't like leaving his room because he always feels like he makes situations awkward and there's no point in talking. He holds the most secrets and no matter how long his members knew him, they only barely know him. People don't know his voice unless it's on their songs. He likes to hang out in really dark places and even if they aren't playing hide&seek, you can't find him. If you were to find him, he's usually under his bed sheets, locked up in his room or in a really dark area. He doesn't really show his love for others and has a really hard time doing it, but small and sweet interactions that are barely noticeable do it for him. He is very low key emotional and cries a lot due to his failure of speaking to others and disappointment in himself (extremely sensitive).
  17. Public Trivia: [min 5] viewable on profile {can includes likes, dislikes, hobbies, and habits}
  18. - Hates aegyo but likes doing it
  19. - Very emo
  20. - Likes dark places
  21. - Happy things aren't his forte
  22. - He passes out if he's too nervous
  23. - He likes to sing to himself for comfort
  24. - He likes wearing dark clothes
  25. - Scared of bugs
  26. - Likes sour candy
  27. - Loves wearing eyeliner
  28. - Pinches himself when he wants to motivate himself
  29. Personal Trivia: [min 4] their secrets
  30. - Every time he makes a mistake, he hurts himself
  31. - Saying "I hate you" can make him go to extremes
  32. - He has a hard ton sleeping (due to his "failures")
  33. - He's the guy who sends the sweetest comments to his members pretending to be a fan
  34. - He tucks everyone to sleep every night
  35. Face Claim: LC9 Jun
  36. Backup Face Claim: INX Junyong
  38. No Mercy
  40. Background: [min 5]
  41. He used to be a bright and happy person who liked to speak to everyone until a sad occasion happened. He lost his brother the day after his grandmother died and he became depressed because those were his most favorite people in the world. He suddenly became a voluntary mute because nothing triggered him to speak. He attempted to become open to the world but he was way to used to living "locked up" so he could get himself to talk. Even now, he's been quiet but he occasionally does things that don't require sound.
  42. Family: list only if important [name, age, relation, why their important]
  43. Jung WooSeok, 16, He's KyungHwan's deceased brother than he was really close to.
  44. Jung MinA, 89, KyungHwan's deceased grandmother that was also really close to him.
  45. Sexuality: Gay
  46. Past Relationships: None
  47. Childhood Friends: Kang Chani (SF9) and Kang Hyunggu (Kino/PENTAGON)
  50. Feel So Good
  52. Stage Name: Shadow
  53. Years of Training: 5 years
  54. Pre-debut Life: Never really trained with anyone else. He's always seen in the dance room (usually in the dark) dancing to any music that plays on his phone. He also records his rapping and singing to give to his teachers, who will evaluate the talent and tell/email him of what to fix and what's good.
  55. Fanservice: Making gifts or things for his fans
  57. That's My Jam
  59. Requested Scenes:
  60. - Members meet each other for the first time
  61. - Members try to find KyungHwan
  62. - Members experience each other's talents
  63. Suggested Album Songs:
  64. KNK - Tonight
  65. NCT - Limitless
  66. PENTAGON - Can you feel it
  67. Suggested Album Name: Royalty
  68. Note to author: Hi! I'm really excited for this boy group af and also the characters! I've never seen such big contrasting characters and I hope this is successful!
  69. Password: Blind
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