
Broken Wings Epilogue - I'm No Superman

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  2. >You miss your old office.
  3. >Sure, this one was bigger, with a cushier chair and a bigger window…
  4. >The nameplate that reads “Dr. Anonymous, Chief of Medicine” and the resultant pay increase also helps.
  5. >But your old office didn’t have a redundant paperwork generator like THIS ONE.
  6. >You toss your pen into your holder as you grab your cup for a sip of coffee.
  7. >You’re rewarded with a face full of writing utensil as your pen chillaxes in your now-cold coffee.
  8. >You sigh as you pick up your collection of pens.
  9. >Budget day always did things to your nerves.
  10. >Mostly because…
  11. >Knock Knock Knock
  12. >It starts…
  13. “…Come in.”
  14. >You look up at Nurse Coldheart as she tries staring you down.
  15. >…
  16. “Well?”
  17. >”You know what I want.”
  18. >You sigh and stand up.
  19. “No, we are not hiring any more nurses until AFTER the addition is complete. We can’t handle taking on another salary right now!”
  20. >Coldheart continues to follow you as you muscle your way out of your office.
  21. >She certainly is persistant…they must be getting desperate to send her.
  22. >”Come on Anon! How come those potheads in Emergency can get a new portable X-Ray, but we can’t hire one more nurse to cover swing shift?”
  23. >Doctors, orderlies and other various staffers stop and glance as the two of you carry your rolling argument down the hallways of P0nyville General.
  24. “Because the ER actually needs an X-Ray, not someone extra so they can get more afternoons off for a spa date.”
  25. >”They NEED one because they pushed the LAST one off the roof!”
  26. >You pause momentarily.
  27. >Oh yes…you were rather upset at that.
  28. >Still, they were right.
  29. “It WAS an awesome impact…”
  30. >You smile smugly to yourself as Coldheart just stomps off in a huff.
  31. >If it’s anything like the last three years, next up will be Redheart.
  32. >Better find someplace to hide…
  33. >As you duck past the nurse’s station, you grab a chart off the counter.
  34. >Patients provide the best hiding places.
  35. >Well, except that one time you hid under the bed of a horn rot patient with explosive diarrhea…
  36. >You vomit a little in your mouth.
  37. >”Hiding, Anon?”
  38. >You jump in surprise as you spin, Dr. Horse glaring up at you.
  39. “Me? Hiding? Why never. What gave you that thought, Percival?”
  40. >The stallion snorts. “Well, as long as you’re pretending to be a doctor to hide from Redheart, you might as well actually do some work that doesn’t involve slashing my budget to pay for your pet projects.”
  41. “What the hell do we need premium cable for anyway, Percy?”
  42. >You tune the stallion out as you walk into the room marked on the chart.
  43. >Looks simple enough, suspected wing fracture…
  44. >A pegasus colt sits on the exam table, his bum wing quivering as he holds it out straight, trying his best not to cry.
  45. >Next to him, a white and blue-maned pegasus goes from trying to console him to look at you.
  46. >”Oh, hey! I know you…Anonymous, right?”
  47. “Yes…have we met?”
  48. >”We did once, a couple years ago. I’m Soarin’. I tell ya, AJ makes the best apple pies…”
  49. >You smile a little as you leaf through the chart.
  50. “Oh yeah, she’s talked about you once or twice. Said you could fund the farm for a year if she could keep up.”
  51. >The two of you share a chuckle as you focus your attention on the colt on the table.
  52. “And what’s your name?”
  53. >The light blue pegasus looks up through dark blue locks, magenta orbs locking on you.
  54. >”G-Gustfront…”
  55. >Soarin’ beams. “That’s my boy.”
  56. “Gustfront? That’s a cool name. You ever been to a hospital before?”
  57. >” Mama says they aren’t so scary as they look…”
  58. “Mama’s a smart mare then. Now, I’m going to feel along your wing. You let me know when I find where it hurts, ok? Can you do that for me?”
  59. >Gustfront nods as Soarin’ gives the colt a reassuring pat on the hoof.
  60. >S: “We were out having a flying lesson when an updraft sent this one tumbling into a tree.”
  61. “Ooh, ouch. You’re a very brave little colt, Gustfront.”
  62. >He smiles a little as you continue your exam.
  63. >S: “Maybe he can save Daddy from Mommy when she gets here.”
  64. >GF: “Nobody can save Daddy from MommOW! OW! Right there…”
  65. >You can’t help but laugh as you tenderly feel the spot, right at the joint.
  66. >Soarin’ laughs more nervously, swallowing the lump in his throat.
  67. “Does it hurt to move?”
  68. >GF: “Not as much now…”
  69. “Well, we’ll wait for the X-Rays to come back to confirm it, but looks to me that you just wanged it good.”
  70. >S: “I hope that’s the case, Doc…otherwise…”
  71. >The three of you look up as you hear a crash from the hallway.
  72. >”WHERE IS HE?”
  73. >GF: “Mama’s here!”
  74. >You glance down as Soarin’ inches behind you, shivering.
  75. >That voice…
  76. >You feel like you’re hit by a gust of wind as Rainbow Dash barrels into the room, literal flames erupting from her eyes.
  78. >You grin sheepishly as Rainbow looks on with surprise.
  79. “Heya Dash…how you been?”
  80. >She opens her mouth to reply when she spies Gustfront on the table behind you.
  81. >”There’s my little ball of awesome!” Gustfront giggles as RD trots up, a huge smile on her face as she nuzzles his belly.
  82. >You glance down at Soarin’, right about the same time Rainbow shoots him a rather angry look.
  83. >RD: “So, what’s the damage Anon?”
  84. >You blink and cough as you snap back to professional mode.
  85. “Well, we’re going to get his wing x-rayed to be safe, but I don’t think it’s any worse than a simple sprain. A few days rest with the wing bandaged, and he should be right as rain.”
  86. >Dashie grins and turns to Gustfront. “Hear that? You’ll be just fine. And I know, he’s the best doc in all of Equestria!”
  87. >GF: “He is?”
  88. >RD: “That’s right. A long time ago, Mama hurt herself flying too, but he put her back together. In fact, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have ever met your daddy…”
  89. >Rainbow glances up at you as Gustfront studies you like one would study a statue.
  90. >GF: “…You sure? He looks like an idiot to me…”
  91. >OH COME ON!
  92. “Certainly has his mother’s mouth…”
  93. >Rainbow giggles a little. “He sure does.”
  94. >S: “Tell me about it…”
  95. >That just sets off everyone laughing.
  96. >Well..everyone except Soarin’.
  97. >You’re interrupted by Redheart as she pokes her head in.
  98. >RH: “Doctor, I’m here to take the patient to X-Ray…”
  99. >The glare she shoots you is all you need to know.
  100. >This little diversion won’t save you…
  101. >You gulp.
  102. “Well, Gustfront, you’re going to go with the nice nurse so we can take pictures of your wing. Ok?”
  103. >The colt nods as he hops down, walking with Soarin’ to follow Redheart.
  104. >Rainbow stays behind.
  105. >RD: “I’ll be there in a minute you two. I need to talk with the Doc for a minute…”
  106. >Soarin’ nods as the three of them leave, leaving you alone with Rainbow in the exam room.
  107. >An uncomfortable silence decends as Rainbow sits, looking up at you.
  108. “It’s been awhile…”
  109. >”Yeah…how you been?”
  110. “Good, good…Chief of Medicine, can’t complain.”
  111. >”That’s awesome…how’s AJ?”
  112. “Oh, Applejack’s good. Still workin’ the farm while I’m at work, but she lives with me now.”
  113. >”That’s good…any foals?”
  114. “Nah, really haven’t thought of that…So…Soarin’, huh?”
  115. >Rainbow blushes a little. “Yup…actually ran into him leaving your house that day. ‘What’s got you down, kid?’ he said…hehe, what a dolt.”
  116. >Rainbow’s warm smile as she looks away brings a smile to yours.
  117. “That’s great, I’m glad to hear it. Gustfront’s a strong kid.”
  118. >”Yup…my little ball of energy. Got his dad’s talent…and his affinity for crashing into things, it seems.”
  119. >The two of you share a chuckle before the silence returns.
  120. >”So…Anon, I owe you an apology…”
  121. “An apology? What for?”
  122. >Rainbow frowns as she looks at the ground.
  123. >”I mean, you were a jerk and I was right to be mad at you…but…I guess neither of us were ready for a real relationship back then.”
  124. >Oh…that…
  125. >”Besides…it helped me meet Soarin’, and I knew what not to do…so…”
  126. >You shake your head and stand.
  127. “Dash, you don’t need to apologize for anything, you have nothing to apologize for. Now come on, Gustfront’s waiting for you…”
  128. >Rainbow nods and cocks her head to the side, smiling broadly.
  129. >”Yep!”
  130. >The two of you continue small talk as you head back in to the hallway, approaching the nurse station.
  131. >Your jimmies display their cultural heritage as Redheart shoots you a look, taking the chart from you.
  132. “Look, Redheart…”
  133. >RH: “Don’t worry about me, Doctor. She’ll take care of things for me.”
  134. >Rainbow just cocks her head. “Something wrong, Anon?”
  135. >Redheart said “she’ll” take care of it.
  136. >You gulp.
  137. “Yes, Dash…something is wrong.”
  138. >”Ya’ best believe it, sugarcube.”
  139. >You wish for the icy grip of Death to give you a big ol’ hug.
  140. >You can feel Applejack’s glare burn into your back.
  141. >RD: “Hey, AJ.”
  142. >AJ: “Hey Rainbow…now Anon, what’s this ah hear about you bein’ a scrooge for yer poor nurses?”
  143. >Redheart just smirks in victory.
  144. “H-Hey AJ…I think y-you heard wrong. Why, I-I was going to start looking for a n-new nurse right after lunch…Isn’t that right, Redheart?”
  145. >RH: “Indeed, sir.”
  146. >Oh, she’s going to pay for this later…
  147. >You turn to face AJ, who’s now chatting with Rainbow.
  148. >AJ: “So, ya’ finally got around t’talking t’Anon, didja?”
  149. >Rainbow nods.
  150. >AJ: “Ah guess that means ya’ll can bring that colt o’yours out to t’farm this weekend!”
  151. >RD: “You know it! Soarin’s been begging me about it for weeks!”
  152. >The two girls giggle.
  153. >And you are confused.
  154. “Wait…you never told me you were still talking to Rainbow…”
  155. >AJ glances up at you like you were painted green. “Ya’ never asked, shug.”
  156. >…are you kidding?
  157. “…Seriously? Thanks a lot, darlin’.”
  158. >One more laugh is held at your expense.
  159. >As Rainbow heads off with a wave to go find her family, you turn to yours as she beckons you to go to your usual spot.
  160. >You sigh and grin as you follow along.
  161. >Out to the big apple tree out in front of the hospital.
  162. >AJ agreed with you when you planted it.
  163. >Big Mac would have thought it was silly, but he’d have loved it all the same.
  165. >The two of you plop down and lean against it as AJ snags lunch out of her saddlebags.
  166. >Lasagna? She must have been planning that stunt if she made lasagna to make you feel better.
  167. “Things going well at the farm today?”
  168. >”Yup. Applebloom said that ah can even take th’ afternoon off.”
  169. “Are you?”
  170. >AJ smirks. “Only if ya do.”
  171. >You chuckle as you start to dig in.
  172. “Sorry darlin’, no can do. I gotta find a new nurse now.”
  173. >She giggles as she leans up against you before resting her head in your lap, settling in for a nap.
  174. >”Well shucks, ah shoulda charged Red double.”
  175. “Of course. Aren’t you gonna eat?”
  176. >”Already did.”
  177. >You grunt before you rub the orange mare’s chest a little, earning you a contented sigh before she pulls her hat down over her eyes.
  178. >Man, this lasagna is good.
  179. >Putting your head back against the tree as you chew, you glance down at the napping p0ny using you as a pillow.
  180. >You then direct your gaze up at the azure sky.
  181. >Eeeyup….good.
  182. >…
  183. >”Hey, anon?”
  184. “Yeah?”
  185. >”Y’ever thought about…ya know, foals?”
  186. >…
  187. >Wait, what?
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