
Theo gets rekt

Jun 21st, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> -This? This is mine. It's always been mine. (Not really though)-
  2. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore is sitting in what he's decided is his favorite place to read now- the bench in the courtyard. Theodore is only a mere 5'7", but he is absolutely /ripped/ to boot he's got hazel eyes and short brown hair. He's wearing a "The Cure" t-shirt and blue jeans with a light black jacket today as he finishes up his book on the History of Charlemagne from the library. He's had this thing checked out for quite a
  3. <DarnellJermaine> while now- he's just been so busy he hadn't had the chance to finish it up, really.
  4. <Kioku> Sitting in the courtyard is dangerous, as Theo will soon discover, for it is the hunting grounds of the Akemi! A girl the same height as Theo, but who obviously looks quite different from him in all other ways. She's bundled up in a pair of layered shirts, a skirt (what?) and tights, all in a contrasting color scheme - the skirt is white with black floral prints, the undershirt is white while the short sleeved overshirt is black, and so on. It's
  5. <Kioku> like she's trying to draw attention - rather effectively - and blend in with the snow at the same time. Such is the girl who sits down next to Theo without preamble and smiles at him, glancing over his shoulder. "Assignment, or pleasure~?"
  6. <DarnellJermaine> He turns his head and offers an amicable smile- Theodore was quite the friendly guy, and he enjoyed the company- especially of such a lovely young lady. "Pleasure. I'm a bit of a history buff- don't go around telling everyone though, love" he says, carefully marking his page- close to the end- and closing it shut. He reaches out a hand to her in greeting, "Theodore, by the way. Theodore Grundlewood- pleasure to
  7. <DarnellJermaine> meet you"
  8. <Kioku> Akemi giggles and takes the hand, though not in handshake manner but to lightly hold it. Her touch is warm, and /nobody/ should be allowed to have skin that soft. "Akemi. And I have to say I rather like history too~"
  9. <DarnellJermaine> "That so?" he seems to light up a bit- Theo was no brainiac or anything, but he quite loved History. Only class he had an A in. "Any specific era? I love History from all over- though my preference leans to Medieval- oh sorry, I'm babbling, aren't I?" he lets out a soft chuckle- it was nice to have pleasant conversation after morning training with Desoph- helped him warm up for the school day to come, anyhow.
  10. <Kioku> "Nnm, don't worry! I don't mind~ I really like studying /cultures/ more than history itself, but history kind of informs it, right? And it's the lens we get to see ancient cultures through. So I guess no era in particular."
  11. <DarnellJermaine> "Aye, you're a sharp one- I can tell. I often find myself studying the roots of Greco-Roman thinking and the influences it has on society today after the Renaissance-" he'd keep going if he didn't stop himself. Even if she insisted it was fine- he should probably at least attempt normal conversation. "Err, anyways, I'm rather new here, Akemi. Only shown up 3 weeks ago- anyone or anything I should keep my eyes
  12. <DarnellJermaine> out for?" a little out of the blue and a bit random- but it seemed like a relatively normal thing to talk about, and Theodore was always eager to get a better idea of his surroundings.
  13. <Kioku> Akemi flicks her eyebrows up. "Three weeks? And I'm only getting the pleasure of meeting you now~? How terrible!" She grins and squeezes the captive hand. "So complimentary too... hmm... I think things have been fairly good here so far, so there's nothing really I can think of to 'look out for' though."
  14. * Lirnd has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  15. <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head slowly- now that he gets a look, she is rather cute- and her hands are so soft... he shakes it off. He didn't need to get involved in relationships so quickly after his last- err, weird experience. "Aye, good to hear. I keep hearing about this old school- SunnyBrook- I'm a bit out of my element here to be honest"
  16. <Kioku> "Mmm... I was there." Akemi nods. "It was... different. Better than I was used to, but still fairly restrictive, in ways. This was before the world knew about us, and they wanted to keep it that way, so anyone who couldn't pass for human was basically a prisoner, not allowed to even go into town unless someone could disguise them. And even then... none of us had a choice in coming there really, and we wouldn't have been able to leave long-term
  17. <Kioku> or go too far away without being shot at. It really was a pretty different place..."
  18. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore nods- listening intently to her words. He had heard a lot of this place- nothing specific though, until now. Just then it held lots of memories- good and bad- for most of the students here. "Aye, I never knew about it sadly. I discovered my powers 3 years ago but- they're the kind of things that are kept under wrap fairly easily- especially when they can't even be seen by most people" he pauses for a
  19. <DarnellJermaine> moment before continuing, "Sorry to hear about that love, it doesn't sound like a terribly good place to be" he does offer an empathetic smile though at this point, "At least you and everyone else is here now, and things seem relatively nice in this place. At least, from my experiences so far"
  20. <Kioku> "Mmm, and most of the friends I made there are here. They made Sunnybrook /far/ more good than bad, and this place... well, here I get to meet even more people, and they /weren't/ force to be here~!"
  21. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore offers a bright smile at that- he quite liked meeting new people too- which was good since he seemed to meet lots of people every day since he came here. After a few more seconds of just sitting there- it comes. Uh oh. He gently withdraws his hand and pulls it up to his chest- a mild look of panic in his eyes. "Bloody hell.." he mutters, barely audible.
  22. <Kioku> Akemi tilts her head and blinks. "What is it? Is something...?"
  23. <DarnellJermaine> He gulps- eyes starting to bulge a bit. Ah shit- maybe it was time to cut morning training. "Err- it's no-nothing" it was getting hard to speak now. He had to get out of here, "I...I... forg..." he got up, hunched over a bit, and began to wobble in the direction of the East Wing dorms.
  24. * Silvors ( has joined
  25. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Silvors
  26. <Kioku> Akemi jumps up and sweeps an arm around Theo, getting under his arm to support him. "Where are we going? Let me help you."
  27. <DarnellJermaine> His chest was starting to tighten- it was getting hard to speak- to breathe. What the's been almost a year since something like this happened- why was...he should've been visiting the hospital more. He shakily rose an arm- trying to point towards the dorms. He really should be going to a hospital- but he didn't want to cause too much of a scene- and it was quite a ways away. He didn't like the
  28. <DarnellJermaine> infirmary here- the 1st time he went he was kept for hours with students trying to fix his heart for him- to no avail due to the portal inside him.
  29. <Kioku> Akemi glances at Theo with concern, hoping this is a known issue and he'll be okay shortly... so she half drags, half carries, half walks him to the dorm as requested. She can feel and taste the distress, and it really isn't helping.
  30. <DarnellJermaine> He starts to feel himself losing consciousness- but he holds on as best as he can. He wants to thank her- well actually, he just wanted to get somewhere and be alone until this little situation was over. Sadly- neither of those were possible for him right now. He stays conscious long enough to make it to the dorm before completely going into cardiac arrest.
  31. <Kioku> Akemi's eyes widen and she manages to pull him through the door. \He's not responding anymore, and I can't feel- no no no no, what's wrong with you?\ She lets him down to the floor just inside the dorm and checks his breathing, then heartbea- oh. Dammit. \I can stop or break a heart easily, but start one?\
  32. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore just lies there- he's completely out at this point. He's in critical condition- he'd been in a similar situation before and been fine- but yeah- medical attention was a must right now.
  33. * PuddleJumper (PuddleJump@2602:306:3157:pwrx:sqyq:jmsj:tvtk:iitm) has joined
  34. <Kioku> Akemi grimaces and looks out the door, right across the courtyard at the building that the infirmary is in. And then the entire building gets a dose of panicked Akemi as an illusion of her voice echoes through every room and hall in said building. "Medical emergency, Andromeda common room. No heartbeat." Faster than a phone? Definitely. \And meanwhile I'll... gah, what could make it start again? I can relieve his body's stress with a spell,
  35. <Kioku> but that probably won't do it. It's a start though. It's only something that would heal the mind and revitalize the body, not fix actual wounds, but she pushes the spell through him anyway while thinking of what else she might be able to do.
  36. <DarnellJermaine> It does bring some relief to his unconscious mind- his body seems to ease up a bit- though he's still in critical condition physically. It's a start though- he lays on the ground- heartbeat unmoving- eyes wide open even though he's lost consciousness. This was not how Theodore planned to start the day.
  37. <Kioku> \I could send a strong enough pulse of pleasure though him that it would probably jump start him just like an electric shock, but I'm not sure if I /should/... just let the actually trained medical staff get here soon!\ Like practically everyone ever, Akemi /does/ know proper CPR, but in the heat of the moment she just isn't thinking of it.
  38. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore lays there until the proper authorities arrive- doing the standard procedures and quickly getting him on a gurney to rush to the infirmary. One of the school doctors quickly hurries up to Akemi, "Could you tell us what happened?" his voice comes out as a quick blurt- eyeing Theodore and writing things down on a clipboard.
  39. * Disconnected (No such device or address)
  40. * Now talking on #Sunnybrook-IC5
  41. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 is: IC5 | Distant-Past Scenes, Overflow and Run Overflow. The Best Channel
  42. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 set by SirGoldFish (Wed Dec 23 13:43:11 2015)
  43. <DarcellJermaine> -scene break-
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