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a guest
May 10th, 2022
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  1. (story:new "An adventure in text."
  2. :intro ((fade-in "You blink your eyes and see black.")
  3. "No wait, there's something written in the blackness."
  4. "You look closer.")
  5. :places ((place starting-room
  6. :description "a bare room"
  7. :details ("The paint on the walls is chipped."
  8. "There's a threadbare rug on the floor."
  9. "You don't see any furniture in the room.")
  10. :exits ((:south "a crumbling archway" main-garden)))
  11. (place main-garden
  12. :description "an overgrown mess that would have been impressive in the past."
  13. :details ("There are some wild tomatoes growing in the corner."
  14. "Some particularly large fruit trees have broken their containers."
  15. "You smell some rotting fruits.")
  16. :contains (item "water fountain"
  17. :description "A large fountain towers over you."
  18. :state "The fountain is dry"
  19. :material "marble")
  20. :exits ((:north "A small hut." starting-room)
  21. (:south "a small pathway" main-house)))))
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